Round 2; 20 Grand Theft Auto III v 84 Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2



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Match of the round so far by a long shot.

I really did enjoy playing Command and Conquer 2 a lot but it is as nothing compared to the joy that I got playing Grand Theft Auto III. The story was very interesting and humorous at points and it was just so expansive for the time that it was released in. I loved it. GTA III is probably one of my favourite games ever to be released and I don't think I ever had the same level of enjoyment whilst playing Command and Conquer. It's a shame because Red Alert 2 is a fine game and has given heed to fine sequals accross all platforms but GTA III was just a much better game all round.

GTA 3 wins this, mostly because it was a new style that I had not encountered before in my gaming history. This game allowed you to either focus on finishing the main storyline, do side missions, or if you were bored just generally fuck around and kill everyone in sight and see how long you could last. I didn't own a PS2 but I was constantly renting one and GTA3 just for the hell of it. Awesome game overall, the sandbox games just haven't been able to match the quality that the Grand Theft Auto games can produce, and GTA3 was the beginning of it all.

Command and Conquer meanwhile, just didn't click with me for some reason. I'm not a huge fan of RTS games, but I do enjoy one or two on occasion. While your RTS fans will say that this game was great, it just didn't make me want to play hours on end for it.

Vote: GTA3
GTA 3 has to take this year. A game that focuses on doing as many criminal things as possible is just enjoyable. It's fun to run around killing innocent people for no reason, at least in a video game. The whole GTA series is just awesome, and GTA 3 is one of the best.
This a conflict for me, because I think both games are good and I'm a fan of the action/gta style and stragety games.

Now when putting it on the table, you have GTA3, the game that started and revolutionlised the new GTA style we all know and love (aside from a few good people), but it was still a few sugars short of a cup of coffee and didn't reach it's full potential until Vice City and San Andreas came. And you have Red Alert 2, one amazing stragety game, of which you could do so much with the Allied Forces and Red Stars, I think in my mind it's the best out of the series and I did enjoy Red Alert 3 too.

I think with this one, I might go against my stragety lovings and back GTA3, reason being is because it did create a gameplay style that alot of other games followed and I rememeber back when it first came out, it was the game everyone wanted to have the PS2, breaking the censor laws at the same time! I think both are great games but GTA3 did something to the gaming world that RA2 didn't manage to reach. I don't want to follow hype or anything, but alot of formats have been GTA clones because of number 3, is there anything that spun off Red Alert 2? Not that I can think of aside from the sequel, it was a great unqiue stragety game, but alot of games came before it, like Red Alert One.

GTA3 on this one.
Gotta be GTA 3 here. How can it not? Even diehard fans of RTS and Red Alert like myself must realize this. GTA 3 wasn't the first sandbox style game, but it's the definitive one. How many countless games have adopted features popularized in GTA 3? Countless.

Has to be GTA 3 here.
I love me some Command and Conquer. Nothing like blowing up America and shit like that. Sometimes while playing as America, I just surrender for fun.

Whoa guys, I am just kidding.

I actually like to kill hookers.

And when I run out of trunk space I like to come home, sit in front of the PC, the PS3, the Xbox, whichever, we have 3 copies of the game, and play. Sure It isn't as good as Vice City, but fuck it still is impressive. expansive city, lots of levels, and a long voyage to get 100%.

C&C 2 RA would get votes from me against many other games, but not GTA 3
GTA 3. This was what really in my mind, the game that began the franchise. Vice City really defined the series but 3 started the series. And look at where we are now GTA IV, the most realistic game I think I have ever played.
GTA III isn't the best of the series, but it's probably my second favourite. I never really got Command and Conquer, I just found it quite dull to be honest, every single game is the same to me, and GTA 3 is the one that completely broke the mould, and it's just good, really.
GTA3 is one of the most influential games ever. The sandbox genre is huge in today's games world, and it all goes right back to GTA III. Not to mention it's a damn fun game, if you like beating up hookers and stealing cars (and I do). Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, it's a great RTS, sure. But in terms of sheer fun of gameplay, and influence on the games industry as a whole, it can't compare. GTA III all the way.

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