Round 2; 120 Bioshock v 56 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


  • Bioshock

  • Oblivion

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Tough choice, as this is an EXCELLENT match up. Playing both games fully through, I am going to have to say Oblivion. The sheer massive landscape of the game is enough to just barely outshine Bioshock. When it came out, Oblivion truly was a title that pushed a lot of 360 sales. Not to disregard Bioshock's success, but Oblivion was a blockbuster title.

The replayability and depth of Oblivion upped the ante for future CPU intelligence. The characters of the world seemed to spring to life through unprecedented facial effects and some great voice acting. The only aspect in which Bioshock exceeds Oblivion is its main storyline. Bioshock's was a gripping tale of twists and turns, but Oblivion didn't so much need a great storyline. The possibilities in it alone could have made a solid game, which is why Oblivion gets my vote.
Tough one here, but I gotta go with Bioshock. It was one of the most interesting and unpredictable storys in any game I've played. Pretty good gameplay as well. Oblivion is also another favorite of mine, but I'll have to go against it here. Whatever you choose it will be a good choice though.
Oblivion here, although it is quite a close thing to call.

I really did enjoy Bioshock and I think I actually voted for it in the last round. However, Oblivion is one of the finest games I have ever played and one of the first game that I got for my XBox 360. The expansive map and the outstanding gameplay just make this a cut above Bioshock. Bioshock was not on the same level. It was not as expansive and the gameplay was a bit silly in my opinion.

Both stories were very good but Oblivion just has more to it. A great game and it takes my vote here.
I'm just not that into the whole Elder Scrolls series. Attempted to get into it one day, and it just wasn't happening. I love getting obsessed with a really good game, but I don't want my entire life to be consumed by a game like some of these hardcore Scrolls fans. Just not my thing.

Bioshock is a great game and one of the glaring reasons why I wish I owned an XBox 360. The way the game takes pieces of RPGs, FPS, Sci-Fi and survival horror and mixes them together is wonderful, and it's one of the best games of the last few years. It earns my vote here.
This is a tough choice, both games are exemplary stand-outs among the XBOX 360 library.

I've played a little bit of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and played through Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Oblivion does the RPG genre justice. Even before you take one step into the immense world of Cyrodiil there is plenty of customization. Of course you can pick the default character sets, but you can customize your skills, the sign you were born under, and of course your appearance. The main storyline is engrossing and far reaching. The quests along the way range from laughably easy to mind-numbingly difficult and will take the player from one end of the world to the other, even into the hellish landscape of the world on the other side of the Oblivion Gates. If you want to venture off the beaten path, Oblivion has several side quests, which upon completion can award you rare items, gold, and experience. This adds several more hours to the game play, but doesn't distract from the experience of playing through the game. If questing isn't your M.O. in this game, you can eschew the quests all together and just wander through the world of Cyrodiil, and even find unmarked caves and forts. I never felt like the game was trying to rush me through to the end of the game as some more linear-playing games tend to do.

However this open-ended long game play is also a bit of a downside to this otherwise awesome game. As other people have mentioned the game is so immense that you may get pigeonholed into two categories: those that are obsessed with the game or those that find the game so immense that you may lose interest in the game before completing it. Those that become obsessed with it may put the blinders on and miss out on other great titles, because they aren't like Oblivion. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery but in the world of gaming it's nice to expand one's horizons and sample the other XBOX 360 delicacies instead of finding the game that is just like Oblivion. The other pitfall is the game may be so immense that a player may get bored with it. Some of the quests are repetitive, players can only take so many quests where you have to go out into the wilderness and find some item or kill some enemy. Some parts of Oblivion seem like they can drag on and on.

Bioshock is one of the cornerstone games in my XBOX 360 library. This game is a melting pot of many genres: RPG, survival horror, first person shooter, even a throwback to the game "Pipe Dream."

In Bioshock the player is thrust into an dystopian underwater city called Rapture. The plot seems to come right off the pages of a George Orwell novel. The main story is based on morality, throughout the entire game you are tasked with saving or sacrificing character. Each choice yields both good and bad consequences.

From the start there are several nightmare inducing moments. The first time I played through and ran into a splicer (genetically spliced humans turned into corrupt killing machines) I about fell out of my chair. There is something a bit unnerving about seeing a male splicer aimlessly wandering around singing, "Jesus loves me this I know," while carrying a pipe wrench ready to bash your head in with it. Toward the end of the game, paranoia fuel moments are abound. In a few rooms you could walk in without warning a splicer will be standing there right behind you, it gets to the point where you could almost feel the breath of a splicer on your neck. Another nice twist is the ability of your character to hack electronic devices. Hacking a device allows you to play a pipe dream-like mini game. Being a successful hacker allows you to get items at a lower price and even recruit formerly hostile enemies to fight by your side. The game is long enough to keep interest in the game, but not so long that the player may stop playing the game. This game is built on twists, nothing is as it seems. They save the greatest twist in the plot for the end, and it is totally worth getting to that point. A word of warning, if you are afraid of needles or getting shots, there are a lot of cringe-worthy moments to be had in Bioshock.

One of the downsides of this game is that once you beat it (around 20 hours straight through) there isn't a whole lot to make you play through it. There is a harder difficulty and achievements, but for me once I beat it there wasn't much else.

My vote goes to Bioshock. I voted this way because Bioshock has what it takes to keep me playing all the way until the final button press, engrossing story and edge-of-my-seat game play. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a magnificent game, but some boring and repetitive game play hurts it just a little bit. Don't get me wrong, both of these games are outstanding titles, and if I could vote for both, I would.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Is my vote.

If you love RPG's, This is a game you need to own. With this game you really don't need another game for a good 6 months. The amount of content in this game is magical( ;) ). You have your main quest, Which is shutting the gates of Oblivion to thwart Mearunes Dagon from entering the realm of Tamirel, And taking it for his own. The first thing you have to do in this game is create a character, And fuck me its VERY expansive, There are around 30 skills you can master, But they are sectioned into major skills, And minor skills. Major skills are the things that will define you character. You wana be a swordsman? You better pick up the blade, Block, Heavy armour, And armourer(fixing things), Because you will suck if you don't. You can use daggers, Short swords, Long swords, Claymore(two handed), Avakari's(samauri), Mace's, Club's, hammers, many, Many kinds of bow's, Accompanied by a huge selection of bows. That's just the psyical weapons.

Shit that's without all of the magic stuff you can do, Make potions, Fire all kinds of elemental attacks, Make spells, Alter reality, SUMMON creatures that will fight for you, And this is where it gets interesting, I've spent around 4 days trying to become a master of one of the magic disiplines, And its highly rewarding.

I've already touched on the story a little, But i'll go into it a little futher. You are in prison, And the empourer approaches your cell, Due to his family being assasinated one by one, And he's the only one left. His guards open up a secret passage in your cell, And then tell you "You follow us, you die" Then the man in danger speaks to you, And pretty much tells you your the lands savior. Anyway you have to escape through the prison, And you end up meeting back up with those who threatened you, And the empourer get's killed. You are given the Amulet of king's and are told to find his bastard child so he can put a stop to the chaos. So you have to do quest for the bastards child, To get him certain items to defeat Dagon, Which lands you up in a different world at one point.

Other things to note about this game are, You can play in either 1st person, OR 3rd person. The graphics are sublime, The map is expansive, The only time the game has to load is when you enter cities, And buildings.

Only bad thing i've found is that you can get side tracked VERY easily, But as long as you can develop quest tunnel vision, You will enjoy this game immensly.

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