ROSE XXX - An e-Fed show today at 3PM EST

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator - This is where the show will be broadcast!

So hey, I love eFeds. Of course I do, I'm part of WZCW, WZ's eFed that you should totally check out, because it's awesome. But you know, that's not the only eFed I'm part of! I'm also part of this eFed called ROSE.

ROSE is an all-female eFed run in WWE12, and believe me when I say that everyone involved has put a LOT of work in getting this show together. It would really mean a lot if you tuned in. In kayfabe it's their EXTREME PPV, basically their version of Extreme Rules. There are so many great matches lined up and again everyone involved has poured their heart into it.

Here's the card, along with brief summaries of each match so you can get into them and know the gist of what's been going on:
CAGE FIGHT: WWI Women's Championship
Caid Murdock vs. Kyra

-Caid Murdock is a rough biker chick from Bourbon County, Louisiana. Kyra is a seven-foot-tall amazon with anger issues. She also happens to be the owner of the rights to a now-defunct federation that Caid Murdock was women's champion in. Kyra wants the belt back, and she's not taking no for an answer. She has been attacking ROSE superstars week in and week out in her quest for destruction, and it's all come down to this. There will be no pins or escapes in this match - It's gonna be a fight where the only way to win is by submission or KO.

Shaymin© vs. Erin Toyota

-Erin Toyota [Hey, my character!] is a bright-eyed robot schoolgirl from Japan, who loves wrestling more than anything in the world. You may recognize her from WZCW All-Stars. Shaymin is the current ROSE World Champion, and a veteran who has been trained in all forms of Japanese wrestling. These two competitors have built this feud on mutual respect and their intentions to not be upstaged by Kyra and her antics, and are promising to deliver the match of the night.

Anne Cortes© vs. Infynity

-Anne Cortes is an obsessive Harry Potter fangirl, as well as the sister of former world heavyweight champion Juan Cortes. After winning the Kawaii Championship in a ladder match at the last PPV, her victory celebration was cut short by the debut of the mysterious superstar Infynity. Ever since then, Anne has belittled Infynity at every opportunity. to her credit, Infynity has not said much. I don't think she really talks much, actually. But the aloof Egyptian entity certainly performs in the ring, and when these two fierce rivals collide, it's going to be a match to watch.

Amber Oh vs. Firstina

-Ever since the beginning, the Chinese-American club-going party girl from California, Amber Oh, has had the spotlight shined on her. She was picked to the delight of the fans as the future of the company, and her face was plastered in advertisements and promotional pieces everywhere. Not everyone is happy with this, however. Firstina, the stuck-up valley girl with a sadistic streak, believes that all the spotlights should be on her. She should be the one with the fame and the fortune, and the true face of the company. It all comes down to this match, where the winner will be named the Future Of ROSE, and the loser returns to the shadows.

G3 Princess© vs. Nightmare Fuel

-G3 Princess are Bianca Mesias and Angelika Cortes, best friends and cousins. Bianca is loud-mouthed and brash, while Angie is calm and collected. But the two of them aren't particularly calm when they're faced with the terrifying team of Lolita and Scarecorrisa - Nightmare Fuel. The duo from the darkside have been tormenting G3 Princess with mind games to try and scare them into submission, but will they work when they have to take on the team in a TLC match?

Christina Notwinski vs Cassidy Jordann vs Oseiko vs ROSE's Newest Superstar

-Christina Notwinski - A rather strange graduate of Harvard University. Cassidy Jordann - The human wrecking ball. Oseiko - A ninja with lots of wrestling experience. And a mystery opponent. These four women will be squaring off in a Four Way Dance to see who becomes the first XXX Champion. Who will reign as the Queen of Extreme?

Tornado Tag
Emily Rykren and Mystery Partner vs. Laura Brennan and Casey McCloud

-Emily Rykren is upset. She's tired of being overshadowed and compared to her brother, who managed to go toe-to-toe with some of the best wrestlers in the world and prevail. Emily, on the other hand, has done nothing but lose, and it has caused her to rebel - Rebel against her image, rebel against her friends Laura Brennan and Casey McCloud, rebel against the business itself. Laura is a Canadian professional wrestler and multiple time women's champion. Casey McCloud is a southern girl from Pennsylvania born with a wrench in her hand. They both want to try and get Emily to see the light, even if it means smacking some sense back into her. But they also have to deal with the debut of Emily's mystery partner, one that she promises will change the entire landscape of the company. Yes, Emily is upset, and this time, she's bringing backup.

Rainbow Mika vs. Jane Cena
-Jane Cena, an obsessed Cena fan. Rainbow Mika, an obsessed Viktor Zangief fan. These two have been getting into fights backstage for several weeks, and when Jane challenged Mika to a - and I quote - "knockdowndragemoutbrawl", Mika happily agreed. It's gonna be hardcore and it's gonna be bloody, but only one wrestler can prevail.

Capt. Jill Swallows vs. Mary McFly
-Mary McFly likes two things - sex and time-travel. Unfortunately, her messing with the time stream brought back a ghost from the past, notorious pirate Jill Swallows! It's up to Mary now to sort out what went wrong and take Jill back to her own time. The problem is, Jill doesn't really want to go...

Match 1: Lola Jazz vs. Crypto vs. Jan Netty vs. Miss Teree

-Lola Jazz is a Louisiana showgirl. Crypto claims to be from an alien planet. Jan Netty is the lovable loser who everyone is hoping to get her shot. And Miss Teree? Well, she wears a mask, is clumsy, and from England.

Match 2: Ennis Lynch vs. Isis Spade vs. Chelsea Eckhart vs. Brolita
-Isis Spade is the third member of G3 Princess, and a strong independent black woman who don't need no man. Chelsea Eckhart is the kid-friendly fighting dynamo with a very tenuous connection to the fourth wall. As for Ennis Lynch and Brolita...this video should sum it up:

Both of these matches are for shots to gain the number one contendership to the Kawaii Championship. And there's no telling what could happen with tables involved!

The pre-show, with four matches not detailed above, is going live at 3PM EST, with the main show starting at 4PM EST. For those not in the timezone, I'll be bumping the thread when the show goes live, but basically it's in twenty minutes.

Even if you've never eFedded or even eFedded in this way before, I implore you to tune in. It's going to be a fantastic event, so please, at least check it out.

This sounds like a lot of fun. I've tossed around trying to find another efed, but I've never checked out a show outside of WZCW.
And it is starting in about a minute. So please, tune in, even for a little!

Word of warning, the chat's likes to mess up, but the stream should be totally fine. Thanks, everyone.

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