Rosa Mendes should be a Ring Announcer

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
When she told Ryder she was going to be the "special guest ring announcer" for his match, I figured it was going to remind me of the days of Sunny screaming out names and weights like a drunken cheerleader. But, she impressed me. Her voice is nice, and she said everything that was needed, without leaving anything out, and (after building herself up) didn't throw in anything we didn't need.

Lauren Mayhew is easy on the eyes, but she seems bland as an announcer...Maybe Rosa could replace her, and let Lauren go to backstage interviewing?
Funny, I thought Lauren Mayhew was a little akward looking (compared to the WWE Divas). Anyway, Sunny most likely sounded like a drunken cheerleader because she probably was a drunken cheerleader. Glad to read reports saying Sytch has cleaned up her act some since those days.
That’s actually not a bad idea. Rosa didn’t do an amazing job but I don’t blame her for that. It’s not like she had been announcing matches for a decade. But she also didn’t do a terrible job. She could definitely be a good announcer after a while of getting comfortable in that role and having enough experience. She would probably do a better job than Lauren. Lauren, to me, just doesn’t sound like an announcer. She is bland on the mic and her voice doesn’t get me excited about a match like the voice of other announcers did.

Like I said, it’s not a bad idea but it’s a shame that they probably won’t give it a try.
Lauren Meyhew does not fit into the "Exciting" catagory. Bland is a very good word for it.

Rosa sounded natural. In a way, it reminded me of Lilian. Rosa is not as good but I feel like she may have untapped talent.
This wouldn't be a bad idea. I know Lauren is sort of new, but she does tend to come off as being bland at times. I think WWE should've started her out as a backstage interviewer before she got to ring announcer. Rosa voice is very good, and she's not bad to took at either. But WWE proably won't do this. Rosa will most likely be put into a storyline invloving Zach Ryder in some way.
When she told Ryder she was going to be the "special guest ring announcer" for his match, I figured it was going to remind me of the days of Sunny screaming out names and weights like a drunken cheerleader. But, she impressed me. Her voice is nice, and she said everything that was needed, without leaving anything out, and (after building herself up) didn't throw in anything we didn't need.

Lauren Mayhew is easy on the eyes, but she seems bland as an announcer...Maybe Rosa could replace her, and let Lauren go to backstage interviewing?

I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one that thought that Rosa Mendes did a pretty good announcing. I also thought she sounded great! She seemed like she knew what she was doing, and sounded real natural. However, when you said that she didn't leave anything out. I think she might have left out their weights. But that's not important.

Anyway, after announcing just one match, she already seems much better than Lauren Mayhew. It wouldn't be a bad idea for her to replace Lauren. But WWE won't do that. Rosa is not as good at wrestling, like she is a fighting, but I don't think WWE will replace Lauren that quickly.

I'd love to see it thought.
Rosa Mendes has been very green in the ring and has not done anything to prove her worth on WWE TV to show that she can wrestle. Even for a filler girl in tag team matches, she does a poor job everytime. However, Rosa Mendes is much like the Lacey von Erich of TNA. She is a great personality to keep because of what she can do outside of the wrestling ring. Though the idea of her valeting Carlito has been shot down, which she didn't do a bad job of either... having her as the announcer would be a nice change. However, Lauren just got the job and is learning the ropes of the business. Give her time to evolve and she will become someone like Lillian minus the singing part. Remember, Garcia wasn't all that great when she first started and needed to have experience too.

I'd keep Rosa as the back-up ring announcer for now just in case something happens to Lauren in any way. I think she would be better suited to valeting someone from the face side of the roster since she cannot work the heel role for crap. She has the stunning good looks and the smile to become a good face valet, who could finally give Katie Lea a run for her money in that department. Whoever Burchill gets as an opponent could allow for them to use Rosa as a valet and have a Mixed Team feud as such, where Rosa can now and again wrestle to gain more experience with Katie Lea.
Rosa Mendes is annoying as shit. That may be her character, but she has turned Ryder into a boring, whipped, pussy and successfully wasted a good 10 minutes of my time with whatever the hell she did one Tuesday. I would've much rather had Abe. She's hot and all, but aren't all of them? I don't think she should be anywhere near a mic, much less being ring announcer.

Lauren is ok, not great, but she is someone who's been improving every week and should be much better in the near future.
I don't think she should be anywhere near a mic, much less being ring announcer.

I'll agree that her "promos" are annoying as hell. Whenever she opens her mouth, she just rambles and babbles, and while it works for the character, and makes me hate her, it needs to stop.

As an announcer though, she's good. Lauren sounds disinterested when she announces matches, and Rosa sounded like she knew what she was doing. I'm not saying to make a change, but it's an option for the future.
I really have to laugh at some of the stuff I'm reading right now.

Especially this quote NSL...

I'll agree that her "promos" are annoying as hell. Whenever she opens her mouth, she just rambles and babbles, and while it works for the character, and makes me hate her, it needs to stop.

While it works for her character and makes you hate her (i.e. the entire fucking point of a heel), it needs to stop? Why? Because she annoys you? GOOD! THAT IS THE POINT OF HER CHARACTER! To annoy the everloving fuck out of you! It's the same thing that Jillian Hall does. Hate her all you want for how annoying she is, but that's the entire point of her character and she draws massive heat for it.

Are we going to start proclaiming that Randy Orton should be released because he kicks people in the head now too or something? Sheesh, talk about markdom.
While it works for her character and makes you hate her (i.e. the entire fucking point of a heel), it needs to stop? Why? Because she annoys you? GOOD! THAT IS THE POINT OF HER CHARACTER! To annoy the everloving fuck out of you! It's the same thing that Jillian Hall does. Hate her all you want for how annoying she is, but that's the entire point of her character and she draws massive heat for it.

Is there something wrong with being a mark? :headscratch: I thought that was the point...

It works for her character, becasue it's annoying, and I want it to stop. She can be a pretty face with no character, and I'd be happier when she's on the screen. I started the thread because I thought she did a decent job as the announcer, and figured she had a future in it.
I think of Rosa Mendes in the big leagues the same way I thought of her when she was Roucka: she's functionally capable, and can fill whatever role she's given, provided that role is not critical. She's a decent ring announcer. She's never gonna be the greatest ring announcer of all time, but she can do the job in the absence of anyone particularly great.
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