Rosa Mendes: Santino's Next Lover?


[This Space for Rent]
While it may not be much to mention, last night on Raw during the Beth Phoenix/Candice Michelle match they'd mentioned Santino received only one fan letter, apparently from a secret admirer.

Rosa Mendes is an open and suit Beth Phoenix fan from clear sight, but what if that's not actually the case? Santino & Beth work well together, and it's gotten Beth Phoenix over as watchable.

However, since then Phoenix has came on as possibly being ready to step out of Santino's shadow and go on her own. When this happens, you almost have to believe it's going to be at the expense of turning on Santino, or being turned on by Santino.

Meanwhile, Rosa seems to be working toward an older style Mickie James - psycho storyline, which I would assume will lead toward a match with Phoenix. If this happens, I could clearly see Santino helping Rosa get even more over, in the same fashion he's helped Beth get over.

SO, I ask.. what are everyone's thoughts on Rosa Mendes and Santino possibly becoming the next couple in the W.W.E., turning on Beth Phoenix, or being caught by Phoenix in a shower-type situation?

Do you believe this is the way the storyline could be headed? If not, what do you think will happen with Rosa? Will she become anything beyond a Super-fan? Please explain your full thoughts, theories and opinions. Thank You.
I could see it. There were hints of Santino cheating on Beth a few weeks/months ago when he kept talking to someone on the phone but it was kind of dropped around the time of the Slammys. Maybe that was Mendes, even though that would make less sense than most of what WWE does. I could see it happening though. Santino treats her better than Beth and it's not like Beth needs Santino to get over. Santino needs someone to bounce off of and Rosa being a Santino worshipper could keep him his job for 4-5 more months.
This has all the potential in the world to happen. Rosa, who wants to be like Beth so much and is kind of crazy at the moment, she could easily try to get with Santino to be like Beth. As KB said, Santino was talking to someone behind Beth's back and then a little while later Rosa shows up. Santino begged Beth to let them keep her and since then Santino and Rosa have been getting a little closer. Beth and Santino have cooled off a bit and Beth is appears ready to leave Santino a fly solo again, so it makes sense so far. What I'm most curious about is how it will happen. Will Beth catch Santino and Rosa in a shower situation or something similar. Or will Santino and Rosa turn on Beth? Whatever happens 1) it should be good for both characters, they both ended this relation way more over than before and soon it will be time to move on. 2) it should lead to Santino wrestling more, which is something I'm always in favour for.
I agree that this a great possibility. The Santino/Beth couple has started becoming stale, and I think that a split because of Rosa would be a good story line.

After Santino (because of Rosa or not) turns on Beth, or visa versa, Rosa could try to keep her "internship" with Beth, but of course Ms. Pheonix hates her and will most likely reject her. In order to keep her emotional stability, Rosa could then go to Santino for comfort, thus leading to a relationship.


I really enjoy Santino, I think he's a hilariously charismatic guy, and a greatly under-used wrestler. I also think Beth is a great female wrestler, and isn't the "manly" figure that Chyna was even though it seems WWE tries to make her seem like that at times. I hope creative can keep coming up with stories for them in WWE
The truth is, all this will lead to outside of a Beth Phoenix/Rosa Mendes match is a Santino Marella/Beth Phoenix match. And does Santino truly need that type of match, to mock him even further?

I get that he'll likely never be anything beyond a great comic wrestler, but would a match like that help further Beth Phoenix on her own.. and as a face as well?

Finally, if all this happens, what will it truly do for Rosa? I mean, with Beth when she joined Santino she was already dominate and known for being such. They (Beth & Santino) made/make a great couple because she's like the "male" in the relationship, or the "pant's wearer" rather. (for any feminists out there)

But Rosa isn't in the same category. So would she truly benefit from siding with Santino, or would she fail and become released by the end of the year? I think it depends on what type of in-ring skills she has.. once they let her start competing.
I could see this working, and I know a way to make it keep Beth as a heel.

Beth walks in the locker room to get Santino because she has a match. Santino is in the shower, and when she rips it open, Rosa is in there. (Yes, I saw this idea posted before.) Beth rips him out of the shower, and starts beating the crap out of him. Rosa defends him and gets a beating for her efforts.

Beth goes out and destroys whoever is in the ring, and then demands Santino comes out and explains himself. Santino comes out, and says he was sick of the mental and physical abuse he endured from Beth. He tells about how she broke him down and ridiculed him for being nothing but a joke, and a loser. Then he explains how Rosa came into the picture, and saw how Beth was, and he found comfort in her. He says he knew it was wrong, but she loves him, and Beth only ever used him to further her career.

It'd keep Beth as a heel, and could also give Santino a little push as a real wrestler, because he can finally do everything "Beth wouldn't allow him to do".
Well this is what I think the WWE has in mind and I am excited. It would finally put Santino with a little more of a feminine character which can only help him out. Beth Phoenix needs to continue on her own path and I think she would appear more dominating by herself than with Santino.

Santino working with Rosa Mendes could be a great team. Rosa could become Raws #2 heel or such and Santino could possibly turn his wrestling around and become a Man for Mendes. Winning the IC title for her would be a good storyline, and I am excited to see what happens.
Yea this is def. a story line to keep an eye on, since it's not obvious what will come of it.

I wouldn't bet your boxers on a shower scene, though, because remember... the attitude era is over and the Time of Toddlers has come. It's too bad.
The best thing about Glamarella is that the unique teaming of a comedy character and the most dominant female in the WWE today, are just so entertaining when they are together. Seriously, who would have thought that Beth can align herself with a comedy character but yet still look as strong as ever? It's perfect. As for Rosa Mendez, well I think it could work and it might even happen in the near future. I haven't seen her wrestle yet so I can't completely judge her. And as previously mentioned in this thread, Santino might be cheating on Beth since he was receiving phone calls not that long ago.

The thing is though, if Rosa Mendez breaks off with Santino Marella, it would make much more sense to have Beth Phoenix as a babyface, and I just don't think that would work very well in this point of time. However, it could work if Beth Phoenix decides that she wants to be on her own, so Rosa and Santino turn babyface and feud with her. But, Santino's WWE career might be at risk so I think it's best if he stays as a comedy heel for now. Because I'm assuming the WWE isn't going to turn him into a serious wrestler.

So I think Rosa could be Santino's next lover, but I also think it is doubtful as Beth and Santino work much better as heels in my opinion. Rosa could become a stalker in a similar fashion to Mickie James from 2006. It should be interesting to see where this leads, but if Rosa Mendez ever wants to break out, the first step would be to ditch Beth Phoenix and possibly have a feud with her.
Firstly, I'd like to congratulate World Wrestling Entertainment on the 3rd superfan female wrestler angle in ten years. When it comes to storylines for debuting divas, the WWE has approximately 3, and this is one of them, along with planted fan and diva search winner.

However, Santino's presence makes this one a bit different. I think it is a nigh on certainty, with the Playboy situation ending, that any Divas match at Wrestlemania will involve Beth.

This will take about 5 weeks to come to fruition, with Santino hanging around Rosa and being wierd towards Beth, before Beth sees him and he turns and does that scream thing.

That is the way it probably will happen, but I'd do it differently. I'd have Santino torn between the two, and it becoming a competition for his love between them, as he spends more time with Rosa. At Wrestlemania make him the Special Guest Referee, and have him favour Rosa. Then Beth will leave him to go on to better things, or the same things, whatever, and he can continue to be the weekly jobber, but with a new valet.
Apparently the Santino admirer will be revealed on Santino's Casa. That to me says that it could very well be Rosa as that way things could be done there and Raw could be used to further the developments. Putting Santino as the bigger name in the couple though just doesn't seem like the best idea to me. He's best as a comedy character and we've already seen Santino doing the gimmick where someone finds him attractive. That's been done for far too long now and it's getting stale. He needs something new and this doesn't seem like it would be it. I hope it's not Rosa and is someone like Big Dick Johnson or Goldust, someone we don't really see coming.
I think and hope that after this plays out that Beth will be on her own. I hope it means Santino will be packing on his way to TNA. It was posted that Beth can finally step out of Santino's shadow. Thats a joke. Santino has been in her shadow the whole time. He is a joke that has finally ran its course. Rosa and Santino can go off and be jobbed together.
I will happen. Probably with Rosa seducing santino, and he may resist a little at first, but he'll give in. He'll continue to be a joke, it will turn beth face for a while, and eventually rosa will kick him to the curb.

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