Rosa Mendes Blasts WWE Divas

The 1-2-3 Killam

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WWE Diva Rosa Mendes posted the following series of Tweets on her Twitter account:

"But what one thing I don’t miss is looking at rookies that call themselves divas when they can’t get a hold of some proactive to clear their awful skin up, and start dressing like actual Divas instead of shopping at consignment stores in the kid section. You want to be a Diva? Look like one AJ. You look like a cashier that works at my local grocery store. Why you are on the roster boggles my mind!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to get back in the ring and actually have a worthy opponent!"

"Awwwww u guys are mad @ me. You love AJ because she looks ordinary just like you. Divas are not suppose to look ordinary."

"This is what you call a Diva! Rookieeees???? Pleeeeeeeease. Hahaha."

"If i’m making people upset, I don’t really care. I’m sick of seeing the Divas division ruined by these rookies. Sexy, smart, powerful!"

"Stay in FCW and stop shopping at Target chicas!"

"One rookie looks 12 with a crater face, one looks like she is 40 and the other one looks like she needs to go on Jenny Craig. You know who you are! Lol"

"All I have to say is. Have respect, look the part and pleeeeeeeeaaaase stay in FCW as long as you can."

"One more thing, I have someone that can make you guys gear, because your gear looks like SH**t."

So it looks like Rosa Mendes has had an incident with a few of the rookie Divas, and has gone on a Twitter rant. Here's my question: what in the hell has Rosa Mendes ever done to give her the credibility necessary to look down on girls like AJ? In my opinion Rosa is a nobody in the WWE, famous for jumping rope outside the ring while divas like Layla and Michelle McCool were doing the real work. Now of course, that's partly on creative and partly because she couldn't think of something for her own character to do. But I still don't think she has ANY right to go on this type of rant. If it were somebody like Kelly or Eve, than MAYBE. I'd still think they were a total bitch and lose all respect I had for them, but this is just completely uncalled for from the diva whose only claim to fame is a Slammy Award for "best use of exercise equipment".

I find this to be in complete hypocrisy against the WWE's message of "be a star" and "stand up to bullying". She's breaking down on girls for the way they look and the way they dress. In my opinion, there is a lot more to being a WWE Diva than dressing like you're on the red carpet all the time. I've got one name for Rosa if she thinks AJ looks like trash... Lita. There is a woman who defied every aspect of the term "diva" and was STILL 10 times the diva Rosa will likely ever be. So there's my rant... Your thoughts?
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3410016 said:
but this is just completely uncalled for from the diva whose only claim to fame is a Slammy Award for "best use of exercise equipment".

Wow. They have that?

Anyway, sour grapes to sourest of magnitudes. Who in the blue hell is Rosa Mendes to talk shit about anyone, especially girls like Natalya, Beth, & A.J. who, unike what I've seen from here, can wrestle?? ALso, comparing Rosa to Lita is a slap in the face to Lita. Also, is she really so low to get into twitter arguements with fans? That's just sad. I'm no Kelly Kelly fan in the least, but don't get mad that she still works and all you've ever done was hold Beth Phoenix's bags.
Does she even realize that she's a Professional Wrestler? Someone as talented as AJ can go on a Twitter rant on how talentless Rosa is but she doesn't because that would be uncalled for. But for Rosa to actually blast her for "not looking like a Diva" is just sad. She's crap in the ring compared to AJ so who is she to talk about looks? It's World Wrestling Entertainment. Obviously Wrestling comes before "looks". And if Rosa doesn't realize that then that's just sad.
It's the whole crabs in the barrrel theory. For some people, if they are down, they will do and say anything and everything to bring you down to where they are. As you said, what has she done? Answer? Nothing. Her rant is more of a, I'm hating on them because they have more air time than I do than anything else.
Maybe this is a work and Rosa is just trying to show that she has a personality. We want Superstars to make a name for themselves, maybe this is Rosa doing that. When was the last time Rosa was mentioned in a thread that didn't have the title "Who Would You Future Endeavor?". Real or fake (fake in my opinion) she got us talking about her.

Or maybe she's just a bitch.
I believe the term is "work". Come on, does anyone think she's being genuine? Kudos to Rosa, it's a clever tactic. Tweet some "worked shoot" style comments and get noticed. WWE are big on the Superstars using social media to get over and Rosa Mendes is doing just that. These comments aren't even close to being genuine.
It does seem like a work to me! Everyone is at it with twitter and you tube and so on now, and I'm sure Vince is actively encouraging everyone to use social media at every turn as a tool to attempt to get over, for instance look at Mr Ryder no TV time but has got himself very much over. Its all free publicity gets people talking or tweeting about it! Id be very surprised if it was genuine but I could be wrong but at the end of the day I didn't think I would be logging on tonight to post about Rosa bleeding Mendes so work or not it has achieved its purpose so well done Rosa

However if it is genuine, who the hell is Rosa Mendes again?
\Who the fuck is Rosa Mendes? Sorry, I can't remember the back of the barrel when it comes to the divas. Oh thank you google for showing that. No one

It's just her trying to be a heel and using pointless shit. I've never been to keen on the looks of most divas, sure they all look good. But why does every diva have to fit to this "invisible" Mold? I like seeing female wrestlers break that mold. Aj is a short ass chick, that’s for sure. But outside Kharma and Beth how many of them outside of skin color are different. Sure the hair is colored, but they are all all most the same size and height. I like the thought of WWE divas breaking the mold. They all don't have to be barbies. It's good to be able to pick one of them out of a crowd of models.

She's talking about staying in Fcw like she's a fucking vet in the WWE. Shit Rosa you spent 4 years in Ovw and Fcw from what wikipedia tells me. You should be a huge wwe performer. Quit being mad that the rookies are getting more time than you.
Isn't she a face? Sorry, I got her confused with Eve Torres. Yeah no one knows who Rosa Mendes is or even gives a shit for that matter. When has she even been on television? Maybe during a battle royal on Smackdown or Raw. I know WWE is trying to stir the pot here by doing a diva Twitter feud since Cena and the Rock's sayings are being followed on there. At least they are doing something with the divas, although tragic and sad but something. I don't know much about AJ since Raw is mainly the only WWE show I watch, but I know she looks a hell of a lot better and different then the interchangeable Rosa.
First time I saw the article I thought it was a Worked Shoot.

Surely she knows that saying something silly like that could effect her job in a negative way.... if we see Rosa on WWE television soon in a feud with another diva then we know that it worked.
Isn't Rosa Mendes one of those Divas that appear exclusively in Battle Royals??

Anyway, I think this is one more of those worked shoots that have become quite popular as of late. The only reaction that this may probably have is the usual "My Twitter was hacked" or a retraction of the statement.
Is Rosa the one that kisses other girls when she hits the ring, or is that one of the other Knockouts? Seriously, like the Knockouts are any better. Also, they have way less integrity. The Divas are completely talentless too, for the most part, but at least they pretend not to be ****es. Sorry to be such a dick, because there are some talented women in these groups that can compete and have integrity as women, but please...the majority of them fit this bill perfectly.
Woah. Rosa Mendes is the women's wrestling as Eric Bischoff is to men's wrestling, that is for certain. Just think of all the HYPE and EXCITEMENT caused by this womanly explosion. It's incalalable. Maybe now when Rosa Mendes is wrestling somebody, the reaction is going to be like "Oh, I hate that bitch, I really want that sexy chick AJ to beat here up!!!!" instead of "Oh...Rosa something is wrestling. Yawn."

Of course, this is all irrelevant because we're talking about women's wrestling here. So...yeah
My immediate reaction to this thread was this: Rosa Mendes still works for WWE? Wow. I thought they fired her when they realized she sucked.

That being said.... She has absolutely NO right to be saying things like that. Each of the girls she was saying bad things about are all much more talented than she is. How she is still on the roster is beyond me. She needs to be future endeavoured. Causing that type of drama is not acceptable. She is representing an organization that is trying to promote anti-bullying actions, yet here she is doing the exact opposite, and it's probably because she's jealous and realizes that she will lose her spot to one of them eventually. All that ranting will do is just speed up the time it takes for that to happen. Nice knowing you, Rosa. Have fun in TNA after 90 days.
In all honesty I had to actually google Rosa Mendes just to know what she looked like because I had no idea what Diva she was. That's how forgettable Rosa Mendes is. I know who AJ is. The truth is that Rosa is rather generic for a Diva and looks like other Divas. There's nothing unique or really different about her. At least AJ has a unique look and presence.

This is likely a work, but its still quite a big failure based solely on the fact that Rosa Mendes has done nothing in WWE and is really not even a "someone". When people remember who Rosa Mendes IS, then she can start insulting and criticizing other Divas.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3410016 said:
From the main page:
Here's my question: what in the hell has Rosa Mendes ever done to give her the credibility necessary to look down on girls like AJ?


in all seriousness if this is a work then why rosa shes done the wrestling equivalent of scratching your ass while waiting for the microwave ping
Just more tasteless bickering. I don't think Vince counts the Divas division as a real part of the WWE 'family'. So I guess their bullying and taunts don't count. At least this is not some awful rehash of the 'Piggie James' mess. That was just...bad.

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