Ron Paul; Setting the Record Straight


Cody Rhodes Is Top Dog
This will be an analysis, looking at his poitions. And I want feedback on what you think about this.

Part 1

Ron Paul's Positions:

1) Cutting five Federal departments:

- Department of Energy
- Department of Education
- Federal Reserve
- H.U.D.

2) Phasing out Social Programs

- Social Security
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- State Supplemental Income

3) National Security:

- Cutting Defence Budget in Half
- Removing All Foregin Military Bases
- Removing American Military Presence Beyond the 360 Notical Miles of the U.S. Declared Protection Zones Off Our Coast.
- Lifting All U.S. Santions on Foregin Nations
- Stopping ALL Foregin Military Assistance (Israel)

4) Economic Policy:

- Their isn't one really. It's as broad as "Hope and Change". It only means what you want it to mean personaly. This is how "Movements" are sustained, IE: Obama '08. It's "Liberty to chose and controll your own destiny". On substance, what does that really mean for an economic policy?

- Propery Rights Returned to the Individual.
Absolutely nothing, because Ron Paul would NEVER get the Congressional support to do any of this. He can talk about slashing this, and cutting that, but it's meaningless because it would be impossible to actually accomplish. That's why he has not, and never has been a really serious candidate for President. As a Congressman himself, he should know that none of the stuff he is championing has any chance at ever happening. A lot of it SOUNDS good, but if it will never happen, who cares?
If I were President, here would be my Vice President, main apointments, and cabinent members:

Vice President: George (very loyal in charater and never stabs you in the back. Plus I would need an "adult" in the room to manage all the daily chaos)

Cheif of Staff: Davi323 (Because I would need someone practicle, and understanding of what can and won't get done, who could work with congress to pass my main platforms. Davie seems to be very very pragmatic)

Top Political Strategist: Dagger Dias (He is a brilliant marketer)

Secratery of State: Canadian Ninja (Very engaged in the diplomatic process in the arguments we have had)

Secratery of Defence: KB (As ruthless as they come)

Attorney General: Coco (Sorry but you got to reward the guys who go to battle for you)

CIA Director: D-Man (After being KB's top spy on this chaotic forum, he has shown he has the right stuff for this job)

I left a lot out but oh well. That list alone would be enough to right this country.
This will be an analysis, looking at his poitions. And I want feedback on what you think about this.

Part 1

Ron Paul's Positions:

1) Cutting five Federal departments:

- Department of Energy
- Department of Education
- Federal Reserve
- H.U.D.

2) Phasing out Social Programs

- Social Security
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- State Supplemental Income

3) National Security:

- Cutting Defence Budget in Half
- Removing All Foregin Military Bases
- Removing American Military Presence Beyond the 360 Notical Miles of the U.S. Declared Protection Zones Off Our Coast.
- Lifting All U.S. Santions on Foregin Nations
- Stopping ALL Foregin Military Assistance (Israel)

4) Economic Policy:

- Their isn't one really. It's as broad as "Hope and Change". It only means what you want it to mean personaly. This is how "Movements" are sustained, IE: Obama '08. It's "Liberty to chose and controll your own destiny". On substance, what does that really mean for an economic policy?

- Propery Rights Returned to the Individual.

The problem with Ron Paul is that he does not have enough time to describe his positions. The media and his detractors say "Ron you are against this, correct?" and he says "yes" and that is it. Our system is so flawed currently that if anyone ever wanted to change it, they'd have to give a long drawn out explanation.

It's be like if I took over WWE and I said Orton and Cena would no longer be stars. On the surface, people would be like "is he stupid? Orton and Cena are you biggest draws!"

What they didn't know is that I had a plan, the same way someone like Paul Heyman might have a plan if he could take over WWE. Just because Cena and Orton aren't "stars" or headliners, doesn't mean I wouldn't utilize them. And even if I didn't utilize them, there is still a lot I might have up my sleeve such as bringing back blood, chair shots, and having good storylines/wrestling to put on. Anyway, it could succeed or fail, but no one knows what will happen till I do it.

As for Ron Paul, you can say he's going to get rid of the Dept of Ed, but what does that mean? Paul understands economy better then any other candidate and has been in congress for decades.

Let's take this for example. Ron Paul is against foreign aid. Foreign aid is OUR tax paying dollars. So when we send Israel 3 billion a year, we are sending 3 billion dollars of american's money to Israel. If Ron Paul took over, that 3 billion would still be in America's pocket instead of over seas in Israel. And that is only Israel. Israel does in fact recieve around 3 Billion in foreign aid from America a Year! If you had 3 billion dollars a year coming ur way, you could pay 60,000 ppl 50,000 dollars a year. Now Israel isn't the only country we pay foreign aid too, so imagine the jobs we could create by stopping this act of sending our hard earned money to these foreign nations? OUR UNEMPLOYED WOULDN'T (SHOULDN'T) BE UNEMPLOYED!

When I hear someone say Ron Paul won't be elected and his ideas are impossible, it's sad, because his ideas are simple, but we are sooo use to be "corrupt" and our system is corrupt and unconstitutional. The income tax is unconsititutional and was passed corruptly.

Ron Paul is just trying to fix the system, but the problem is that we are pretty much "the mafia" and by "we," I mean the US. People are afraid for us to go "legit." We've been living fat and it's because we've been living criminal. We have our armed forces stationed all around the world and see nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter cause man is bad by nature. I use to think I could find relatable minds among the democrat/liberals but they are just as bad. It's like if a white man invades Iraq, it's the worst thing ever, if a black man does ... then obviously it's ok. And I don't mean anything by that, it's just how I see it.

Here you have a candidate with a ton of economic experience, willing to bring all the troops home, willing to release all the non-violent, marijuana related inmates which are mainly blacks, open on issues such as gay marriage, drugs, etc and leaving it up to the states and staying out of their business .... yet you don't see an upsoar of Dems backing this guy because all they care about is being Dems.

Anyway, if you vote for Paul, you'd keep all the money you'd earn and while you might not receive the medicaid you were expecting when you are 70, you'd actually make 100k a year instead of the 50k you receive after taxes.
But don't worry about that, Mitt Romney is much more capable and all the news stations are telling me he's the only one electable now that Newt Gringich isn't doing well. Romney has all the answers and if he doesn, Obama does, as we've seen the last four years. Btw, just because Obama and Romney's stances sound similiar, doesn't mean they work for the same people.

I really thank you for laying out a detailed and thoughtful vision on Ron Paul. It seems as though me and you have a lot in common. And that is political understanding. However I think you are some-what misguided.

Medicaid is not a program for seniors in retirement. I think you were meaning Medicare. It's important you understand the differences in each program.

- Medicaid is for the Disabled, low income pregnant mothers, and for low income children who do not fall under a parent's private plan.

- Medicare is what people reaching 65 get, and start collecting SS Checks. It keeps them from going into poverty. On a fixed SS level income, which is on average is about $2,500 a month, how can they afford market based insurance plans who do not see seniors as profitable?

You yourself do not quite understand how our social saftey net has kept disabled people and senior citezens out of their death beds.

SS has worked for 70 years and is NOT broken. This is about a push for privatization by Ron Paul.
oh ryan. little ryan. you son of a biythc. i have been in here for over a fucking year im dying. i need air. a a little grapefruit like u thinks he deserves out what the hell. why yopu little. these fukcing bars wont break. i keep punch them. what about my wall huh. what if i pucnhed that cunt. it thinks im in home but im not. im in a camp. a slave camp. it is talking me. stop talking to me you cunt. i will bash you. you thjink ur better tahn hill lesnar. bill lesnar is legend. you cannot trap me. you dont iwn me
oh ryan. little ryan. you son of a biythc. i have been in here for over a fucking year im dying. i need air. a a little grapefruit like u thinks he deserves out what the hell. why yopu little. these fukcing bars wont break. i keep punch them. what about my wall huh. what if i pucnhed that cunt. it thinks im in home but im not. im in a camp. a slave camp. it is talking me. stop talking to me you cunt. i will bash you. you thjink ur better tahn hill lesnar. bill lesnar is legend. you cannot trap me. you dont iwn me

This the reason you are in prison.
oh is it just sully. mr ive been in here for one month and now know all the answers to the world and imneding humnaity ahah. mr sully. you see you are lucky. tehy released you. thye let you out. you dont understand what its like. what ive been through. what ive suffered. you dont have a clue. an idea. just nothing. why why are you here. why do you asnnoy bill lesnar. do you want to clean up his shit. get an autogrpah>?msbxhahjajjkd dndnjde[]\e edndn you dont understand. gaps. what did you do. what did you see. you are not normal. you are idfferent.
bill lesnar stops and slowy walsk toward sthe bars of his cell. he mutters something to sully and laughs eviliy. get bill lesnar a spade or get out
Im not Sully so know I have no idea what's it's like to be in prison. Plus any idiot can tell why you are in prison,quite honestly the only way for you to even get a response from people while in prison is to start some dumb argument in which you know you are wrong. So no you don't get a spade, and I'll decide to leave once Im down making you look like the drooling goldberg idiot you are.
Im not Sully so know I have no idea what's it's like to be in prison. Plus any idiot can tell why you are in prison,quite honestly the only way for you to even get a response from people while in prison is to start some dumb argument in which you know you are wrong. So no you don't get a spade, and I'll decide to leave once Im down making you look like the drooling goldberg idiot you are.

YOU GET BILL LESNAR A SPADE> YOPU DO THAT OR EHW ILL BERKA YOU SULLY> YOU KNOW WHTA IT FEELS LIKE. YOU HAVE BEENN here before. you are so coniving. such a massive c8unt. get bill lesnar what he wanst,. bil lesnar cannot take it here anyloner. as soon as gets up the first person he is coming for sully. is you. hahahahahah you are doomed. your time here is done. sully you thought you were back with your alt accounts., not i n bill lesnars book hahhahah you fool. you made such a big mistake, unreal hahah what fool. hahah. bill lesnar cant stop laughing ahhaa he needs to tip his hitty bed over hahahaha bill lesnar is urinating into the corridor,. thjer eis nothing atht cannot be done hahahahaahahah bill lesnar is behind bars. go on steve open the fucking door. bill lesnar dares yout o.m open his sell and he will have u and sully for dinner
Can bill lesnar learn how to type correct sentences or words or at least make anybits of sense before starting an argument. You keep proving my point as to why your such utter garbage and will most likely never get out of prison. Have fun talking to yourself, or in this case typing very incorrectly to yourself.
Can bill lesnar learn how to type correct sentences or words or at least make anybits of sense before starting an argument. You keep proving my point as to why your such utter garbage and will most likely never get out of prison. Have fun talking to yourself, or in this case typing very incorrectly to yourself.

oooohweee... ouch.

this coming from a known troublemaker like you sully. Therefore i cannot take this magnificent piece of writing to heart. I cannot learn from it.

You're about as funny as a fart in an elevator... the nasty ones that make your eyes water. Look Sully, i didn't want to pound you till that rectum of yours echoed but asked for it. Your level of ethics have dropped in my estimation as result of your most recent post in the prison and I should think that you will need some time alone to ponder your most recent actions before returning here.

time go back sandpit. Sully.
Black Dynamite wipes the floor with Bill Lesnar's head in every argument so this is pointless. Bill Lesnar has NEVER started a thread that made him look atleast a little bit curious in real issues and arguments. He has nothing to offer. I mean, I can point out atleast one tallent every potser has and what they excell in, but I cant find ANYTHING Bill Lesnar even remotely excells in.
I was never put throgh the normal process of punishment. There is only two things iv'e ever been guilty of and that was posting a duplicate copy and giving an "off topic" responce which apparently is spamming.

I was never given a one week ban, a two week ban, or a one month ban. That is the normal progression of punishment one goes throgh before being placed in prison.

How-ever, I was just sent straight to prison for spamming. I Guess someone really doesn't like me :(
If I were president, Ryan would be the guy that cleans my toilets. Warning, I have an irritable bowel, and my favorite food is chili-cheese-dogs.
Black Dynamite wipes the floor with Bill Lesnar's head in every argument so this is pointless. Bill Lesnar has NEVER started a thread that made him look atleast a little bit curious in real issues and arguments. He has nothing to offer. I mean, I can point out atleast one tallent every potser has and what they excell in, but I cant find ANYTHING Bill Lesnar even remotely excells in.

Get's kind of scary when you start making sense Ryan.

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