Roman Reigns


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Recently at a house show in California it was on about who got the best pop of the night. Amongst others it said Roman Reigns and in brackets
( zero boos ). If that's the case, could anyone tell me why on house shows he is getting positive reactions yet on television he ain't so much?
Because you not paying attention. Hes been getting fine reactions. He's only really hated by dweebs that demand Daniel Bryan in the main event.

He likely to get booed at Wrestlemania though because Lesnar is beloved by those same dweebs.
Because you not paying attention. Hes been getting fine reactions. He's only really hated by dweebs that demand Daniel Bryan in the main event.

He likely to get booed at Wrestlemania though because Lesnar is beloved by those same dweebs.

Fine reactions = the crowd goes mild.

And none of these "dweebs" as you like to say, go to house shows ever...uh huh
House shows draw more young children and their parents. They go along w/ the show as if it was "The Muppets Live". Roman Reigns is the top babyface heading into a championship match at WM. I would hope he'd be getting face pops from women and children.

"Smart" fans who are old enough to drive to a Monday Night RAW are capable of forming their own opinion, and don't necessarily go along with every push the machine puts forth. Those same fans prefer to go to televised shows or pay per view events, rather than house shows, because nothing of note takes place at house shows. No progression of storylines, no surprises, it's a totally different deal.

So that is why Reigns gets different reactions at house shows then he does on television. The demographics of the fans in attendance are very different.
In the grand scheme of things, Reigns been getting okay reactions. He hasn't been getting booed out of the building as some were expecting and/or, unfortunately, even hoping, but they haven't been going wild over him either.

As has been mentioned, it's not uncommon for more "smart" fans to go to TV tapings and pay-per-view events than to house shows. That's not to say that no or very few "smart" fans don't go to house shows, because they do, but what happens at house shows in WWE, and the vast majority of wrestling promotions for that matter if they have TV deals, often has little to no effect on the storylines and feuds we see on TV each week.

Now the "dweebs" who aren't cheering for Roman Reigns aren't just fans of Daniel Bryan. A good number of them just aren't into Reigns because they feel they haven't been given any real reason to get into him. Vince picked him and the fact that he has the general formula, i.e. a great physical look, are the only reasons some feel that he's been given the push. I'm not the biggest Reigns detractor, but I'm not his biggest supporter either. I think he can POSSIBLY be what Vince seems to hope he can be, but I don't believe he's at that level right now or really even close to it. I think he's done okay in the grand scheme of things but, in my eyes, but just doing okay in what's supposed to be THE top match at the biggest show of the year isn't good enough. To be fair though, it's not as though the build for this match has been anything resembling spectacular and that's management's fault because talent can only work with what they're given.

I think some fans view Reigns as someone that's being almost forced upon them despite the fact that there are other babyfaces on the roster who're more experienced, more charismatic, more skilled inside the ring and more over with the audience overall than Reigns. I think the backlash is more against Vince than against Reigns because he's much too close to the formula that Vince himself prefers, a formula that seems to be growing more & more out of touch with the tastes of modern wrestling fans with each passing year.
Other then demographics(take it from somebody who has been on house show) its also pretty low expectations. Most people are just happy to be there and see their WWE superstars. When I was there few years ago even Big Show got pretty good reaction. On RAW, crowd is thougher due to higher demographics. Also you expect more and its televised and you want to get genuine.

As far as Reigns is concerned, most booes he got is from Rumble. He was fine afterward. Trouble they have with him is that he isn't getting as favorable reaction they thought he would. Think Jericho also said that Reigns worked house show before Rumble and that he got great reactions. But it really isnt rocket science to assume that he wouldnt get that good reactions on RAW especially because he got genuinly mild reaction pre-Rumble on RAW.
Reigns was the most over member of The Shield and a year ago this time nobody was booing dude anywhere.

Once it became clear that they were running with him all of a sudden it's a problem. 3 people can't share one title, Roman is going to win the strap because of those three he was the most over, period.

I don't even like dude but it's pretty clear to me that all this "shoving" going on was heavily aided by these same fans.

Want Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose or Daniel Bryan in main events? Well chant for them instead of CM Punk, buy their merch, actually pay for the events they do main event, make noise when they come out.

Instead of complaining do all you can do to support the guys you do like. Wrestlemania is 4 hours, Roman isn't going to be even 30 minutes of it (I doubt the match goes longer than 15-20 minutes).

Shit those kids and chicks are going ape over Reigns and if I'm Vince he is in my main event slot too, albeit next year or the following year but dude is getting the reactions.
So having your own opinion and not liking Reigns makes you a dweeb, huh? Okay then.

Main reason is probably because the house shows have no agenda. On tv, they are pushing him going to Mania for the title so people are ticked. At a house show, he is just there for the match - that's all. When wwe is cramming it down the audience's throat that he is going to be the next champion, people have no issue with him.
In wrestling, it's the opposite of every other geekdom, the expanded universe is irrelevant it's only what's televised that really matters to most hardcore fans. So most hardcore fans aren't going to house shows. Also house shows are cheaper and a 5 year old kid could be told this is monday night raw on a saturday and buy it so why shove out big bucks to take the family to raw when you can take them to a house show for cheap? Children are going to go along with the program so they're pretty much a checked box for whatever face you're trying to push and their parents probably don't care one way or the other.
Blaming people for having genuine reactions that you ask them to give is like blaming the hole in your pants for being a hole.

All that "smart" and "dweeb" shit ain't gonona mean a damn thing when the rest of the crowd catches up and don't pay a dime to see the guy headline a show in a year's time.

Casual fans cheer who they tell them to cheer, but only for so long if there's nothing genuine behind it. They'd better be glad they have passionate fans who don't bite their tongues and just go along with the show.
Want Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose or Daniel Bryan in main events? Well chant for them instead of CM Punk, buy their merch, actually pay for the events they do main event, make noise when they come out.

But this is EXACTLY what fans of Daniel Bryan have been doing for a couple of years now, and he's not in the main event this year. So this clearly doesn't always work.

Bottom line, it took an insane grass roots fan effort, along with the sudden departure of CM Punk and a botched reintroduction of Batista, for Bryan to get the shot he did last year at WM. Vince clearly wasn't going to allow that to happen again, no matter the fan reaction or the merchandise sales. Reigns was his guy and to hell with what anyone else thought.

And it's not that I only wanted to see DBryan in the main event or what have you. I'd have been fine with several different guys having a shot at Brock. But I just honestly don't think Reigns is anywhere close to ready. And he sure as heck isn't the most deserving guy right now on the roster. Not even close if we are talking about guys that can honestly wrestle and have paid their dues.
Recently at a house show in California it was on about who got the best pop of the night. Amongst others it said Roman Reigns and in brackets
( zero boos ). If that's the case, could anyone tell me why on house shows he is getting positive reactions yet on television he ain't so much?

Well that's a friggin relief that he got no boo's at a house show. Guess the main event at Mania this year is saved for all of us. I can sleep well tonight.

You know when we're basing merits of the next guy who will hold the title in all probability on his popularity at house shows, we're all doomed.

House shows consist of mom's, dad's and their kids. The kind of people who won't fork out 100's of dollars for RAW or SD seats. House shows are much cheaper, the faces always win, and no titles ever change hands. They are the most casual fans you can come across, they pretty much like everyone. I've sat there and seen the same family cheer everyone who comes out. It's hilarious. Always a good time and I love going to them.

But I will say that Daniel Bryan and John Cena get the biggest pops of the night bar none. Ambrose and Ziggler are right behind them. Reigns is a distant third.

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