Roman Reigns Undergoes Emergency Surgery


According to, Roman Reigns has been rushed to a Nashville hospital in order to undergo an emergency surgical procedure for an "incarcerated hernia." Reigns' His recovery time will be evaluated by the local surgeon and WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann following today's operation.

I don't know what's happened or how severely Reigns is hurt, but it looks like he's on the shelf for a while. He almost certainly won't be competing at Night of Champions tomorrow night.
Wow, this is a pretty awful year for the WWE injury wise. DB, Barrett, and now Reigns? Geez, all guys on a big push too. This will probably end up on a heavier workload for Cena, who isn't exactly 100% either. Well hopefully this will give some mid-carder a chance to shine, and of course a full recovery for Reigns.
I saw this on another site:

Isn't it convenient that Reigns vs. Rollins took place on Raw in a very stupid looking booking move and Ambrose is rumored to be back around this time?

Assuming this is true though, Reigns is going to be able to come back and tear people up all over again. He really doesn't have anything to do right now so taking a bit off isn't the worst thing in the world for him. He can get a breather and come back on fire again. Assuming this isn't a work of course.
This isn't a bad thing for Reigns at all, aside from a potential HHH match they stopped building for like months ago there's literally nothing for him to do until he potentially goes on to main event Mania.

Ambrose is already done filming or will be today. He'll return in time to face Rollins and Roman will get some time off so it doesn't seem like he's being shoved down our throats, when he returns people will be interested again while Dean gets some much deserved spotlight.

Everybody wins in this scenario.
Will be interesting to see how long he'd be out for due to this unfortunate turn of events. Big blow to the WWE on the eve of a huge PPV tomorrow night.

With Ambrose returning for sure, it will cushion the blow somewhat, but it could cause some major changes in the plans going forward.

With the injury list building, it means the next few months will surely be even more difficult and we might see someone else getting a push at the top(Hopefully not the Big Show, please!) until the likes of Bryan and Reigns return.

Also, how this will affect Reigns' reported push interests me greatly as well.
On the one hand; Lesnar vs Reigns looks exciting, however, in the past couple of weeks, my thinking has become more accepting of Reigns instead having a match vs Triple H at WM31, which could help mold him better long-term, given that he is getting some smattering of boos and disinterest as the weeks go by due to how he has been booked all round.
This is terrible to hear. I was wondering why they had a match on Monday and didn't wait until Sunday for the PPV. Hopefully Reigns will recover quickly. Does anyone know how long he'll be out for if he's really injured?
I saw this on another site:

Isn't it convenient that Reigns vs. Rollins took place on Raw in a very stupid looking booking move and Ambrose is rumored to be back around this time?

Assuming this is true though, Reigns is going to be able to come back and tear people up all over again. He really doesn't have anything to do right now so taking a bit off isn't the worst thing in the world for him. He can get a breather and come back on fire again. Assuming this isn't a work of course.


Seems very convenient all around.

We'll just have to wait and see till tomorrow night. The time off will help Roman's momentum, however, especially if like Ambrose, he takes a month+ off work/ no work.
Clearly wearing the pointless vest all this time made his intestines mad.

I hope this convinces Vince to just go balls out and push someone totally unexpected to the moon who has never received a big push before. I don't care who. Heath Slater, Big Dull E, Kofi, maybe Rollins goes face with the case, Sandow etc.
It's not a Kayfabe injury so forget that... it doesn't add up... Sting's tweet seems like a rush job to cover this...

The injury he has is pretty damn lethal if unchecked and it's not gonna be a short recovery cos it means taking part of your bowel away, which is gonna affect EVERYTHING... Reigns is gonna lose size, conditioning cos with dodgy bowels you're not gonna be training, taking protein shakes and eating as normal... It's gonna have to be controlled... look what an intestinal problem did to Brock, it's taken years for him to get that size and shape back.

This is a boon for WWE in a way but a bust for Reigns... Many thought Mania was too soon for him and now this pretty much kills it... even if he lucks out and gets a 6 week recovery from the op itself before he can train, he then has to get back anything he loses in terms of size and conditioning know the repairs are sound cos bumps may affect them... His body chemistry will be altered cos he'll have been eating less/differently to help the recovery. So realistically to be safe you're looking at 8-12 weeks minimum... That's maybe a shock return at the Rumble but by then the damage is done.

The boon part? They have Dean Ambrose ready to return on Monday anyway, so why not a night earlier... They can move forward with HIS push over the coming weeks so the scenario doesn't go to waste... if anything, the chances of the Shield facing each other at Mania for the gold are improved by this turn of events... and that is a very good thing.
Yea this just doesn't look good for WWE and if anything, for us as the fans. Realistically this year so far the 4 big faces:Cena, Bryan, Reigns and Ambrose. Bryan is still out, Reigns is going out and Cena needs to reduce his workload now...but instead it means more Cena. In seriousness I figured that after NoC Raw was going to get better with the re-inclusion of Ambrose, instead we get this. It wouldn't surprise me if we see a random heel to face turn on Raw for someone like Bray or Cesaro.

I really hope this is a work from the WWE, but you never know. I don't remember what it was but a month or so back something happened and some of us assumed work some didn't and it turned out to be true if memory recalls. Just hope it isn't true and if it is, a quick recovery to Reigns(of course though, let him actually get better. I don't wanna see a 75% Reigns).
Blessing in disguise really. He's one of the most boring guys on the roster right now. And that's coming from someone who is a fan of his.

His promos, interviews, segments, pretty boring. He needs to work on that. We have seen him do better but lately for some reason he has changed into this monotone robot who only has 1 promo in his arsenal and that is "I'm gonna hit you in the mouth". What's next "My Roman Reigns and when I'm in the house, it ain't raining baby, it pours".

Obviously I'm sad for the guy. Imagine being in his shoes and having to miss NOC because of smth like this all of a sudden. Freaking sucks. Although I'm sure his match with Rollins wouldnt had gone through. Or at least it would've but Ambrose would have interfered. And even the it's stupid since He just beat the guy CLEAN for free. So their match in which Ambrose maybe would've intefered would have been very pointless.
I just read that he is expected to be out for about 4-6 weeks of in-ring action and that there is a big possibility that dean could be a part of NoC tomorrow night in some way. Although I love the fact dean wil probably be back, I'm pretty annoyed that roman could be out(if it isn't a work) as he is one of my favourite wrestlers ATM. This could also be good for roman tbh because when he returns he could get bigger pops again(if wwe doesn't spoil the return).
It seems that Roman Reigns will miss around 4-6 weeks for sure, but that time can increase to as much as 3months.

Am sure further updates will be posted but some plans for tomorrow could be changed given this development.

As for Reigns, it will be important he isnt rushed back into action as I dont think he is in danger of getting his push ended. Also, given his obvious lack of direction in recent weeks, this absence could be of help to his momentum whenever he makes his return.

PS: WooHoo! More SuperCena for all of us! ;)
I think this may be a blessing in disguise for Reigns. I'm a huge Reigns fan, have been since the Shield (and I find It funny how many people are jumping on the Reigns bandwagon all of a sudden now he's injured), but he was growing stale. And this early into his first big push, that's not a good sign. His lacklustre feud with Orton really hurt him, and his crowd reactions were starting to quiet down. A short break (reportedly around 4-6 weeks) could be great for him. Allow him to heal up and reevaluate his character and maybe his mic work. It would also be a good angle for his return, making his feud with the Authority more personal. It could put a good spin on Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose too. With Rollins taking credit for injuring Reigns and giving Ambrose even more reason to kick his ass. Anyway, I wish Reigns a speedy recovery and hope that he's not out too long, I wouldn't want him to lose his momentum.
I saw this on another site:

Isn't it convenient that Reigns vs. Rollins took place on Raw in a very stupid looking booking move and Ambrose is rumored to be back around this time?

Assuming this is true though, Reigns is going to be able to come back and tear people up all over again. He really doesn't have anything to do right now so taking a bit off isn't the worst thing in the world for him. He can get a breather and come back on fire again. Assuming this isn't a work of course.

My thoughts exactly.

For days I couldn't figure out why the match happened on Raw..... Nice try on the Fed for trying to pull this.

Think about it, it writes Reigns off TV and gives the impression that he can only be beaten by a "medical" emergency.....more sympathy for the face.

The Marks will eat it up...
According to various reports throughout the day, it seems that this isn't something that just popped up outta the clear blue sky. Reports state that Reigns has had this issue for a while and that he's been working through it. However, he woke up in his hotel room this morning with severe abdominal pains and was advised by WWE doctors to check into the hospital. The surgery to repair the problem was successful and that the recovery time is anywhere from 4-12 weeks. WWE doctor Chris Amann believes that Reigns will be out for sometime around 6 weeks because the hernia was pretty significant.

While it's definitely not an ideal situation, I think it's probably a good thing that Dean Ambrose has finished filming Lockdown. A story that came out earlier further suggests that this hernia issue is something that WWE officials have been made aware of as one of the scripts for the show, allegedly, mentions Reigns not wrestling at the event. Other reports indicate that Ambrose is going to be the backup plan since Reigns is officially out of action for, at the very least, the next month. Ambrose & Rollins may not have a match tomorrow night, but there could very well be some big brawl breaking out with Ambrose returning and mauling Rollins while the latter is out there in the ring giving some smug promo, maybe even somehow taking credit for being the one that caused the hernia or something.
Romans Recovery time,is that of six weeks or so.. Its a pretty serious hernia operation and a rather surprise.. I think Romans in-ring return will be after HIAC as he needs the time to heal up and recoup..

Plus this gives WWE time to figure things out.. I always felt this way.. They were pushing Roman way too soon and fast.. I get his a juggernaut,and what have yah. But WM for him to be in the title picture is way too soon.. I can argue WM32 would be the perfect time for Roman,but not now.. Timing is everything in this business,and while this injury sucks it might be a blessing in disguise..

We know Dean Ambrose is wrapping up his movie,and maybe tomorrow Seth will be on the card but a surprise opponent will take Romans place.. Then we hear the familiar Dean Ambrose music. Dean would get total retribution for Roman,and himself in defeating Seth..

I know Roman is A Gym Rat,so while his recovery will be hampered you better believe he will be back better than ever.. This gives everyone a time out,a chance to regroup
All I can say is nuts. I love Reigns and was looking forward to seeing what they were going to do with him when Ambrose returned. I do agree that next year's Mania might have been early but then again it might have been the perfect time.

Bryan is out indefinitely, Cena needs a break, Orton please no not again, the only other's would have to be Rollins a heel, and Ambrose. Yes Ambrose is poised to take Reigns place, but for some reason and it's been reported the WWE doesn't feel he's their guy. I think they're wrong, but I'm not the decision maker.

Would love to see Reigns pull a John Cena and return at number 30 at the Rumble, wasn't he supposed to win it this year anyway, and you never know that might happen. But like I said on the other thread, they had to have something going for him before the injury for that to make sense. Right now he's just sort of floating around in the main event picture without a feud. Not going to count the Ambrose/Rollins feud, because he was just a placeholder till Ambrose returned.

The difference between he and Cena though, is Cena was an established main event star and it was easy to put him into the main event at Mania. Reigns was just starting the climb up the ladder. Yes as someone will undoubtedly point out he was a member of the Shield and they were perhaps one of the greatest factions ever. But I will counter that with the fact that being part of a faction is a far cry from being a good singles wrestler. I think we've all seen that no matter how good he looks, and he does have the look, being part of the Shield hid a lot of his weaknesses, that became apparent after they broke up.

He really needed this time to get some experience and establish himself a little more with the fans, and I hope that this time off does him and us a world of good. Maybe we were expecting too much to begin with.

I wish him a full recovery and can't wait to see him return and hope when he does, he can still retain the momentum he had before the surgery.
Get well soon, big dog.

But I'm with the general feeling here that this could be a blessing in disguise. Even as a Reigns fan myself, just the general feeling surrounding him was that things were getting just a tiny bit stale, and a lot of the buzz surrounding him was dying, which I think goes on the WWE much more than Reigns himself. Use these few months to recover, take stock and rethink the approach before giving Reigns something fresh to restart with whenever he returns. Selfishly I hope he's back for the UK tour in November, but I wouldn't expect him to be fully recovered by then. :)
According to various reports throughout the day, it seems that this isn't something that just popped up outta the clear blue sky. Reports state that Reigns has had this issue for a while and that he's been working through it. However, he woke up in his hotel room this morning with severe abdominal pains and was advised by WWE doctors to check into the hospital. The surgery to repair the problem was successful and that the recovery time is anywhere from 4-12 weeks. WWE doctor Chris Amann believes that Reigns will be out for sometime around 6 weeks because the hernia was pretty significant.

While it's definitely not an ideal situation, I think it's probably a good thing that Dean Ambrose has finished filming Lockdown. A story that came out earlier further suggests that this hernia issue is something that WWE officials have been made aware of as one of the scripts for the show, allegedly, mentions Reigns not wrestling at the event. Other reports indicate that Ambrose is going to be the backup plan since Reigns is officially out of action for, at the very least, the next month. Ambrose & Rollins may not have a match tomorrow night, but there could very well be some big brawl breaking out with Ambrose returning and mauling Rollins while the latter is out there in the ring giving some smug promo, maybe even somehow taking credit for being the one that caused the hernia or something.

This reminds me a lot of when Matt Hardy's appendix bust and nearly killed him... guys knowing there's a problem but "gutting it out" or not saying anything... same thing did for Brock's UFC career as well.

So they're claiming 6 weeks and it's not the "incarcerated hernia", so not quite as bad as thought but it's still major internal surgery so there are no guarantees... Chris Candido is proof there is no such thing as a simple op/recovery.

This lends itself to a Reign's rumble return... if he's gonna be out for 2-3 months total anyway, they might do well to let it build for a bit, see how over he really is... In theory Bryan AND Barrett will be returning so they can cover the slack. Better safe than sorry.

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