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Roman Reigns for the HOF? Greatest Wrestler of a Generation?


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A sarcastic title, snidely criticizing the Roman Reigns marks that are ever so prevalent here at Wrestlezone.

They seem to fantasize and physically pleasure themselves to the idea of a Roman Reigns WM moment. They've already sealed his greatness in their easy-persuaded perspective.

Hey, Reigns could very well become as great as the Reigns-mark faction claims. However, as of right now, I don't see why one would hold such grandious expectations.

1. As noted in an earlier thread, Reigns is becoming somewhat stale. The Shield gimmick is limiting, and only suggests he can't break out of his shell like Ambrose and Rollins have.

2. His wrestling is basic, predictable, but good enough. The problem with that is:

3. He has absolutely no charisma. It's very tough to overcome in the business.

As of right now, Reigns is just approaching the beginnings of a "Ryback-type" push. He isn't nearly as physically imposing, and hasn't even challenged for the title yet.

I'd say don't bet your money on Roman Reigns being inducted into the WWE HOF just yet Reigns marks... let's see how this plays out.
I'm no more a Reigns mark than I am any other young wrestler, but you do realize that he's had exactly TWO PPV match as a singles competitor, right? And one of those matches was a Fatal 4-Way.

Saying he's had a Ryback push is a stupid thing to say. I'd say that creating a strawman discussing the HOF is a stupid thing to say. Saying he has no charisma is a stupid thing to say. Basically, your entire thread is a stupid thing to say.

Roman Reigns has a long career (as long as he's healthy) as a top runner for the WWE. He's got the look, he's got the charisma, and he's got the heritage to do very well in this company. WWE officials are the ones that want him to beat Lesnar at WM31, it isn't just the IWC marks.

Get over hating every single guy because he's getting popular. It's stupid.
If you're trolling you're not doing a very good job of it. And if you're serious, then I feel sorry for you. People are jumping the gun with reigns. He's barely scratched the surface of a singles career and people are already hating on him because he's popular with management. Oh, but you just love to hate what's popular don't you? You want to be anti establishment and contrarian. CM Punk would be so proud. Reigns isn't quite ready for the main event, but he's getting there whether you like it or not. He has all the tools to be a top guy, he just needs a bit more time to develop. Anyway, thanks for the laughable read. Have fun being an "edgy" hipster while the rest of us just enjoy watching wrestling.
You're way off when claiming WZ has a lot of Reigns marks. You should try some more "mainstream" wrestling forums where friendly discussion and logic are strongly frowned upon, you'd probably be a lot happier there. Not that being a Reigns mark is a bad thing in the first place? Like whoever you want, don't worry about what other people enjoy. That's half the issue I see with "marks" nowadays. So hellbent on arguing with someone because they like a wrestler you hate. Get over it. But anyway....

As Boxhead said, Reigns is the greenest of the green, and there is a hell of a lot of work to do before he can truly be looked upon as a true main eventer who can carry a PPV match. That's just logic. But yeah, he's being labelled far too quickly by the haters as well. Like his fate is already decided. He's improving in all areas. It's slow, and no I don't think he's ready to be champion yet, but I think it's ridiculous to believe there is no room for growth. It's sad that some people just won't give the guy time, and seem to resent the fact that the WWE see something in the guy. Like they're so threatened their favourite wrestler will somehow get lost in the shuffle and that it's all Reigns fault.

I'm happy the fact I enjoy watching Roman Reigns and look forward to seeing him continue his rise angers you. :)
A sarcastic title, snidely criticizing the Roman Reigns marks that are ever so prevalent here at Wrestlezone.

They seem to fantasize and physically pleasure themselves to the idea of a Roman Reigns WM moment. They've already sealed his greatness in their easy-persuaded perspective.

Hey, Reigns could very well become as great as the Reigns-mark faction claims. However, as of right now, I don't see why one would hold such grandious expectations.

1. As noted in an earlier thread, Reigns is becoming somewhat stale. The Shield gimmick is limiting, and only suggests he can't break out of his shell like Ambrose and Rollins have.

2. His wrestling is basic, predictable, but good enough. The problem with that is:

3. He has absolutely no charisma. It's very tough to overcome in the business.

As of right now, Reigns is just approaching the beginnings of a "Ryback-type" push. He isn't nearly as physically imposing, and hasn't even challenged for the title yet.

I'd say don't bet your money on Roman Reigns being inducted into the WWE HOF just yet Reigns marks... let's see how this plays out.

I think your last comment say's it all "let's see how this plays out". It would seem to me that you are jumping the gun on Reigns. For Christ sake's the guy's only been wrestling for the last 4 year's, two of them as part of the Shield.

Now the Shield was one if not the best faction the WWE ever created, unless you didn't like them either. He wasn't half bad when he was with them, but I will agree his singles career has been up to now a little disappointing.

He is still in a learning curve, and doesn't have the experience that Rollins and Ambrose have. Put that with the fact he's been locked in a nowhere feud with Orton and Kane, and yea pretty much hasn't really done anything of note. But that doesn't mean he couldn't one day be fantastic.

It's pretty obvious you don't like Reigns for whatever reason only known to yourself. Every wrestler was green when they first started out, and most do get better. The way Cena walked to the ring in his first match with Angle is cringe-worthy, and look at him now.

I loved the Shield, and do like all three members, Ambrose is my favourite, and I have nothing against Reigns. I think he'll get there eventually, and I do think we will day see him in the HOF, many many years from now.
As much I don't like Reigns, this thread is about as stupid as it gets.

You sound like a complete moron with the title, you sound like a complete idiot with the "mark" nonsense, you sound like an immature middle schooler with the "physically pleasure themselves" crap, and you sound completely clueless with the comparison to Ryback.

As for the last response, sadly, it has long been established thst Reigns does NOT have "all the tools to be a top guy." The single most important ingredient for being a top guy is charisma. You can work with somebody who doesn't have a great look, or isn't great in the ring, but you need to have personality. And that's what Reigns lacks, which means his ceiling is a Batista-type, a solid #2 face or a top heel. (And I have my doubts about whether or not he can even get there or stay there, but we will see.) He's never going to be a John Cena, face of the company guy. Not a knock on the guy, he may well be a World champion, but people are expecting him to replace John Cena and that's just not feasible. We need to have realistic expectations, otherwise it's just going to be a big letdown when he doesn't reach them.
As for the last response, sadly, it has long been established thst Reigns does NOT have "all the tools to be a top guy." The single most important ingredient for being a top guy is charisma. You can work with somebody who doesn't have a great look, or isn't great in the ring, but you need to have personality. And that's what Reigns lacks, which means his ceiling is a Batista-type, a solid #2 face or a top heel. (And I have my doubts about whether or not he can even get there or stay there, but we will see.) He's never going to be a John Cena, face of the company guy. Not a knock on the guy, he may well be a World champion, but people are expecting him to replace John Cena and that's just not feasible. We need to have realistic expectations, otherwise it's just going to be a big letdown when he doesn't reach them.

See I would disagree with you on that one, I think he does have charisma. To me he was the strong silent type, and he played that part perfectly when he was with the Shield. Now it's a different story. He is getting better on the mic and when he is allowed to let loose I think we'll see a different Reigns.

If you listen to him in interviews he does have sense of humour and is easy to listen too. The scripts they've written for him have been nothing sort of horrendous, and when he was in NXT, he was actually better on the mic than he is now. That was a different place and time though.

Yes he is very intense in the ring, but that is part of his gimmick and nothing wrong that. I'm willing to give him the time to get his feet under him before I totally lose all faith in him. He has the looks, physique and he is learning the ropes. He's unfortunately in a business where he has to learn all this in front of thousands of people, and every misstep will be scrutinized. The WWE aren't stupid enough to put all their eggs in one basket though, and they have others waiting in the wings to take his spot. Ambrose, Rollins and Cesaro are who I see ready to jump in if Reigns does in fact fail.
Roman Reigns oozes charisma. When you see him, you believe that he is that character. That stoic hero. He's incredible at it.
People honestly need to get off of Reign's back. I cannot believe that people are already turning on him simply because the WWE are trying to build another top babyface, after all isn't that what WWE is supposed to be about? stars? Roman Reigns looks like a superhero and does have charisma. Lay off him guys!
Roman Reigns oozes charisma. When you see him, you believe that he is that character. That stoic hero. He's incredible at it.

Sometimes I do wonder what people define charisma as,tbh.

If Roman Reigns doesn't have Charisma, I do wonder how much Superstars possess the quality in such a case actually.

As said above, the guy oozes charisma, that is one of the reasons he got over with the fans in a huge way and obviously a huge reason why WWE seemingly have big things planned for him.

Obviously, he does have weak aspects as a Superstar which he will indeed have to improve if said plans of WWE are to go through, but lack of charisma isn't one of them,tbh.
Anyone ever consider the fact that maybe Reigns seems boring because he has been battling two enormously stale characters back to back? An interesting feud takes two interesting participants - can ANYONE have a good feud with Orton or Kane anymore? Look at Jericho and Wyatt - should have been awesome, turned out luke warm, and it isn't Bray's fault. Jericho - who I love - is stale at the moment too. When Bray worked with Cena I found it incredibly boring - again, because its just the same old Cena over and over.

Put Reigns in a feud with someone who doesn't say the same thing week after week or who hasn't been crammed down our throat for the past ten years and see how he does.

The guy has the look, has Charisma (you don't have to be a master on the mic to have charisma), and is believable in the ring - his limited move-set is orchestrated by WWE bookers to make the matches safer and to familiarize the audience with him. Its the same reason wrestlers mostly wear the same clothes every week - to build familiarity.

As an aside, I'm not a huge Reigns fan either, though I believe he will be the next guy. If it were up to me, Dean Ambrose all the way.
He's had three PPV matches as a singles star. Three. And you're already basically calling him over-rated? Please. Also, last time I checked, he was in a 4-way match for the WWE Title and the Money in the Bank match for the title. So no he hasn't challenged for the title in a 1-on-1 match, but two of his three matches have been title matches.

Also, at no point have I read one single person saying Reigns is already HOF bound. Quit making stuff up just to sound like a Tommy Tuffnuts who thinks it's cool to not like one of the up-and-coming stars of the company. It takes two to tango. You can't even beat any personality out of Randy Orton. It's like watching paint dry with him.

If in fact we get Reigns/Lesnar at WM31 for the strap, WWE has their work cut out for them. Lesnar beat the streak and then beat Cena in a glorified squash match. They have six months to make Reigns look like a viable contender to Lesnar. Right now, nobody is a viable contender to Lesnar. Just relax and watch. Nobody has a bronze statue of Reigns crafted yet. Quit acting like they do.
So basically the point of this thread is to pat yourself on the back for not being a blind Roman Reigns mark.

I highly doubt, guys at least, people see him as the best thing ever. The guy is good, he has charisma, he's no oozing it as other say but he has charisma definitely. Or maybe he does ooz charisma but because of his rather mediocre mic skills he can't show it all, so I'd rather not make a final judgement on that.

In the ring the guy is good enough. For a guy who hasn't wrestled his entire life and is a product of the WWE developmental he is good enough. He is intense, he is fast, he is no slouch in the ring and always goes all out with energy. He will add moves to his arsenal obviously but cmon give the guy a break. Even Randy Orton at the beginning for the longest time wasnt what he is today.

He needs more 1v1 experience which he will have in due time. You cant expect the guy to be in his prime in the ring when he has had like 3 PPV matches as a singles star.

I really do think you are exaggerating about people's interest in Reigns. I think most people on the internet at least would tell you that Ambrose and Rollins are their favorites and that they like Reigns but he still needs work.

Again give the guy a chance. Let him grow on you. As I mentioned in a previous thread about Reigns, the fact that in his match with Orton he was like - when he was doing 10 punches in the corner but only got 1 in - : "Just one" - while looking at the crowd. That kind of interaction from a guy that is pretty fresh on the roster shows he has charisma and wit and he can be in the moment rather than just go out there do the match and leave. Doing that stuff early in his career means he understands what crowd interaction is and how to do it properly.
No doubt he's a big guy, with cool and original in ring stuff. He pulls off the tough guy image very well. I believe he can kick some serious ass and that he has a bright future, possibly the next "the man" in WWE. He has great charisma and presence. But right now, he is boring. He shows up, wearing, doing, and saying the same stuff he has since he got to WWE. I think that if he doesn't gain some personality, in some form, then it won't be long before his old partner, Ambrose, takes his spot as the next big thing.
I'm no more a Reigns mark than I am any other young wrestler, but you do realize that he's had exactly TWO PPV match as a singles competitor, right? And one of those matches was a Fatal 4-Way.
I do indeed realize this. Yet, dare I say that so many people on here are acting like total marks for him when they have such a small sample size. There's nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about the prospects, but THE guy who deserves and WILL achieve a "Wrestlemania moment"? Easy there cowboy!

I said it in my initial post and I'll probably have to say it many more times, but while Reigns COULD very well achieve every single epic and monumental goal the Roman-Reigns-Fan-Club has set for him, I see just as many reasons why he could become Sheamus 2.0. We don't know, let's wait and see. Let's allow him more big matches to see if he has staying power, or if he gets stale.

Saying he's had a Ryback push is a stupid thing to say.
At the height of his push, Ryback actually had way more going for him than Reigns currently does.
I'd say that creating a strawman discussing the HOF is a stupid thing to say.

Get over hating every single guy because he's getting popular. It's stupid.


Hating every single guy?

How am I "hating" on Roman Reigns? Is not fawning over him and leaving an opening for failure "hating"? :rolleyes:

And who else have I "hated"?

Come on, don't be shy, please reply!
If you're trolling you're not doing a very good job of it. And if you're serious, then I feel sorry for you.
Wait, why would you "feel sorry" for muah when you agree with me that:

People are jumping the gun with reigns.



Oh, but you just love to hate what's popular don't you?
Actually, I've never talked to you on here before, so you pretending to know me is rather hilarious!
You want to be anti establishment and contrarian. CM Punk would be so proud.
I actually can't stand CM Punk, so you're way off on your assumptions here buddy! :blush:
Reigns isn't quite ready for the main event, but he's getting there whether you like it or not.
It's not about what I like, and it's not about his current momentum or lack there of, it's about staying power. Does he have it?
He has all the tools to be a top guy, he just needs a bit more time to develop. Anyway, thanks for the laughable read. Have fun being an "edgy" hipster while the rest of us just enjoy watching wrestling.


You really can't stand that I dare question Sir Roman's ascension to the top spot in the WWE, it seems. And you really are horrible at sizing up people on the internet... perhaps you should put the cyber tarot cards down and stop trying to figure people out who you don't know, and just stick to the points.. ;)

Like you claim to, I sit back and observe. I see Reigns as entirely possibly overcoming his shortcomings, but it'd take a lot of work and a lot of assistance from the WWE. I could easily see his momentum stalling, and plans changing. I make this admittedly sarcastic, snarky post only to poke at the strong contingent of Roman-Reigns-Fan-Club members here who already have him penciled in... things change, as we've all seen in wrestling. There's no need to make such declarations, it really exposes you as being more about a wrestler than wrestling, and thus, a mark.
You're way off when claiming WZ has a lot of Reigns marks.
Wow, you must not read the same threads I do when I occassionally visit.

Often mildly homoerotic quotes about his visual appeal, vague claims, predictions of a "Wrestlemania moment"... Hey, to each their own, it just seems kind of jumping the gun to me.

The sad thing is, you agree with me, but yet somehow concocted a laundry list of assumptions based on nothing but your own inner perception.. what kind of people do you even talk to on here? :wtf:

I'm happy the fact I enjoy watching Roman Reigns and look forward to seeing him continue his rise angers you. :)


I'm not sure what post you read, but he can succeed or fail, I'm fine with either. I just have nothing invested in him, and usually fast-forward through his matches these days because they aren't much interesting.

Ryback was well on his way to being a top guy until backstage politics thwarted his chances in the fed. At the height of Ryback's push, it would have been much more sensical to make bold predictions than thus far with Reigns.

Hey, CM Punk was penciled in (supposedly) to face HHH at WM, but Daniel Bryan became way more popular and hot than Punk ever did.

Daniel Bryan was to have a decently long title reign up until Summerslam, but he got injured.

The moral of the story? Things change, let's wait and see!
As much I don't like Reigns, this thread is about as stupid as it gets.

You sound like a complete moron with the title, you sound like a complete idiot with the "mark" nonsense, you sound like an immature middle schooler with the "physically pleasure themselves" crap, and you sound completely clueless with the comparison to Ryback.



As for the last response, sadly, it has long been established thst Reigns does NOT have "all the tools to be a top guy." The single most important ingredient for being a top guy is charisma. You can work with somebody who doesn't have a great look, or isn't great in the ring, but you need to have personality. And that's what Reigns lacks, which means his ceiling is a Batista-type, a solid #2 face or a top heel. (And I have my doubts about whether or not he can even get there or stay there, but we will see.) He's never going to be a John Cena, face of the company guy. Not a knock on the guy, he may well be a World champion, but people are expecting him to replace John Cena and that's just not feasible. We need to have realistic expectations, otherwise it's just going to be a big letdown when he doesn't reach them.

That's much what I implied. Glad we agree :p
I think people are assuming Reigns will be in the main event of WM 31 because they have read multiple rumors that he will be in the main event of WM 31. He was also given big showings at Surivivor Series and The Royal Rumble. On top of that he was in a couple main event multi man title matches recently. Is it really that unreasonable for someone to extrapolate that the guy is going to be given a further big push?

As far as the rest of love. I don't see it. Most everything in the past week has been about Ambrose. I've seen guys like Cena, Lesnar, Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins, Sting, Undertaker, and even Hogan and Punk penciled in for the main event of WM 31 by members of this forum. This forum has a lot if opinions. Some feel Reigns is going to be the man. Why does that seem to bother you?

Can you provide some of these outlandish posts on that you speak of? It would really help to understand your gripe.
They seem to fantasize and physically pleasure themselves to the idea of a Roman Reigns WM moment.

Often mildly homoerotic quotes about his visual appeal, vague claims, predictions of a "Wrestlemania moment"...

I think I'm starting to see what's happening here. Does Roman Reigns make your jeans get tighter? It's okay, this isn't the 1950s anymore. No one is going to judge you. Well, maybe the other kids in your 7th grade class will but that's okay. Remember, it gets better.

There are definitely flaws in Roman Reigns, but when you try convey them with an undertone of homophobia, you undermine your argument. Maybe next time you can act like an adult?

By the way, I'd totally let Roman Reigns fuck me right in the mouth.
Interestingly enough.. poking a bit of snarky fun at the idea of a "Legendary Roman Reigns" has brought out some quite emotional responses defending his "honor".

Guys.. there's no need to get angry at me for not reveling in Mr. Reigns' glory, or revealing reasons why Roman might fail..

There's been many-a Roman Reigns to come through... quickly pushed, but became stale:

Albertooooooooo Del Rio
Jack Swagger
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Roman Reigns?

Hey, he could be the next HULK HOGAN BROTHER!

However, let's not jump the gun.
Wow, you must not read the same threads I do when I occassionally visit.

Often mildly homoerotic quotes about his visual appeal, vague claims, predictions of a "Wrestlemania moment"... Hey, to each their own, it just seems kind of jumping the gun to me.

The sad thing is, you agree with me, but yet somehow concocted a laundry list of assumptions based on nothing but your own inner perception.. what kind of people do you even talk to on here? :wtf:


I'm not sure what post you read, but he can succeed or fail, I'm fine with either. I just have nothing invested in him, and usually fast-forward through his matches these days because they aren't much interesting.

Ryback was well on his way to being a top guy until backstage politics thwarted his chances in the fed. At the height of Ryback's push, it would have been much more sensical to make bold predictions than thus far with Reigns.

Hey, CM Punk was penciled in (supposedly) to face HHH at WM, but Daniel Bryan became way more popular and hot than Punk ever did.

Daniel Bryan was to have a decently long title reign up until Summerslam, but he got injured.

The moral of the story? Things change, let's wait and see!

I'm not sure what purpose you see this forum for, or any internet forum for that matter, but I thought the whole point was actually to post your inner-perceptions about certain wrestlers/segments/events. But...yeah, whatever... you do you. :shrug:

Of course things change, which is why people speculate as to what may or may not happen with Reigns. Acting like everyone predicts Reigns is heading to the WM31 event. Nice assumption, buddy. As has been mentioned in numerous posts in this thread, there are a lot of posters who would like to see Ambrose, Rollins, Ziggler and a whole bunch more taking that spot. But I also think it's wrong to totally write off the possibility that Reigns can indeed hang at the top tier of WWE. Obviously your post was intended to rile people up, congratulations sir!

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