Rollins VS Triple H should happen at???

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  • Wrestlemania 33

  • Royal Rumble

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Gone. For. Good.
So, we know that Rollins Vs. Triple H is an inevitable match/feud.

The question is where would you like to see it? Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania?

For me, It's Royal Rumble. Triple H's absence after screwing Rollins out of Universal Championship is totally illogical. This is already dragging down and I would like it to end at Royal Rumble.

What about you?
I have no doubt it will be a great match. Their styles will compliment one another well enough. However I am more annoyed by the fact it took this long to get to and that it may extend to WrestleMania. This was never a must see match for me personally and it was painfully obvious the day Rollins turned on the Shield that he would face Hunter at some point. That point being around 2 years later.

I don't get why Triple H's feuds have to last forever. It's been that way since his WrestleMania match with Taker. He hogged Brock for over a year as well. His programs are never as epic as he thinks they are and I am left waiting for it to be over and done with as everything Rollins is doing right now is placeholding until Triple H finally decides to return.

I agree it should end at the Rumble. But it won't, it will at WrestleMania where I would be shocked if Triple H didn't win and this dragged even further on out.
The sooner we can get this out of the way, the better. Rollins needs to be fighting for a title at WM, but undoubtedly they'll drag it until WM. The highlight packages will make it look like this is something that's been building since he was in the Shield. Honestly though, I'm really over HHH, he rarely puts people over and when he does, it's the guys that don't need the rub. He wrestles typical main-event style and Rollins while capable of that, also has a lot more finesse in his arsenal, and I'd rather see him paired with someone who he can show that off against, like AJ, Nakamura, Balor, Zayn, etc.
About 5 seconds after (un)creative decided that Rollins was going to be pushed as the top face, HHH made sure there were seeds planted for another one of his "slow burn" storylines, so that HHH could go up against (insert top babyface) at WrestleMania, this year it being Rollins. If Rollins is truly WWE's top babyface, he shouldn't be wrestling HHH at WrestleMania, he should be pursuing a title. But the whole Authority (again, "slow burn") storyline will probably be returning when Foley gets canned and HHH takes his spot. And once again, we'll get the opening 20 minute promo (as HHH likes to call it "setting the hook"), and an hour of the show devoted to the HHH/Rollins storyline. And of course, HHH was been nowhere on tv, mostly because he's hitting the gym (and remember, "part time performers" don't have to adhere to drug testing and the WWE wellness policy), and trying to make sure he looks better than Rollins physically (and spare me the "oh, he's the proud Papa of NXT crap because he hasn't created a single star that wasn't already established on the indies). I guess only time will tell, but given HHH's track record, he'll make sure he puts himself on a pedestal, gives himself the elaborate entrance, etc.
If you think this would be just Rumble match you are delusional. Only way that is gona happen if there is even bigger Mania match for HHH for example if Rock shows up for a match. Since its slim chances that is gona happen this is Mania feud. It would be OK but it would be shocking if it just ends there. Chances are this feud is gona drag Reigns, Owens, Jericho and maybe others with it and that it would last a lot more then just one Mania match.
I see no reason why this shouldn't happen at WrestleMania and I don't see Triple H's absence being at all illogical but, rather, it's just an example of some of Trips' old school mentality being put to good use. Slow burn storylines used to be the way top feuds were done back in the days before WWE had monthly ppv events and they usually deliver satisfying results. The last real slow burning storyline on the main roster was Daniel Bryan's journey to winning the title at WrestleMania XXX and it had people emotionally invested in a way that we hadn't seen in quite a while. While Rollins isn't as over as a babyface as Bryan was, nobody has been to tell the honest truth, this whole thing is designed to be part of a culmination at the biggest show of the year.

I have a feeling that Rollins will have another shot at Kevin Owens at the Royal Rumble, a shot that will see Triple H suddenly pop up and do something to cost Rollins the Universal Championship again. This sets up the explanations as to why Trips turned on Rollins, leading to an eventual clash between them at WrestleMania, Rollins gets put over at the biggest show of the year and winds up winning the Universal Championship sometime during the post WrestleMania season.
I don't get why Triple H's feuds have to last forever. It's been that way since his WrestleMania match with Taker. He hogged Brock for over a year as well. His programs are never as epic as he thinks they are and I am left waiting for it to be over and done with as everything Rollins is doing right now is placeholding until Triple H finally decides to return.

I agree it should end at the Rumble. But it won't, it will at WrestleMania where I would be shocked if Triple H didn't win and this dragged even further on out.


Triple H acts like everything he does is gold, and the hard truth is that it's not. I like HHH. He has been a major player for a long time, but I really think that he thinks he's doing the business a favor by continuing to do this. This feud is overdue, has been sporadic at best, and is already overplayed.

It should end last year, but it will be at Mania. Because Triple H.
You are correct - the last "slow burn" storyline was Daniel Bryan. And who did he have to go against? Good ol' HHH. See a pattern? It's got nothing to do with the product, it has to do with one man's ego and power trip behind the scenes.
You are correct - the last "slow burn" storyline was Daniel Bryan. And who did he have to go against? Good ol' HHH. See a pattern? It's got nothing to do with the product, it has to do with one man's ego and power trip behind the scenes.

Exactly. A man still determined to convince us that he was on the same level as Stone Cold and The Rock. Or even the Undertaker or his buddy HBK. HHH's proper place in history is not what he thinks it is, I presume.

The biggest difference between HHH and Vince (kayfabe and in the real life) is that Vince can choke back his ego enough to be embarrassed onscreen for the sake of a storyline. HHH just can't seem to do it. Even when he loses or "puts someone over" he really is trying to work it so that he comes out on top. Vince, at least where it concerned his own onscreen persona knew what was "best for business." Triple H, though the repeated that phrase ad nauseam, didn't seem to grasp it. He's a different character now, he's got to conform to the role. He doesn't have to replicate what Vince did, but he can't continue to be a mashup of his face persona and his heel persona and always come out on top. It doesn't work, and we see through it. I'm sure they'll make a DVD soon telling everyone why HHH was the all-time wrestling god.

I know these aren't original thoughts. Many, many fans/smarks/whatever feel the same way. Piss on HHH.
It seems like this match is going to happen at Wrestlemania. Whether it should or shouldn't is up for discussion but personally, I'd much rather see HHH/Rollins at Mania than say, Rollins/Owens AGAIN or Rollins/Reigns AGAIN for a World title. Unless somebody pops up out of nowhere and takes the Universal title from Owens, it's highly likely that Rollins won't be fighting for a championship at the big event. In that case, HHH is the obvious solution.

I don't really care that this feud has been stalled for a while, what bugs me is the shitty job WWE has done at building the program since HHH screwed Rollins. Basically, HHH has pissed off for 4 months and Rollins didn't really seem to give a crap until he randomly decided to call him out last week. Even though Rollins has been busy with Owens, would it have hurt to have Seth continue to run down HHH at the same time? He should have been constantly calling him out or at the least, reminding people that he still has a score to settle and there will be hell to pay whenever HHH shows his face again. Instead, they've let this one really fizzle out.

While I understand that the program will obviously pick up when HHH comes back, creative had a chance for a really good slow-burn between these two, to really make this an epic encounter, but they took the lazy route. I'm not surprised at all that some people aren't as invested as they should be. That's on WWE this time.
Pretty much resigned to the fact that it will happen at Mania. The Rumble is too packed already to put this match on there. But since the Rumble is the last major PPV before Mania, something has to happen there between the two or forget it.

Someone else mentioned that HHH has been sight unseen for the last 4 months. Well if Rollins wants him at Mania, then HHH has to put in an appearance soon or quite honestly not at all. We've not seen him since he handed the belt to Owens, and Rollins hasn't really done much about it. No one has, so better get on it as some fans by the sounds of things are beginning not to be bothered.

There is a big difference between keeping a storyline going and keeping one fresh. This one has been allowed to get for want of a better word, moldy. So I do think we'll see more of it in the run up to Mania.

In saying that though, I still don't understand why HHH has to have a match at Mania every year. It's understandable why Taker does, it's a tradition, but HHH has NXT and other things on his plate. It's time for him to take a bow and let the younger guys take over. Hopefully this time around we'll see him cement Rollins as a face considering up till now his face turn has been terrible.
It's likely going to be Mania to give the match the proper build and spotlight. I agree with the other posters that the lack of build up has made this feud underwhelming. Rollins hasn't been aligned with The Authority since before his injury. Triple H shows up once in the fall to cost Rollins the title and then there's no follow up. Rollins has already lost to Owen's several times so I'm not sure if they want to re visit that feud so soon and tie in Triple H that way. Hopefully creative will come up with some way to give this feud some steam heading into Mania.
I see no reason why this shouldn't happen at WrestleMania and I don't see Triple H's absence being at all illogical but, rather, it's just an example of some of Trips' old school mentality being put to good use. Slow burn storylines used to be the way top feuds were done back in the days before WWE had monthly ppv events and they usually deliver satisfying results. The last real slow burning storyline on the main roster was Daniel Bryan's journey to winning the title at WrestleMania XXX and it had people emotionally invested in a way that we hadn't seen in quite a while. While Rollins isn't as over as a babyface as Bryan was, nobody has been to tell the honest truth, this whole thing is designed to be part of a culmination at the biggest show of the year.

I have a feeling that Rollins will have another shot at Kevin Owens at the Royal Rumble, a shot that will see Triple H suddenly pop up and do something to cost Rollins the Universal Championship again. This sets up the explanations as to why Trips turned on Rollins, leading to an eventual clash between them at WrestleMania, Rollins gets put over at the biggest show of the year and winds up winning the Universal Championship sometime during the post WrestleMania season.

Got to agree 100%! Today's fans are just impatient. How good can a mega feud really be if it just ends after a month?

I like how Triple H isn't there because it not only makes you anticipate his return. But its also great storytelling. Triple H is the aging veteran playing it smart against one of the best talent today.

With Triple H's feuds, I don't see them as Triple H trying to "bury his opponents" from a storyline perspective or a real life perspective. However, I see both in real life and storyline as him trying to bring out the best in said young guy and see what they're made of. In order to build a mega star like Daniel Bryan,Roman Reigns,or Seth Rollins. You gotta light that fire under them. Its funny to me the feud hasn't even really starred yet abd people are already complaining.
You people still don't get it. Triple H is a Wrestlemania attraction. Royal Rumble? HAHA. If anything the main chapter between Rollins and HHH will begin at the Royal Rumble. Plus HHH is here to face legends only or the hottest stars. That's why his last feuds are against Shield and Sting. I'd like to bet 10,000$ that at the next 3 Wrestlemanias, if he doesn't face any legend, his opponents will be Wyatt, Owens and Styles.

Plus the Royal Rumble already has too much with Brock and Goldberg in the main event and a possible Undertaker match and a possible John Cena return. HHH does not want to share that spotlight.

Plus the people that say Royal Rumble, probably want HHH out of the Wrestlemania card right? Because yeah, let's give Rollins vs HHH an one-month build and finish this at the Royal Rumble. Totally logical.
You people still don't get it. Triple H is a Wrestlemania attraction. Royal Rumble? HAHA. If anything the main chapter between Rollins and HHH will begin at the Royal Rumble. Plus HHH is here to face legends only or the hottest stars. That's why his last feuds are against Shield and Sting. I'd like to bet 10,000$ that at the next 3 Wrestlemanias, if he doesn't face any legend, his opponents will be Wyatt, Owens and Styles.

Plus the Royal Rumble already has too much with Brock and Goldberg in the main event and a possible Undertaker match and a possible John Cena return. HHH does not want to share that spotlight.

Plus the people that say Royal Rumble, probably want HHH out of the Wrestlemania card right? Because yeah, let's give Rollins vs HHH an one-month build and finish this at the Royal Rumble. Totally logical.

How is he a Wrestlemania attraction? He is only at every Mania because he puts himself into a match. It's not like we really need him in a match, I mean do we?

And truthfully he shouldn't want to share any spotlight. He is the COO of the company and he runs NXT. I don't need to see him every year in a match that really should be reserved for someone else.

As for a one month build. Well who's fault is that? Owens won the title 4 months ago in August. We've seen or heard nothing from HHH since then. They have had more than enough time to build this match and put it into the Rumble. An 8 month stretch between HHH handing Owens a title, and then stepping into the ring with Rollins is kind of ridiculous. That is if they hold it till Mania. The WWE are the ones who have chosen too do nothing up till now.
You people still don't get it. Triple H is a Wrestlemania attraction. Royal Rumble? HAHA. If anything the main chapter between Rollins and HHH will begin at the Royal Rumble. Plus HHH is here to face legends only or the hottest stars. That's why his last feuds are against Shield and Sting. I'd like to bet 10,000$ that at the next 3 Wrestlemanias, if he doesn't face any legend, his opponents will be Wyatt, Owens and Styles.

Plus the Royal Rumble already has too much with Brock and Goldberg in the main event and a possible Undertaker match and a possible John Cena return. HHH does not want to share that spotlight.

Plus the people that say Royal Rumble, probably want HHH out of the Wrestlemania card right? Because yeah, let's give Rollins vs HHH an one-month build and finish this at the Royal Rumble. Totally logical.
Nopes, I don't want Triple H out of Wrestlemania card. Is it that if Triple H has a match at Royal Rumble then he can't have a match at Wrestlemania?

Build of 1 month? Logical? Rollins was screwed by Triple H in late August. And Rollins did nothing about it. Is that logical? Triple H was the main reason behind Rollins getting screwed so shouldn't he be the target for Rollins? But that's illogical, right?

How is he a Wrestlemania attraction? He is only at every Mania because he puts himself into a match. It's not like we really need him in a match, I mean do we?

And truthfully he shouldn't want to share any spotlight. He is the COO of the company and he runs NXT. I don't need to see him every year in a match that really should be reserved for someone else.

As for a one month build. Well who's fault is that? Owens won the title 4 months ago in August. We've seen or heard nothing from HHH since then. They have had more than enough time to build this match and put it into the Rumble. An 8 month stretch between HHH handing Owens a title, and then stepping into the ring with Rollins is kind of ridiculous. That is if they hold it till Mania. The WWE are the ones who have chosen too do nothing up till now.
I agree.
I would have done it at HIAC to take advantage of the buzz. But seeing how WWE is dragging it out, it'll definitely be one of the WM main events.

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