sOUTHERsIDEsAM if Vince purchesed ROH you don't think Vince could benifit from the unknown wrestlers.He would probably send 10 of them to FCW since NXT is clearing things.Then bring in 6 as a stable who could quickly make a name forthem self's ala NEXUS.Use there tag-team's to inject life into WWE's division.Just the impact the KiNG'S & THE BRISCOE BROTHERS,plus i would bring back The world's greaest tag-team.God WWE need's tag wrestling back!!!& Then take the top 4 in Vince's mind and debut them seperatly.that's the same time u could debut tyler black. a month later davey richards then kenny king then Colt Cabana and so on.It could be huge
and you are right about Robert Roode being able to go in the"E".Sting could prob go on an HBK schedule.But so could PoPe(Wouold love to see him fued with CM PUNK)Angle could def go,HBK schedule or not Angle can def do wrork in the "E".We got MrAnder$on((ANDERSON)).Alex Shelly,Samoa Joe,Daniels(suicide),Matt Morgan,THE WHOLE BRITISH INVASION,ESPICIALLY DouG WiLLiamS & Just imagine how Vince would push Rob Terry with his body.Plus we still got Eric young,Kazarian,James Storm,If Desmond Wolfe(would change name to Desmond McGuiness) can pass the physical i would love him anagnising Edge,Orton, Cena. Imagine Desmond & Barret Tag-Team.RVD win't go back to that schedule but he can def go and be a face WWE needs,AND EVEN jEFF jARRET COULD WRESTLE IN the "E" IF ViNNY MaC would have him.
Trust me 75% of the TNA roster couold wrestle in the WWE.
If Vince bought either roster he would be giving the "E" a shot in the arm.But i dont think he should do it unless
A:Start the WWE network
B:Raw & SmackDown do two 3 hour shows a month
C:Make super stars a legit show,and then run straight PG promos and matches for 2 hours every saturday morning