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ROH - A new era


Dark Match Winner

In August of 2007 ROH was approached by The CW network, as a way to get Smackdown off the air, but still have wrestling on TV. A year later, The CW has not only put the offer back on the table, but gave them enough money to hire anybody they needed!

After months of contractual issues, and deep negotiations Ring Of Honor is now ready to make it's debut to national television. With a roster that has become a blend of wwe, tna and ROH - how can they fail?


ROH World title: Vaccant

ROH Tag titles: Vaccant

ROH Pure title: Vaccant


TV Show:

First show: Tomorrow

Announced matches for debut show:
AJ Styles vs Matt Sydal

Jimmy Rave vs Sonjay Dutt


PPV: September 2008


Show announcers:
Dave Prazak, Gabe Sapolsky


On Air president: Larry Sweeney w/ Sweet & Sour (Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli)
I'm not so sure.......Its very unrealistic.The main reason why fans love ROH is because of its style and no gimmicks needed.Alot of the guys on your roster aren't really ROH regulars.Also the CW backstory is also a bit unbelivable.Why would they give money to a show?I mean isn't that the sponsers job?Anyway I'll leave it till the first show to review.Good luck.
Well, I believe the only ones who have never been to ROH is Chris Jericho, Shane Helms, and Christian cage.... 3 names a promotion would reach out for had they gotten the opportunity. The rest have been in ROH before... And besides - the whole thing is to build a promotion the way you'd like to see it... Also, I'm pretty sure TV networks do give the show money to be on it's network..It's the sponsors job to keep the money coming.
Yeah but this is set in 2007.AJ isn't a regular anymore.Besides TNA is offering him a load.Joe is main event status in TNA so why would he leave?Daniels is also getting a hefty paycheck.Also Jericho is coming back to WWE soon(save.us anybody?).Helms is injured.Mysterio and Hardy again are big names and wouldn't leave aswell.I could go on...but still I am waiting for your first show.

EDIT : WTF No Bryan Danielson??????
I planned on bringing Danielson later on..... Also..Like I said dude...this is no diff than an efed.... It's just how I'd like to see something..I mean for god sakes you are advertising Michaels vs Jarrett in a ladder match lol.

If I wanted this to be set in real time I would have used the entire ROH roster and thrown them on Fox sports net, but I wanted to book ROH with the roster of MY dreams....Besides, I'll have the full back story with my results
look AngryG, im looking forward to this promotion, dont listen to the other guys just do your thing kid, another promotion promoting THE HUMAN TORNADO! im all in haha
The official backstory:

In late 2007 WWE finally reported a quarterly loss. With this loss, chaos erupted in the wrestling industry. WWE was forced to let go some of it's lower talent, and some of the more expensive stars. Among those who wwe let go were: Shane Helms, JBL, Cryme Time, Garrison Cade, Evan Bourne, Jimmy Wang, Chavo Guerrero and the shocking releases of Batista & CM Punk - The official reason for letting these superstars go were based on both parties agreeing to terms.. However the truth is they were unhappy and were both approached by TNA for larger deals.

Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy & Chris Jericho were reaching the ends of their contracts and refused to re-sign due to TNA's high offer.

With all these large talents on the market, TNA wrestling swooped in hiring Batista, JBL, Cryme Time, Chavo, Wang and Cade to large contracts..Larger than they could afford, causing THEM to do some spring cleaning as well.

TNA was forced to let go The Motor city machine guns (Shelley and Sabin), Sonjay Dutt, and Jimmy Rave

The new talent taking over the spotlight created a barrier... The main event spot was given to Kurt Angle, Booker T, Batista, and even Jimmy Wang causing Joe and Styles to be lost on the shuffle... This caused them to leave TNA and head for the WWE, Christian Cage too was offered a contract by the wwe who decided to take the deal..

This was until ROH made a counter offer, less pay but less work. The pay cut seemed worth the work load and Joe, Styles, Jericho, Cage & CM Punk made their ways to ROH!

How could ROH afford to pay them?

After ROH ran several PPV's in 2007 and a few in 2008 they were approached by the CW network who were looking for wrestling on their schedule by the time wwe smackdown leaves in September. With a wednesday timeslot needed to compete with the male audience who tunes in to Comedy Central this seemed to be the perfect time to strike.

CW offered ROH the deal, giving them much needed cash to hire some of the stars that they once created.

As the months went by and the stars came to ROH it seemed it was time to make a few debuts.

Which brings us to tonight; ROH was finally making it's public debut since it left the market in May 2008.. 3 months later, and an entirely new roster to show..The only thing left is to ask... What will the fans say?


OOC Note: All my matches will be written in spots of what's important. Such as:



Wednesday - August 27, 2008
Hammerstein Ballroom - NY

The show begins on a ROH highlight video, showing the fans watching at home what ROH does, and how much they put on the line to do it.



(1) Backstage - Larry Sweeney w/ Chris Hero

Larry: You know something Chris? We've finally arrived baby! SWEET AND SOUR IS ON THE CW NETWORK -


Larry: All in good time bay-bee...ALL IN GOOD TIME! You see, HERE WE ARE! The Manhattan center..NEW YORK CITY - And sweet and sour is in charge! That means we can book who we want...where we want..And if you don't do it.. YOU'RE FIRED! Which brings me to tonights main event...

Hero: Am I getting a world title match?

Larry: Chris - just hang back and pay attention.... Tonight, I want to teach a few boys a lesson.... And that lesson is simple..Don't come to ROH because it offers more money..That's why you come to the super agent! You come to ROH because you respect it... And one of you losers backstage respects ROH NOT! And that person is -

:: Claudio walks in the camera shot holding 3 cups of starbucks coffee ::

Larry: What the hell is wrong with you? YOU RUINED THE ENTIRE SHOT!


Larry: YOU CAN BE REPLACED BY SANTINO MARELLA SO WATCH YOURSELF...Now like I was saying...Samoa Joe...Tonight - it's payback for leaving ROH..And as much as I'd like to feed you to the shark and book you against Hero.. That's not going to happen! Joe.. You are going to be in a handycap match...Against Matt Hardy and Christian cage..BECAUSE THAT'S HOW SWEET AND SOUR ROLLS! Now give me my coffee


:: Commercial :::

Match 1:
AJ Styles vs Matt Sydal

(1)AJ Styles sends Matt Sydal into the ropes, Sydal ducks a closeline by Styles and rebounds with a spinning heel kick.

(2)Snap suplex by Sydal, he follows up by climbing the top turnbuckle followed by a moonsault - Styles moves causing Sydal to crash and burn

(3)Styles attempts to lift Sydal to his feet -- ROLL UP PIN BY SYDAL..1....2.. Styles kicks out

(4)Sydal connects a powerslam followed by a rolling
body splash!

(5)Sydal tries to throw AJ over the top rope, AJ holds on and smashes Sydal in the face sending him to the ground. Styles connects a springboard moonsault to Sydal.

(6)AJ goes for the Styles clash, Sydal makes his way out of the move and rolls Styles up for the pin...2 count

(7)Sydal on the top rope leaps off to Styles - drop kick in mid air by Styles! Pinfall - 1...2.Kick out!

(8)Styles connects the sleeper hold, locking it in...After several moments referee Todd Sinclair raises Sydals arm...(1) --- He repeats the motion....(2)...Once more he raises the arm - Sydal stops his arm at the last moment! He shoulder smashes his way out of the hold, bounces against the ropes and connects a rolling closeline!

(9)Sydal attempts a springboard closeline - Styles moves out the way

(10)Sydal attempts a hurricanrana -- Styles holds on..Styles clash! 1..2...3! It's over - Styles has done it.

Match Length: 11 mins 47 secs


Backstage: Chris Jericho video promo

Jericho: So, this is ROH? Ring of honor.....The company that BEGGED me to make an appearance before my amazing return to the wwe...I have to say I am as far from impressed as you could be! I'm disgusted I came here! You see, before I signed the contract that led me..Here..I was told a bright furture lay ahead of Ring of Honor... How they will be performing in packed
arenas across the country... HOW CHRIS JERICHO WOULD BE THE STAR! THE HEADLINER..And where am I at? I'm booked against ring of honor's Tommy Dreamer!

Make no mistake Austin Aries... You've NEVER stepped foot into the ring with a real supertstar... Your entire career has been built around this falling promotion....And tonight, when you and I step into that ring....And the screaming 900 in this dump we call a venue, witness their great leader...Fall short...To Chris Jericho...ALL OF YOU...EVERYBODY! Will realize that this company is a mistake.

:: Commercial :::


Match 2:
Human Tornado vs Hernandez

(1)Tornado looks uneasy realizing how much bigger Hernandez is than himself.

(2)Tornado uses his speed to attack Hernandez...After several moments of being attacked, Hernandez finally uses his strength and throws tornado to the mat.

(3)Hernandez connects a closeline to Tornado that causes him to flip backwards.

(4)Tornado drop kicks hernandez, who staggers to the turnbuckle...He follows up by a running heel kick.. Hernandez shakes off the pain, and lifts Tornado above his head...He throws him over the top rope into the first row! The crowd is going nuts as Tornado lay on the ground in pain.

(5)Hernandez grabs the referee as Homicide continues the assault on Tornado on the outside.. He cracks a steel chair over Tornado's head and sends him back into the ring...Border toss by Hernandez..1...2...3

(6)LAX is leaving the ring, when Tornado gets on the mic

Tornado: You guys think you can use your size, to scare Tornado? Well this is the wizard of oz and you guys are dorthy! IM'A BITCH SLAP BOTH OF YOU NEXT WEEK..Because I got a partner

Tornado drops the mic as LAX laughs off the statements.

Match Length: 7 mins 11 secs


Video on screen: The Briscoes

The briscoes are standing in front of an old beat up car.

Mark: You guys thought Ring of Honor could keep moving on without the briscoes???

Jay: Well if that's what you thought..You're all wrong....NEXT WEEK..The briscoes WILL be back and we WILL be looking to take out the top dogs...Hero...Claudio..You call yourselfs the kings of wrestling?? That might have been BEFORE the Briscoes took over the wrestling world....But NOW things are different.....

Mark: Hero, dancin around the ring in purple trunks thinkin he some kind of super man or somethin...

Jay: You're really gonna be superman next week Hero.....We gonna leave you crippled in the middle of our ring

Mark: We don't play son


:: Commercial :::

In the ring:
Shane Helms wearing street gear.

Helms: It's been a long time comin! Ring of Honor...It's time you bear witness to a real superstar..It's time you bear witness to Shane Helms! And he aint here to laugh and play...SUGA SHANE, is here to issue a challange to ANYBODY next week.... If you think you got what it takes, to beat a real superstar...THEN WAIT NO LONGER...Come out like a man... Face to face with I...And accept...

:: The arena is silent..Roderick Strongs music hits the PA system as the crowd erupts! Strong makes his way into the ring ::

Helms: I'd welcome you into the ring, but I have no idea who you are...

Roderick: Don't worry about that Shane...Because the entire crowd had no idea who you were without that pretty little hero mask... You see..Where you DON'T know me...These Ring of Honor fans DO know who I am.... And I AM Roderick...Strong

:: Roderick's gonna kill you fills the arena :::

Helms: Well Roderick, even though these fans here don't know who I am...The MILLIONS who watched WWE DO know who I am....So trust me when I say, having 900 people in the Hammerstein ballroom not know who the sugar daddy is...Does not phase me one bit! I simply want you to agree, to face me next week on Afterburn...

Roderick: I think by my coming out here, I already agreed...But that's not the only reason I decided to show my face to these fans tonight....I only wanna know...Why wait till next week?

:: The crowd goes nuts ::

Helms: Because I make the rules! That's why...WHAT THE SUGA DADDY SAYS..GOES!

Roderick: Everybody here already knew you were a fairy when you would "fly" around the venues week after week...now..WHAT ..IS UP...WITH THAT??

Helms rubs his goatee looking angry :::

Helms: You see..Right here is where I would normally attack you..But why give you a reason to say you lost next week?? See you in the ring

:: Helms drops the mic and exits the arena with a smile ::


:: Commercial :::

Match 3:
Chris Jericho vs Austin Aries

(1)Jericho connects a snap suplex to Aries

(2)Jericho is holding a knee stretch on aries..Austin grabs the bottom rope

(3)Jericho connects a suplex onto the ropes, causing Aries to spill out onto the floor below.

(4)Jericho throws Aries into the saftey rail, he backs up and attempts a running splash onto aries who moves, causing Jericho to land face first into the metal ROH barrier covers. The fans begin to beat the covers with their hands

(5)Aries throws Jericho face first into the rail

(6)Austin is standing on the side of the ring...He runs and connects a diving closeline to Jericho!

(7)Jericho throws the camera man to the ground and picks up the camera..He swings it at Aries who ducks and connects a leg sweep causing Jericho to fall on the camera.

(8)Jericho connects the lion tamer...Aries gets to the ropes

(9)Aries connects the running face buster followed by the horns of Aries! Jericho looks like he's gonna tap! - Jericho's bottom boot is under the rope!

(10)Aries connects a super backdrop from the top rope..1..2..KICK OUT

(11)Jericho connects Aries brainbuster! 1..2..NO

(12)Rolling fireman's carry by Aries!

(13)Jericho hits the face buster followed by an attempted Lionsault..Aries puts his knee up! Jericho is in pain on the ground.. Aries climbs the top rope...450! 1....2...3! Aries has done it!

:: Aries celebrates with the fans, however Jericho cracks a chair against Aries back out of nowhere. He follows up with the Lion tamer refusing the let it go. ROH security hits the ring and pulls Jericho off who exits the ring lookng satisfied ::

Match length: 17 mins 50 secs


:: Commercial :::

Match 4:
Sonjay Dutt vs Jimmy Rave

(1)Sonjay connects a running dropkick sending rave into the turnbuckle..He follows up by a diving turnbuckle splash

(2)Dutt lands a running shooting star - 2 count

(3)Gravity killer by Rave! 1...2..No

(4)German suplex by Rave...2 count

(5)Tilt-a-whirl tornado DDT by dutt!

(6)Dutt throws Rave out the ring and follows up by a diving Hurricanrana!

(7)Jimmy Rave connects a snap suplex onto the floor

(8)Double underhook suplex onto the steel steps by Jimmy

(9)Sonjay lands a swinging neck breaker followed by a springboard legdrop


(11)Rave attempts to irish whip Dutt, who reverses it... Dutt connects the Bombay boom! He climbs the top rope...HINDU PRESS! 3 count wins it

Match length: 14:01


Backstage: Samoa Joe

Joe: Here I am again...The promotion that created Joe into a star....And on my first night back, I am booked in a handicap match against Christian Cage and Matt Hardy? Well that's fine Larry....You can book me in any match you want because it doesn't matter! Samoa Joe will ALWAYS...And I mean ALWAYS...Come out on top.. Look out boys, it's time to die


Main Event:
Christian Cage & Matt Hardy vs Samoa Joe

(1)Joe fights off Cage and Hardy at the same time

(2)Joe sends Matt to the floor, followed by several chops and kicks to Cage

(3)Cage connects a swinging neck breaker..Hardy is back in the ring

(4)Matt Hardy lands a middle rope leg drop

(5)Samoa Joe attempts the muscle buster..Hardy drop kicks him, causing him to drop cage.

(6)Christian locks in the sharpshooter.. Is Joe gonna tap??

:: Commercial :::

(7)When we come back Joe is still trapped in the Sharpshooter...The ref makes him break the hold

(8)A limping Joe can't seem to hold his own weight...Hardy assaults Joe's knee

(9)Joe connects a double closeline to Hardy and Cage and falls down in pain.

(10)Joe connects a standing enzugiri! 1...2...NO

(11)Christian takes out the ref

(12)Matt is holding Joe, cage swings a chair..Joe ducks causing cage to hit Matt instead! Joe follows up with a standing enzugiri followed by the muscle buster...The referee is back up...1...2..3 JOE DID IT!

Joe exits the arena, leaving Cage and Matt in the ring to argue

The show ends on Joe celebrating with the fans.

Match Length: 26 mins 16 secs (Including commercial)

(Ooc: This is the first time I've done anything like this...So if it's weird..I'm sorry lol)

Short results:

styles defeated sydal

Hernandez defeated Tornado

Aries defeated Jericho

Dutt defeated Rave

Joe defeated Matt Hardy & Christian Cage



I'm not exactly sure what happened here....the image I created is not working on here and I didn't want the mods to think I posted a blank message...So I've just updated the link in case anybody saw in here that it was blank.
WOW! Very very intresting federation. I would not have thought of doing something as in depth as this. Very nice graphics and layouts. it makes it really intresting to read and easy to follow. Maybe it would be better to sumarize the matches instead of just writing pointers.

Wednesday - September 3rd, 2008
New Alhambra Arena (former ecw arena)

The show begins with Larry Sweeney and Chris Hero standing backstage in
what seems to be a run down would be office. Sweeney takes the glasses off his face looking into the camera, and begins to speak.

Sweeney: Last week, Joe managed to climb out of the wreckage I set up for him! He managed to climb out of the dust and smoke in one piece! And it still didn't mean a thing! AND IT WON'T MEAN A THING! Joe, you might have came out of that little handicap match alive..But tonight, I have a different match for you....Last man standing baby!

Hero: And wait until you hear who you're going to be facing!

Sweeney: YOU GOT TWO MORE APPONENTS JOE! BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE A LAST MAN STANDING ELIMINATION RULES CONTEST! SAMOA JOE... AJ STYLES...AND CHRISTOPHER DANIELS! The match some call the greatest in TNA history..Will now become the greatest the super agent has ever come up with!

Hero: Speaking of great matches...Last week The Briscoes sent out an open challenge to the kings of wrestling? Well let me tell you this...You can spend tonight in a tag match against Human Tornado and whoever the hell he managed to find for a tag partner...And at supercard of honor 4, on ppv... You can spend the night searching for what's left of your teeth on the mat

Sweeney: The super agent sure knows how to book a show! And do you actually think it's over? No, you see..I announced on ROH.com this week that the tournament for the gold begins tonight! And it does...


Match 1: Roderick Strong vs Shane Helms
(1)Roderick Strong waits in the ring for Shane Helms. Shane's music hits the PA system however he's not dressed to wrestle

Helms: I told you Roderick, I make the rules.. I decide when - I DECIDE WHERE! And right now is not the time..No no..TONIGHT, We WILL NOT meet in the ring..

Strong: So is this how it's going to be? You run away everytime we're supposed to fight?

No, no you see..It's all about getting paid - and if I were to perform in front of 500 people in this dump I wouldn't be getting paid very well would I?


Helms: ROH - IS ABOUT BECOMING A STAR...Something the sugar daddy already is..And don't worry Roderick..The match is booked - Supercard of Honor 4 - but don't fret Roderick.. I managed to get you an opponent for tonight - LAST MINUTE...

(2)Rey Mysterio springboard drop kicks roderick from behind! It appears

that Rey is not only a heel - but in a faction with Shane helms

(3)Rey connects a head scisccors that sends Roderick to the outside...Rey follows up with a vaulting body press to the outside

(4)Rey sends Roderick head first into the steel barricade, where fans tap his body and call things to Rey who follows up with a running drop kick
sending Roderick further into the barricade causing it to push backwards.

(5)Roderick connects a snap suplex to the floor below

(6)Back inside the ring, Rey connects the west coast pop...2 count

(7)Diving hurricanrana by Mysterio! 1..2..3 It's over

(8) Helms hits the ring, as Rey and Shane double team Roderick

Rey: Before I too get those phone calls.. I did this, because I'm one of the few stars in this company and I'm getting no camera time and treated
ike a nobody backstage..Well all of that's over - and it starts with Helms and myself!

Match Length: 6 mins 12 secs


Backstage video segment: - Chris Jericho

Jericho: All week long, my phone has been ringing off the hook... The
typical crying fan response... Why? Why did you do it Chris? Aries won the
match fair and square and you attacked him from behind.. Do you think I
give a damn? I have an issue with Austin Aries on a very personal
level..You see, when Chris Jericho was making his big return to the wwe
last year..The only thing I heard about was Austin Aries headlining
ROH...Fans would come up to me, and ask if I've ever faced Austin

COME TO PERFECT THE ART AND WHAT HAPPENS? I'm being asked about some wrestler in a less hardcore version of ECW?? The bingohall champion is more important that Chris Jericho? Well Austin... At supercard of honor in 3
weeks on pay per view... Were going to see who the real champion is...
And I promise you Aries... When the referee is holding my arm into the air,
as I stand over your limp..lifeless body..blood gushing from the top of
our head as you reach deep within your soul in hopes to muster enough strength for one last breath...You're going to realize that you aren't the
starr you thought you were.


Commercial ::::::::::


Backtage video segment: - The Briscoes
- A video package airs featuring various Briscoe clips -

Match 2: Human Tornado & Mystery vs Briscoes

(1)Tornado's partner is Jack Evans!

(2)Mark connects a sitdown powerbomb to Tornado

(3)Tornado lands a swinging ddt

(4)Tornado throws Jay Briscoe out the ring - Jack Evans drop kicks Jay over the barricade!


(6)Mark and Jack Evans are now fighting around the ring

Tornado connects a jumping hurricanrana from a fans chair

(8)Jay Briscoe suplexes Tornado onto a set of fans chairs causing them to bend and collapse!

(9)Jack Evans cracks Mark in the head with a chair from the side of the ring, causing Mark to fall to the floor...Jack follows up with a standing
shooting starr of the side of the ring!

(10)Jay powerbombs Tornado over the barricade causing him to Land on Mark Briscoe, who's still laid out by the shooting star..He follows up by using the rail to connect a jumping moonsault

(11)Back in the ring The Briscoes connect their doomsday sending Tornado to the floor....1....2....3 The Briscoes have done it

LAX comes to the ring to attack Tornado but the Briscoes fight them off! IT'S A BRAWL - The king of wrestling hit the ring and help LAX..ALL

Match Length: 16 mins 14 secs


Commercial ::::::::::


In the ring: Christian Cage & Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy:
It's been on my chest all week...Just what the hell happened
last week?

Christian Cage:
What happened last week is YOU dropped the ball...And all I want is an apology and things can go back to normal.

Matt Hardy:
You want ME to apologize? That's not gonna happen... YOU

Christian Cage: No Matt, you dropped the ball just like you did with Amy Dumas! Just like you against trying to get payback against Adam - and just like you did with every title you've ever held! Well IT'S LIKE THIS! YOU
DIDN'T HAVE WHAT IT TOOK, TO DEFEAT MY BEST FRIEND..And you don't have what it takes to defeat me..So why don't you get out my ring...And search the backstage area until you finally run into a person in your league..I hear Sonjay Dutt is looking for some bookings

(1)Matt punches Christian Cage and throws him out the ring. Christian holds his face in pain and exits the arena


Video: A commercial for Supercard of honor airs


Match 3: Chris Sabin vs CM Punk (tournament)
(1)Sabin sends punk into the ropes, followed by a standing drop kick

(2)Punk connects a swinging neckbreaker

(3)Punk lands a DDT - 2 count

(4)Sabin attempts the razors edge - Punk squirms out and drop kicks Sabin
chest first into the turnbuckle...Punk follows by connecting a running knee
slam into Sabin!

(5)Punk attempts the GTS - Sabin gets out of the hold and connects a
superkick! 1..2..NO

(6)Punk throws Sabin into the turnbuckle...Charging knee strike followed by
the bulldog by Punk!

(7)Double underhook back breaker by Punk..1...2...NO!

(8)Sabin connects a scooping powerbomb! 1..2.NO

(9)G.T.S! 1...2..NO!

(10)Sabin climbs the turnbuckle..Punk runs up and connects a knee smash!

(11)The fans are going nuts!!

(12)Sabin connects the leg hook brain buster! 1..2..NO

(13)Sabin attempts the double chickenwing piledriver, Punk reverses into a
roll up pin.1..2..NO

(14)CRADLE SHOCK BY SABIN..1..2...3! He did it

(15)Sabin celebrates the win

Match Length: 17 mins 11 secs


Commercial ::::::::::


Backstage video segment: - Samoa Joe

Joe: Last week, I was booked in a handicap match...This week booked in a
match that I've already won before...Larry Sweeney..I don't know what the
real issue is between you and I...But the way I see it.. You and I, one on
one at supercard of honor 4 is the only way the squash any issues you
have..And believe me Larry - I'm going to bring my A game.. I just hope for
your sake that you have a game to bring.


Match 4: Alex Shelley vs Matt Sydal (tournament)
(1)Matt Sydal connects a running double kick sending Shelley out onto the
side of the ring... Sydal attempts to suplex Shelley back into the ring -
Shelley reverses it sending Sydal to the floor! - Shelley follows up with a
springboard moonsault to Sydal

(2)Sydal connects a springboard head scisssors

(3)Sydal lands a running bulldog, and climbs the top rope..450 - Shelley

(4)Shelley lands a piledriver that folds Sydal! 1..2..no

(5)Sydal on the top rope leaps off and connects a leaping knee driver
sending Shelley to the mat.

(6)Sydal leaps from the top rope - Shelley catches him in mid air
connecting a back breaker!

(7)Air raid crash by Shelley! 1..2..3


Match length: 9 mins 12 secs


Match 5: Jimmy Rave vs Christian Cage (tournament)

(1)Christian Cage connects a short arm closeline

(2)Cage attempts a german suplex, reversed into a back breaker by Rave

(3)Jimmy Rave connects a snap suplex to cage..2 count

(4)Christian Cage throws rave out the ring who catches throat first on the
ropes! Christian connects a running drop kick to Rave causing his neck to
twist out of the ropes and hit the floor

(5)Cage irish whips Rave who connects a spear!

(6)Greetings from ghana! 2 count

(7)Christian Cage connects a full nelson rock bottom combo 2 count

(8)Matt Hardy is now at ringside

(9)Jimmy Rave throws Cage into the ropes, hardy hits him with a chair as he
passes! Rave connects the gravity killer...1..2..3! Rave has done it

(10)JIMMY RAVE ADVANCES!! Matt Stares at Christian Cage

Match Length: 10 mins 44 secs


Commercial ::::::::::


Main Event: Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels
(1)Samoe Joe connects a double rock bottom!

(2)Daniels connects a running DDT to Joe

(3)Daniels attempts the Angel wings to Styles who sends him to his back

Styles attempts a hurricanrana - Joe turns it into a powerbomb..2 count

Daniels connects a cobra clutch - he's trying to make Joe tap.. Joe gets to the ropes

(6)Joe connects an enzugiri sending Daniels out the ring

(7)Joe powerbombs Styles out the ring onto Daniels! He follows up with a running barrel roll to the outside!!

(8)Styles stands on the side of the ring and connects a diving shooting star to both men standing!

(9)Daniels is back in the ring

AJ Styles sends Joe into front row..Styles on the side of the ring connects a running front flip into the front row on joe!!!!

Daniels on the top rope, dives onto Styles and Joe from the ring!

:::: ROH Chants begin followed by a commercial :::::::::::::

(12)AJ Styles connects the styles clash to Daniels! 1...2..NO


(14)Muscle Buster to daniels followed by the spiral tap by Styles! 3 count

Daniels has left the ring

(16)Styles connects his springboard fist driver..2 count

(17)Muscle Buster! 3 count !!

(18)Joe has done it..He's broken, and beaten..but he's done it

Match Length: 27 mins 14 secs (including commercial)

Short card:

Rey Mysterio defeated Roderick Strong

The Briscoes defeated Human Tornado & Jack Evans

Chris Sabin defeated CM Punk

Alex Shelley defeated Matt Sydal

Jimmy Rave defeated Christian Cage

Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels



ROH Afterburn
September 10th 2008
The Tsongas Arena, Lowell, Mass
Capacity: 3,291

The show begins with Chris Jericho, Shane Helms & Rey Mysterio in the ring

Jericho: Tonight, marks the beginning of ROH as all of you know it...No longer will the 5 foot seven half sized wrestlers that you all cheered for be taken seriously...The guys who worked in bingo halls for the past 10 years never advancing while I became the first undisputed champion! While Shane became the longest running cruiserweight champion in smackdown history, while Rey became the biggest underdog in the history of the wwe! While we were burying friends, WHILE WE WERE ATTENDING RED CARPET PREMIERES EVERYBODY IN RING OF HONOR WERE EATING PORK AND BEANS OUT OF THE CAN PRAYING THAT GOD GIVE THEM A CALL FROM VINCE MCMAHON!

:: The crowd begins to chant please go back ::

Jericho: Those words, are cutting through my spine like the cold edge of a winters snow..You see, I want to go back.....I wish my phone would ring tomorrow..And I hear Vince McMahon on the other end..And he says to me...Chris...I forgive you...Chris....I FORGIVE YOU! COME BACK AND BE ON RAW! COME BACK AND BE ON SMACKDOWN! COME INJECT ECW WITH SOME
VITAMIN J! But that's not going to happen....Because I dropped the ball.... I signed a 2 year deal with RING OF HONOR AND I REGRET IT EVERY TIME I WAKE UP! EVERY TIME I CLOSE MY EYES! EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY I WISH I COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND STOP FROM SIGNING THOSE BLACK AND WHITE PAPERS THAT SEALED MY FATE....Now, the only thing left to do is destroy the promotion that employs me..Until they grant my release..And the releases of the 2 men that stand behind me

Roderick Strong and Austin Aries step out

Aries: You know, Roderick and I may not have always seen eye to eye on everything..But there is something we have....And that's wanting the both of you out of this promotion so fast, your duck bill hair cut slicks back..You see Chris..week after week you run your mouth, you attack me, you say ROH is nothing..Well this ROH nothing defeated you your first night here! And how about we give it a second run? See I know Rey here has a match with Paul London tonight...So, how about Roderick and I take on the 2 of you in a tag team match...TONIGHT

Jericho: Believe me when I say this Austin..it would be my pleasure


Backstage: Samoa Joe

Joe: Sweeney, I am going to make this short and sweet....If you're any kind of man..You'll give me an answer by the end of the night...You and I...Supercard of honor!


Match 1:
Jimmy Jacobs vs El Generico (Tournament)

(1)Generico connects a spinning Huricanrana!

(2)Jacobs hits the springboard missle dropkick!

(3)Generico leaps against the ropes and connects a diving
head scissors spin!

(4)Generico connects an Asai moonsault to the outside

(5)Generico sends Jacobs crashing against the steel steps, and climbs onto the side of the ring...Generico connects a

dragonrana to the outside!

(6)Back in the ring Jacobs plants the sitout crucifix powerbomb -1.2..not yet

(7)Downward spiral by Jacobs!

(8)Spinning powerbomb by Jacobs!

(9)Brainbustaahhhh!! from the second rope to the top turnbuckle by Generico!! 1...2..NO!

(10)JACOBS NAILS THE 450! 1....2...NO!

(11)Jacobs conects a sitout face plant!

(12)CONTRA CODE BY JACOBS!!...1....2...3

(13)The fans in attendance are on their feet applauding the action.

Match length: 16 mins 11 secs

::: Commercial ::::


Backstage: Christian Cage

Cage: Matt, you made a wize decision not being here tonight..Because had you shown up, I would have slapped you around like my name was Amy Dumas....Don't think for one second Matt that those of us backstage didn't have ourselves a damn nice laugh at your expense BECAUSE WE DID! EDGE SCREWED LITA AND THE WWE SCREWED YOU, AND THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN...But you had to get onto your computer, and cry...bitch..MOAN! Pray that you would get that apology from the wwe whether you had to demand it or not...Well, I am sorry Matt..THIS IS MY APOLOGY..And do you wanna know why?? Because I orchistrated the entire damn relationship! Edge called me week after week with the hot details and everytime I would tell him to make sure Matt doesn't find out!

That's right Matt, I told them places to stay... I told them how to keep the secret from you..Hell..I even saw pictures, IT'S LIKE THIS! You should be very Angry with me Matt, and I wouldn't blame you...Because at Supercard of honor..You're going to need all the help you can get, to get one over on the instant classic..Because he's already got one over on you!


Match 2:
Kevin Steen vs Ruckus (Tournament)

(1)Steen connects the body press

(2)Ruckus hits a face buster

(3)Steen gets Ruckus from behind with a double
underhook choke slam!

(4)Steen with a Superkick! 1...2.KICK OUT

(5)Steen connects a chickenwing face buster

(6)T-Bone Suplex by Ruckus!!! 1...2..KICK OUT

(7)ruckus connects a suplex

(8)Kevin Steen perfects the Northern Lights Suplex!

(9)Ruckus connects a handstand enzugiri that sends Steen to the floor below...Ruckus follows up with a running springboard shooting star over the ropes to Steen on the floor below!

(10)Steen sends Ruckus back first to the floor

(11)Ruckus Body splash from the side of the ring to the
floor below!

(12)Ruckus connects the standning shooting star!
1.....2....!!! NO!!!!

(13)Back in the ring Ruckus connects a running drop kick, sending Steen into the turnbuckle..Ruckus follows up by landing a superplex! Both men are laid out...Ruckus drags his body on steen..1..2..NO!

(14)Both men are exchanging rights and lefts..The damage is leaving both men staggering

(15)Steen out of pure desperation connects the T-bone
suplex!! 1.....2....3!!! he's done it!

Match Length: 17 mins 03 secs


Backstage: Larry Sweeney w/ Hero

Larry: Joe, you come to me and demand a match? YOU SAY THAT I NEED TO BE A MAN, AND ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE? How about you have no choice but to accept mine? Because tonight, you have yourself a hero! Chris Hero to be exact, and this man isn't gonna stop until you're no longer able to walk to the back...As for my answer...I'll let you know after your match


Match 3:
Chris Jericho & Shane Helms
vs Roderick Strong & Austin Aries

(1)Austin Aries connects a huge body splash!

(2)Roderick face plants Helms to the floor

(3)Jericho connects a closeline to Austin, and throws his body into Roderick signaling a tag

(4)Roderick Strong hits the spinebuster

(5)Jericho knocks Aries off the apron! HUGE BELLY TO BACK!
1....2....KICK OUT! Jericho tags in Helms

(6)Helms connects the flying leg drop!!! 1..2..kickout!

(7)Roderick Strong hits the bulldog! 1...2..kickout!

(8)Shane Helms attempts the vertabreaker, Aries climbs into the ring stopping the move

(9)Jericho gets a table from the outside!

(10)Roderick powerbombs Helms into Jericho knocking
him from the side of the ring!

(11)Roderick puts Helms on the table...450 BY ARIES THROUGH THE TABLE! 1..2...3!!!

(12)Aries and Roderick celebrate, Rey is on his way out when Roderick and Aries exit the ring before any team attack can take place

Match length: 13 mins 51 secs


::::: Commercial :::::::::

Match 4:
Rey Mysterio vs Paul London (Tournament)

(1)Rey and Paul shake hands

(2)Rey connects a spinning head sisscors

(3)Rey uses both feet to leap on London connecting a roll pin!

(4)London attempts a german suplex but rey lands on his feet!

(5)London connects the snap suplex

(6)WEST COAST POP! 1...2...NO

(7)Paul London connects a top rope hurricanrana!

(8)London nails rey with a reverse ddt 2 count

(9)Rey hits the springboard dropkick! 1...2..NO!

(10)Paul London short arm closelines rey..2 count

(11)Rey hits Paul with a chair! the referee calls for the bell

Match length: 7 mins 11 secs


On screen: The current Tournament brackets air

Commercial for Supercard of honor 4 airs


Backstage: Briscoes w/ Tornado & Evans

They cut a promo against both The kings of wrestling and LAX, and challenge both teams to an 8 man tag next week on Afterburn!

Backstage: Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley

Shelley: You know, alot of you have been sending me messages to my myspace account, asking..WHY...Why is ROH making you 2 face each other..Well my first response is it just happened this way..Secondly, this does not spell the end of the murder city machine guns!

Sabin: That's right...It only means that I'm gonna have 2 belts around my waist instead of 1!

Shelley; What do you mean YOU'RE going to have 2 belts?? What about me?

Sabin: We both know I've got the match in the bag Shelley

What? I was trying to be nice, but the ending it picture perfect...You're going to crash and burn like you always do, only this time I won't be there to dig you out of the holes you create..I'm going to be taking advantage of them...

Sabin: Do we need to do this here??


Match 5: Samoa Joe vs Chris Hero
(1)Joe connects a chin buster

(2)Hero hits Joe with a russian leg sweep

(3)Joe connects a huge suplex! 1..NO

(4)Hero hits Joe with a downward spiral

(5)Hero nails Joe with a superkick out the ring!

(6)Hero connects a moonsault to the outside!

(7)Joe sends Hero crashing into the barrier

(8)Chris Hero hits the cradle piledriver to the exposed floor

(9)Hero rolls Joe back into the ring...1....2...NO

(10)Joe connects the jumping enzugiri

(11)Joe sends Hero to the turnbuckle..Meanwhile Larry Sweeney has made his way to the ring..Joe is going for the muscle buster - CLAUDIO NAILS JOE WITH A CHAIR - Before the referee can call for the bell Larry Sweeney jumps in the ring and stops him

(12)HEROES WELCOME ONTO THE CHAIR! 1..2...3 Hero has done it

(13The kings of wrestling tie Joe's arms into the ropes, and hold him down. Sweeney gets in Joes face and slaps him

Larry: You want my Answer Joe? YOU DEMAND MY RESPONSE? WELL HERE IT IS: YOU'RE ON! And don't worry fat boy...I ALWAYS HAVE A GAME PLAN

Larry drops the mic and the 3 men exit the ring, leaving joe a mess

Match length: 18 mins 11 secs

Short card:
Jimmy Jacobs defeated El Generico

Kevin Steen defeated Ruckus

Roderick Strong & Austin Aries defeated Jericho & Helms

Paul London defeated Rey Mysterio

Chris Hero defeated Samoa Joe

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