ROH 9th Anniversary Show

The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
Ring of Honor will present another iPPV on GoFightLive on February 26 in Chicago. I'm glad they are finally running one of their big shows outside of New York because those crowds have started to annoy me beyond belief. Compared to last year's show, the 9th Anniversary Show looks a little lackluster to me, but it still looks like it could be a good show. Anyways, there are five announced matches so far for the show.

Colt Cabana vs Davey Richards

This is an interesting match-up. Richards is on a quest to get another World Title match, and it has led him to a match with Cabana. Cabana is a very good mat wrestler, but that is usually put on the back burner as he often wrestles in comedy matches. But for this match, I expect him to be the serious Cabana from a good portion of 2010. Richards should be awesome as always in this match. Since this show is in Chicago, and Cabana is a Golden God in Chicago, I wouldn't be surprised if he wins this match, but I'll give the nod to Richards.

Briscoe Brothers vs Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team

I'm really excited for this match. The Briscoes are the team you think of when someone mentions tag teams in ROH. Even though they have been focusing on singles action recently, they are always in the tag title picture just on reputation alone. WGTT are always fun to watch and have been on fire since debuting in ROH. I see them getting the win here to set up a title match between them and the Kings of Wrestling in the future.

Eddie Edwards vs Christopher Daniels

This match is 2 out of 3 falls match with a 30 minute time limit and it is for the ROH World TV Title. This is the match I am the most excited for and on paper looks like it should be the match of the night. Daniels recently defeated Edwards for the championship on HDNet, but needed five extra minutes after the time limit expired to get the job done. Edwards says there's no way a wrestler can beat him in one night, which sets up this match. I see Daniels winning this match and holding the belt until Mike Bennett is ready to take it from him. But this is the match I'm looking forward to most.

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
All Night Express vs Kings of Wrestling

I'm not sure how I feel about this match. The Kings are great and I really like ANX, but I still have a hard time taking them seriously. They were goofballs for so long, it's going to take longer than a couple of months to transform them into a serious tag team. I think it will be a decent match, but it seems like a placeholder until WGTT is set up for a title match.

ROH World Title Match
Homicide vs Roderick Strong

I am not the least bit excited for this match. I really like Strong, but Homicide has just been bland since he returned to the independent scene. It will most likely be a very good match, but I just can't get into it because of Homicide, which is a shame because of how good he used to be. I think they put him in the main event for name recognition and I don't think he has a chance of winning the belt here, but I've been wrong before. I hope they don't put the belt on him because my level of interest in ROH would go way down. So please, do the right thing and have Strong retain (even if "Roderick is not Strong").

There are still some announced talent that don't have matches yet. I think El Generico vs Kyle O'Reilly would be a great match, so I hope they add it to the show.

There you have it, the 9th Anniversary show. It looks pretty good on paper, but it could be one of those surprise shows that becomes a show of the year contender.

What are your thoughts on ROH's 9th Anniversary Show?
Looks like a good show overall, I'll share some quick thoughts on the matches announced so far.

Colt Cabana vs. Davey Richards
This just seems like a waste of Davey to me honestly. Colt is pretty much awful in the ring these days outside of tags and hardcore matches, always resorting to comedy instead of mixing it up like he used to. Davey should be in a bigger match than this, it's like they're actively trying to make him not appear to be headed for the title after everyone thought he was on the fast-track in 2010, especially with the departure of Tyler Black.

Briscoes vs. World's Greatest Tag Team
This should be a fantastic match, really looking forward to this and hope we see much, much more of Shelton and Haas in ROH in 2011.

Christopher Daniels vs. Eddie Edwards
This should be a great match, they had an awesome title match on HDNet two weeks ago and this should be even better hopefully.

Kings of Wrestling vs. All-Night Express
This should be decent, but nothing fantastic. I dig ANX, especially King, but it seems like they're really outmatched here by Hero and Claudio, there's no way they win here.

Roderick Strong vs. Homicide
Should be good, but again, not expecting anything out of this world. I don't see Homicide winning here either, and frankly I'm glad, if they're going to give any ROH vet a title reign it had better god damn well be Christopher Daniels, and I'm talking a World title reign too not just the TV title.

Should be a good show, but it doesn't seem as big of a show as they usually try to book for the big anniversary.
I'm so fucking pumped for this show. I got tickets so I have a countdown on the dry erase board on my kitchen. (It's 17 days, btw ;))

Colt Cabana vs. Davey Richards

I understand you being skeptical, X, but I think this match will still be good. They had a tag match a couple months back in Chicago for Tag Wars (Wolves vs. Cabana/Generico). It started as a bit of a comedy match, but once they cranked it up it was fine and I'm sure Cabana will put on a very good match with Davey here. I guarantee the crowd will be hot for it either way.

Briscoes vs. WGTT

I just have to get this off my chest before I get started: I'm not a fan of the Briscoes. They are fun when they pick up the pace, but they just really don't do it for me. With that said, this should still be a good match. Both teams wrestle similar styles and I will be really curious to see how WGTT is booked against another face team in their first match-up. Do you have them put the Briscoes over or do they go over? This should be some insight into how ROH plans on handling these two going forward.

Daniels vs. Edwards

I'll admit, I marked when I read about this match being added to the card. I love 2 out of 3 falls matches and since I don't get HDNet and ROHBrazil got banned from Youtube, I haven't seen their previous TV Title matches. I expect this match to be extremely entertaining and a possible MOTN.

KoW vs. ANX

I think this match also will give insight into ROH's booking plans. Do they show ANX as legit challengers to the Tag Titles? Do they maybe even pull the trigger and have a title change on the PPV? The in-ring action will be good, but to me, the booking is where the real intrigue lies.

Strong vs. Homicide

Homicide got the loudest pop out of all 4 ROH shows I've ever been to when he returned to Chicago last year. With that said, there is no way he is winning here. I would bet just about anything that Davey is still the next in line for the World Title. It is good that Strong is getting a nice little run with the title and racking up the defenses, but I really think he is just keeping it warm for Davey Richards.

Are either of you planning on ordering the iPPV?
I'm so fucking pumped for this show. I got tickets so I have a countdown on the dry erase board on my kitchen. (It's 17 days, btw ;))

Colt Cabana vs. Davey Richards

I understand you being skeptical, X, but I think this match will still be good. They had a tag match a couple months back in Chicago for Tag Wars (Wolves vs. Cabana/Generico). It started as a bit of a comedy match, but once they cranked it up it was fine and I'm sure Cabana will put on a very good match with Davey here. I guarantee the crowd will be hot for it either way.

Briscoes vs. WGTT

I just have to get this off my chest before I get started: I'm not a fan of the Briscoes. They are fun when they pick up the pace, but they just really don't do it for me. With that said, this should still be a good match. Both teams wrestle similar styles and I will be really curious to see how WGTT is booked against another face team in their first match-up. Do you have them put the Briscoes over or do they go over? This should be some insight into how ROH plans on handling these two going forward.

Daniels vs. Edwards

I'll admit, I marked when I read about this match being added to the card. I love 2 out of 3 falls matches and since I don't get HDNet and ROHBrazil got banned from Youtube, I haven't seen their previous TV Title matches. I expect this match to be extremely entertaining and a possible MOTN.

KoW vs. ANX

I think this match also will give insight into ROH's booking plans. Do they show ANX as legit challengers to the Tag Titles? Do they maybe even pull the trigger and have a title change on the PPV? The in-ring action will be good, but to me, the booking is where the real intrigue lies.

Strong vs. Homicide

Homicide got the loudest pop out of all 4 ROH shows I've ever been to when he returned to Chicago last year. With that said, there is no way he is winning here. I would bet just about anything that Davey is still the next in line for the World Title. It is good that Strong is getting a nice little run with the title and racking up the defenses, but I really think he is just keeping it warm for Davey Richards.

Are either of you planning on ordering the iPPV?

I agree with you on basically everything you said other than not liking the Briscoes. For a while last year I went through a time when I couldn't stand them, but then for some reason it just clicked again. Maybe it's because they were focusing on singles stuff for most of January, I don't know. But I would have WGTT go over in a tough match that will put the Briscoes over in the process.

I don't see ANX winning here. I like both Titus and King, and Titus might be my favorite character in ROH. But I am still unable to take them seriously as tag title contenders. I think having a competitive match with the Kings of Wrestling would make a world of difference, but it's just not their time yet.

I agree with X about veterans holding the ROH title, it better be Daniels. I honestly see him as a tool to help get Mike Bennett over more and then he will move into the main event scene once again.

I know I'll order the show, but I'm not sure if I will be able to watch it live or if I'll have to watch the replay. But I'm jealous you get to go to a show. I've never been to an indy show and I want to so bad.
Actually just got tickets for the show(8th Row) so I am pretty pumped for this one since it looks like there may be some legitimate MOTY candidates on the card.

The match I see being the only possible dud is the main event. Homicide has been getting sloppy. You can blame it on his break after TNA or just the fact that he really isn't in good shape and getting older. On the other hand Roderick Strong has been getting better(He wasn't anything special in TNA and now he is pretty good.) I do think Strong can carry the match and maybe get a good one out of Homicide.

Of course the Match of the night looks to be WGTT vs The Briscoes but I am not counting out KOW vs ANX. ANX has been getting better and better in the past few months and put on a fantastic match with Cole and O'Reilly at Final Battle. I expect a great match but I don't see KOW dropping the belts
Cabana vs Richards-I hope Richards win so they can finally put the strap on him. This match seems like a contenders match to see whos gonna face Strong. Though on the otherhand I hope Cabana wins caus he gettin older and could use a title win. Right now hes just a jobber.
Briscoes vs WGTT-The Briscoes/KOW feud has pretty much took a hiatus. I expect WGTT to win to go on and challenge for the tag titles.
Daniels vs Edwards-Daniels all way. hes been on a hot start and may make a more credible talent than Edwards. Honestly even though the American Wolves are a good tag team its hard to tell the difference between their gimmicks.
KOW vs ANX- KOW all the way. ANX just doesnt look like they have what it takes to win.
Strong vs Homicide-Homicide has bene with ROH for a while. they may give the title to him given that Homicide is a bigger star than strong but Strong may retain we'll see.
Some more matches have been added to the show since the last time anyone posted in it, some of which I like, others I'm "eh" on.

Michael Elgin with Truth Martini vs. El Generico

I'm not sure if I've ever seen Elgin wrestle, but if they are giving him a singles match on iPPV(epsecially against Generico), he's got to be pretty good. From what I've heard, Elgin is a powerhouse, which fits perfectly with Generico. I'm guessing Elgin is going to control most of the match, but the Generic Luchador will pick up the win. This should be, at worst, a good match, just because Generico is in it.

Sara Del Rey vs. MsChif

I know they are two of the best womens wrestlers in the world, but I couldn't care less about this. I just don't care about watching women wrestle, sorry.

Steve Corino vs. Kyle O’ Reilly vs. Grizzly Redwood vs. “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett with Brutal Bob

I'm guessing the angle between Bennett and Corino will be furthered here. The combination of these guys should make for a fun match, which I'm guessing will be the opener. Either Corino or Bennett will most likely get the pin, most likely on Redwood. A lot of people don't like Bennett, but I do. He brings a slice of sports entertainment to ROH and I like that. He is just so easy to hate. As I'm typing this I'm thinking O'Reilly might play a major part in this angle between Corino and Bennett and he might be the one that ultimately accepts Corino's offer to mentor young wrestlers. I don't know why I'm thinking this, but I am. That kind of seems like Russo booking, though, swerves for the sake of swerves.

Now that I'm done discussing a storyline I made up while discussing another storyline and then ultimately dismissing my made up storyline as stupid, anyone else excited for any of the recently added matches?
Colt Cabana Vs. Davey Richards - These guys, of course, are gonna give out a hell of a performance. You have two outstanding wrestlers, who are over, that will go hold for hold. I'm expecting Davey Richards to win since he's going for another title shot.

The Briscoes Vs. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin - This is a must-see tag team match if you wanna see some amazing tag team wrestling and teamwork. Two very accomplished tag teams that work well as teams going at it in a dream match that has all the tools to be a classic. Haas and Benjamin win.

The Kings Of Wrestling Vs. All-Night Express - I'm guessing that the ANX are the babyfaces going into this match, but nonetheless, it should be a good match. Another tag team match that would have to compete with the previously mentioned match. Kings win here.

Eddie Edwards Vs. Christopher Daniels - This 2 out of 3 falls match should be a classic. As good as their HDNet match was for the TV title, this one will top it. Daniels wins.

Michael Elgin Vs. El Generico - Nobody knows who this Michael Elgin guy is but I can't see a newcomer beat a guy that has a lot of support behind him. Generico wins.

Sara Del Rey Vs. MsChif - Could be interesting for a women's match. We should be seeing a pretty physical match here. I say Sara wins.

Steve Corino vs. Kyle O’ Reilly vs. Grizzly Redwood vs. “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett - Mike Bennett seems to be going somewhere so look out for him and don't be surprised if he wins too. Either Corino or Bennett wins.

Homicide Vs. Roderick Strong - I haven't really been into this feud and it's the main event. Like some people have said, Homicide hasn't really impressed much IMO. Roderick Strong has been dominant lately as World Champion but needs to develop a better personality as a heel. Roddy wins.
Ring of Honor has made the World Title match a Street Fight. That alone has made this match 100 times more interesting to me. I think Homicide has been dealing with injuries, so this gives him a way to cover that up by just beating the shit out of Roderick. The champ is good at street fights as well. I think we all remember the battle he had with Erick Stevens at Super Card of Honor III, even though I'm not sure if it actully counted as a match. This could become another street fight to be added to the list of hardcore/gimmick/violent etc. matches ROH has put on in Chicago over the years. Making this match a street fight has almost made this match a must-see for me.
I just want to say I think ROH is great. No matter if one of their stars leaves to go eles where. The booking and fantastic matches continue to flow. I am really enjoying their tag team scene at the moment. Cole and O'Reilly and the Kings of wrestling vs All Night Express feud is really fun for me to watch.
Ring of Honor has made the World Title match a Street Fight. That alone has made this match 100 times more interesting to me. I think Homicide has been dealing with injuries, so this gives him a way to cover that up by just beating the shit out of Roderick. The champ is good at street fights as well. I think we all remember the battle he had with Erick Stevens at Super Card of Honor III, even though I'm not sure if it actully counted as a match. This could become another street fight to be added to the list of hardcore/gimmick/violent etc. matches ROH has put on in Chicago over the years. Making this match a street fight has almost made this match a must-see for me.

I'll be honest with you: I prefer the technical matches much more than the hardcore stuff. I get into the hardcore stuff when I'm in the arena, but I would re-watch Richards vs. Daniels way before I re-watched Generico/Cabana vs. Steen/Cornino's street fight.

With that said, however, I think I must agree with you. Homicide really hasn't shown us what he can do in the ring since his return and if you add in potential injuries, this is the best route to go. Homicide can really go in hardcore matches, I'm sure Strong will at least hold his own, and I guarantee that Truth and Elgin will make cameos. Strong will retain, but I feel as though the match will be better now.
I'm pretty disappointed they decided to make the world title match a no holds barred. However I know they did it because Homicide hasn't been looking to great since returning. I really wanted a technical bout but at least this way it will still be very entertaining.

Briscoes vs. TWGTT really intrigues me, I hope it surpasses the hype it has going into Saturday.

I hope for a great show overall because I will be sitting 5th row!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT LIVE
Here is my official review of Saturday's 9th Anniversary Show:

I have other wrestling related articles on there. If you want to read them, just click my user name at the bottom of the article and it will list all of my articles on my profile.

Anyways, I thought it was a great show. Was it the best iPPV they've run? No, but it was still a fantastic show. I was surprised that Richards/Cabana went on first, but in the end it really helped the pacing of the show and I think everything on here flowed perfectly from one match to the next. They delivered a very good match that started the night off right.

Both the 4CS and Elgin/Generico were good. This was my first look at Elgin and he impressed me. I see big things for him in the future and he reminds me of a young Rhino. The spot where he ran Generico the length of the ringside area was crazy! I liked both of these matches and I think I might be the only ROH fan that like Mike Bennett, but you can't please everybody.

Putting the title match on in the middle was a nice surprise and it made me really interested as it started. It couldn't hold my interest, however. It was good, of course, but it wasn't as good as I thought a Homicide vs Roderick Strong street fight would be. I did like the ending, though, and I love how Strong continues to find ways to hold onto the belt.

The women's match was good, even if it was just a squash. But I still enjoyed it.

After that, though, the show kicked it up to a whole new level. The KOW vs ANX match was fantastic and it was my favorite match of the night. Kenny King was able to have the break out performance I've been waiting on him to have since I started watching ROH two years ago. This match blew way past my expectations and I loved every second of it.

The TV Title match was great and it was surprising just how long the first fall took. Daniels took a nasty bump and was bleeding pretty nicely, which might have hurt the ending of the match a little bit as it's been reported he was basically out on his feet. It was still a great match that sets up a future match between the two. Since Edwards is getting his title shot at Manhattan Mayhem 4, and we all know the craziness of what's happened at past M.M. events, he may win the title their next match will be a unification of the two belts. But that is just wishful thinking.

The main event was every bit as good as expected. We all expected a great match and we got one. Some people are saying it's a MOTYC, but I wouldn't go that far. It was still a great match, though.

Overall, it was a fun night of wrestling that sets ROH up for a nice 2011.
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Was at the show, fantastic time. I will post my reviews of what happened to me personally. Some funny stuff at a bar afterwords.

Also ROH has the greatest Fans bar none....and it also has some of the worst fans bar none. So definitely the show has some funny stories.

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