Roger Huerta KO's Black Guy who KO's Woman

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Major props to Huerta for knocking that piece of shit out cold – I'm just upset I didn't get clearer video footage of it happening.

Whatever Huerta did he did quick, though, and he left that black guy leaking hard.

"In no way do I condone street fighting, but when a guy puts his hands on a woman he deserves to be knocked the fuck out. Good for Roger." said Dana White

"I have not spoken to Roger yet about this incident, but I can say that it's in his nature to be very protective of women." said Huerta's manager

Thoughts on all of this? Was Huerta right to act in the way he did – why or why not?
I have never really approved of hitting a woman. At least not in this situation, she didn't provoke the guy in any way it seems. So I agree, major props to Roger for knocking his ass on the ground. I agree it's a shame there's really no better picture of it. Not because I approve of him hitting him and want to see violence in that manner, but because I would just have loved to see that guy go down for hitting the woman.

Definitely shows that even outside of the cages and arenas they fight in, you should not mess with an MMA fighter, unless you're damn confident in your abilities to take him down, obviously this guy was, and paid the price.
Not only did he hit her, but he came up running, and knocked the bitch out from behind, bitch tactics weather you're its a girl or not.

I've never been one to hit a women, though with all the equal rights arguments from the feminist side I've always been one to say equal rights = EQUAL RIGHTS.

That dude who got knocked the fuck out got everything he had coming to him, and he's lucky there where people to pull Huerta off if him, otherwise he' probably be sleeping in a coffin.

I can't knock him for defending a seemingly helpless women, who did nothing to provoke (at least not on film) the attack. All in all in was a fucking awesome video, I may have even popped a little wood.
The guy deserved it, it is the scummiest of scumbags that hit women. (unless its a donkey punch) He acted like a big fella that pulled a bitch move and he paid the price for it. Well done Roger Huerta i applaud you good sir.
The chicks got a chin. She didn't get knocked out she got right back up. Not only did Roger knock him out he knocked him out than proceeded to stomp on his head. Talk about a beating. I hope that Roger doesn't get charged for this. He was doing the right thing to a guy who really deserved it. Roger has gone up in my book a whole lot since yesterday, and I really respect him for sticking up for a woman like that.
Props to Roger, that was hillarious. From what I could tell, that girl wasn't doing shit, and that black dude randomly dropped her, that's pretty fucked up if you ask me. Unless a girl is hitting you, which certainly wasn't happening here, then there is no reason, or excuse to hit a women. It's just wrong. Maybe he did go a little overboard, but it was all in good fun.
The next time the black guy wants to hit a girl in the head from behind, he might want to ask around first to make sure there isn't a trained and well-known MMA fighter around to kick his ass.

I'm sorry, but that's all kinds of awesome. When karma comes back to bite you in the ass that quickly, there's no other word for it than awesome.
The dude deserved it. The is so shitty that he sucker punched a women and I give Huerta some major props for sticking up for her when many people would just let it go and not do shit. I sort of wish Huerta would have locked up a leg lock as well and made that mother fucker tap. Hopefully this doesn't fuck up Huerta's fight career anymore then it already is, though I don't think it will.
Just got done watching the video, what a bunch of idots recording the whole thing. How do you not follow the fight?? Right when it was about to pop off they don't even focus on Huerta.

Anyhow that was awesome to see the huge guy laid out at the end, then Huerta goes in for a curb stomp for extra measure. The curb stomp might be the only thing that would get him into trouble. But they don't even know who the guy is that Huerta beat up, so I'm guessing the only thing they can really charge him with right now would be disorderly conduct, which is really no big deal at all, just a fine when it comes down to it. Glad to see Bellator already say that he won't face any repercussions for the incident, hell even Dana White applauded Huerta.
John made two very critical mistakes in rapid succession.

1) You never hit a woman, especially not on a crowded street in Texas.
2) You never tell Roger Huerta that you are going to knock his bitch ass out, because he will knock you out and curbstomp you while someone videotapes it. That video will then be placed on the internet so the whole world can see your buddy begging you "Get up, John! Get up!" as you sit slumped over covered in your own blood.

I'd say he'll never make those mistakes again, but I don't think he remembers the incident all that well.
Fuck yeah, Roger. Beat that asshole down. Any guy who would go around and punch a woman deserves to get beaten down. I mean, sure he was a bit unlucky that he did it in from of Roger Huerta... but I think every guy should stand up for a woman. I hope Roger doesn't get punished by the law too badly for this. He was only defending a defenseless person.
Well, all I have to say is good for Roger Huerta. I think we can all agree he was in the right to KO that sucker down. I'm curious as to what the women did to warrant a punch. It looks like she was just minding her own business. Oh well, she's pretty tough though. It looks like the guy punched her in the back of the head. There's a reason why blows to the back of the head are illegal in MMA, they can be severely damaging. But she got up pretty quick and looked to be fine. Good for her, she gets to go home knowing that the asshole who punched her is laying in the emergency room.

Hopefully the guy learned two lessons that night...
1. Don't hit a girl unless she's asking for it.
2. Never pick a fight with an MMA fighter. You will get knocked the fuck out everytime.
I've always been a huge fan of Roger Huerta, and this here just made me an even bigger one. That was beyond awesome.

However, I will say it wasn't the smartest move on Roger Huerta's part. Where I'm from, as shitty as it sounds, people mind their own business. There are just way too many fuckhead cowards out there walking around with pistols tucked into their jeans, and Huerta was lucky this dude didn't have one.

That said... yeah, it was awesome. Dude got what he deserved. I read an account of what happened from someone who was there, and apparently the black dude hit the girl only because she wouldn't talk to him after an argument happened in the bar between the two, which got them both kicked out. She tried to walk away from the situation, and his response was to sucker punch her. The fucking scumbag definitely got what he deserved.

And looking at this from a different perspective, it's nice to see Roger Huerta getting his name back out there, even under these circumstances. After getting cut from the UFC and losing his latest fight in Bellator, I was worried his career was coming to an end. However, this is the type of thing that skyrockets someone into stardom. Let's hope with this new found popularity, he gets in his in the gym and starts winning some cage fights like he so beautifully used to.
Hey Yo!

Well done Roger Huerta. He did the right thing and used his MMA abilities for the greater good, well done that man deserved what was coming to him, man on woman violence is just not right.
Roger Huerta just made himself a new fan, the guy got what he deserved. But is it really Huerta who is stomping when the black guy is down? If you watch the video it looks like the guy who stomps has a tshirt on, and Huerta took his shirt off before. The video is blurry and it is hard to tell if its a thsirt or a shirtless man who stomps, but it kinda looks like the guy who swings at the black guy before Huerta chases him down is the same guy who yells at him to get up at about 1.30 in the vid, he looks to be wearing a grey tshirt and the person who stomps looks to be wearing a grey tshirt.

Maybe I have watched to much CSI but unless Huerta put his shirt back on after knocking him out it may not be him who is stomping.
I've always been a huge fan of Roger Huerta, and this here just made me an even bigger one. That was beyond awesome.

However, I will say it wasn't the smartest move on Roger Huerta's part. Where I'm from, as shitty as it sounds, people mind their own business. There are just way too many fuckhead cowards out there walking around with pistols tucked into their jeans, and Huerta was lucky this dude didn't have one.

That said... yeah, it was awesome. Dude got what he deserved. I read an account of what happened from someone who was there, and apparently the black dude hit the girl only because she wouldn't talk to him after an argument happened in the bar between the two, which got them both kicked out. She tried to walk away from the situation, and his response was to sucker punch her. The fucking scumbag definitely got what he deserved.

And looking at this from a different perspective, it's nice to see Roger Huerta getting his name back out there, even under these circumstances. After getting cut from the UFC and losing his latest fight in Bellator, I was worried his career was coming to an end. However, this is the type of thing that skyrockets someone into stardom. Let's hope with this new found popularity, he gets in his in the gym and starts winning some cage fights like he so beautifully used to.

Thank you, god. Finally someone who agrees with me. I was arguing this point on another thread for what seemed like days and was getting nowhere with all the testosterone filled people who love this sort of bravado.

Look, did dude deserved to get knocked out? Absofuckinglutely. However, idiots that would hit a woman like that also carry guns. Idiots who get knocked get up and start firing those guns which, in turn, hit innocent bystanders. I'm not a big fan of meting out street justice. Guy saw what happened to me after a friend of mine meted out street justice to a guy who hit a woman. They got all of their friends, came back, beat everyone down, and took my eye. These are the unfortunate by-products of beating someone down to teach them a lesson rather than allowing law enforcement to do their duty.

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