Rock Tournament Finals Poll is Up


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Queen vs Metallica. The debates have been going on for three days, the poll is now up.

This is the end of the rock tournament. Go vote for the band you feel is the greatest band in the history of rock music.
Justin, I just want to say there is no better way for this tourney to end up than with this, YOUR pre-season #1 pick vs MY pre-season #1 pick.

Bring it on.
Don't listen to rock much, I do know of the We Will Rock You and We are the Champions though..don't know any Metallica songs though.

And before that starts any Queen fans who'll say that Metallica isn't as popular or whatever, it's only because Rock doesn't play much on Caribbean radio stations...and I only know those queen songs from movies.

Anyway, all I'm saying is I'll have fun reading those debates (won't vote though) and it's nice to see that two bands who apparently deserve to be in the top two are there.

And I want to see some Justin vs. IC debates.
What is the name of that fucking song!?!?!

I've heard it so much from so many viewings of Shaun of the Dead, but I've never got around to looking it up.

Erm... Don't Stop Me Now. Thought it was kinda obvious. Then again, I'm a killer... Qu-eeen! Gunpowder, gelatine. Dynamite with a laser beam.
Wow. That is a piss poor finals match up. I should probably have checked up on this thing more often instead of dropping off the face of the Earth. How did the Beatles get defeated in this tournament, or Bob Dylan? That's fucking absurd. Queen and Metallica are two amazing, absolutely incredible bands. But neither of them come even close to the success and rightful recognition that the Beatles have had. Then again the two biggest populations on this board are Brits and Metalheads, so I'd say this outcome was to be expected.

Still, come on. There is just no argument that can justify voting out The Beatles, against any band whatsoever.
Wow. That is a piss poor finals match up. I should probably have checked up on this thing more often instead of dropping off the face of the Earth. How did the Beatles get defeated in this tournament, or Bob Dylan? That's fucking absurd. Queen and Metallica are two amazing, absolutely incredible bands. But neither of them come even close to the success and rightful recognition that the Beatles have had. Then again the two biggest populations on this board are Brits and Metalheads, so I'd say this outcome was to be expected.

Still, come on. There is just no argument that can justify voting out The Beatles, against any band whatsoever.

Omfg..xfear's alive...been a while since you've posted, glad to have you back.
While the Who are (obviously) worthy opponents for the Beatles, I still don't understand how anyone could come up with a logical argument to say that "(Insert Band name Here)" is better then the Beatles in any field or qualification of music and success. They are rock and roll. There would be no Queen or Metallica without the Beatles, it's quite likely that the genre of rock and roll would've faded away if not for the Beatles success. You have to keep in mind that rock and roll music was actually on the downswing in terms of popularity by the time the Beatles broke it big.

Meh, it's only a fun little tournament for us to joke about though, so I guess it's all cool. I'd probably go with Queen over Metallica here I suppose. Queen rocked through out their entire career, not just the first half like Metallica.

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