Rock No Shows Tonight's RAW?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
According to, there is major backstage concern at Raw right now as The Rock is scheduled to appear on the show, however he is not backstage at The IZOD Center and is reportedly nowhere to be found.

Original plans for the show tonight called for The Rock to open Raw with a promo about losing the title at WrestleMania last night. He would then be interrupted by Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman and Lesnar would lay him out, planting the seeds for a rumored match between Rock and Lesnar at WrestleMania 30.

As a result of The Rock not being at Raw right now, the show is being completely re-written and the angle between Rock and Lesnar is in jeopardy of being scratched. The mood backstage at Raw right now is being described as completely "chaotic."

As we just reported, The Rock is not backstage at Raw right now, which has caught the creative team completely off guard as a major angle between Rock and Brock Lesnar was planned to open the show. is reporting that The Rock flew back home to Los Angeles after WrestleMania last night and will not be at Raw tonight, so the WWE creative team is scrambling to re-write the Raw script without his presence.

Vince McMahon and the WWE writers are currently re-writing the show, which was also set to feature a major angle involving John Cena and his title defense at Extreme Rules.

It's odd that Rock would legitimately no show tonight's show, unless it's all fake and he really is there?

What do you guys make of this?
Sounds like something that has been overblown. It shouldn't be too chaotic, despite Lesnar being on a limited appearance basis. Both Brock and Rock need time before setting up that match, both coming off losses.
Brock wasn't even advertised for tonight...

I'd be amazed if Rock just took off with no word to anyone aswell. He's either there and this is bs or he's had a family emergency or something. If he just took it wouldn't look good on him for his movie career either so I can't see him doing that.
His movie career is a different thing. He's probably pissed about having to job to Cena.
It will be interesting to see what the full story is, permitting this is true. Perhaps he got lost on the way or something, who knows.

Although, on a slightly separate topic, I can't say I would enjoy seeing a Rock/Lesnar match with a year of build up. That is a lot of promo videos, random appearances, and so forth...
According to F4Wonline (or however you spell it), it appears Rock suffered a legit injury last night. Not much else is know ATM.

Rock gets injured last year against Cena. Rock gets injured this year against Cena. No problems with Punk though...interesting :rolleyes:
Punk supposedly banged up his knee.

His movie career is a different thing. He's probably pissed about having to job to Cena.

Unless he (in character) were to just say a variation of "I am leaving again so I am giving up my title", he was going to lose to Cena whether it be last night or another time. We know it, he knows it, and I doubt he was pissed about it. Further reports will tell us if this is true or not but like someone said, Brock isn't even advertised so maybe this is fabricated. That or Brock being on again would have been a surprise. Who knows?
Brock isn't even advertised for RAW tonight so how would he be there to build up brock/rock? This is probably bullshit.
Mate of mine just text me (he's in NY and will be at Raw) and said Rock was spotted at the arena earlier. That could also be bs though of course.
Im already tired of the Rock cause to me he has not helped the product in the slightest.His matches with Cena are god awful.His inexistent title run happened to have the golden boy beat the odds that he has already beaten for years and years.His feud with Punk was pathetic, to me Punk outshined his ass.And Cookie Puss really?

We dont know why he left but his tweet to Dana says it all.In my eyes all the important stuff last night got burried.Because of a lot of shit that had to take up time.
IF Dwayne has left then it could be any number of things, first the conspiracy stuff...

Something clearly was wrong at the start of last night's main event, there was no commentary and Cena and Rock both looked mad/concerned... me and my friend thought perhaps Jerry had keeled over again or something backstage... Also the conversation in the ring at the end was tense, weird and not the usual for that kind of moment. It looked like either Rock was pissed off with something Cena did in the match or something changed right before it happened.

Now for the more realistic...

There is talk of an injury from last night, now bear in mind Rock has to go and shoot Hercules in the next 2 weeks or so... so it's entirely possible the backers of that movie (who he is contractually obligated for more cash than to Vince) have said "No...we don't want you to risk anything with Brock Lesnar" or "We require you to heal the injury". Either of those situations Rock has to comply as the lawsuit for missing the movie if Brock hurts him will cost him far more than Vince for what is likely not a contracted appearance on RAW.
I am going to play the wait and see game to see if he is on RAW or not. If he is on RAW great, if not......all that does is give the IWC more ammo to bash him.
Honestly I think this is all just speculation and that he's there maybe just not being seen for some reason. If you look at the alleged reasons " because he's injured" I really don't see how a guy who could get medical treatment anywhere really need to rush home. Either way I don't really care a Brock/Rock feud doesn't really interest me. He said he would come back and he did that, now he can dissapear for a while again, not like he's really needed now that he lost to cena anyway
IF Dwayne has left then it could be any number of things, first the conspiracy stuff...

Something clearly was wrong at the start of last night's main event, there was no commentary and Cena and Rock both looked mad/concerned... me and my friend thought perhaps Jerry had keeled over again or something backstage... Also the conversation in the ring at the end was tense, weird and not the usual for that kind of moment. It looked like either Rock was pissed off with something Cena did in the match or something changed right before it happened.

On your conspiracy side of things something might have happened backstage but I doubt it was an angry conversation it didn't seem or sound like that last night. Maybe it looked different on TV
IF Dwayne has left then it could be any number of things, first the conspiracy stuff...

Something clearly was wrong at the start of last night's main event, there was no commentary and Cena and Rock both looked mad/concerned... me and my friend thought perhaps Jerry had keeled over again or something backstage... Also the conversation in the ring at the end was tense, weird and not the usual for that kind of moment. It looked like either Rock was pissed off with something Cena did in the match or something changed right before it happened.

Now for the more realistic...

There is talk of an injury from last night, now bear in mind Rock has to go and shoot Hercules in the next 2 weeks or so... so it's entirely possible the backers of that movie (who he is contractually obligated for more cash than to Vince) have said "No...we don't want you to risk anything with Brock Lesnar" or "We require you to heal the injury". Either of those situations Rock has to comply as the lawsuit for missing the movie if Brock hurts him will cost him far more than Vince for what is likely not a contracted appearance on RAW.

They were probably getting blasted by Vince backstage for the lackluster audience and what not. Although, that's not their fault as it's his fault.

Anywho, what did the conversation consist of?

Another thing, could it have possibly been because of the fact that Cena is terrible as calling matches? It was too obvious last night.
For those of you who can, or can find it online, I want everyone to go back and watch the interaction between The Rock and Cena after the match.

Doesn't that look like someone who just had their last match? Whether everyone thinks they were mad or something was going on going into the match is irrelevant. Cena and Rock shared some words, not angry or upsetting words, but more along the lines of "thank you, look what we created and I'm happy to be a part of this with you" type words. After which, John Cena, who had just won the WWE Championship, left the ring so The Rock could enjoy his moment. He did and looked around in a similar fashion that Shawn Michaels did when he had his last match. Seems to be a bit odd for someone to do who was "reported" to plan the seeds with Brock Lesnar the next night on RAW for a match at next years Wrestlemania.

Rememeber when Rock beat Austin finally at WM and they shared some words? No one knew at the time outside of The Rock and Jim Ross that it was probably the last time Austin would be in the ring. Different circumstances here (no career ending injury), but still the bottom line remains. I don't buy the "Rock has an injury" excuse. I think Cena and Rock knew that it would be The Rock's last match and he let him have his moment in the ring last night, unbeknownst to everyone else. I think Cena will keep that between him and Rock, but it definitely looked that way to me last night.

It explains why The Rock would leave and no-show the night he was suppose to start another feud, it explains why Cena and Rock had their moment in the ring, and why The Rock made Cena look overly great in the "passing of the torch" on the stage, and it would explain why something felt different last night.

If anyone has a better explanation as to why all of this happened, if it turns out to NOT be a work and The Rock shows up in a "surprise" tonight, I'd love to hear it.
I think he did pick up an injury and didn't want to risk Brock injuring him further. Like it or not Rock can't risk Brock really hurting him. He has movie obligations to fill. I see what you're saying about it looking like Rock's last match but I think they were signalling the end to there feud not the end of the Rock.

The only thing up the in the air is whether there was a little fall out with Rock and Vince about Rock being there tonight. Rock as I said says he can't risk but Vince obviously has him advertised so wanted to cut a promo at least. So many rumours going around and people jumping to conclusions though. This all has come from someone's source who is a 'talent' so this call be bs. But if it was I would have thought we would know that he's definitely there by now.
Dwayne Johnson ‏@TheRock 1m
In the middle of last nights Wrestlemania match I tore my abdomen & adductor muscles off the bone. Just part of the job.
So what?

The Rock is not the one carrying the company forward right now. We've had several Raws before Wrestlemania without him so I doubt he'll be sorely missed again tonight.

Out with the old, in with the new.
It's odd that Rock would legitimately no show tonight's show, unless it's all fake and he really is there?

What do you guys make of this?

I don t blame ROCK Dwayne Johnson for not showing up at straw tonight! If I were him I would not hsow up period and head to TNA. It is obviously he is pissed he had to job to john semen and all the fans 99% were cheering on THE ROCK and jeering jc! If I had to job to John semen I would not show up at RAW also Dwayne is obviously pissed as his reputation is ruined and tarnished and legacy as chmpaion is meaningless now he evcen lied said he would never disappoint the Millions and Millions of ROCK fans . This is an embarassment and humiliation for Dwayne! I don t blame him at all I would take the worst wrestling excrement title and dump it in the garbage when I head to TNA
For those of you who can, or can find it online, I want everyone to go back and watch the interaction between The Rock and Cena after the match.

Doesn't that look like someone who just had their last match? Whether everyone thinks they were mad or something was going on going into the match is irrelevant. Cena and Rock shared some words, not angry or upsetting words, but more along the lines of "thank you, look what we created and I'm happy to be a part of this with you" type words. After which, John Cena, who had just won the WWE Championship, left the ring so The Rock could enjoy his moment. He did and looked around in a similar fashion that Shawn Michaels did when he had his last match. Seems to be a bit odd for someone to do who was "reported" to plan the seeds with Brock Lesnar the next night on RAW for a match at next years Wrestlemania.

Rememeber when Rock beat Austin finally at WM and they shared some words? No one knew at the time outside of The Rock and Jim Ross that it was probably the last time Austin would be in the ring. Different circumstances here (no career ending injury), but still the bottom line remains. I don't buy the "Rock has an injury" excuse. I think Cena and Rock knew that it would be The Rock's last match and he let him have his moment in the ring last night, unbeknownst to everyone else. I think Cena will keep that between him and Rock, but it definitely looked that way to me last night.

It explains why The Rock would leave and no-show the night he was suppose to start another feud, it explains why Cena and Rock had their moment in the ring, and why The Rock made Cena look overly great in the "passing of the torch" on the stage, and it would explain why something felt different last night.

If anyone has a better explanation as to why all of this happened, if it turns out to NOT be a work and The Rock shows up in a "surprise" tonight, I'd love to hear it.

You are obviously wrong cause the original plan called for Rock Dwayne Johnson to retain the title and lose it at Extreme Rules as the workout deal was for ROck to appear at that ppv and lose it john semen then but Mc moron has a bad habit and tendency to change his mind constantly hundreds of times just to please his boytoy and make the kid happy so he can have his new toy championship belt around his waist as an immature grown man who shouts,pouts and crys like a crybaby to get his way no matter what he let his ego get in his way so he can make Johnson job to him cause he couldn t take it like a man and man up for his lose! As James Storm said in wrestling you win some and lose some something t hat john c cannot comprehend or accept!

I don't intend for this to be a flame and hope that it isn't perceived as such, but am curious as to whether or not you think that constantly using names like John Semen, Mcmoron, and Wheelchairmania in your posts and then writing frequent run on sentences is funny or clever? If that is your posting style then all power to you, but I respectfully would like to point out that it takes away from the points that you are trying to make.

Anyway, is there any proof that just because The Rock was to appear at Extreme Rules that he was going to retain last night? A few people have assumed that but there hasn't been any indication beyond that to my knowledge. I have always wondered what his role would be, whether it would be to get a rematch after losing, or maybe him diverting his attention elsewhere for whatever reason and staying away from the title, but to say that retaining is the original plan without any proof just comes across as a fabrication for the sake of more bashing. If I am wrong and you have some sort of references than I stand corrected.

Edit: We do know that Booker T mentioned that Rock is supposed to be number one contender but don't know if that was the initial route (as it commonly would be) or if it is just being brought up as additional means (in addition to the unexpected injury to The Rock) to force Henry into earning his shot.
You are obviously wrong cause the original plan called for Rock Dwayne Johnson to retain the title and lose it at Extreme Rules as the workout deal was for ROck to appear at that ppv and lose it john semen then but Mc moron has a bad habit and tendency to change his mind constantly hundreds of times just to please his boytoy and make the kid happy so he can have his new toy championship belt around his waist as an immature grown man who shouts,pouts and crys like a crybaby to get his way no matter what he let his ego get in his way so he can make Johnson job to him cause he couldn t take it like a man and man up for his lose! As James Storm said in wrestling you win some and lose some something t hat john c cannot comprehend or accept!

You have no inside information of what the original plans were so this post was pure fail from the start. Honestly, this wins dumbest post of the day.

As for the Rock. If he was hurt I would imagine the WWE would have known this last night and prepared for the chance that he wouldn't be able to go. Basically we don't have any real info on this situation so I'm not going to rush to judgment. However, at the very least the Rock should have told them earlier today that he wasn't going to appear. If that isn't what actually happened.
For those of you who can, or can find it online, I want everyone to go back and watch the interaction between The Rock and Cena after the match.

Doesn't that look like someone who just had their last match? Whether everyone thinks they were mad or something was going on going into the match is irrelevant. Cena and Rock shared some words, not angry or upsetting words, but more along the lines of "thank you, look what we created and I'm happy to be a part of this with you" type words. After which, John Cena, who had just won the WWE Championship, left the ring so The Rock could enjoy his moment. He did and looked around in a similar fashion that Shawn Michaels did when he had his last match. Seems to be a bit odd for someone to do who was "reported" to plan the seeds with Brock Lesnar the next night on RAW for a match at next years Wrestlemania.

Rememeber when Rock beat Austin finally at WM and they shared some words? No one knew at the time outside of The Rock and Jim Ross that it was probably the last time Austin would be in the ring. Different circumstances here (no career ending injury), but still the bottom line remains. I don't buy the "Rock has an injury" excuse. I think Cena and Rock knew that it would be The Rock's last match and he let him have his moment in the ring last night, unbeknownst to everyone else. I think Cena will keep that between him and Rock, but it definitely looked that way to me last night.

It explains why The Rock would leave and no-show the night he was suppose to start another feud, it explains why Cena and Rock had their moment in the ring, and why The Rock made Cena look overly great in the "passing of the torch" on the stage, and it would explain why something felt different last night.

If anyone has a better explanation as to why all of this happened, if it turns out to NOT be a work and The Rock shows up in a "surprise" tonight, I'd love to hear it.

This makes the most sense to me. As Cena and The Rock were talking I looked at my wife and said this looks like Rock is finished. It definitely had that vibe, and with Cena giving The Rock his moment after the match really made me think we have seen the last of The Rock in the ring. Who knows though it could turn out he shows up at the end of Raw. YOu just never know in wrestling.
I really hope that's not the Rock's last match .. for the simple fact that losing to John Cena in a sub-par main event and the post match hug/salute would be a crappy way for Rock to go out

but with The Rock being #1 contender and the rumors of a Brock Lesnar match up @ Mania XXX I don't think that's the last of Rock

**although with a Torn abdominal muscles looks like Rock won't be @ Extreme Rules so could be a while till he's back .. Summerslam?

Don't really want to see Cena-Rock AGAIN .. IMO it's really exhausted itself as a marquee match up

Rock needs to find someone else to match up with

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