Rock/HBK feud.


Dark Match Jobber
Ok It all starts when HBK eliminates Rock with a Superkick that was meant for another superstar. Then The Rock comes back and eliminates Shawn Michaels after a brutal chair shot. Then in the following weeks, Hollywood Rock rips on Shawn Michaels about not being a de-generate anymore. They have a match at Wrestlemania XIX and The Rock picks up the win.

Shawn wants to beat The Rock, but The Rock tells him to 'quit' and stop trying cuz he can bever beat up the great one The Rock. This sets up an I Quit match at Backlash to see 'Who the better man is and Foley is the special referee. They fight, the end comes when Foley blasts Rock with a chair when he has Michaels in the sharpshooter. Michaels gets up nails Rock a couple of times and then locks in his own sharpshooter and they play a tape of Shawn saying 'I Quit.'
They set up a Last Man Standing which Michaels wins.

Fast Forward to Road to WM22. Rock makes his long awaited return to the WW.......Shawn Michaels comes out and talks about how Rock left the fans in the dust when he went for Hollywood. In the following week, we get heavy slow build-up and Rock talks about how Shawn is jealous of his stardom, his popularity and he tried to hold him down in 1997-1998. He talks about how Michaels is meant to be Mr. Wrestlemania yet he has never beaten Rock at a WM. Rock talks about how Michaels has beaten him before but he has never ever beaten him in at a Wrestlemania. Michaels then challenges Rock to a match with both men as faces. This time its a IRONMAN. Michaels wins this match.

They sign a contract, just them two 'Ironman'.
Michaels gets a pinfall around the 20 minuate mark with a schoolboy, then another pinfall with a piledriver. Rock hits a Rock Bottom but Michaels kicks out but this frustrates The Rock and gets a chair and hits Shawn (3-0), Rock then pins a down Michaels (3-1), Rock Bottom (3-2), Sleeper Hold (3-3). The Rock then catches Michaels as he is going for a kip up for another pin (3-4). Michaels puts out a desperation Kick and ties to go into overtime (4-4). They go into overtime and Rock hits 2 Rock Bottoms 6 mins into overtime and showboats and loads up a People's Elbow but Michaels this time kips up and hits Rock with a SCM and gets the pinfall and wins. The Two shakes hands and ends the feud

What you think?
I think that this was very rushed, to have a good Book This, you need to put effort into the matches. It is a good Storyline, but I'm not going to say that I like it, because there is minimal effort in this
I think that this was very rushed, to have a good Book This, you need to put effort into the matches. It is a good Storyline, but I'm not going to say that I like it, because there is minimal effort in this

Ok first, some people to write a Book This like mine or yours.Some people like J.Carter only post up a show to get idea's of what people would think of it if it happened for real.If Carter didn't want to conitnue with this he dosen't have to.Carter can just post up this show and we can post about it.

I liked it and it had a pretty cool storyline and if this had happened it would of been really cool.I liked the idea of the Ironman match.And it was great how you told us when the pinfalls happened.In all good job for a short fued Book This.
He could atleast put effort into his matches like we do, I mean, I would love a Rock/HBK feud. If it is for one post, there should be great effort. Carter PMed me a great idea before (I'm not saying incase of a spoiler) but I didn't like it at first, but it really grew on me, I think it would be good Carter. I'm not saying I wouldnt like that feud, and your stuff was pretty good, but it would be better if there was more effort in thr matches, just saying
Ok I'm with you about putting effort into the matchs if you are going to continue.If this is just to ask what we think then why would he write a massive match for something that he will only post one show up for?Yeah Carter could but it is all in fun and the point of this isn't to conitnue but to see what we think of the storyline itself.
you do raise a good point ther proph, but with the effort, it all depends on what he is aiming for. What I am saying, is if he wants rep!, he would put effort into it, and you are right, if he just wants to know what we think about it, hell, he might aswell only right the results.

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