Rob's Advice Thread.


World-Class Jobber.
Allright, basically, people have told me that I give out good advice when it's been asked for. So, if you've got any problems, things that are on your mind & you want some help, some advice etc., then just come ask me. If you got something private to ask then PM me if you don't wanna share it.
ok i got a sose assignment due tomorow.Its 7:15pm here.I thought it was 1000 words but its 500-600.I already did 621 and am only half done.SHould i keep going not caring bout word limit or cut some crap out?i really need the grades tho
ok i got a sose assignment due tomorow.Its 7:15pm here.I thought it was 1000 words but its 500-600.I already did 621 and am only half done.SHould i keep going not caring bout word limit or cut some crap out?i really need the grades tho

Had the same problem myself before actually. I was meant to do a 500 word essay, I finished on 1400. My teacher was proud of me, she marked it all willingly. Possibly because everyone else's was shit.
Fuck the word count, but if there are little pointless bits then cut 'em. You should be all good :) Have fun with it.

EDIT: If you are doing an essay, you really shouldn't be on here :p
See a doc. Simple.

It only happens when the shit is really painful and I feel a sharp pain which I believe is a tear. And after the shit when I wipe the blood away, my butthole is really swollen and 'closed'. I'm really scared is anyone on here a doctor? I feel embarrassed seeing an actual doctor.
It only happens when the shit is really painful and I feel a sharp pain which I believe is a tear. And after the shit when I wipe the blood away, my butthole is really swollen and 'closed'. I'm really scared is anyone on here a doctor? I feel embarrassed seeing an actual doctor.

Yeah, didn't ask for a description. Go see a Doctor or live with it.
Seein' as how Rob can't answer, I'll throw it to anyone.

My girlfriend, who I've been seeing for just over a month now is really into me. However, she's too much. She constantly wants to be around me, which I don't mind, but my Facebook & MSN Messenger is constantly raped with messages from her. Should I tell her to keep off a little bit 'cos I need space sometimes?
WTF!! That was only 6 minutes, there was no big time argument.

Truthfully though you should have told her that she is being too clingy and sometimes you need space, instead of getting information off someone who isn't emotionally invested like you might have been.
WTF!! That was only 6 minutes, there was no big time argument.

Truthfully though you should have told her that she is being too clingy and sometimes you need space, instead of getting information off someone who isn't emotionally invested like you might have been.

You say that, but I spoke to her over the phone to tell her (Yeah, I know it's not best.) But I told her it was because she was just too much for me.

She texted me just like two minutes ago saying;
"I see what you mean, I guess I was over the top, sorry"

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