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Robert Irvine Coming to Impact Wrestling?


Master of the Scorpion Death Lock
I don't know if anyone else heard (or really cares) about JB mentioning that Robert Irvine might appear on next week's edition of "TNA Spin Cycle". I heard JB mention the guy last week for the first time, while interviewing Gail Kim. For those who don't know, Robert Irvine is currently engaged to Gail Kim, and is famous in his own right. Irvine is all over the Food Network, as the host of "Restaurant Impossible" among appearing on other shows (on the Food Network). Irvine also has quite an impressive physique...for a chef, or for anyone else for that matter. On this week's episode of "Spin Cycle", JB asked Eric Young how he might feel if Robert Irvine showed up on "Spin Cycle" next week.

To be honest, I wouldn't know who the hell Robert Irvine is at ALL - had it not been for my fiance making me watch the Food Network all the time. Irvine is the only reason I find the programming on that channel interesting at all, he's pretty entertaining (especially on "Restaurant Impossible"). His personality is also pretty imposing, and I think TNA might try to work him into some kind of gimmick match at a PPV or something.

If TNA were to bring Irvine into the company for some type of intergender match (tagging with his fiance, Gail Kim), would you care? Is anyone excited about this at all? Do you think that mainstream (or casual) wrestling fans even know who Robert Irvine is? Do you feel this could be a better cross-promotion for TNA than all the people from Jersey Shore they brought to Impact? Another part of me wonders if Irvine will even show up to be interviewed on TNA's "Spin Cycle", or if it's just JB blowing smoke...let alone whether or not Irvine will appear in a match for the company. I haven't seen any mention of him on any of the dirt sheets, I'm just going off of JB's comments on TNA's internet "shows" over the last couple of weeks. Thoughts on this?
Wow, this is pretty bad. I know who Robert Irvine is and I like his shows, but many wouldn't know who he was if you didn't watch the Food Network. And even then, he isn't a big name on that channel.

And really, Restaurant Impossible is just a ripoff of Gordan Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.

Here is hoping it was just a name drop for the sake of being able to use his name.
He is not coming to the actual Impact Wrestling show. He will be on spin cycle that is all.
He is not coming to the actual Impact Wrestling show. He will be on spin cycle that is all.

You're probably right, if he even shows up on Spin Cycle...it just wouldn't surprise me if TNA approaches him about being in a match, that's all. Never say never!
You're probably right, if he even shows up on Spin Cycle...it just wouldn't surprise me if TNA approaches him about being in a match, that's all. Never say never!

Truthfully I only read the thread because I thought maybe Robert Irvine was an Indy star I hadn't heard of and after reading who he was I don't care about him. I don't think him showing up would bring ratings or anything and probably 90% or more of the people wouldn't know who he was.

Someone mentioned Gordon Ramsey and said that Irvine's show was basically a rip-off of Kitchen Nightmares so then it could work as Ramsey can come out and body slam Irvine for stealing his concept. I can see it now, the battle of the chefs in the cage at Lockdown. Gordon Ramsey's name may bring some ratings because most everyone would like to see Ramsey smacked around a bit.
Funniest part of all of this is that Robert Irvine was proven to be a huge fraud a couple years ago. He lied about his school, his credentials and where he's worked. TNA seems to be the perfect place for him.
When i saw "Irvine" i thought.... "Why would jerichos dad go to TNA?" LOL.

Then i clicked the thread and saw it was some dumb chef which apparantly you all watch on food network(which means you guys are nuts) and then remember jerichos dads name is Ted Irvine(aka a nobody hockey player who is only famous because hes the dad of chris but chris likes to pretend his dads uber famous because a couple new york locals know who is dad is...lol).

Jesus....that was a long sentence... Sorry, i suck at writing....lol.

Im still trying to understand how all of you watch wrestling....and food network and know who this no name chef is. Whatever.
Im still trying to understand how all of you watch wrestling....and food network and know who this no name chef is. Whatever.

Way to bring negativity to the thread in such a big way! Well, I understand your point. As I said in the OP: I wouldn't even know who Robert Irvine is at all, but my fiancé watches his show(s) all the time. Hence, I end up watching the show(s) with her. I find the guy entertaining, and I'm interested to see him on Spin Cycle next week (if he actually turns up).

JB directed the comment towards Eric Young on Spin Cycle (about Irvine showing up next week), so I immediately thought they might try to do some kind of feud (possibly over the KO Tag Titles?) between EY & ODB vs. Gail Kim & Irvine. Like I mentioned already, there hasn't been any news about this anywhere...just what JB said over the last couple of weeks on TNA's internet shows. At this point, I'm just speculating...but I could easily see this happening.

Also, I think that sfury2005's idea of Robert Irvine vs. Gordon Ramsey in a TNA ring would be hilarious! I mean, it would be god-awful if it were actually going to happen...but still hilarious.
lol talk about lack luster. Is the guy who does Kurt Angle's dry cleaning not available? TNA would be wise to avoid highlighting the media gap between the WWE and themselves by bringing in inferior "celebs".
I also thought Robert Irvine was maybe a brother or some other relative of Chris Irvine (Jericho) who was currently on the Indy circuit. Based on track record, TNA wanting to grab him up for name recognition to the IWC definitely sounds like something they'd try. I like TNA plenty, but that would certainly be a strategy out of their playbook.

Come to find, Robert Irvine is a chef on Food Network. His affiliation is that he's engaged to Gail Kim. I suppose there is some celebrity tie-in there, but is somebody who watches him regularly on Food Network going to watch TNA to see him? And tune into a web show no less? I don't think so.

If TNA were looking for a decent celebrity tie-in here, they'd be much better off working the other end of the equation... getting Gail Kim on whatever show her fiance does on Food Network and promoting that accordingly.

I'm just not sure what Robert Irvine's appearance on a TNA web show does for the company in general. What's the upside for TNA fans? For those who don't watch wrestling? How does this help the brand?

It's quite baffling to be honest.
If TNA were looking for a decent celebrity tie-in here, they'd be much better off working the other end of the equation... getting Gail Kim on whatever show her fiance does on Food Network and promoting that accordingly.

It's funny that you mentioned this, I just saw an episode of "Dinner Impossible" (one of Irvine's shows on the Food Network) last night with a bunch of WWE Superstars from 2009! Like I mentioned before, my fiancé watches a lot of shows on the Food Network, and has a series recording set up for "Dinner Impossible".

In the WWE themed episode I saw last night, Irvine "created" a bunch of "WWE Superstar inspired dishes" for 300 people (WWE "VIPs"). All of the dishes they "created" were named after wrestling moves; ie: they made a desert called "Skull Crushing Finale", which featured "crushed nuts" or something...of course, since JR was there, they made some chicken with his barbecue sauce on it as well. Just a bunch of lame WWE tie-ins like that. These dishes were made for some banquet or something, that occurred right after some wrestling event (I'd have to imagine it was a WWE house show, or something). They were promoting WWE Summerslam at the time of the taping, in 2009.

The entire episode featured The Miz, Jim Ross, Big Show, Santino, and (you guessed it) Gail Kim. I don't know if Gail & Irvine were romantically involved at the time that this show was taped for the Food Network, but it seemed pretty obvious that Kim was into Irvine. Every time she was near him she was touching him as much as she could, leaning on him, etc. Obviously the WWE did something with Irvine first, but they did it in a better way (had the WWE guys on Irvine's show, instead of vice versa - like TNA is trying to do).

Irvine said several times during the course of the episode that he doesn't watch wrestling, didn't know the Superstars' names or moves, etc. I wonder if Irvine is a fan of pro wrestling now, since he's engaged to Gail Kim. Probably not, I bet this is more about JB being a fan of his shows on the Food Network...and I bet that this is more JB's idea than anyone else's.

I seriously doubt we'll see Irvine do anything other than appear on TNA's Spin Cycle this week, if that even happens. Could be interesting though, and I'll watch either way.

It's quite baffling to be honest.

I wholeheartedly agree.
Not really sure why they would want to put him on TNA for any reason. His show is ok, but I can't see anyone saying "whoaaaaa Robert Irvine is on TNA I better tune in". I imagine most people don't even know who he is. Seems like a waste of money to me.

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