Robbie E: Open Challenge for Against All Odds


Mid-Card Championship Winner
wasn't sure if this should go in the main section or in the PPV section.

Robbie E has an open challenge for Against All Odds PPV tonight.

to start, is this smart to issue a challenge the day of the PPV?
would it not have been better if it was an open challenge to at least do so on TV so more viewers could be wondering who it could be going into the weekend of the PPV?
who are people guessing it could be? wouldn't surprise me if it's someone small like Eric Young.
Yes, you would think that this open challenge should have been issued on Impact, but considering that Impact is taped , it is possible that Impact Wrestling execs were in contract negotiations with someone (Morrison, Masters, Gallows) that were still ongoing at the time of the tapings. Having said that it will most likely be Eric Young that answers the challenge
It will likely be someone we haven't seen recently used on Impact. I honestly expect it to be either RVD or Mr. Anderson as a way to bring them back onto television as well as re-legitimize the title.

RVD makes sense to a degree considering he made his reputation as a tv champ.

As for Anderson, I could easily see him taking the belt to try and regain some relevancy for his character. Can't you just see him running around claiming something along the lines of "This belt means that I'm now the biggest asshole on all of television".
I'm seeing it's likely to be Shannon Moore. apparently they wrestled recently at a house show and have been going back and forth on twitter.
IMO just a filler match, not much interest in these 2 for me right now.
My guess would be Chris Masters - since he always had these type of challenges on WWE. But who knows, just a guess.

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