Risen Angel; Christopher Daniels Returns to TNA!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

As if the writing for a TNA "Originals" v. Immortals story line heading into Lockdown wasn't already on the wall, it's only furthered IMO after Christopher Daniels returned to TNA tonight during the main event match, landing on the members of Immortal from the top of the steel cage, saving Fortune in the process!

The "Fallen Angel" is back, baby!

Thoughts on this? Concerns?
I LOVED it. He got a HUGE reaction. I'm a Huge Daniels fan and I'm so glad that he's back in TNA. I knew that he was returning tonight and I still Marked Out. I think that Daniels is a Very Suitable replacement for AJ while AJ is out selling Bully Rays attack. Daniels being back makes me Very Happy.

As if the writing for a TNA "Originals" v. Immortals story line heading into Lockdown wasn't already on the wall, it's only furthered IMO after Christopher Daniels returned to TNA tonight during the main event match, landing on the members of Immortal from the top of the steel cage, saving Fortune in the process!

The "Fallen Angel" is back, baby!

Thoughts on this? Concerns?

I loved every last minute of his return. From the jump, to the backstage promo, all was great!

My only concerns, would be Lockdown... I guess that AJ wont be competing? I doubt they will keep him out, I would have loved to see AJ in the cage match... Is Daniels going to replace AJ? OR just hold IMMORTAL off until AJ's return?
Meh, I'm ok with it. I still don't see the reason why they needed to take AJ out unless he just needed some time off, but Daniels is a suitable short term replacement.

On one hand I like how they played it up like it was a huge thing to see him returning. They need to make their homegrown talent look like huge deals. On the other hand, Daniels is just not a big deal. Still, kudos for trying.

The mascara around his eyes was pretty absurd as well. He doesn't fit the mold of a member of Fortune, so I hope they don't try to add him to the group permanently.
Great to see Daniels back in TNA and actually getting used. When the camera first showed him climbing the cage I was like "Oh it's just Christopher Daniels", then after thinking about it I started marking out...hard. He fit so well with the rest of the TNA crew that it felt as if he truly belonged there. I'm glad to have Daniels back. It's a bit of a breath fresh air in the storyline involving Fourtune and Immortal. I loved Daniel's chemistry in the back area after the match. He truly played off the momentum of his return. And what a better way of returning then diving on a group of top heels. Now that AJ is gone (for a while), Chris Daniels can definitely fill that void that Styles left. And quite possibly leading Fourtune into success.
On one hand I like how they played it up like it was a huge thing to see him returning. They need to make their homegrown talent look like huge deals. On the other hand, Daniels is just not a big deal. Still, kudos for trying.
I think that Daniels is a good addition to the current TNA roster, after this whole "Original v. Immortal" thing is done, he could help with the possible re focusing on the X division...

The mascara around his eyes was pretty absurd as well. He doesn't fit the mold of a member of Fortune, so I hope they don't try to add him to the group permanently.

The mascara always looks weird to me...
He doesn't have the look to be permanently in the group... but a good substitute for now.
I think that Daniels is a good addition to the current TNA roster, after this whole "Original v. Immortal" thing is done, he could help with the possible re focusing on the X division...

how many times have you said that every single time when tna got a high-flyer? The X-division will never be as important as it was years ago. As for daniels, I think he would have been better off in ROH, in TNA he will most likely have some significance for about a month, afterwards either he will leave(again), or will be stuck in meaningless feuds with no promos. I'm sorry to say this, but that's what's gonna happen, it's a pattern.
I LOVE daniels, his return was awesome, and plus TNA needed some returns, he could help save the x division as well, this was a huge return for TNA and i am really happy about it, ashame to see him leave ROH but hey at least i can watch him on television regularly
I like it... But, with TNA's booking... It could all be a swerve... Daniels could end up turning on Fourtune and join Immortal... (They are low on talent and a program between AJ and Daniels would be great...)

But, I'm glad he's back and he will add a lot to this storyline and the the match at Lockdown...
This was totally EPIC! for me. Iv been saying for almost a year now Fortune needs Daniels and finally he's back. And this make AJ return that much sweeter. I as see it Fortune is whole now. This makes LockDown a must order ppv for me plus i think TNA is gonna put on one hell of a show for LockDown after the Victory Road debacle.
As I wrote on my site, where Daniels received the "Impact player of the week" award, this was great for one night, but long term I'm skeptical.

First off, Ric Flair already verbally buried him. He called him a 140 pound wimp or something (I never can understand a Flair promo fully). This is a guy that has done big things for TNA in the past, but in today's TNA, I think Ric's words will resonate with Hogoff. They will see a "vanilla midget" just like Benoit, Jericho, Mysterio, and others before, and he won't have a chance long term.

Now, let's say that I want to give Hogan and Bischoff the benefit of the doubt and they do realize that this guy has something to offer. Well, outside of subbing for AJ at Lockdown, where does he go from there? As a face, he sits behind at least RVD, Anderson, Sting, Joe, Morgan, and probably all of Fortune, so he's a midcarder at best. As a heel, he's very small, so would he be remotely taken seriously if he does pull the swerve (which would make no sense obviously).

The thing is, it's great to see him return, and in the moment, it was a lot of fun. I loved seeing him do that splash, but as I turned off Impact, I realized that this is like banging a stripper without a condom. Short term it was awesome, but long term could bring some negative. If Daniels is shoved to the back of the line and given Crimson treatment (on TV every 3-4 weeks in basically meaningless appearances), is it worth it to be working for TNA? In ROH, he is a main eventer and a big name. Size doesn't matter there and he's a star. In TNA, he was a star TONIGHT but long term, how many of us could argue that he'll be treated like one. I can't make that argument, but I'll be willing to wait it out until after Lockdown to make a fair assessment. We'll talk about this then to see what his long term prospects look like.
Thats what I was wondering before. They are having a X Division Cage match with Suicide in it. Both Suicides former men behind the mask are in the Lethal Lockdown. Who will we (not) see as Suicide?
I thought it was cool and all to see him back, but I thought him taking out three guys (that had just taken out 5 guys) with a single cross body (even one from a cage) was a bit much. Abyss probably could have caught him by himself.

Other than that, like I said, I liked his return.
Thats what I was wondering before. They are having a X Division Cage match with Suicide in it. Both Suicides former men behind the mask are in the Lethal Lockdown. Who will we (not) see as Suicide?
Kiyoshi has been Suicide for quite some time, so I don't see what's the problem there...

Anyway, Daniels return was great. I loved "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair throwing chairs against the Steel Cage.

I don't think he needs to be a part of Fortune or Immortal, he can return, help Fortune fighting Immortal and when AJ Styles returns he can go to another storyline, but he will return to Immortal's feud in a 2/3 months period I would guess, so they can build up Bound for Glory with AJ, Beer Money, Kaz, Joe, Daniels against Immortal's group.

I think he can got a bigger reaction than I would expect him to get, but good job TNA, I read the spoilers but I didn't remember that Daniels would return so I was surprised when I watched it, lol.
Tna was actually good for the first time in months... Daniels back!!!! lol and no jeff hardy.. actually jeff hardy not being there is a godsend.. i hope he doesn't come back.. daniels is so much better.. and i'm starting to like bully ray, mat hardy and abyss... but they have to keep immortal like that ... not come out with different members all the time.. no freak and no gunner and murphy.. I seriously hope daniels isn't a swerve cause fortune with aj, daniels, beer money and kaz would the best stable they have ever had..l
Daniels is a good wrestler but I've never been a fan of him and I don't get what everyone sees in him. He will make a nice addition to the roster since AJ is out for who knows how long. Seems like they are building to a TNA Originals vs. Immortal feud which was the same a couple of years with the Main Event Mafia in Immortal's place.
I really enjoyed Daniels' return. I've always liked his work, he's a total package. Everything you need - he has it. Great return and it's shaping up to be even better if done right.

However, I'll have to disagree with a few people who want to immediately stick the guy in the X-Division. I think it's time for Daniels to move on. He's not getting any younger. He's like 85 in IWC years. I think Daniels should be pushed to the upper mid-card or even Main Event. If AJ can, then Daniels can. I hope he's not tossed aside like he was last time. He's too good for that.
A fantastic worker, and he can handle his own on the stick as well. My hope is that he doesnt get buried and forgotten like some talent, or like he did before. He went from main eventing a PPV to jobbing to Shawn Morley the next month. I really like Daniels, and Im glad to see him back. I always preferred him as a heel to be honest, but I have no problem with him joining Fourtune, as he's capable of stepping up and helping to fill the void left by AJ, at least partially. He's a great worker who if hes smoothed things over completely with management and isnt still pissed at all, could be a huge asset to the company. He really shined in ROH, and I hope he'll continue there as well.

I think bringing him back is a good thing, and he belongs above them X division. Hes too good for a forgotten division that reallly doesnt seem like its going to be re-vitalized. TNA has a chance for a great dynamic here when Styles returns, and Daniels is only temporarily teaming with Fourtune. Id love to see them go at it again with Daniels becoming jealous when Styles returns and he no longer is a part of Fourtune. Its probably long and forgotten, but besides the feud with Morley that bombed, his lst "true feud" was with Styles. Id love to see them pick up where they left off. Just a fantastic decision to bring him back, and here's hoping he's utilized properly this time around. Either have him grow jealous of AJ after AJ is done with Ray upon his return, or slide him into the feud against Immortal. He'ld be a huge asset on either side.
First off, Ric Flair already verbally buried him. He called him a 140 pound wimp or something (I never can understand a Flair promo fully

i'm sorry but since when Flair or the heels in general need to kiss their oponents asses in order to not buried them? Flair talked Trash , Daniels talked Trash , it's pro wrestling not american idol!
Daniels is back. Great worker who is at least decent enough on the mic. He isn't necessarily a main eventer in my eyes but he can be a nice asset in the upper mid card. I could definitely see him turning. Remember the powers that be wanted him to be a heel before he left after that disaster of a program with Morley. How can you get him to be accepted by the TNA faithful as a heel? Screwing over the even more beloved fortune just might do it. What is his motivation? Age discrimination. Where was his support from his original friends when he was gone from TNA? Daniels could then put on some great matches with every member of fortune.
Daniels is back. Great worker who is at least decent enough on the mic. He isn't necessarily a main eventer in my eyes but he can be a nice asset in the upper mid card. I could definitely see him turning. Remember the powers that be wanted him to be a heel before he left after that disaster of a program with Morley. How can you get him to be accepted by the TNA faithful as a heel? Screwing over the even more beloved fortune just might do it. What is his motivation? Age discrimination. Where was his support from his original friends when he was gone from TNA? Daniels could then put on some great matches with every member of fortune.

He ran that program already heading into No Surrender 2009 and the AJ/Joe/Daniels II match at Final Resolution, but I'd be A-OK with him doing it again.

He had a really difficult time going heel with Sean Morley because the fans wanted Val Venis gone so badly, but I don't think he'd struggle nearly as much if he were to turn on AJ & Fortune at Lockdown to join Immortal.

It'd bolster the ranks in Immortal more, too, and frankly since the loss of Hardy, they need it. Daniels, Abyss, Ray, Matt Hardy and Ric Flair looks a helluva lot more threatening than Gunner, Murphy, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, etc.
I hope Daniels is back for good. I've always found his in ring work to be superb and him and Aj can always put on great matches. Is it confirmed that he's back for good though? I remember reading a couple weeks ago that he was gonna be working for tna and roh both for a little while...so who knows.
I love Daniels, have for years. But in recent years my big problem is that they either wouldn't use him or used him badly, and the few attempts to give him any main event rub got quickly buried.

Great wrestler, decent talker, great finisher, can work with anyone on the roster and have a great match. Those arguing about his popularity would have to blame TNA for that in how they book him.

I say if it keeps him in the main event this is great. we shall see how it goes...

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