Rise above ball cancer?

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Championship Contender
For the last two years WWE has done a very nice thing with the whole "rise above cancer" in October deal. It's nice to see WWE supporting such a good cause.

Right, now I've got the support out the way I have to ask, why the hell is WWE supporting breast cancer awareness? With an audience that is mainly comprised of males and, in certain parts of the audience, lowest denominator males surely it'd make more sense for WWE to get behind a big charity to support testicular cancer as men getting themselves checked out is even lower than women.

Again, it's a great move by WWE to support a cancer charity, I just can't see why they can't do something for men as well, even supporting MOvember would be a start
This will probaly be trashed by the moderator's cause their find it offensive, there's so many other cancer's colon cancer has tooken out alot of my family, prostate cancer is huge, not to mention lung cancer, throat cancer. etc..
there's so many cancer's but wwe only want's to support susan g coleman because it's a little wink wink to the tabloid's to report that wwe supports breast cancer awareness, wwe should try to help all cancer's not just 1. why is breast cancer the only cancer that gets a month? and thousands to wear their color, but on the other hand brain cancer gets nothing, im just stating the truth.
WWE simply cannot support all charitable causes and I think breast cancer awareness month is a national annual event and I think WWE should continue its support but if you added 1 more then another would be added and then another. There is enough charitable causes for WWE to support a different charity on each weekly Raw for the whole year.
For the same reason mothers day is bigger then fathers day people naturally care more for mothers/sisters/daughters. Also its a national thing that the NFL do so its like keeping up with the Jones's sorta thing.
And they say chivalry is dead lol. I've had this conversation with a lot of people , I don't understand why its not a whole month devoted to all cancer and not just the type that only affects half the population. Give or take a few male cases.
For the last two years WWE has done a very nice thing with the whole "rise above cancer" in October deal. It's nice to see WWE supporting such a good cause.

Right, now I've got the support out the way I have to ask, why the hell is WWE supporting breast cancer awareness? With an audience that is mainly comprised of males and, in certain parts of the audience, lowest denominator males surely it'd make more sense for WWE to get behind a big charity to support testicular cancer as men getting themselves checked out is even lower than women.

Again, it's a great move by WWE to support a cancer charity, I just can't see why they can't do something for men as well, even supporting MOvember would be a start

Very simple answer to your question:

Breast cancer is nationally supported via a "month" in the same manner as black history has their own month.

Yeah, there's multiple cancers that they can push (for instance... just doing a general cancer awareness month), but being as breast cancer is the "in thing" they go with that.
By only supporting breast cancer awareness WWE is indirectly supporting other cancer awareness projects due to all the giants ***** that come out and bitch and moan about WWE only supporting breast cancer awareness.

My prostate thanks you WWE, and all the ***** as well.
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