RIP Larry "Sweet and Sour" Sweeney


Get Ready To Fly!
Wow, surprised this wasn't already noted and I thought I should be the one to do it. I'm new to wrestling, new to it all, but Larry Sweeney was still a magnificent manager and it's just, wow. I don't like death and it really affects me when I here about people dying like this, I always feel like I could've changed something or done something. A lot of you probably want even know who he is or who he was, but he was a manager and definitely one of the best of the Indies. He was loud and his personality was definitely a bit much but that is why people liked him and it was really what separated him from every other manager in the wrestling world. He played Nick Hogan in an Orton segment once, that was pretty much it, even more awful. It's confirmed on Chris Hero's twitter and even a simple Google News search of his name will show it. I only just figured this out and I'm really just in shock, in disbelief. And I think the worst thing about it all was the way he died, hung himself on a ring post of a wrestling school. Of course the guy had his demons but that shouldn't take away from this either, and let me be the first to say, he'll be effing missed. RIP Larry Sweeney...
I can't believe this. I've been watching a ton of Sweeney clips on Youtube lately. The man was golden on the mic and was just so much fun to watch. He could make you laugh and hate him at the same time. Sweeney was a modern day Bobby Heenan because just like Heenan, his character was a goofy guy who took himself way too seriously.

This is very sad news, but his battles with bi-polar disorder have been known. It's a shame his demons got the best of him.

RIP Sweet and Sour Larry Sweeney

Here is my favorite clip of his.

Haven't ever really seen that much of Larry Sweeney but I'll say this: As a manager, Larry Sweeney was the first guy from ROH that I was entertained with, THE FIRST GUY. He was nuts on the mic and had personality from the small amount of times I've seen him in Ring Of Honor. I just wanted to pay my respects to him here.

R.I.P. Larry Sweeney.
He was one of the best. I drove 4 hours to my first IWA MS show because he was working the Blue Meanie...It was amazing...I fortunately got to see Larry Sweeney perform many many more times after this. Never a let down...always the highlight of the night.

12 Large...RIP Larry Sweeney...27 time Texarkana Television Champion... One of my absolute favorites and a true hidden gem in the world of professional wrestling.

PS: Do yourself a favor and find a way to watch his feud with Eddie Kingston

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