RIP Junior Seau


What's the craic?

Junior Seau was found dead this morning, seemingly from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. I have been a San Diego Chargers fan since the mid80's and was a massive Seau fan throughout his career there and even (begrudgingly) when he joined the Pats.

Love and respect, big fella, I will always wear your replica top with pride and I hope you were half an hour in heaven before the devil knew you were dead!

As I said in the Sports Bar, I'm incredibly saddened by this, but not shocked. I have become numb to NFL player suicide/death.

RIP Junior Seau
This is quite the shocker to me. I was always a fan of Junior Seau. Its just unfortunate it ended this way for him.

RIP Seau you were always one of my favorite defensive players.
Hard to believe. He's one of the greatest defensive players I've ever had the pleasure of watching, and always came off as a complete class act off the field.

We've sadly come to expect this from professional wrestlers, but former legendary NFL players? Man.. absolutely shocking. RIP.
Looked up from my laptop a few hours ago to my TV, which like most days had ESPN on mute, and I saw the headline "Junior Seau dead" and my heart stopped. Then when I read it was a suicide, it sank. That really sucks man, it's bad enough when a guy relatively young like that dies but from his own hand makes it even more tragic. I was lucky enough as a Patriots fan to have Junior on our team for a few years and the guy was a class act and fit in perfectly with the environment of the locker room and instantly became one of it's leaders in our monumental (and ultimately disappointing) 16-0 season. One of the things that hurt most about that Super Bowl loss that year was knowing a guy who worked his ass off as much as Junior did that year wouldn't be getting a ring, but atleast he could take solace in the ring he did win years prior in San Diego as a part of that legendary team. I know he struggled with his sexuality and can only hope that didn't contribute to his self-inflicted demise here. My mother is going to be crushed to hear this news, she's a bigger Patriots fan then I am and Junior was one of her favorite players.

Really sad news as a Pats and football fan in general today. RIP Junior Seau 1969-2012, may you find the peace in the afterlife you couldn't find in this one.
Looked up from my laptop a few hours ago to my TV, which like most days had ESPN on mute, and I saw the headline "Junior Seau dead" and my heart stopped. Then when I read it was a suicide, it sank. That really sucks man, it's bad enough when a guy relatively young like that dies but from his own hand makes it even more tragic. I was lucky enough as a Patriots fan to have Junior on our team for a few years and the guy was a class act and fit in perfectly with the environment of the locker room and instantly became one of it's leaders in our monumental (and ultimately disappointing) 16-0 season. One of the things that hurt most about that Super Bowl loss that year was knowing a guy who worked his ass off as much as Junior did that year wouldn't be getting a ring, but atleast he could take solace in the ring he did win years prior in San Diego as a part of that legendary team. I know he struggled with his sexuality and can only hope that didn't contribute to his self-inflicted demise here. My mother is going to be crushed to hear this news, she's a bigger Patriots fan then I am and Junior was one of her favorite players.

Really sad news as a Pats and football fan in general today. RIP Junior Seau 1969-2012, may you find the peace in the afterlife you couldn't find in this one.

It's highly unfortunate that Seau never won a ring; however, he never won one. He only played in the SuperBowl twice, and both of them were losses.

Onto much more important things at hand being a Patriots fan myself this is the picture that sticks out to me from that 2007 season disappointment:


It's a shame this man didn't ask for help. I loved his run as a Patriot, and was deeply saddened by this news. I simply wish he would have expressed his emotions like he did on the field that day.

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