Ring of Honor and it's New TV Deal


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Ring of Honor announced today that they have signed a "long-term partnership" with cable TV provider HDNet for a weekly TV broadcast.

Specifics, such as the day of the week, starting date, and timeslot were not detailed in the ROH-HDNet press release.

"Ring of Honor is an exciting addition to our programming lineup at HDNet," said Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. "ROH has developed a cult following thanks to its special brand of professional wrestling and we are pleased to present it for the first time to a mass television audience."

ROH president Cary Silkin also spoke in general terms about the deal. "Our in-ring action is the perfect compliment to HDNet's respected programming and growing stature in the broadcast industry."

FYI: HDNet, founded in 2001 by Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, currently broadcasts MMA programming from the sports category. The channel is available on AT&T, Bright House Networks, Charter Communications, Comcast, DIRECTV, DISH Network, Insight, Mediacom, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon systems.

This should be interesting. Maybe it's short attention span, or maybe it's my obsessive behavior with all things electronic, but the HD movement by professional wrestling has certainly resparked my interest in the product as a whole. I find myself watching everything in HD that is available to me as far as the product is concerned. There is something just very cool about HD.

As for ROH itself, I think that this is a great move on their part to get in bed wiht the likes of a Mark Cuban. Personally, I love HDNet, yes, it comes as apart of a semi-premium HD package that I pay for, but most if not all of the people I know with HD TV's have these channels with cable. The MMA fighting is great ont hat channel. Yes, it's not the top notch UFC, but there si a great variety of MMA on there for a fledgling person to get involved into it.

Now with RoH, they benefit greatly. First of all, it's wrestling, minus the commercials. It's a wrestlig show where I don't have to worry about watching 40 minutes of advertisements to it. Plus, it's freaking HD, and what's not to like about that. Mark Cuban, like him or not, will get behind his product to make sure it works. Mark Cuban may not be in direct ownership of ROH but he is partnering with them, which I can't see that as a bad thing.

For me, it gives me a chance to find ROH on a station that I have, and ni a format that I absolutely love. This is a win win situation for wrestling fans and the company.
Its always a good thing if there is more places for the wrestlers to work, and it also allows for a different style of wrestling to get out there. While people like Sly and others don't see this as a proper form of Wrestling it is probably a better idea to look at it as an alternative to the mainstream. This TV deal will hopefully go and push both TNA and WWE to improve the quality of their products. And if Mark Cuban gets behind them then I can see RoH going a decent way.
Its always a good thing if there is more places for the wrestlers to work, and it also allows for a different style of wrestling to get out there. While people like Sly and others don't see this as a proper form of Wrestling it is probably a better idea to look at it as an alternative to the mainstream. This TV deal will hopefully go and push both TNA and WWE to improve the quality of their products. And if Mark Cuban gets behind them then I can see RoH going a decent way.
Yeah it's good for business, short term that is and giving ROH a few more dollars everyone could use these days. But...ROH seems to of lost it's way. Ive been a utter die hard ROH Fan since 2004 and I remember the greatness of 2006. To see what's happened since The VA Show which I unfortunately attended it's just sad. I knew this day would come though. I REALLY HOPE this works out and the cluster fuck booking turns around but I just dont know. Good deal for those with HDNet though.
This could be good for ROH I suppose but I'm not sure. The biggest issue you hear about indy feds is that PPV is the first holy grail and tv is the second. From what I've heard, ROH PPVs don't sell well. They make most of their money off of DVD sales which is just fine. They're making money which is probably more than most indies do. If enough people get the station then I hope it goes off beautifully. There's no such thing as having too much wrestling at all. From the little I've seen of it ROH is solid, so why not? Maybe it'll be a hit. I hope so.
They have to change their product if they want to be sucessfull with this TV deal.

It's pretty obvious. You just can't remain as indy as ROH is right now. They have all the talent and quality to make it big but if they don't change their product they wont be sucessfull enough to make them known outside indies federations.

If they indeed want to make it big, they will change ROH shows to make it more interesting for casual fans to catch it, they will do more storytelling promos and interviews and less quality matches as they have a lot right now.

In terms of talent they could be the top federation on the World if they wanted to, they do not seem interested yet to be main stream...
So What you are effectively suggesting is that RoH turns from being an Alternative to a clone? What the Hell kind of marketing strategy is that? They are changing their way of doing business, but they are doing it at a pace that is correct for whatever changes need to be done so they aren't losing any diehard fans. There has already been changes made, eg the toning down of the Hardcore matches, they are moving in the right direction for Ring of Honor not the Right Direction for WWE. Could they be better, sure they could, what business or wrestling promotion couldn't, but they do not have to sacrifice what brought them to the dance to bring in people to watch all they need to do is to slowly build themselves up which is what they should and are doing.
So What you are effectively suggesting is that RoH turns from being an Alternative to a clone? What the Hell kind of marketing strategy is that? They are changing their way of doing business, but they are doing it at a pace that is correct for whatever changes need to be done so they aren't losing any diehard fans. There has already been changes made, eg the toning down of the Hardcore matches, they are moving in the right direction for Ring of Honor not the Right Direction for WWE. Could they be better, sure they could, what business or wrestling promotion couldn't, but they do not have to sacrifice what brought them to the dance to bring in people to watch all they need to do is to slowly build themselves up which is what they should and are doing.

I could not agree more with this post. ROH does not need to change their product to be successful. They've been tweaking a few things, which is necessary, but the overall product is phenomenal. People keep comparing ROH and ECW- but they really do have little in common. I love them both with all my heart, but they are unique to one another. ROH is not a hardcore promotion like ECW was. They are already toning down the hardcore spots they do have so that they are TV ready.

I think ROH will be successful with the product they already have. Their goal is not to take down the WWE and be the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. That's just not what ROH is about.
Ring of Honor si going to a television station where you have to pay to watch it. It's essentially like putting it on a minor version of HBO or something to that ilk. Mark Cuban is putting programming on his channel, but in all honesty, he's not expecting it to launch into something else.

I think cuban feels that there is that cult following, that he has even said those exact words, that will follow it. Presenting ROH in HD, commercial free for an hour or whatever a week is going to be enough to attract some more viewers. HDNet is a big MMA channel, and to package a puroso based American Wrestling product along with MMA is a great idea. An older adult crowd that watches HDNet for the MMA is more then likely going to be attracted to the athleticism that ROH provides as opposed to the story telling that the WWE provides. It's a completely different situation and both are trying to appeal to different demos.
Some new, albeit small, news regarding the move to HDNet was released today:

PWInsider.com is reporting that when Ring of Honor begins broadcasting on HDNet, it will replace current announcer Lenny Leonard with ACC Basketball and Football announcer Mike Hogewood. Hogewood, (pictured at right) does not have any professional wrestling announcing experience, however, he has called NASCAR and Monstrer Truck events in the past. Not that this means he will therefore be a great wrestling announcer, but rather it does show that he has experience in different forms of announcing which could make his transition into pro wrestling a bit easier. Reports are also indicating that this was a decision made by HDNet, as ROH did not want to get rid of Leonard, so it is possible that Leonard will remain with the company in some other form, possibly doing voice work on company DVDs.

While I wasn't a fan of Leonard, and I don't want to be one of those fans who bitches about something before it even happens, but this does kind of suck. I'll keep an open mind about this Hogewood guy, but the first person to come to my mind when I read this was none other then Mike Adamle. And while Adamle constantly fucking up might have been cute in WWE, that shit is not going to fly with the type of product ROH tends to present.

So, again, not too keen on this, but I'll keep in open mind. I'm hoping for the best. ROH's commentating isn't that important, but still... if it sucks hard Don West like, the show's value does go down big time.
I am excited for this new TV deal with HDnet but I hope it does not change the style of wrestling ROH puts on, that would turn it's core audience off. Personaly I think ROH has the best wrestling in the U.S and has since it's inception in 2002, also, I find the ROH World Championship to be the only true "World" Championship in the sport as it has had tons of out of country and out of promotion defenses since it's inception in 2002, so I would hate to see it get traded off a lot and to loose some credibility. I want the same exciting matches, the same honor and respect for it's title and the same "NWA" feel that it's had for a while now, but if they have to change a little I guess I could live with it....
I am really looking forward to seeing ROH weekly, I have recently been getting into this promotion and really enjoying it, but I have a question or two.

1) When is it going to start airing?
2) Will this be on the same night weekly and if so what Night?
I am really looking forward to seeing ROH weekly, I have recently been getting into this promotion and really enjoying it, but I have a question or two.

1) When is it going to start airing?
2) Will this be on the same night weekly and if so what Night?

I believe it starts in late March and it will be Saturday's at 8pm.
Thanks for the info, I am really looking forward to this. Maybe after Colt Cabannas 90day no compete clause expires he can go back to ROH. Heres hoping ROH do well through this deal, they areb an entertaining federation and main stream exposure will make them stronger I hope
Hopefully the can do better than TNA, hopefully they can step up and become a major wrestling fed. They have talent, and a market, hopefully they can become a new WCW, to WWE's WWF. It will take them a long time though before they become mainstream considering the fact most people don't have that channel.
I don't think I would really want them to progress like TNA did, by that I mean begin doing major storylines and changing the in ring product to mimic a TNA or WWE match, I want the same great in ring work that we have been getting night in and night out. I do hope the crowds get bigger and the brand recognition get's wider, maybe the fans will dig this style of wrestling and begin to get sick of the mainsteam? Either way this is going to be an exciting time for the ROH faithful.
Well with one week away from their official Television debut, I must say that I'm finding myself rather excited. I've enjoyed ROH and it's product, and believe me, I know it's niche programming and I know it's not for everyone,b ut you can't help but get a little excited. I've liked what I've seen, but I don't spend money on DVD's, and you can only get so excited watching a match on a computer monitor via youtube.

With a week to go, I'm going to be watching a solid #3 promotion present it's product on an HD channel that is backed by a billionare in Mark Cuban. I don't understand that as a wrestling fan, how someone couldn't be excited about ROH getting this chance. If you like old school booking, and an emphasis more on the "sport" as opposed to the storyline, then you must give this a chance. I don't claim to be a ROH expert, but like I said, this is getting me pumped as I'm willing to give them a shot.
Well with one week away from their official Television debut, I must say that I'm finding myself rather excited. I've enjoyed ROH and it's product, and believe me, I know it's niche programming and I know it's not for everyone,b ut you can't help but get a little excited. I've liked what I've seen, but I don't spend money on DVD's, and you can only get so excited watching a match on a computer monitor via youtube.

With a week to go, I'm going to be watching a solid #3 promotion present it's product on an HD channel that is backed by a billionare in Mark Cuban. I don't understand that as a wrestling fan, how someone couldn't be excited about ROH getting this chance. If you like old school booking, and an emphasis more on the "sport" as opposed to the storyline, then you must give this a chance. I don't claim to be a ROH expert, but like I said, this is getting me pumped as I'm willing to give them a shot.

#3 promotion? More like #1 to me, screw ratings!!! Hehe, I see what you are saying though. I try to keep ROH spoiler free so when I order the DVD's I am suprised by the outcomes, thought it's hard to keep the title match from getting spoiled, but I have has success doing so. I miss the days of the old NWA and ROH is the closest thing to the old NWA we have, and I love it, I also love the fact that ROH treats the product with more of a "sport" aspect than a "Sports Entertainment" aspect, geat stuff!
Exactly. I love the feel of ROH. Yes, you have to remember that it is niche programming at it's finest, but if you're a fan of old school type booking, then ROH is probably where it's at for you. Personally I watch wrestling for the athleticism of it. Sure, storylines drive it, but I'm more impressed with someone doing something that I find physically impossible over two guys shooting back and forth on the mic, then punching and kicking each other for 15 minutes. When you're dealing with a show that has the production level of an old ECW, it gives it a more intimate feel, which I truly love. I feel that the WWE and even TNA is just too far over produced for my liking anymore. Yes, ROH is going to be in HD, but thta's just the nature of the business at this point.
I hope ROH does good but its ratings are going to be horable i mean its on a channel half way no one can get even if your a big fan i wish them all the luck but to bad i cant watch so youtube here i come
Exactly. I love the feel of ROH. Yes, you have to remember that it is niche programming at it's finest, but if you're a fan of old school type booking, then ROH is probably where it's at for you. Personally I watch wrestling for the athleticism of it. Sure, storylines drive it, but I'm more impressed with someone doing something that I find physically impossible over two guys shooting back and forth on the mic, then punching and kicking each other for 15 minutes. When you're dealing with a show that has the production level of an old ECW, it gives it a more intimate feel, which I truly love. I feel that the WWE and even TNA is just too far over produced for my liking anymore. Yes, ROH is going to be in HD, but thta's just the nature of the business at this point.

To be honest, I skip storylines almost completely. I remember a couple weeks ago I was talking to a co-worker about WrestleMania 25 and they asked me what I thought of the storyline between HHH and Orton, I didn't even know what has been going on between them, all I knew is that they were having a title bout at WM25 and I was excited. I guess I am a rare breed, but I like what I like. ROH's booking is awesome in my book and I hope they don't flat out change completely for the show, but I do understand changs will be made.

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