Right time 4 Jericho: World Champ


Dark Match Winner
When is the right time for Jericho to leave the tag team with The Big Show and go for the World Title? Is it sooner or later?

I believe it will be around the end of the year. At least by the Royal Rumble I see Jericho getting back into the main event World Title scene.

Things to consider:

-The Undertaker will need a worthy opponent for Wrestlemania.
Jericho/Undertaker has yet to happen. I would like this feud. I believe this would be more than a one match feud. It could last months actually. Jericho could walk into WM as World Champ and Taker could be the challenger...although this match-up is big enough that it doesn't require the belt being involved.

-Edge may return as a face.
The seeds have already been planted for this feud. If Jericho is not feuding with 'Taker when Edge returns, I see Edge/Jericho feuding immediately. I do believe that Jericho should at least hold the World Title a couple of months before dropping to a face. Edge/Jericho feud would be as good as Jericho/Undertaker...if not better.

So, with that being said.....When is the right time for Jericho to go for the World Title?
it would be stupid to break Jericho and Show up now, their one of the hottest tag teams in the company, and Jericho is still gets massive amounts of heat, as does Big Show. I see them breaking up around RR.

Which leads into the possible return of Edge at RR. If hes cleared by then, he could come back, win the Rumble and challenge whoever for the title. Edge and Taker have history, Jericho and Edge have History, as to Edge and Big Show. I'm not really interested in seeing Edge vs Big Show again, but Edge vs Jericho or Undertaker, on the grandest stage of them all, FUCK YES. Edge vs Taker from WM24 was amazing, follow by their equally amazing match at Summer Slam last year. Edge will come back a face to Jericho's mega heel, and Jericho could steal the WHC at any point in time in the next 4-5 months leading into RR then into WM.

CM Punk could very well still be Champ come RR and possisbly WM, its not completely out of the question. Leading up for the Rated R Super Star vs the only Straight Edge super star in the WWE. Edge as a face CM Punk still as a heel, amazing promo work, possible amazing matches to follow
I honestly don't find Jericho as a good champ. Most heel champs have someone doing there dirty work for them (Orton- Legacy, Edge - Vickie, HHH - Evolution, I know Punk is an exception) and Jericho is not going to have Big Show following him around if he becomes champ. But I would like to see Edge as a face, it has been so long, and I'd like him to challenge Jerishow for the title by teaming up with Christian. Besides, Punk is pretty much acting like Jericho would if he was champion.
I dont know if Jericho should have the WHC anytime soon. It all depends on what they want to do for Edge vs Jericho at Wrestlemania . That will be the feud that will / should happen. I figured that Taker will have the strap by Dec. Around this time I see Batista feuding with Punk, and taker feuding with Jericho for the WHC. If Y2J can take the strap it will only be for a short amount of time if at all. I see Edge returning and either causing Y2J to lose the belt back to Taker, or Just stopping him from winning. Thats how I see Edge returning. So for this feud it doesnt really need the title to change hands, so I say wait till next year. around June.

it would be stupid to break Jericho and Show up now, their one of the hottest tag teams in the company,

ps . One of the hottest Tag teams !!!!!. thats a hard one considering that there is like 3 actual tag teams.
Jericho is one of my all-time favorites and I love his heel character. He doesn't need someone standing behind him to get heat because he's that good with the microphone and getting people to dislike him. Just look at how he was attacks last year. People believe his attitude even though he is one of the most respected wrestlers in wrestling. The tag-title is not for him anymore and I think the only reason he and Edge won it was to start a feud. Big Show had to replace him and I really can't see Jericho feuding with Big Show outside of one ppv match. I think they will loose title soon, and feud then this will lead to Jericho vs Edge or Undertaker leading in to Wrestlemania and I believe it will be Jericho vs Undertaker because that hasn't happened and it would make a good Wrestlemania match, whether it is or isn't for the title.

I think it's only a matter of time before he is champ again!!
I think its only a matter of WHEN Jericho becomes the champ not if.....and I can see them keeping Jericho-Show together while Jericho has the WHC belt.

The tag-team with the champ and keeping a long run hasn't been done in a long time...I can see them having a nice run with the titles. Maybe even put the IC title on Show...
i would love to see Jericho enter wrestlemania as the champ. as a heel of course. and have edge beat him as a face for the title. i think it would be epic, and those two would put on an incredible match on the biggest show of the year
Undertaker Fued with Jericho would be epic, just as the HBK Y2J feud was. I could see jericho callling us idiots for fallin for the darkness of undertaker. wrestlemania would be a great way to end the feud having months of build up prior to it.
Them breaking up around the Royal Rumble would make sense. Undertaker does need an opponent for Wrestle Mania and Jericho fits the bill no doubt. It shouldn't be any sooner because they are the hottest team right now and can't afford to break up.
Yep. If I was Vinnie Mac Jericho would be the guy in the picture always ala Cena. Jericho has every thing that a wrestler needs and actually makes anybody look credible against him. Jericho should be pushed to the moon and should've had at least 10 title runs by now.

Either face or heel, Jericho is gonna give you one of the best matches night after night.
What I would like to Jericho/Undertaker fued for the Championship. But for my idea to work, it would have to end before WM. The Punk wins RR, and faces Jericho for the title ant Mania. Edge makes his return at Mania, shocking the world winning MITB again. The Jericho/Punk match would be EPIC beyond measure. Jericho wins, with a clean submission on Punk. Jericho is worn out, and thinking his night is over.....oh what do we have here....Edge coming out to cash in MITB. Edge takes the title, adding fuel to the fire of Jericho/Edge.
I'm not the hugest Jericho fan in the world but I admit he's doing a PHENOMINAL job right now. I don't think he should get the belt RIGHT NOW, but let Cena have the belt for a couple of months at least; let Show and Jericho completely trash the tag-team division and then I say let Jericho take the belt off Cena. I certainly think he deserves it based off the programs he's being work for the past year. He's such a monster heel; way better than Orton. He's also a damn good wrestler too.
I see Legacy winning over Big Show/Y2J due to interference from Randy Orton the mastermind while both of them are attacking Y2J the weaker link Randy Orton distracts Big Show causes him to chase Randy Orton and when Legacy rolls in a battered Jericho
onto the ring it's 1-2-3 new unified tag team champions Legacy!
From there I see Jericho facing and defeating Cena probably by Armageddon or January to capture the title and there will be Undertaker facing Y2J as he wins the RR and somehow CENA will make himself get involved the feud by hogging it for himself so it might be a Triple Threat Undertaker vs Cena vs Jericho at WM26!!
I think the appropriate time for Chris Jericho and The Big Show to break up would be later rather than sooner. I mean, they are still going strong at this point. Their doing their job as the Unified Tag Team Champions. They're still going strong. They still have a lot more things they can do as the champs to help out the tag team division.

Chris Jericho as the World Champion? We don't see it very often, but we do see him as champion a lot. The two title reigns that Jericho was given last year were not well booked and were easily forgettable. I mean the reign itself, not the winning and losing of the title.

Chris Jericho has remained a top star on Smackdown, even though he hasn't necessarily been a top player on Smackdown. He's never been one to remain in the main event title scene for an extended period of time, as he usually switches from main event to mid card to tag team. So, him going for the World Title and maybe winning it will help Jericho, the title, and maybe the show's ratings.

As for when it'll happen... who's to say? It all depends on how the tag champs are booked. We know that Jericho will be free atleast by Wrestlemania. However, we do not know how long before Wrestlemania. As, I said they can still do a lot more for the tag team division if given time. I don't know, I think they should break up at around late-November... a little before the new year, I'd say.
So heres my deal I would love to see Jericho vs Taker at Wrestlemania but I think it seems obvious that Taker goes over as WWE has stated if the decision was ever made to drop Takers streak (doubtful at this point) then it would be to a up and coming younger star with plenty to gain from it. Somebody like Jack Swagger would be a perfect opponent for Taker at Wrestlemania but his push seems to have died down a bit so I don't see that happening unless things change soon. With all that said Jericho vs Edge seems less predictable. NOW, what I think would be pretty awesome would be Taker vs Jericho vs Edge at Wrestlemania. I still think Taker wins but it seems less predictable than Taker one on one with Jericho and he and Edge have already shown to have good ring chemistry together. I think it would be great to see Jericho capture the world title around December or maybe at the Rumble. Then Edge comes back at the Rumble wins it and the seeds are planted but then Taker gets involved offering to put his streak on the line for a shot at the belt and now a triple threat is born. Does anybody else like this idea? Thoughts? :shrug:
ok so first off we wont see cena jericho and taker in a match at mania bc jericho n taker are smackdown superstars and they arent moving taker to raw bc he is the face of smackdown right now. but when it comes to jerishow losing the tag belts id like edge to return say he has a partner in mind to get back what he would have and revel of course CHRISTIAN! finally getting him off ecw and back on smackdown!
edge jericho and taker in a triple threat sounds pretty good to me...im not a huge fan of triple threat matches though and i do think either 2 of them could work a singles match better, but, the build up to a confrontation between those 3 would be class. and looking through the list, takers never been in a triple threat match at mania or anything like that? the 2 on 1 match aside that is.

potentialy taker could lose this match, not get pinned, and stil claim he hasnt technically been beaten at mania, it would tarnish the streak yeah but there are technicalites to play with there...wouldnt suprise me that if edge is fit...then maybe this is something their thinking about on smackdown.

of course we are disregarding punk then though, and you could argue batista but for the love of god he needs to stay as far away from headlining wrestlemania as possible.

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