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Rid the world of one person.


Lovable degenerate.
So you get a free pass, You can kill anyone you want to, However you want to, And from anytime. who would you do?

I'd tie Hitler to a chair in his youth, And beat his head in with a table spoon. That way I could rid the world of his evil, Without him ever getting to spew his hatred.

World war II would have never happened...

Him or Hugh Jackson.
I would kill someone that was on the verge of death with zero chance of survival who was ready to pass away, maybe someone on life support. No matter what someone has done in the past, there are always going to be innocent people whose lives are effected to it and it's simply not fair to cause them pain for something that someone else did. The person I would rid would be someone taht had lived a long life and was ready to go with a very limited chance of surviving.
Who's Hugh Jackson?

I'd kill my neighbor who finds it necessary to mow the lawn at seven in the morning on a Saturday while I'm nursing a hangover. Also I can't stand his wife's collection of wind chimes. With every slight breeze I'm transported to a world where John Tesh is supreme leader and new age music is constant.
Some kid from my Primary School who fucked up my school life (which has affected everything else in my life now). On the first day of high school he runs around making shit up about me to basically everyone in my grade. I got teased for four years until this year where people stopped bothering but the damaged had been done. I blame this one guy for everything, if it wasn't for him people wouldn't of noticed me the way they did, i wouldn't of been ridiculed for nothing and I probably would of ended up with a better social life, a better social life and my life after school wouldn't be looking so shitty.
Interesting question that I have to think about. It has to be someone who is legitimately dangerous and who the world would be a better place without, so as much as I hate them, Simon Cowell and Jordan must survive. Ideally it's someone that can't be replaced by someone worse or someone who will be martyred. So Bin Laden is out and so is Ahmedinejad. Robert Mugabe would be an interesting choice but old age will get him soon anyway. In all liklihood I'd probably pick someone unknown who I found intolerable.
As far as people from history goes... I suppose if you got Hitler while he was young that'd be beneficial, however Hitler wasn't born evil, it was his experiences in WWI that probably played a large part and what happened to Germany afterwards. Considering that, I might pick Gavrilo Princip, who guy who assassinated Franz Ferdinand and initiated World War I but I suspect it would have happened even without him. Nope, no idea who I'd pick.
It's an interesting concept, and the subject of countless movies, TV shows and books. However, looking at it logically, it doesn't work. In everything, there must be balance... yin and yang, light and dark... good and evil. If Hitler were to be struck down in his youth, then someone just as evil would take his place. The same can be said for Gandhi and MLK. There was going to be a war, Hitler only facilitated things... there was going to be a civil rights movement, MLK only facilitated things. It's like that episode of Heros last night. Tasadi (or whatever his name was) was eventually going to photocopy his butt anyway.
In no way am I a fan of what Hitler did... but you have to admit the Holocaust did spawn some pretty entertaining shit. Inglourious Basterds, Schindler's List, Apt Pupil, the Wolfenstein games, Diary of Anne Frank (yes guys... it actually is quite a good book), and countless other things I just can't name off the top of my head. So for that reason and that reason ONLY, Hitler is not my choice.

I'm going to have to take Bin Laden the day before he thought of the 9/11 attacks. We still haven't located the bastard. There's only so many caves and bunkers in this world, and if we can find Saddam in a fucking hole, we can find this broke-ass Santa Claus looking motherfucker. But how I would off him would pretty much just be absolute torture. Put him in a room/chamber that can be temp. controlled and just randomly turn it up and down to extreme levels for pure entertainment at first. 0 degrees for 10 minutes, then up to 175 degrees for 5 minutes, and every so often, shut down said chamber and throw a chinese throwing star at him. I could do that for hours, or even days.

If it wasn't for him, the whole 9/11 thing probably wouldn't have gone down, we wouldn't be in the fucking mess of a war that we're in, and one George Bush wouldn't have pulled some of the stupid shit he pulled.
So for that reason and that reason ONLY, Hitler is not my choice.

Entertainment value? Really? That's the reason to keep a dictator around who tried to wipe out an entire race?

Here's my choice: Jesus. Why? Because there has been more wars fought in the name of religion than anything else, and the Bible has been misinterpreted so many times, by becoming a way of life, more than just an entertaining book, with some guidelines. I am by no means hating on Jesus, I'm just saying that I think we'd all be better off without religion, and the wars fought over it.
In no way am I a fan of what Hitler did... but you have to admit the Holocaust did spawn some pretty entertaining shit. Inglourious Basterds, Schindler's List, Apt Pupil, the Wolfenstein games, Diary of Anne Frank (yes guys... it actually is quite a good book), and countless other things I just can't name off the top of my head. So for that reason and that reason ONLY, Hitler is not my choice.

The Rwandan Genocide spawned a really great movie, Hotel Rwanda, but also required the killing of millions of Rwandans. Would you rather keep that massacre as well? How about the Oklahoma City Bombing? That news coverage was so extreme dude!

I'm going to have to take Bin Laden the day before he thought of the 9/11 attacks.

But dude! That Flight 11 movie was totally bad ass.

We still haven't located the bastard. There's only so many caves and bunkers in this world, and if we can find Saddam in a fucking hole, we can find this broke-ass Santa Claus looking motherfucker.

Actually, we have. Pakistan. Bitches won't let us go after him, so we send missiles over.

But how I would off him would pretty much just be absolute torture. Put him in a room/chamber that can be temp. controlled and just randomly turn it up and down to extreme levels for pure entertainment at first. 0 degrees for 10 minutes, then up to 175 degrees for 5 minutes, and every so often, shut down said chamber and throw a chinese throwing star at him. I could do that for hours, or even days.

Sorta like the Jews who were burned alive, dissected alive, starved to death, worked to death, or just plain shot in the head, huh?

..Oh, wait. That shit was just too entertaining for you.

If it wasn't for him, the whole 9/11 thing probably wouldn't have gone down, we wouldn't be in the fucking mess of a war that we're in, and one George Bush wouldn't have pulled some of the stupid shit he pulled.

I fail to see how any of that compares to 6 millions Jews dying through various nefarious and malicious means, plus millions upon millions upon millions of humans dying in a world wide war. Oh, yeah. Don't forget that once Hitler launched World War II he also gave Japan the balls to fuck with the Chinese to the order of the Nanking Massacre and other fucked up stuff they did to the Filipinos. The Bataan Death March to name one.


Unlike this joker, I couldn't remove anyone from the world. No matter how evil, how despicable, I have no right to remove their life from the grand order of things. It's tantamount to murder. And since I've dedicated my life to healing the sick and injured, I'm not going to even entertain the thought of murder. Won't be done.
Entertainment value? Really? That's the reason to keep a dictator around who tried to wipe out an entire race?

Here's my choice: Jesus. Why? Because there has been more wars fought in the name of religion than anything else, and the Bible has been misinterpreted so many times, by becoming a way of life, more than just an entertaining book, with some guidelines. I am by no means hating on Jesus, I'm just saying that I think we'd all be better off without religion, and the wars fought over it.

I would kill NSL, 30 seconds before he was going to kill Jesus, I think it would be hilarious, all the planning and effort spoilt there and then.

Seriously though, I wouldn't remove anyone, some things are needed to keep the balance as a whole.
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Unlike this joker, I couldn't remove anyone from the world. No matter how evil, how despicable, I have no right to remove their life from the grand order of things. It's tantamount to murder. And since I've dedicated my life to healing the sick and injured, I'm not going to even entertain the thought of murder. Won't be done.

1.) This joker isn't the only one who said they'd take the chance to kill someone if given the chance. Get out of my asshole and off your fucking pedistal.

2.) A brilliant South Park episode taught us there is a period of time between an event, and a time where it's appropriate to joke about said event. The Holocaust is totally game to joke about on a level of total satire. If you can't grasp the satire in my post, shame on you. Don't even try to convince me you've never told an offensive joke about anything in your lifetime.

3.) I find it hilarious you say that you'd never entertain the thought of murder and ridding the world of somebody downright despicable. Basically saying... given the chance to go back and change history knowing what you know now, that you wouldn't do it. Hitler lives and kills 6 million Jews. You wouldn't kill one person to save 6 million? Unreal. At least I would kill one in Bin Laden and save the lives of everybody on 9/11, the resulting war that will go on for how long, and who knows what else.

4.) You'd never entertain the thought of murder... yet I find it totally hilarious... nay... ironic (even though you're clearly joking and I understand that) the tagline under your name says that you use Calc 3 to kill people. Huh... strange the person that would never kill someone, uses a form of complicated math... to kill people? Strange.
I honestly don't think I could eliminate anybody from existing. See, I live by the theory that, if you change one thing in the past, it could change the future.

By that token, even though Hitler or Bin Laden seem like good choices, you can't be sure their extermination would work out for the best. For example, if somebody were to have killed Hitler before his rise to power, who's to say one of his fanatical followers (or somebody who picked up a copy of Mein Kempf) wouldn't eventually follow through with his plans? So, y'know, it's entirely to risky, because that next guy could have been even worse. Instead of targeting homosexuals, Jews, and gypsies (among others), there's the possibility of said individual going after everybody, including the so-called Aryan race, leaving only himself (in his own mind, anyway.)

As far as Bin Laden is concerned, if he hadn't masterminded a terrorist attack on the States, I contend somebody else would have. The next guy could have been more dangerous, as well. Hell it could be Kim Jung Il, and on a grander scale.

All I'm saying is, take into account what could possibly happen if you altered history. As far as who I'd eliminate, like I said earlier, it's a big nobody.
1.) This joker isn't the only one who said they'd take the chance to kill someone if given the chance. Get out of my asshole and off your fucking pedistal.

Uhh....You're the one who said he wouldn't kill Hitler because the video games that were spawned from WWII were entertaining. That makes you a joker. That's a nice way of flaming you, by the by.

Also, I wasn't calling you a joker because you'd kill someone. I called you one because you either; A) Thought for reals that killing Osama Bin Laden over Hitler was a good idea because you liked the video games, or B) Were joking around, and making a bad joke at that.

2.) A brilliant South Park episode taught us there is a period of time between an event, and a time where it's appropriate to joke about said event. The Holocaust is totally game to joke about on a level of total satire. If you can't grasp the satire in my post, shame on you. Don't even try to convince me you've never told an offensive joke about anything in your lifetime.

Not about the Holocaust. Or genocides. Because those are the mass murders of millions and millions of people. Joking about the purposeful eradication of Jewish people for the mere fact that they are Jewish isn't funny. That'd be like if a group of your people (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, White, Black, whatever) were killed by the millions and I joked around about it 50 years later. People are going to be touchy.

3.) I find it hilarious you say that you'd never entertain the thought of murder and ridding the world of somebody downright despicable. Basically saying... given the chance to go back and change history knowing what you know now, that you wouldn't do it. Hitler lives and kills 6 million Jews. You wouldn't kill one person to save 6 million? Unreal. At least I would kill one in Bin Laden and save the lives of everybody on 9/11, the resulting war that will go on for how long, and who knows what else.

No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't kill a person, even to save 6 million. Because I believe morals are absolute and shouldn't waver in their application. I believe killing is wrong, so I'm not going to kill someone. It's rather simple, moral absolutist logic.

4.) You'd never entertain the thought of murder... yet I find it totally hilarious... nay... ironic (even though you're clearly joking and I understand that) the tagline under your name says that you use Calc 3 to kill people. Huh... strange the person that would never kill someone, uses a form of complicated math... to kill people? Strange.

Right. You're trying to go back and say what you said was a joke, and then try and poke at my Custom User Title as if it's serious? What if you weren't to make assumptions and understand that I was learning Calculus III in class a month or so ago and my professor ended a lecture on Velocity/Acceleration via 2nd derivatives and Integration by saying "..and this is how Ancient civilizations used Calculus III to kill people."

You can keep speaking about me being on my high horse while you're off with your asinine logic of "I wouldn't kill Hitler because of the video games. But I'd torture a man who isn't responsible for a fraction of the deaths Hitler caused. That seems cool." Go ahead. I don't mind.
I don’t know if I would be able to rid the world of one person if I wanted to. If I had the decision to do so or not then I probably wouldn’t do it. I know Hitler did many horrible things during his time but what Dewey said really made me think. What would happen if Hitler is killed? Is it possible that an even worse leader would come along and do worse crimes? I think that there would have been the possibility of that happening, so I wouldn’t kill him or anyone else because of the repercussions that could come with killing anyone.

Now, if I had to kill someone, then my choice would be pretty easy. Not to sound harsh or mean, but I would get rid of someone that many people don’t care about. Someone, that is probably going to die soon and is going through a lot of pain. It really hurts me when I see someone in a lot of pain and can’t do anything about it so I would just take someone out of their misery so that they don’t wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
To shafe_41

1. I hope you don't take the Holocaust very lightly because if you do, you're a miserable excuse for a human being. Sure movies and shit came from the Holocaust such as Schindler's List, but those weren't meant to be humorous or anything. They're meant to be historical. It is out of line to make any kinds of jokes referring to the death of over six million people.

2. You can't 100% claim that if you kill Bin Laden, you're saving the lives of all those who died in 9/11. Somebody else could have thought up the same thing and maybe the same result would have happened.
Randy Orton.

Because like shafe_41 said, at least guys like Hitler bring an entertainment value after a certain period of time. Randy Orton just sucks the life out of any kind of enjoyable viewing experience. And if it wasn't for him, we would still have Mr. Kennedy. Yeah, definitely Randy Orton.
Randy Orton.
I really hope you’re kidding.
Because like shafe_41 said, at least guys like Hitler bring an entertainment value after a certain period of time.
So, because some entertaining things came out because of Hitler, you wouldn’t get rid of him and stop the genocide of six million Jews? I know I said I wouldn’t get rid of anyone if I had the choice to do so or not, including Hitler, but you and anyone else who wouldn’t get rid of Hitler just because of entertaining value have some stupid reasoning.

Randy Orton just sucks the life out of any kind of enjoyable viewing experience. And if it wasn't for him, we would still have Mr. Kennedy. Yeah, definitely Randy Orton.
Is it really that hard to either turn off your TV or switch the channel so that you don’t have to be bored by Orton? No one is forcing you to watch him every Monday night on Raw via a gun to the head, so I really don’t see why you would get rid of him especially if you consider the fact that he hasn’t done any horrible crimes that are as bad as the crimes of Hitler and many other evil people.
Hmmm, no one person comes to mind. Even without direct consequences to me, I would not rid the world of any one individual. Yes even in this world of make believe I wouldn't do it. Why? Simple, who am I to single anyone out and mark them for certain death? I am not the one who carries the reaper, I am not the one who makes those decisions. It's not up to me who lives and who dies, so I would not want nor would I accept that responsibility, even for one person. Besides to kill Hitler before his rise to power could have an even more adverse effect on this world. Even to kill one faceless person in the crowd could bring about dire consquences that could ruin this world. Things happen for a reason, I am not one to go against that.
Is it really that hard to either turn off your TV or switch the channel so that you don’t have to be bored by Orton? No one is forcing you to watch him every Monday night on Raw via a gun to the head, so I really don’t see why you would get rid of him especially if you consider the fact that he hasn’t done any horrible crimes that are as bad as the crimes of Hitler and many other evil people.

It's certainly not hard to not watch but I like wrestling. I want to watch. Sure there's guys I don't enjoy but there's also guys I do. But if the former were gone would I enjoy the product more? Of course.

And getting Mr. Kennedy fired IS a horrible crime.
People are getting. Touchy in this thread. To kill one person is an interesting thought. It is also, some would argue, sort of pointless.If Hitler was dead, then someone else would have blamed the Jews for the depression in Germany, and killed 6 million of them. I think responsibility for killing 90 million Amerindians would have happen whether Columbus had discovered North and South America. So I would kill no one, that had not been effected by the Zombie Virus.
Hmm, interesting thought, I'd hope the religous people are right and then I might just kill Adam. There you go, all the problems solved.

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