Ricky, Red Mask & Everest v DP, Vengeance & Manzo

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
RP deadline is Tuesday 27th January...should you have any problems getting your match in PLEASE PM me.
Backstage we have Leon standing with a microphone, looking rather uneasy. Then we see Red Mask come into view with a spring in his step.

Red Mask; Hey hey hey hey! Have you recovered from the morning hike yet Leon?!

Red Mask gives Leon a rather hard pat on the back! Leon does not look impressed as he straightens himself up.

Leon; Yes...Yes I have Red Mask. I'd just like to ask you a few questions though.

Red Mask; Fire away my man!

Leon; Well the first thing I want to ask you about is the trust issues that people seem to have with you.

Red Mask looks at Leon, his body language changing from that of joking around, into that of being more serious.

Red Mask; What is trust Leon? Is it to have the confidence in me that I will perform? Is it to show that my past experiences have been trustworthy? Is it to believe that I am honest and have integrity? Either way they don't trust me, and it makes me wonder...why?

Leon; Well I'm sure it's because you wear that mask.

Red Mask; Ah the mask AGAIN it always comes down to the mask, as though wearing a mask stops people trusting you. You trust GM! Batman is trusted! The Green Lantern's trusted! Spider-Man's trusted! Yet you all want to know what is under this mask, why? It's not who I am underneath this mask that matters but what I do that defines me. If you saw Meltdown last week you'll see that I put in one heck of a performance, even rushing to help Ricky, a guy I've never spoken to! If you read the Keystone Enquirer daily newspaper you'd know that their citizens TRUST ME, they trust Red Mask. They mark me on merit, not what I look like.

Leon; OK then, away from trust issues. Your team mates for your match are Everest and Steamboat Ricky, how will you fare with them?

Red Mask; I can see us gelling on quite well, we're very similar in a weird way. Ricky is brilliant, he's been away for quite sometime and whilst I've yet to have a chance to speak to him I know I can trust him...he's a crazy pirate and should go very well with a crazy superhero! Then we have Everest, a guy who should all know about trust issues, he should have been champion over a year ago but his best friend at the time screwed him over and that just annoys me. Fortunately it's been a great year for him, with a title shot at Apocalypse coming up, the future is bright for this kid..

Leon; Then you have the opposing team; Disasterpiece,Vengeance and Manzo. How do you feel about them?

Red Mask; Another very hard tag team match for your hero. First off we have Vengeance, who frankly scares the bejeebas out of me, the way he can just unleash fury and that's made worse by the fact the Master's in town. We now know that the master is former WZCW heavyweight champion Disasterpiece who makes his return to the ring and somehow got away with being in disguise in WZCW for a while. What do you think about that?

Leon; It actually worries me so much, I trusted Diego, and it turns out he was DP in disguise having Vengeance do his bidding!

Red Mask; I know, it's scary stuff, the two of those combined last week was nothing short of incredible, clearing house and when you add into that the monster Manzo, it's worrying...or should I say Manzo with Magnus and Derf! That's a six on three match there! On top of that is the fact that Manzo has never been pinned and weighs about 7 tons or something silly like that... you have to ask if we can we take him down? It's possible, but not looking likely. It's going to be one helluva match believe you me!

I must dash now, but before I go I have a gift for you Leon!

Red Mask ruffles round in his bag and pulls out a photo, and gives it to Leon

Red Mask; Enjoy it!

The camera shows the photograph


Leon; Good Grief!
The sound of an old gothic church bell tolls . . . a slow, cold wind whistles through the graveyard. Camera blurs around the graveyard spinning in circles. A deep, garbled, demonic voice is soon heard out fo the darkness . . .

" YOu tHougHT I waS GonE! RetIrEd! OuT oF yoUr NiGHtmaRes FoRevEr! "

The church bell tolls again . . . the sound of the wind whispering through the graves in the background . .

" HavE YOu ForGoTTen ABouT Me??! It SeeMS yOu ALL HavE!! HoW CoULD YoU forGet aLL ThE BloOD aNd teRrOr I HAvE SpReAd iN ThIs RinG!?! "

Blurred, black & white clips of Disasterpiece chokeslamming, Tombstoning, Powerbombing, and Goring various victims . . . More clips of bodies being slammed through burning tables, burning 2x4s smashing across heads, throats & necks being garroted and strangled by razorwire.

The bell tolls once again . .

" iT sEeMs aLL of ThEsE PoOr SOuLs mUsT bE ReMinDed! ReMInDED oF tHE LeGACy oF BlOOD, FiRE, & DeATh!! HaVE I nOt DonE EnOuGh To MakE yoU wEaK soUls FeEL mY HAte aNd LuST FoR TorTurE aND EvERLAstiNG DeAtH!!? "

Clip of Disasterpiece arms in the air, bodies scattered at his feet, and blood pouring out his mouth and down his chest . .

Muffled sound clip of Cohen: " Never have I seen a more sadistic and cruel individual. By far the scariest man this business has ever seen. Disasterpiece is a Legend without a doubt, but he has built his legacy on brutality and fatality . . "

" WeLL NoW I MusT RemIND aLL yOu pAtheTic WhElps OF WhaT NigHtMarEs aRe MadE oF. I Must ReMinD YOu all oF WhAT HaPpeNs WheN yoU DoNt FiNIsH WhAt You'VE StaRTed. WheN YoU ForGeT aboUT ThE EviL thAt DweLLS . . . "

" ThErE WilL bE No MerCY, nO rEmoRSe, No PrisOnErs! EvERyONe iS In DaNger! I wiLL NoT StoP UnTil I HAve ReApEd tHE EssEncE oF LiFe FrOM All oF the WorTHLESs SouLS That ExISt hEre. . . "

" No OnE iS SaFe. YoU WiLL aLL DiE! . . . "

" AnD YoU Will aLL Be ReMiNDed WhO Is ThE OnE . . "

" . . TrUE . . "

" . . KiNG!!
Copeland: “Oh my god! Manzo hits the M-10 and his opponent crashes
to the floor! I don’t think he’s moving, he could be seriously hurt ….

Cohen: "… And there’s the Fallout Slam Copeland, Harris isn’t getting
up from that one. His body is just twitching from the impact."​

Copeland: "The medics are out here now with Sincade, that damage
to the knee might be unrepairable. The crowd is a silent hush
as they get him onto a stretcher…"

Magnus: “…My monster, my World Champion, Manzo…”

The camera shoots dramatically to the face of Hatchiyama Manzo, whose eyes flicker open sharply, the evil laugh still running through his mind. As the camera pans we can see we’re in one of the many large, luxurious rooms of Manzo’s handler, the billionaire owner of Avarice Incorporated himself, Magnus Maximillian. Manzo sits up, sweat running down his brow and he sits on the edge of the bed, it’s thick oak frame, intricately carved with bonsai and symbols of Manzo’s homeland Japan, barely holding the massive six hundred pound plus weight of the giant Yokozuna. Manzo gets up and heads into the on suite bathroom.

Moments later he returns, his hair long down his face and wet from the handfuls of water evidently splashed upon him. A towel in hand, Manzo goes about drying himself off and makes his way over to the large leather sofa. Sitting down, Manzo turns a small knob and the fireplace roars into action, its red and yellow light filling the room, bathing the giant in its warm and comforting glow. Taking a bottle of Saki from the side table, the Sumo leans back and begins to drink. Obviously unsettled by the images played out in his mind, the ease of the routine he fell into suggests this is not the first time it has happened. What’s more, it becomes apparent that more than anything, Manzo is, as always, alone. Taking another swig from the bottle, Manzo turns and picks up a phone lying on the side, and hits redial. A long number flashes on the screen before the connection is made. A few rings later, a Japanese voice answers
(*Translation provided*)

Male Voice: “Hello?”

Manzo says nothing, simply holding the phone in his hand. A moment passes before the voice speaks again.

Voice: “Hatchiyama, is that you? Please, speak to me my friend. You don’t have to …”

Manzo hangs up the phone before the voice can complete whatever he was saying. His head hanging low, he puts the phone on the side and returns to his bottle of Saki, taking long, heavy drinks before standing and returning to bed. Lying down, he stares through the skylight above him, the heavens full of stars he does not recognise in a land he does not understand, before his eyes droop and he finally falls asleep.


The scene is bright for a moment before the camera refocuses. It’s daylight now, and we’re outside in the personal vineyards of Magnus’ estate.

Walking down the centre, dressed in a sharp looking white suit is the owner himself, Magnus Maximillian. He’s shirtless and the suit jacket is open in a casual nature, but it’s obvious of the cost from the gold trim and the diamond cufflinks. What is also obvious is that Magnus is in incredibly good shape, a much better state than many would give him credit for. Behind him is a measly looking man, dressed in a black suit and stumbling over himself, carrying a black leather briefcase. Finally, besides this man, is our Pride of Japan, Hatchiyama Manzo. The three of them are strolling down the long vineyard that makes up a small portion of Magnus’ estate, enjoying time in the sun. Well, they would be if not for Magnus’ soothing yet sadistically manipulative voice on his cell, discussing his latest deal.

Magnus: “Hahaha, yes that sounds about right … No no, I think the current arrangement is fine, and the sooner we proceed into the final stages of the deal the better … yes, the climate of our great country is delightfully grim right now … Well, here’s hoping it takes our new Commander in Chief a while to get to grips with things, I’m hoping on a very prosperous year based on the low-paid work of others … Yes, please proceed exactly as we discussed … yes, you too Mr. Bateman … Goodbye …"

Magnus hangs up the phone and tosses it casually over his shoulder, the aid behind him pulling the briefcase up to his chest and scrambling drastically to catch it, which he does but not without stumbling backwards into the massive frame of Manzo. Turning back in fear the aid nearly falls over to remove himself from the big mans presence. Manzo seems to sigh before the camera quickly pans back to Magnus, who is smiling an uncharacteristically genuine smile. Taking a deep breath, he address us, the audience.

Magnus: “It truly is a wonderful day. No, a wonderful year. The current economic crisis is affecting the world over, and whilst the poor get poorer I make even more glorious money. People are losing jobs left right and centre, and because of this, I can fire my most expensive help and hire cheap. Very cheap."

Magnus chuckles to himself, walking down the path, and gestures to the fields that lay before him.

Magnus: “You see that? Acres and acres of land, tending to my pitiful wretches of society willing to work long, dreadful hours to simply put food on their plates. Honestly, if I paid them any less they’d be slave labour, but the fact remains that unlike all you unwashed masses, I have a multi-billion dollar industry in Avarice Inc. and I made this with ruthless and, to all of you, undefendable decisions. Well, and a twenty million dollar trust fund helps.”

We keep walking and eventually come to the stables where, mucking out Magnus’ million dollar prize horses, we see a familiar face. It seems hard to make out due to the mud and scraggy clothes he’s wearing, but we soon realise it is none other than Eric Derf.

Magnus: “Sometimes however, the good things in life come at a price. Manzo here for example is in no way a cheap investment, but he is paying himself off tenfold. But my most recent venture that I’m willing to … ‘indulge’ myself in, is revenge.”

Magnus gestures for Eric to put down the spade and come over. A long deep sigh preludes Eric following orders and making his way over.

Magnus: “Eric here knows the value of money. He knows that he was being paid pittance by WZCW and as such, was prepared to quit. He almost walked out on all of his fans, his loyal backers who make him the ‘great’ man he is. Family means everything to you, doesn’t it boy?”

Eric can’t even raise his head, instead looking at the ground.

Magnus: “I don’t pay you to choose when you answer me boy, now tell the people what family means to you…”

There is sternness in Magnus’ voice that seems to chill the air, creating a sense of trepidation and tension. Eric’s defiance, unfortunately, lasts but moments, before he looks up.

Eric: “I’d do anything for my family. My little sister deserves the kind of life where she doesn’t have to want for anything. I promised I’d always do anything for them.”

Magnus smiles and slaps Eric on the back.

Magnus: “That’s right. Bigger people than you have come to the table of lesser men than me Eric and begged for a chance to improve their lot in life. You don’t have to be ashamed.”

Magnus turns back to the camera, a egotistical, smarmy look about his face that shows he’s enjoying every moment.

Magnus: “Fact is, young Eric here didn’t even come begging. I approached him and offered him this ‘opportunity’ to work for me, including top rate medical for him and his darling family, and of course it comes with a substantial pay increase than what WZCW is offering. He’d be an absolute idiot not to accept. And all he has to do for this … is everything.

Magnus’ smile becomes dark as Eric goes back to the stables to resume his work, knowing that his presence to enhance Magnus’ ego is no longer required.

Magnus: “He’ll do what I say, when I say. Whether it’s wrestling whoever I choose, to cleaning my stables, shining my boots or waiting on me hand and foot, Eric Derf is mine, body and spirit. He is a nothing, and all your loyalty to him was for nothing because everybody and everything can be bought when you stand as tall as me, Magnus A. Maximillian.”

Magnus laughs again, as he turns left and goes inside the pool house, followed by his aid and the giant Hatchiyama.


Inside, the aid puts down Magnus’ briefcase, flicks off the locks and quickly scuttles out of the door, closing it behind him. Sitting on the sofa is Johnny Klamour, dressed in a bright orange shirt that frankly hurts the eyes to look at. He stands up and greets Magnus when they arrive.

Johnny: “Mr. Maximillian, once again it is a pleasure to be invited out here. You truly are a great host.”

Magnus: “I’m glad you enjoy yourself Klamour. Now down to business, I believe that the WZCW ‘fans’ have some questions for me and my large friend here?”

Johnny: “Indeed. Firstly, what was with the conspicuous absence last week right up until the match? No offence meant, but you are not usually one to keep quiet on anything.”

Magnus: “Klamour, timing is everything, both in business and in life. Sometimes you need to play your cards close to your chest and ensure that no-one sees what is coming. I had a couple of meetings, one of which I believe you interrupted with Vengeance, and numerous more both inside and outside of WZCW. I am a patient man, and I am a calculating man Mr. Klamour, and things will happen on my terms and my terms only. That is, I’m afraid to say, all I will divulge at this time."

Johnny: “Ok, what about Eric Derf? What is going on there? He worked the match injured and quite frankly no-one expected to see him in a long, long time. Will we be seeing him this week at Meltdown?”

Magnus: “Eric Derf will be wherever I want him to be. Meltdown, Apocalypse, or maybe chauffeuring my Limousine to the building. He doesn’t matter to the fans of WZCW anymore. Forget him.”

Johnny: “Ok, this week you team with Vengeance and DisasterPiece in a three on three match against Red Mask, Steamboat Ricky and Manzo’s Apocalypse opponent, Everest. How do you see this playing out, what with the return of two top WZCW superstars?

Magnus laughs softly and rolls his head back, before smiling.

Magnus: “Johnny my boy, this week Manzo steps into the ring with a man who believes himself a hero, another who believes himself a pirate, and a man who believes himself the ruler of the world. Perfection incarnate. The sad truth is they are all none of these things. Red Mask is a small, pitiful wretch of a man who cannot hope to match the power or ability of my Manzo here, and Steamboat Ricky has already found out first hand what happens when the pirate meets the giant. He took a steel chair, and he wrapped it around Manzo, and it barely moved him. Manzo crushed Ricky like the no hope, out of shape, rusty old man he is. His time has gone. Maybe once upon a time he would have been something of worth, something I may of paid attention to, but in this world, in this time, Ricky cannot and will not make an impact in his return match.”

Johnny: “Manzo isn’t alone out there; he has two partners who are not, to be honest, the most subtle of men.”

Magnus: “Yes, this week we are joined by the master and his servant. An interesting dynamic, don’t you think Klamour? I will be the first to say that both men intrigue me, they are certainly worth investing in and I can see their stock rising by the devaluation of others. And by that Klamour, I mean they will carve a path of destruction and violence through WZCW that may very well end in a very small roster and, by extension, a very low … But of course, I say to much. Do continue.”

Johnny: “… Ok, I see you haven’t mention Everest? Manzo’s challenge at Apocalypse?”

Magnus: “I resent the phrase challenge Johnny, because Nathaniel is no challenge. He is a small step on the road to greatness that I, Magnus Maximillian, am taking my Manzo. He is a talented man but he is simply outclassed this time. He cannot lift Manzo for his ‘Rock Slide’. He cannot lock in his Mountain Climber without overpowering Manzo into such a position. He cannot fight, punch, wrestle or kick is way out of any position Manzo puts him in and the fact is Manzo has something Nathaniel does not have on his side. He has me. He has the greatest singular reason for success the wrestling world has ever known, and with that, he cannot be stopped. I will win my first WZCW title through Manzo, and I guarantee it will not be the last."

Klamour: “Well Mr. Maximillian, I think that’s enough for …”

Magnus: “Not quite yet Klamour. I have something more I’d like to add. Nathaniel, you are indeed a great talent, and one whose stock continues to rise, but with all the recent title stripping and anarchy in WZCW, as well as a foreboding future that promises more to come, will it remain so? Will you always be able to afford those nice gifts and few hundred dollar shirts? We both know a way you will always be able to. Think about that before you turn you back on Avarice in ignorance. Everybody is affordable to me Nathaniel, at one price or another.”

Magnus smiles darkly before his head rolls back into his charactaristic laugh, bellowing and deep. Behind him, Manzo stands impassive, the seen before him played out all to many times before by his mananger, and indeed owner, Magnus Maximillian.
*Slippery Pete, the dock keeper, stands at the docks, fetching in ropes and cleaning off the deck. He looks out in the distance and sees this massive ship approaching, flying a Jolly Roger and seemingly being manned by a crew of one. He approaches the edge of the deck to call out to this ship as it nears the dock.*

Aye! Who goes theyyuh?

*The big ship sails up to the dock and a slightly overweight figure swings down on a rope from the crow's nest, meaning to land on the dock to get down to business with Mr. Pete. However, he overshoots the dock and ends up swinging into the water on the other side of the deck. SPLASH!*

Yarrrr! That was deliberate. Twas deliberate!

*Upon closer examination, it is apparent that this sea-captain is, in fact, our hero, Steamboat Ricky, apparently back from some long voyage.*

Aye! Cap'n Ricky! We haven't seen the likes of ye round these parts in some time!

Yarrrr! Ye can blame that on that skalawag "Master" that banished your's truly to some far off hellish realm for near of several months!

Well, Slippery Pete is glad ye back back. So what you be planning on doing now ye survy lubber?

Yarrr...be time for ole Ricky to come make things right again in WZCW. I be its king, and I can't be letting it get run down by mates such as the "Master." I be having a tag match against the "Master," Vengeance, and Manzo this week, so I be getting my hands on the "Master" before Apocalypse when we really be drawing swords. It be like dropping the anchor and pulling hard to starboard and catching a snoozing ship of guard, matey.

Aye, that it be. Ye fighting those lubbers all by your lonesome, now?

Nay, Slippery. I be teaming up with the likes of Red Mask and Everest. Word on the sea be that they are both formidable teammates, but I not be seeing the advantage in teaming with a disguise and and the largest mountain in the world, see?

Aye, trifling predicament.

Yarrr...Polly and I must be off now to go take care of some business. Hopefully Polley took care of his other business on the poop deck. Ho!

*In a flash, Steamboat Ricky and Polly run towards town, leaving their ship docked up with Slippery Pete.*
*The camera fades in and we see a visual of the outside of a doctor’s private practice facility. After just a few seconds we see someone emerge from the front door. Quickly the camera focuses in and we see who is walking….it’s EVEREST. He’s walking with a purpose toward the camera, outfitted in workout pants and an Everest shirt; he’s holding a manila envelope in one hand.

Everest opens the door to Escalade and gets in, the camera pans over to the passenger seat and we see none other than WZCW’s Leon.*

LEON: Hello Everest, how are you doing?

*Everest starts the car and backs out of the parking lot*

EVEREST: Well Leon, I could be better! Let’s put it that way. Sorry about that little detour there, had to get my x-rays so that I’d be cleared to wrestle at Meltdown.

LEON: So you will be able to participate at Meltdown?

EVEREST: Leon? You are damn right I’m wrestling Monday! I’m not passing up an opportunity to exact a little revenge before Apocalypse. At the last Meltdown everyone seen what happened. It’s been the talk of the WZCW.com discussion boards; it’s been the biggest subject of all the WZCW hotline topics. Everywhere I turn all I hear is……….Did you see Disasterpiece on Meltdown? Can you believe he was the “Master” all a long? Did you see what Vengeance and Disasterpiece did to Team Everest? Will anybody be able to stop those two?

LEON: Well it was quite possibly the shock of the WZCW!

EVEREST: You know Leon, you are right. I guess I should just be happy that I was part of history huh!? Guess I should let it go that I took a chair to the head because I made history! I should just forget it all happened.

LEON: That’s not what I was saying.

EVEREST: Exactly Leon, I’m not laying down for some two bit thugs who are trying to run rough shot over WZCW. You see Vengeance, we’ve met before and the ending was a sad one for you. Trust me when I say that at Meltdown, it’s not getting any happier. You want to make a name for yourself; it’s not going to be at my expense. You are welcome to try and climb the mountain but I guarantee you, there WILL be a ROCKSLIDE waiting to send you crashing back to earth.

As for Disasterpiece, what can I say, we finally get rid of Rios and his gigantic waste of talent and who comes back to step into the void? The great one night wonder Disasterpiece. Don’t get me wrong DP; I don’t doubt your talent. I’ve been in the ring with you, I’ve felt the wrath of DP and I’ve also stood tall as you slithered back up the ramp after being beaten by me. It’s just like old times. It seems you’ve stepped in my path again, once again content to do someone else’s bidding. You may be the master but don’t be fooled, Magnus knows what he’s doing and you’re in this match because he wants you in it. So tell me DP, who’s pulling the strings on who?

LEON: Speaking of Mr. Magnus, have you caught his latest interview segment.

*Everest reaches down inside the console, quickly sliding out a DVD which he puts into car’s DVD player. After a few seconds the screen flickers and up pops an image of Manzo and Everest lets it play a few seconds of Magnus’ latest interview.*

EVEREST: Oh yeah Leon, I’ve heard it, and heard it and heard it. I know what you’re thinking Leon and it’s not happening.

Trust me when I say I feel for Eric Derf, I honestly don’t know what he’s going through and personally I hope he gets it back together and gets the hell out of that dump as soon as possible. That’s not the Eric I know, it’s not the Eric the WZCW fans know, it’s not the Eric they want either.

Fact is Magnus is scared!

LEON: Scared? It seems he’s got everything going for him at the moment.

EVEREST: It would seem that way wouldn’t it Leon? But you have to look at the whole picture. The mansion, the horse stables, the pool, and the servants they are all very nice. But think about this, he asked me what would happen if I can’t afford all the things I have, if the money dried up. Well think about it Leon, who’s Magnus’ meal ticket?

LEON: Well, Manzo I guess.

EVEREST: Exactly Leon, Manzo, and what happens if Manzo doesn’t win that World Title at Apocalypse? He’ll just be another big man who couldn’t get the job done. He won’t be mentioned in the same sentence as Yokuzuna, he’ll be mentioned with Tugboat and Avalanche, you know the wanna-be’s or the never-was’. Then what? What’s Magnus going to have?

LEON: Well, nothing!

EVEREST: Exactly!! He’ll have nothing. No champion, no money making empire, no control, no nothing! And with nothing, he’ll have no POWER, which is the one thing Magnus strives on. Look at him Leon; he’s trying to hoard talent as it is. He’s got Derf already, he’s already trying to make a play for me, and he’s manipulating DP and Vengeance.

LEON: Why would he be doing that?

EVEREST: That Leon is the best part; you see I think he’s doing this because he doesn’t trust Manzo. He doesn’t think the big man can get the job done. He’s not 100 percent sure that his hand picked Champion can beat me!

And that my friend, is just the advantage I need. There is doubt there, maybe even a little fear and I can promise you Magnus, I’m not letting go of that. First Meltdown, six man tag, I may or may not get my hands on you or Manzo but there will a beating handed out by Everest and revenge will be sweet.

*With that Everest pulls into a parking lot and stops the car*

EVEREST: Alright Leon, I promised to help you out with your training for the Battle Royal. So here you go, this place should be a perfect start

*Leon slowly gets out of the car mumbling some words hastily and nervously as Everest heads out of the parking lot*

EVEREST: I’ll be back in a few Leon.

*With that the camera watches the Escalade drive off down the street before panning the shot up until we see the words “Hell’s Angel’s Bike Bar” in Neon lights and we see a row of Harley’s out front as Leon stands shaking at the front door.*
The scene opens with a photograph, and a voiceover


Fire... Nature's cleanser. The one unstoppable force which sweeps through all in it's past, leaving only destruction and chaos in it's wake, ruining lives, destroying forests which have endured everything else nature can throw at it - wind, rain, lightning and cold.


And all it takes is one tiny spark. The smallest speck of light and heat can begin a cycle that grows progressively stronger, until it becomes uncontainable. The only thing that can stop it is when it has consumed all around it, until nothing remains for it.


And yet from such destruction, new life springs forth, greener. All the impurities are replaced by a new age of innocence and a time of growth. Nature when left to its own devices rids itself of all that has overstayed its welcome, replacing the old with the new.


The scene switches to Vengeance standing outside in a forest.

Vengeance: You see, the spark has been unleashed onto the tinder that was Ben Legend, one who summed up all that is wrong with WZCW. From that single spark, the all-consuming fire will run rampant through all. And the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. Some will be consumed, while some will survive.

And now the flames have gathered strength and move on to try the works of three others.

Everest, you seem to have it in your head that I care about my loss to you. An inconvenience as it may be, my goals are not your goals. I have no intention of climbing your mountain, instead I fully intend on dragging you down into the very pits of Hell to make you taste the suffering in store. Last week every member of your team lay unconscious at ringside at the hand of two individuals.
Red Mask, you interfered in a situation which you need not have found yourself in and you got punished for it. And this week, you find yourself in a similar situation. Our business was not with you, rather Richard and Benjamin. Rest assured that this week, you will suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.
Finally Ricky... it would appear that one warning was not enough for you to comprehend the situation you find yourself in... so it is time that you are sent to the place old pirates go to die.

The final piece of the puzzle is our ally... Magnus and his giant muscle for hire. Magnus... you will discover that what I strive for cannot be bought, and some day you yourself may discover that I have no loyalty except to the higher calling. Nonetheless, for now, we share a common goal.

And so, the flaming fire will take vengeance on them that know not the true way, and that do not obey what is right.

Vengeance strikes a match and the camera focues on the flame until he blows the match out as the scene fades to black
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