Rick Rude & the Hall of Fame


Mid-Card Championship Winner
We've talked about Savage getting into the Hall of Fame and the reasons why he might not be there extensively, before that it was Bret Hart and recently the unthinkable happened and Sammartino went in. One guy who I've never seen mentioned much in the context of 'Will he get in?' is Ravishing Rick Rude and it got me thinking as to whether Vince could possibly hold a grudge against Rude for humiliating him by appearing live on Nitro to trash the WWF whilst simultaneously appearing on a taped Raw back in 1997.

I'm not sure there is a counter argument against Rude being a guy who deserves a Hall of Fame spot. If there is one please do post it for debate but for now I'll just assume people are in agreement that he should be included at some stage.

But here is a guy who carried the Intercontinental title with distinction back in the rock n' wrestling heyday of the WWF. A flag bearer of the Heenan Family his two biggest feuds were probably with Jake Roberts and the Ultimate Warrior, the Warrior feud in particular being one of the standout feuds of the era. From his WCW days his standout moments came as the in-ring leader of the Dangerous Alliance, one of the more under-rated factions in wrestling history.

Injuries caught up with him though and by his return to the WWF as DX's insurance policy in 1997 he had been retired for three years. Nothing of note occured in this run until the Montreal Screwjob occured, where Rude was so sickened by Vince McMahon and HBK's actions against his friend Bret Hart that he walked on out on the WWF and appeared live on WCW Nitro to slam the company and it's new champion. The rub of this being that Raw had been taped prior to this appearance and Rude was shown on Raw with DX an hour after he had appeared on Nitro.


I remember watching at the time and thinking that it highlighted how outdated the WWF felt at the time. Taped shows versus the live feel of Nitro was one of WCW's biggest selling points from 1995 through to this incident.

(sidenote for any new fans that don't get Eric Bischoff's status among us older fans. Watch his actions in that video, we had to take that for over 12 months and most of us wanted to strangle him ourselves at some point. Great cowardly heel work.)

Rick sadly passed away in 1999 before he could make his rumoured comeback but since then I've barely heard a whisper about his being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Has started me wondering if Vince has a grudge with the guy over this incident.

As a counter to that he does have a section on the WWE website complete with highlights video:


So what do you reckon? Case of Rude's day just not coming yet or something else?
I'm a big Rude fan and he deserves a spot in the Hall Of Fame. But I can see why he's not been inducted yet. Firstly he died a drug related death, so that's a good reason for WWE to try and distance themselves from him. Secondly, he's largely been forgotten about. He was never the top guy, for some reason he hasn't got the reputation of somebody like Curt Henning and everybody around him just happened to be more popular. The Warrior is a bigger star who hasn't had his own HOF induction yet, same with Jake Roberts & Sting, Steve Austin was a mid-member of the Dangerous Alliance who went on to be one of the biggest stars ever, nobody remembers him from D-X. Basically, history says he's been overshadowed by almost every big name he's ever worked with. Which is unfortunate.

His day will come though. It will for everybody at the rate WWE put people into the HOF.
Uh.. do you know how many wrestlers died a drug-related death and are in the Hall of Fame? Do some research on that one, bud.

I can't imagine why he isn't in. That WCW incident might be the reason but who knows. I think it's just a matter of time before he's in.
Besides the drug thing I think Y2Jake is right it's probably because he's been forgotten about. I bet Vinnie Mac doesn't even think about him or consider him at HOF time I bet nobody brings him up around HOF time. How many people would pop when he goes in compares to the last class and the major people that haven't gone in yet? I think he should be in but I think that's the reason he hasn't gone in yet.
The WWE "Hall of Fame' is a joke. There is no rhyme or reason why a certain individual or group gets selected to the "Hall of Fame".

I'd rather see WWE put out a Rick Rude DVD set with all of his classic matches from NWA/WCW, WWE, and the smaller promotions/Japan. That's a better to way to preserve his memory and give an entire generation of new fans an introduction to Rick Rude.
Rick rude was one of the greatest wrestler/performer ever, great mic skills great move set, women loved him and men wanted to be him, nobody would've had a problem with him being the top guy in the company. He was the toughest guy of the era legitimately. Of course the Monday night raw/nitro ordeal has Vince holding a grudge about it. Ric definitely belongs in the hall, when he died his death made espn sportscenter and they credited him with having the best body in the bussiness . Until the hall of fame adds randy savage, Lou thesz, arn Anderson by himself, big bossman and ric rude it can't be taken seriously
Sadly it's not even that he's forgotten... there is a very awkward situation regarding the HOF. They can't induct too many dead guys at a time, and there are more and more each year dying so the waiting list forever grows.

Each year they tend to have certain slots - theres a Tag Team, a recent retiree, a midcard "legend", a promoter type and the headliner. Most years they put in one dead guy tops, last year Yoko for example and it's normally guys who have someone logical to induct. In Curt's case his son was on the roster and his dad was known, Yoko had the Uso's et al.

Rude doesn't really "have" anyone who they can induct him with to "sell" it. Heenan would be obvious but he cannot really talk well enough now and it'd look grotesque, much of the Minnesota crew he ran with in the early days are now gone (Hawk, Borne, Curt) and in the WWF his main feud was with Warrior.

Into WCW territory sure, Flair could do it - they had a great feud for the NWA title (then the WCW International), Bret might do it but would seem forced as he'd almost be obliged to mention Montreal as would Shawn be hypocritcal as the reason Rude walked was cos of his actions... so the logical guy, in fact the ONLY two I can think of are Heyman who managed him in WCW or Sting. One works for the company so that's no problem, he can be pitched as the original Heyman guy and if Axel is still with him then that'd be a nice nod to his heritage as Joe would have known Rude since childhood.

But for me it'd have to be Sting, who was Rude's greatest opponent ever. As good as he was against Warrior, in Sting he had an equal and they brought the best out of each other. It'd be fitting as Rude's last match was also against Sting.

So the problem is getting Sting... If Sting goes in at 30 then Rude probably goes in with him as he and perhaps even Warrior can co-induct. Alternatively and it is slightly tenuous but would be kinda neat - Goldust and Cody. Dustin feuded with Rude in WCW and likely knew him from his teens when Rude and Dusty were in Florida and the Goldust character was definitely influenced by Rude, same with Cody - he would defo have known Rude in his younger years through WCW and much of his career has borrowed from Rude, Dashing Cody, the moustache... Like I said Sting is really the right guy but if I saw the Rhodes boys do it it would be a nice nod to the past - especially if Dustin comes out with the "what I'd like to have right now" line at the start. In fact whoever inducts MUST use that as the opening... the pop would be immense.

The only other way, and I can see them doing this albiet "sneakily" is to induct him as part of DX although that wouldn't do him real justice and as I said above would be a little hypocritical due to the way he left... That being said you don't induct DX without him!
Perhaps make him a 2 time inductee when they can get Sting. I'd personally say do both same night as I think the guy deserves it...2 channels at the same time - two inductions on the same night.

Rude, Bossman, Davey, Pillman, maybe even Crush - all of these guys should be in the HOF now but aren't cos they are not around and they can't induct too many dead guys at a time cos of "how it looks". That's the sad reality.

If I had to choose, I'd put Rude ahead of Davey in terms of deserving it but only by a minute amount. Bossman needs to be in there (as does Jacques Rougeau) and Pillman - frankly every year he gets missed out it boils my blood as without him Austin wouldn't have even had the idea to cuss and raise hell.
Rude should be in the hall, and Jake Roberts would be a great guy to induct him. I think there's just too many names to choose from, but he will eventually get his due, he's one of the greatest performers of the late 80's and early 90's or even all time.
There is certainly a logical person to induct him: Bret Hart.

Hart and Rude were best friends. It would make perfect sense for Bret to induct his longtime friend.

I think the bigger problem is that Rude is sort of forgotten. He was never more than an upper midcarder for the WWF and his time on top with WCW was during its least popular period.
as far as Vinnie Mac holding grudges goes,im sure he does but i highly doubt its the main reason why The Ravishing one is not in the WWE HOF. Largely but sadly,yes he has been forgotten about. Younger fans have never heard of him or even seen his matches per sei. Ravishing Rick Rude was an incredible worker,he definitely had the body and great in-ring work. Why he was never given the WWE title even for a short stint is beyond me he should have been champion.

As to who would induct him,this is the tricky part. As THTRobtaylor said,sting would be the most logical choice. As much as i adore and respect Heenan he physically is not in the health to do it. Stinger is not under WWE contract but they had some great matches together in WCW! Stinger brought out the absolute best out of Rude and Vice Versa. I believe Rude will get in one day just not 2014
Stone cold steve austin would be the one to induct him, they were very good friends and austin talks about him all the time, as for Vince holding grudges if you can remember doing that time Vince wasn't the all powerful Vince, there are numerous stories of talent pushing him around(Kevin Kelly aka nails) locking him in the office and beating him up. Rude was a person who pretty much walked to the beat of his own drum and we know Vince doesn't like those type of people. He was in every major territory nwa, world class, wcw wwf, but wwe doesn't spotlight him, surprisingly he won the march madness tournament on wwe classics on demand the other year but he needs to get in soon!
Rude easily deserves to go in... people talk about him not being a top guy, but I think hes grossly underated. Several of Rudes peers from the 80s who were in lesser spots than him have already been inducted who (Koko? Tony Atlas?).

Rude pre-match routine where he'd insult the crowd was years ahead of its time, he was the first guy to score a big win over the Ultimate Warrior, and being such a bumping machine, was actually one of the few guys to drag some good matches out of Warrior.
It was difficult for many guys to get on top in the Hogan era.... the likes of Piper, Roberts, Hening, Dibiase never won a WWE world title either.

Rude even main evented a major PPV card (Summerslam '90) and was always very entertaining to watch.... many wrestlers have adapted the vain, self obsessed gimmick, but I can't think of anyone who pulled it off as well as Rude.
I also think he was unlucky not to win the WCW world title, had he not got injured when he did.... who knows?

Vince is known to hold grudges for those who doublecross him (Savage, Luger) and maybe Rude turning up on Nitro unannounced has something to do with it.

On credentials and as an entertainer, Rick deserves it.
Rick Rude will go in at one point that is a cert. It will just be a case of when not if in his scenario.

Rude was one of the best heels during his period in WWE and his feuds with Warrior and Jake the snake are some of my faves from my childhood.

As for who inducts him how about road warrior animal???? Im sure in his book it said they started training together and were friends in high school. he probably would have some good stories about Ravishing Rick
Rude easily deserves to go in... people talk about him not being a top guy, but I think hes grossly underated. Several of Rudes peers from the 80s who were in lesser spots than him have already been inducted who (Koko? Tony Atlas?).

Rude pre-match routine where he'd insult the crowd was years ahead of its time, he was the first guy to score a big win over the Ultimate Warrior, and being such a bumping machine, was actually one of the few guys to drag some good matches out of Warrior.
It was difficult for many guys to get on top in the Hogan era.... the likes of Piper, Roberts, Hening, Dibiase never won a WWE world title either.

Rude even main evented a major PPV card (Summerslam '90) and was always very entertaining to watch.... many wrestlers have adapted the vain, self obsessed gimmick, but I can't think of anyone who pulled it off as well as Rude.
I also think he was unlucky not to win the WCW world title, had he not got injured when he did.... who knows?

Vince is known to hold grudges for those who doublecross him (Savage, Luger) and maybe Rude turning up on Nitro unannounced has something to do with it.

On credentials and as an entertainer, Rick deserves it.

That Vince only lost Davey and Rude meant he was probably glad and he'd have understood why people left. At the end of the day Rude wasn't under contract - that's Vince's mistake not Rude's. But it also rules Bret out of inducting him, cos it kinda makes it impossible not to mention the screwjob which is not Rude's legacy.

Had he not got hurt he'd have been back in the WWF in 94-95, they'd have feuded him with Bret and Shawn, possibly Ramon and we might not have seen the NWO we knew cos guys like Nash would have stayed to work him.

Literally they just cannot have too many dead guys at once or it raises the old questions/ghosts about drugs and steroids I get why they do it, it's just crap on guys who's families deserve to see them recognised. This year it'll all be about Paul Bearer cos I am sure Taker will go in as well...
It is clear that jumping ship unexpectedly, or relatively unexpectedly, crosses a huge line in Vinnie Mac’s eyes.

Randy Savage’s contract was almost up, but the WWE never thought he would leave – Vince McMahon was absolutely furious and called a meeting to address the current WWF talent to tell them that their contracts were “iron-clad”, and that they “would not be going anywhere”.

Jeff Jarrett virtually did the same, and virtually held the WWE to ransom by demanding £300,000 to lose the intercontinental championship to Chyna, due to being out of contract. When WWE bought WCW, he was never going to get any kind of look in.

Rude leaving for WCW has been well covered here, but it is clear that this is seen as a huge no-no, and that is probably quite justified. Bridges have been built with the Ultimate Warrior and Bret Hart – Savage can’t be ignored for too much longer but I don’t see Rude or Jarrett ever getting in.

He could have been a star in any era, and is sorely missed. I do sincerely believe he could have been a world champion and monster heel – the belt would have elevated him and given him a platform, much in the same way it did for Superstar Billy Graham. I saw his gravestone online and it is a little bare, and a little sad – a great man who was an incredible performer and character; he deserves to be recognized, and to be revered by his peers. He has passed on, but you can see how much it means to the families of those who have – they deserve that.
Bridges were built with Rude very soon after. It's known he was training for a return when he died...in the WWF! Basically the spot that Davey Boy ended up with around 99.

With Savage, he took his slim jim endorsement with him which played a major role in the financial difficulties that then happened. He didn't bone Steph, he just took bread out of her mouth so to speak. Rude did no such thing, he made a principled gesture. If it was such a big issue then Davey Boy who went to the trouble of BUYING himself out would never have returned, Nattie would never be where she is and Foley who did quit, only to be talked back would have been buried for daring to try.
Vince knew there would be damage other than Bret when he made the call. Rude didn't hold Vince up, he was working without a deal...if he broke his word, Vince broke his to Bret and perhaps the locker room first. It didn't cause much harm other than embarrasment at the time, which was going to be there whoever left that night. Rude spoke out and it may have stung but he was business about it.

The proof in the pudding is that Vince continues to use his legacy for gimmicks and his likeness for games etc. If Rude was blacklisted then Val Venis, Dashing Cody and the like would have been a parody of him.
Yes, Rude Should go in, but needs to wait in line There is another mid-carder who should go in first, and that is Honky Tonk Man. Honky was one of the best heels of his time, and I believe still stands as the longest reigning IC champion title holder I a time when that title meant more than today

Jake Roberts needs to go in as well, then, as he is one of the mot recognized mid-carders of his era.
He wasn't a top guy? He was absolutely a top guy! In The WWF in the 80's and early 90's, basically the Hulkamania era, in my opinion the top ten is this in some order:

Hulk Hogan
Randy Savage
Ultimate Warrior
Andre the Giant
Ted DiBiase
Mr. Perfect
Rick Rude
Jimmy Snuka
Roddy Piper
Jake Roberts

ALL of those guys should be in the Hall of Fame, not just Rude, but Savage, Warrior, and Roberts as well. And that's not even counting all the stuff he did in WCW, including beat Ric Flair for the world title!

People "forgot" about him? He's being released as DLC in the WWE video game. People are going to pay EXTRA just to have him on their roster!
I also think it's unfair to call him a midcarder. Honky Tonk Man or Koko B Ware could never be in the main event of a PPV the way Rude was (I'm thinking SummerSlam 1990.) That reminds me, Rude also walked out on the WWF in 1990, so he quit on Vince twice. I'm pretty sure Vince is holding a grudge.
That Vince only lost Davey and Rude meant he was probably glad and he'd have understood why people left. At the end of the day Rude wasn't under contract - that's Vince's mistake not Rude's. But it also rules Bret out of inducting him, cos it kinda makes it impossible not to mention the screwjob which is not Rude's legacy.

Had he not got hurt he'd have been back in the WWF in 94-95, they'd have feuded him with Bret and Shawn, possibly Ramon and we might not have seen the NWO we knew cos guys like Nash would have stayed to work him.

Literally they just cannot have too many dead guys at once or it raises the old questions/ghosts about drugs and steroids I get why they do it, it's just crap on guys who's families deserve to see them recognised. This year it'll all be about Paul Bearer cos I am sure Taker will go in as well...

I agree. When Rude passed away, he was actually in training for a comeback in the WWE, and the talk was that he'd have been put in a good spot working with Austin (something I'm sure Steve championed). I don't believe there's an issue at all with his showing up on Nitro the same night he was on RAW that's holding him back.

With Rude, it's probably more of a case of he doesn't really have anyone pushing for him. A lot of his friends in the business are either dead, don't really have ties with the WWE anymore, or simply moved onto other things. There's not that one guy you can really look at who's around today and connect them to Rude in any way other than a simple backstage connection.

Heyman's probably the closest, but he's done so much since he managed Rude in the early 90's that it's hard to make that connection these days. Austin as well (they were both parts of a large stable over 20 years ago). Hart and Rude may have been friends (Hart speaks very highly of Rude), but I don't believe they ever worked together even once. Maybe in WCW in a peripheral sort of way, but that's it.

He absolutely deserves to be there though, and if I had to pick someone to champion him, and induct him, it would be Heyman. Whomever mentioned pushing him as the original Heyman guy is right on. Paul was fortunate enough to get to work with Rude during the time when Rude was arguably the best wrestler in North America, and that fact really helped put the Dangerous Alliance over, and put Heyman himself on the next level (before Rude he was still trying to find his footing as a manager). Heyman later returned the favor by bringing in Rude (who couldn't work at the time) into ECW in a major way, and helped get him signed back into the WWE (in a good spot considering Rude couldn't take a bump).

Out of everyone left who Rude worked with in his career, Heyman is probably the guy to be his champion.
He wasn't a top guy? He was absolutely a top guy! In The WWF in the 80's and early 90's, basically the Hulkamania era, in my opinion the top ten is this in some order:

Hulk Hogan
Randy Savage
Ultimate Warrior
Andre the Giant
Ted DiBiase
Mr. Perfect
Rick Rude
Jimmy Snuka
Roddy Piper
Jake Roberts

It was much more difficult for a guy to make it on top in Rudes WWE time.
These days there are 2 world titles, and the manic booking of title switches ensures that various midcarders get a run with a world title... but the prestige is diluted.

From the list above, only Hoga, Savage and Warrior had a decent run with the big belt (Andre's reign lasted minutes!!).
So if Piper, Jake, Dibiase and Snuka never got a chance (Snuka and Jake never even held the IC pr Tag belts!)... it would be unfair to count Rude as a 'mere midcarder' .... being an upper midcarder in those days still meant something, and Rude was definitely a highlight on the WWE roster... and watch those old clips... Rude gained tremendous heel heat with his arrogant persona../the crowd went mad for him!
It definitely seems like Rude has been forgotten about. He was a great IC champion, and definitely deserves to be in the HOF. I always thought he should have taken the WWF title from Warrior when they had their cage match at Summerslam. That aside, he was a great upper mid card guy who could be called on to challenge for the title if needed. Had a great run in WCW. Loved the feud with Sting. I think he deserves to go in I just don't think it is a top priority to get him in right now.
It was much more difficult for a guy to make it on top in Rudes WWE time.
These days there are 2 world titles, and the manic booking of title switches ensures that various midcarders get a run with a world title... but the prestige is diluted.

I'd agree with that. In those days getting a heel run with the IC Title meant absolutely being considered a main eventer, hell the IC title match main evented lots of house shows, ditto the tag titles and it's why the belts meant so much.

With the WWF Title it's simple to see Vince didn't like heel champions and he liked to play it safe with who he gave the belt to.

From Hogan winning the title to him winning it at Wrestlemania 9 there were a total of nine champions in nine years and two of those held the belt for a combined total of about a week (Undertaker and Andre). Savage only became a heel champion at the very end of his run so he has to mostly be counted as a face champion so that leaves Slaughter's 3 month run and Flair's combined 4 month run as the only time when there was a proper heel champion. That's a grand total of 8-9 months (including Savage post turn) in a 9 year period. Vince just didn't do heel champions until Yokozuna.
I think Rick Rude should go into the HOF, he is definitely worthy of a slot. Probably not as a headliner, but definitely a secondary entry. Rude was a great talent whose career was sadly cut short by injury and then even more tragically lost his life at a young age.

I think the main reason is the same as what other posters have already said- WWE do not want to induct to many dead wrestlers in the same year, it looks terrible for the company if they do, especially as many of these guys died at a young age. There are still others such as Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman and certainly Macho Man Randy Savage who should be inducted into the HOF also, and Rude will more than likely be on this list also. However, Savage is likely to be the first of this list to be inducted and then I reckon we will see Bulldog go in, so while I'm pretty sure Rick Rude will be have his HOF entry at some point, we are likely to be waiting a few years yet.

I would certainly like to see WWE release a DVD on Rude's career, the guy had enough great matches and was a big enough draw to make the DVD a good seller for the company. Not to mention his arrogant persona and physique has influenced a hell of a lot of wrestlers in recent years.

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