Rich Swan Arrested


A little past midnight, police arrested Rich Swann in Gainesville, Florida and was charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment: Adult, which is a third degree felony in Florida punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $5,000. He was also charged with battery (touching or strike), which is a first degree misdemeanor which, if Swann is convicted, is punishable by a year in jail or a year of probation and a $1,000 fine.

According to police, the alleged victim in the case is a female professional wrestler Su Yung, who's real name is Vannarah Riggs. According to the police report, Swann was driving a car and apparently began critiquing Riggs' performance at a wrestling show, earlier in the night. Swann was said to get angry and Riggs "got scared that the argument was going to escalate" and eventually jumped out of the car. The report continues Swann stopped the car in traffic, yelled for her to return, ended up putting her in a headlock and dragged her back to the vehicle.

One witness said Riggs was scared and yelled for help as they drove away. Another witness said the car stopped in traffic, wasn't placed into "park," and rolled until it hit a telephone pole. Riggs said Swann has a "temper sometimes" and felt the argument was going to escalate into physical violence, that's why she left the car.

Swann said he didn't physically touch her and just wanted to get home, because her phone had the GPS on it. According to the report, they have been together for s total of 5 years and married for 9 months.

Swann was scheduled to face Drew Gulak on tomorrow night's episode of Raw with the winner becoming the #1 contender to Enzo Amore's Cruiserweight Championship. However, WWE put out a statement regarding Swan's arrest: "WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, and per our policy, Rich Swann has been indefinitely suspended following his arrest."

So yeah, this has happened and Rich Swann's WWE career is pretty much dead at this point. Swann was easily one of the best workers among the Cruiserweights, so this is a hefty blow to the quality of the division. As to whether or not Swann actually put his hands on her, it doesn't really matter at this point because the accusation's been made and, in the eyes of pretty much everyone, he's guilty until proven innocent; he could be exonerated but that will take time, especially if Riggs and the eyewitnesses don't change their story.
Rich Swann was always fun on the indies, he will transition back without a problem if the case is dropped or he is found innocent.

While I do like Swann in WWE's cruiserweight division, he can be easily replaced by a number of guys who are just as if not more talented than he is. And I'm looking at you Cedric Alexander. This is a blessing in disguise for Alexander. I've been saying this since he signed with the WWE - he's better in the ring than a good portion of WWE's active roster. He receives a pretty consistent crowd reaction and he has a great look - it's time to push him to the top of the card. With Swann's absence, the WWE might finally realize they've been sitting on someone to make the cruiserweight division what it needs to be taken seriously.

As for Rich Swann, there's really no coming back from this. Even if his case is dropped, his name is significantly diminished and its pretty hard to come back from something like this. Nice knowing ya Swann.
And he just killed his career.

Great job Rich, no seriously: GREAT job. This will totally NOT get you released from the company at some point, yeah; you definitely DIDN'T abuse your wife and get arrested by the police, yeah, a BANG-UP job you did there buddy!

What a fucking moron...
Well that's certainly a shame. I wasn't really the biggest fan of the guy in-ring so I won't miss him much. He didn't bring anything to the table on Raw that other cruiserweights can't do better and nothing ever stuck out about him. I hope that he as a human being is able to address any issues that need to be taken care of so I don't in any way wish for him to lose his job or anything, but there is no way he will recover from this. He will either get jobbed out to everyone, get taken off any televised events, or simply get future endeavored. If they have another round of wrestlers getting let go this incident had to have pushed his name toward the top of the list of who to release if they do have to go that route. He's done.
What I don't understand is the whole "As to whether or not Swann actually put his hands on her" part had to be included. Like, why include that? There are multiple eye witness reports that said he put his hands on her. It is pretty obvious he did it. Those witnesses weren't imagining things. It takes away from the victim and casts doubt over the situation. She is in a horrific place.

I could understand if you had said "Whether or not she presses charges" that is something entirely different. A lot of battered women don't press charges for various reasons, but don't play the maybe he did maybe he didn't touch her card. He clearly did and deserves to be fired.
The problem here besides the abuse is who is the abuser. He's a performer on 205 Live that WWE won't put forth the effort to slide the incident under the rug like a Stone Cold Steve Auston or even Superfly Jimmy The Killer Snuka. Swann doesn't do any damage to the bottom line so he'll most likely see the door.
I feel that even if he's found innocent in this case, his career just took a turn for the worst. The fact is that wwe was pushing as the next guy to challenge end. Everything was written around him and now, they have to rewrite everything going into tomorrow night to try and salvage the whole no. 1 contender storyline.

He was making him the focal point and he screw up in his personal life, that kinda like so many other before him, guys like swagger for example never we're the same after getting arrested and swan will get the same treatment as swagger and all the others that we're getting a huge push and got arrested for something major.
What a waste. Guy comes from all that adversity in his life and then blows it all like this. Good luck getting booked on the indies even if you are found innocent, ask Adam Rose (not sure he was found innocent or not).

I liked Swan as a support player. His title run was pretty meh. He had put on a string of interesting matches in his and Cedric's feud with Kendrick and Gallagher. Cedric and Swan could have made interesting contenders for the Raw tag titles too had they not been tied up with three former WWE champions this year.

I would give Gulak the bye and blow off this tournament rather than ham fisting someone else into Swan's place. They can tease Gulak having to go after the title or choosing to align with Enzo. They could blow it off in a night, but give it a week.

Raw doesn't have a ppv pre-show to build to until Royal Rumble, so there's ample time to build to the next challenger. Swan was most likely a December tv challenger anyway, as I doubt they were at any time planning to stretch a Swan vs Amore feud for six or seven weeks until the Rumble.

Most likely they continue the tradition of debuting a guy and hotshotting him to the title, so look for Itami to win the title before Mania. Swan isn't a huge loss, but a loss none the less. Exonerated or not, he won't appear on WWE tv again.
He was not found innocent as it never went to trial. The DA dropped the charges as he felt that was not enough to proceed. Whether that means it was not factual or whether they victim just refused to cooperate who knows
What a waste. Guy comes from all that adversity in his life and then blows it all like this. Good luck getting booked on the indies even if you are found innocent, ask Adam Rose (not sure he was found innocent or not).

I liked Swan as a support player. His title run was pretty meh. He had put on a string of interesting matches in his and Cedric's feud with Kendrick and Gallagher. Cedric and Swan could have made interesting contenders for the Raw tag titles too had they not been tied up with three former WWE champions this year.

I would give Gulak the bye and blow off this tournament rather than ham fisting someone else into Swan's place. They can tease Gulak having to go after the title or choosing to align with Enzo. They could blow it off in a night, but give it a week.

Raw doesn't have a ppv pre-show to build to until Royal Rumble, so there's ample time to build to the next challenger. Swan was most likely a December tv challenger anyway, as I doubt they were at any time planning to stretch a Swan vs Amore feud for six or seven weeks until the Rumble.

Most likely they continue the tradition of debuting a guy and hotshotting him to the title, so look for Itami to win the title before Mania. Swan isn't a huge loss, but a loss none the less. Exonerated or not, he won't appear on WWE tv again.
What I don't understand is the whole "As to whether or not Swann actually put his hands on her" part had to be included. Like, why include that? There are multiple eye witness reports that said he put his hands on her. It is pretty obvious he did it. Those witnesses weren't imagining things. It takes away from the victim and casts doubt over the situation. She is in a horrific place.

I could understand if you had said "Whether or not she presses charges" that is something entirely different. A lot of battered women don't press charges for various reasons, but don't play the maybe he did maybe he didn't touch her card. He clearly did and deserves to be fired.

Sometimes, witnesses outright lie or make mistakes. I've heard a lot of courtroom testimony when I've transported inmates to court for hearings, trials, appeals, etc. and eyewitness testimony is often unreliable. I'm not saying that these witnesses are or aren't reliable, I've no way of knowing but I do know that people sometimes can make mistakes and people do sometimes lie about what they've seen. You've proven my point when I said that Swann is going to be viewed as guilty until proven innocent, you and I don't know the reliability of the people who claims to have seen what they saw and I haven't read anything to suggest that this took place in front of dozens of people who all claim to have seen the same thing. This might also be a case of an angry spouse playing the abuse card as a means of getting what she wants; again, I'm not saying that' what this is because I have no way of knowing whether it is or isn't, but it's a possibility and one I'm certain the cops have asked themselves and are looking into. I don't particularly care if it's politically correct to say it or not, it's a legit concern in situations like this one and gotten to the point where we're allowing political correctness to hamstring common sense because we're afraid of being called misogynists or that we approve of physically hitting women.

I do my absolute best not to try to judge someone's guilt or innocence when I don't know or have all the facts because I've seen way too many decent people get fucked over by the system because of he said/she said evidence and testimony. If he did what he's accused of, and it can be proven, or if he pleas guilty to it, then he deserves whatever's coming at him but I'm not just going to automatically, outright take her side just because she's a woman that's made the accusation.
If 100% true. Hope he goes to prison. Gets divorced. Is back to being homeless. Doesn't work in wrestling again and if he does he gets paralyzed.

Love Su as a human and if Swann is on any show I work with or on I am going to get someone to deal with him afterwards or even before he gets to work his match. Loved him as a worker for his dancing comedy jobber gimmick and good matches, but this is trash. Love and Prayers to her. Nothing, but hatred to Swann until this is shown to be proven otherwise. Which it doesn't look like it will. Unfortunate, but this stuff happens I suppose. Boy I do kind of hope this isn't true, because I have nothing, but good to say about both of these individuals. This sucks hard.
Even if Swann is found innocent, he is done. Hell, Moose got passed over by WWE for something minor. Do you think WWE will bring Swann back? He is gone by the Rumble. As for the rest of his career? He will get work in the Indy circuit. It is not like he is Rude Boy Riley that got his jollies looking at pictures of toddlers performing very adult acts on his cell phone. Riley's bust rattled NYC's Indy scene to the core. He "was" Tier 1 Wrestling's first Champion. Even took that belt on a tour of the UK. Tier 1 scrubbed him from memory fast. As for Swann? As I said, he will get plenty of work when this all dies down. He was good in the Indies. If there is no conviction, Swann will be fine away from WWE.
Sometimes, witnesses outright lie or make mistakes. I've heard a lot of courtroom testimony when I've transported inmates to court for hearings, trials, appeals, etc. and eyewitness testimony is often unreliable. I'm not saying that these witnesses are or aren't reliable, I've no way of knowing but I do know that people sometimes can make mistakes and people do sometimes lie about what they've seen. You've proven my point when I said that Swann is going to be viewed as guilty until proven innocent, you and I don't know the reliability of the people who claims to have seen what they saw and I haven't read anything to suggest that this took place in front of dozens of people who all claim to have seen the same thing. This might also be a case of an angry spouse playing the abuse card as a means of getting what she wants; again, I'm not saying that' what this is because I have no way of knowing whether it is or isn't, but it's a possibility and one I'm certain the cops have asked themselves and are looking into. I don't particularly care if it's politically correct to say it or not, it's a legit concern in situations like this one and gotten to the point where we're allowing political correctness to hamstring common sense because we're afraid of being called misogynists or that we approve of physically hitting women.

I do my absolute best not to try to judge someone's guilt or innocence when I don't know or have all the facts because I've seen way too many decent people get fucked over by the system because of he said/she said evidence and testimony. If he did what he's accused of, and it can be proven, or if he pleas guilty to it, then he deserves whatever's coming at him but I'm not just going to automatically, outright take her side just because she's a woman that's made the accusation.

I get what you are saying. I know that eye witness testimony in court cases don't carry the weight that they used to. I also admit to coming from a household with a man that subjected the rest of the family to physical violence so this sort of stuff is more personal for me. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to be politically correct either.

That said, why would the witnesses lie? These aren't people who are close to his wife who are trying to corroborate a story to get Swann in trouble. These are random bystanders who witnessed the act. Why would they say he put her in a headlock and tried to drag her to the car? What action could he possibly be doing where he put his arm around her head that is misconstrued as a headlock? That seems pretty cut and dry. I also don't buy his excuse that he was just trying to get her back in the car because her phone had the GPS. What phone doesn't have a GPS on it these days? There have been people on various boards today who came forward and attested to Swann's temper. Yeah, anyone can say anything on the internet so I'm taking that with a hefty grain of salt, but his wife said she was scared of his temper. That doesn't mean he has put his hands on her in the past, but it leads me to believe that he has blown up in a violent manner in the past. THat's why I do think this is pretty clearly an instance where the dude is guilty and deserves to be fired. Maybe he will get a second chance down the road, and if his behavior improves then by all means I'm not going to try to stop him from getting that chance, but for now this, in my eyes, is very black and white.
The problem here besides the abuse is who is the abuser. He's a performer on 205 Live that WWE won't put forth the effort to slide the incident under the rug like a Stone Cold Steve Auston or even Superfly Jimmy The Killer Snuka. Swann doesn't do any damage to the bottom line so he'll most likely see the door.

Yeah, it's like I have always said- Domestic violence didn't seem to hurt "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's career or reputation. It didn't stop him going into the "Hall Of Fame".

I have always wondered if it had been Austin who did what Benoit did, if WWE would remove all traces of him from their DVDs, video games, merchandise etc, and pretend that he didn't exist.

(Digger Dias will probably mod me for criticizing his "boy").
Sometimes, witnesses outright lie or make mistakes. I've heard a lot of courtroom testimony when I've transported inmates to court for hearings, trials, appeals, etc. and eyewitness testimony is often unreliable. I'm not saying that these witnesses are or aren't reliable, I've no way of knowing but I do know that people sometimes can make mistakes and people do sometimes lie about what they've seen. You've proven my point when I said that Swann is going to be viewed as guilty until proven innocent, you and I don't know the reliability of the people who claims to have seen what they saw and I haven't read anything to suggest that this took place in front of dozens of people who all claim to have seen the same thing. This might also be a case of an angry spouse playing the abuse card as a means of getting what she wants; again, I'm not saying that' what this is because I have no way of knowing whether it is or isn't, but it's a possibility and one I'm certain the cops have asked themselves and are looking into. I don't particularly care if it's politically correct to say it or not, it's a legit concern in situations like this one and gotten to the point where we're allowing political correctness to hamstring common sense because we're afraid of being called misogynists or that we approve of physically hitting women.

I do my absolute best not to try to judge someone's guilt or innocence when I don't know or have all the facts because I've seen way too many decent people get fucked over by the system because of he said/she said evidence and testimony. If he did what he's accused of, and it can be proven, or if he pleas guilty to it, then he deserves whatever's coming at him but I'm not just going to automatically, outright take her side just because she's a woman that's made the accusation.

I have a rule of thumb:- The more witnesses who come forward, the more likely that the person did what they say he did.

If one or two people make an accusation, it could be true, or it could be made-up. But it is harder to get 20+ to all say that they saw the same thing.

That is why I believe those who accuse Cosby or accuse Weinstein. I doubt that that many people would all get together and collectively decide to destroy someone's career and reputation. One or two might, but the more people involved, the more likely someone will change their story, or not corroborate it, if it is made up.

The story didn't say how many witnesses there were, but why would witnesses, in this case, who have possibly never met Swann or formed an opinion on him, want to do something like say he did this if he didn't? It doesn't make sense.

Swann might have got away with it if it was only his wife, and no-one was around (that's how many abusers get away with it for years), but having other people back up her story will hurt Swann's case.
I get what you are saying. I know that eye witness testimony in court cases don't carry the weight that they used to. I also admit to coming from a household with a man that subjected the rest of the family to physical violence so this sort of stuff is more personal for me. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to be politically correct either.

That said, why would the witnesses lie? These aren't people who are close to his wife who are trying to corroborate a story to get Swann in trouble. These are random bystanders who witnessed the act. Why would they say he put her in a headlock and tried to drag her to the car? What action could he possibly be doing where he put his arm around her head that is misconstrued as a headlock? That seems pretty cut and dry. I also don't buy his excuse that he was just trying to get her back in the car because her phone had the GPS. What phone doesn't have a GPS on it these days? There have been people on various boards today who came forward and attested to Swann's temper. Yeah, anyone can say anything on the internet so I'm taking that with a hefty grain of salt, but his wife said she was scared of his temper. That doesn't mean he has put his hands on her in the past, but it leads me to believe that he has blown up in a violent manner in the past. THat's why I do think this is pretty clearly an instance where the dude is guilty and deserves to be fired. Maybe he will get a second chance down the road, and if his behavior improves then by all means I'm not going to try to stop him from getting that chance, but for now this, in my eyes, is very black and white.

Why would they lie? Because they can. If I seem overly cynical, it's because I've seen a LOT of people who've gotten into trouble with the system all because they've saw an opportunity. Check this out: A couple of years back, closer to 3 really, a couple get into an argument in the supermarket that got so loud that someone called the cops. The man and the woman were going back and forth pretty loud and a few witnesses swore to the police that he put his hands on her, after she herself made the same accusation. This made the matter more complicated, as you would imagine, so the police took him into custody and, in the meantime, asked the store manager for any security footage the store had for the time they'd been in the store. They looked at the footage, each aisle had a camera so they were able to piece together the whole thing and the footage showed that he never laid a finger on her despite her accusations and the claims of a couple of witnesses. Loud, verbal arguments were common with this couple and she took it a step further by making the claim that he'd struck her, which a few other people baked up by saying something to the degree of "that's what it looked like from my vantage point." The cop called, rather one of the cops who responded to the call, in is married to one of my cousins and the man was taken into custody, he was taken to police headquarters so the booking process could be initiated while another cop looked at the footage and was having a copy made so it could be presented. The man wasn't officially charged or put into the system, but he did have to spend hours at the station while the whole thing was sorted out.

The witnesses who claimed that they saw the man put his hands on his wife, they were a couple of teenage boys who thought it'd be kinda funny. They themselves were charged with misdemeanors for lying to a police officer, it could've been more serious but the DA declined to prosecute further because of their age and figured they'd learned their lesson. As for the man's wife, she was charged with a misdemeanor as well that, again, could've led to more serious charges. The guy lucked out that he happened to be in a place that had a good, and a working, surveillance system because that's really the only thing that saved him from having his life torn upside down.

So yeah, some people lie sometimes to get someone else into trouble. Of course, I'm not saying that's what's happening with Swann but I really have know way of knowing that do I? I also have no way of knowing that Swann didn't do it in spite of what he says which sums up my entire point. Someone in this situation is lying, I don't know who or which side and that's why I'm not taking either side; I'm not taking his side because I don't know if he did it or not as I have only his word and I'm not taking her side just because Rich Swann is a man and the accusation has been made.
I have a rule of thumb:- The more witnesses who come forward, the more likely that the person did what they say he did.

If one or two people make an accusation, it could be true, or it could be made-up. But it is harder to get 20+ to all say that they saw the same thing.

That is why I believe those who accuse Cosby or accuse Weinstein. I doubt that that many people would all get together and collectively decide to destroy someone's career and reputation. One or two might, but the more people involved, the more likely someone will change their story, or not corroborate it, if it is made up.

The story didn't say how many witnesses there were, but why would witnesses, in this case, who have possibly never met Swann or formed an opinion on him, want to do something like say he did this if he didn't? It doesn't make sense.

Swann might have got away with it if it was only his wife, and no-one was around (that's how many abusers get away with it for years), but having other people back up her story will hurt Swann's case.

Sure, I completely understand and agree with that. When you've got potentially dozens of people who've come forward with the same complaint or who all claim to have seen the same thing, it's far more difficult to write them off. In this case, I believe there were only 1 or 2 who made the claim and while I'm not saying they're lying, just look at my response to Rainbow's last post as it contains an example of why I'm overly suspicious of something revolving around the word of just a couple of people. I'm not saying that's what's happened here, Swann might very well be guilty, but, as of right now, I don't know one way or another and that's really been my entire point: I don't know and neither does anyone else on these forums.
My go to mantra in these cases is innocent till proven guilty, which is how the law operates as well. However, that's not to say he didn't do it.

From all accounts, Rich has shot himself in the foot and this kind of behaviour is intolerable. On the other hand, all the facts are still to come out as there's still a lot of "he said, she said" going on. WWE's reaction is very understandable but it still surprised me that they didn't outright fire the guy.

If all turns out to be true, his career is as good as over. If proven innocent, he may hang around in the WWE but I don't thing he'll receive any kind of push till his contract runs out.

What a bummer!
The fact is also, he will be let go by WWE.

Why? Because he isn't important enough.

When a major star does this, it is forgiven (look at how domestic violence didn't hurt SCSA or Ric Flair's careers).

I remember with the Wellness policy. Eugene got released for failing Wellness three times, but this was when he wasn't on air anymore, and was going to be released anyway. Meanwhile, Randy Orton has failed Wellness at least FOUR times, and still keeps his job, because of his importance and standing with the company (one of the four times was explained away as other discipline problems, but everyone suspected it was another Wellness violation), and the fact that TNA would have snatched him up if WWE let him go.

Paige got back to back Wellness violations, yet I bet if it was Charlotte or Natalya who did it, they would get another chance, because of their standing and their pedigree.

Do you think Cena or Triple H would have been fired due to failing Wellness numerous times? No, because I suspect that they are never tested. But others get tested often, and those who get fired aren't being used anyway.

Vince has programs and PPVs to promote. Do you think he would change a WM main event if one of the competitors was involved in a scandal? Not unless the mainstream media were all over them.

Do you think if SCSA, the Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Cena, Orton etc had done a "Benoit", that they would be "erased" from the WWE consciousness, and attempted to be removed from DVDs and video games?

I even bet if Hulk Hogan was as active in the ring two years ago, and involved in a program, he would have got a slap on the wrist for the "n..." comment. But he is a washed-up has-been who cost a lot of money and couldn't wrestle anymore,and had betrayed Vince in the past, so they could sack him a lot easier. Do you think Hogan would be on the outs if "Hulkamania" was still make money in merchandise?

Rich Swann isn't a major player in WWE, and there is no reason to keep him after this. I mean, Emma only kept her job after shoplifting because of lack of evidence, and that there was an Australian tour coming up. WWE punish who it is in their best interests to punish, otherwise people like JBL and Randy Orton would have got punished a hell of a lot more for their antics.
The fact is also, he will be let go by WWE.

Why? Because he isn't important enough.

When a major star does this, it is forgiven (look at how domestic violence didn't hurt SCSA or Ric Flair's careers).

I remember with the Wellness policy. Eugene got released for failing Wellness three times, but this was when he wasn't on air anymore, and was going to be released anyway. Meanwhile, Randy Orton has failed Wellness at least FOUR times, and still keeps his job, because of his importance and standing with the company (one of the four times was explained away as other discipline problems, but everyone suspected it was another Wellness violation), and the fact that TNA would have snatched him up if WWE let him go.

Paige got back to back Wellness violations, yet I bet if it was Charlotte or Natalya who did it, they would get another chance, because of their standing and their pedigree.

Do you think Cena or Triple H would have been fired due to failing Wellness numerous times? No, because I suspect that they are never tested. But others get tested often, and those who get fired aren't being used anyway.

Vince has programs and PPVs to promote. Do you think he would change a WM main event if one of the competitors was involved in a scandal? Not unless the mainstream media were all over them.

Do you think if SCSA, the Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Cena, Orton etc had done a "Benoit", that they would be "erased" from the WWE consciousness, and attempted to be removed from DVDs and video games?

I even bet if Hulk Hogan was as active in the ring two years ago, and involved in a program, he would have got a slap on the wrist for the "n..." comment. But he is a washed-up has-been who cost a lot of money and couldn't wrestle anymore,and had betrayed Vince in the past, so they could sack him a lot easier. Do you think Hogan would be on the outs if "Hulkamania" was still make money in merchandise?

Rich Swann isn't a major player in WWE, and there is no reason to keep him after this. I mean, Emma only kept her job after shoplifting because of lack of evidence, and that there was an Australian tour coming up. WWE punish who it is in their best interests to punish, otherwise people like JBL and Randy Orton would have got punished a hell of a lot more for their antics.

While I agree with you on how it use to worked in wwe, I kinda disagree with you're assesment that Vince wouldn't fired a top guy because of the wellness policy. Don't forget that he suspended Roman reigns twice already for wellness violation and That's Vince pet project. The fact is Vince isn't going to take chances anymore at getting bad publicly even if it cost him a main event star. For him the image of the company is more important then any superstar on the rosters. That why every time somebody as been arrested for pretty much anything,they have been suspended no matter how high or how low his standing was in the company.

That's how 2017 wwe works in my opinion. As for rich swann, guilty or not, he's going to be relicated to the lower hand part of the cruiserweight division which mean, being in the cruiserweight match taped for main event. Will they get over it, probably with time since swann isn't as important but the fact that they we're building the whole title picture around him when this situation happened will make them think twice about giving him something that important.
The sad thing in this case is; whether he did it or not, his career with the WWE is for all intents and purposes most likely over with. Also, if he did it, the sad thing is that yet another person has been subjected to intolerable stuff like this.

If he did it; he deserves to be fired, charged with whatever he can be charged with, and sentenced to whatever he can be sentenced with. I've seen a grown man put his hands on a woman before and it's revolting. More than that, it's intolerable and if Swann did indeed put his hands on his wife he deserves everything that he's going to get.

If he didn't do it, however, well now the man's reputation is forever ruined and as has been said, he's not a big enough name to come back from something like that. I don't even think that the WWE would even try to bring him back if he were found innocent or if his wife either drops or doesn't press charges. That's why cases like these involving abuse should be treated as very delicate. One way or another, people's lives are going to get ruined because if he did do it, he ruined his own life and deserves it. Furthermore, if he did do it, he ruined her life with possible issues from abuse later on. If he didn't do it, doesn't really matter, his reputation is ruined and as a result his life is going to suffer.

I, for one, hope to God he didn't do it. Not because I like him or anything, but because I hope like hell that his wife didn't have to go through something like that. For the life of me, I don't see why she would fabricate something like that, though. The sad thing is, however, that people fabricate stuff like this all of the time. So it's easy for us to say that we're not going to judge him yet because we don't know the facts or outcome of the case, but his fate, either way, is more than likely sealed.

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