Ric Flair Suffers Torn Rotator Cuff


Mid-Card Championship Winner
PWInsider.com is reporting that Ric Flair has not been written into this week's TNA Impact shows, and is not expected to be present at tonight or tomorrow night's tapings. This has sparked speculation that Flair might either be done with TNA or taking time off following last week's incident in Ireland when he was left behind during TNA's house show tour. More on this developing story as it becomes available.
Ric Flair is not at today's Impact taping and is not on the run sheets for this week's episodes that are being taped. There are some already wondering if he's gone from the company after the incident in Ireland but I don't have any confirmation on that.

Would suck if that's the case, because Flair is one of the most entertaining guys there are in the world of professional wrestling, and frankly, he's integral to the concept of Fortune — they are "Flair's Fortune", after all.

Personally, I don't buy these dirt sheet reports (speculative at best) as indicative of that idea. Seems to me like they're simply reading between the lines (when there may not be lines to be read between to begin with) looking and finding something that's probably not there.
Okay, I think this should be a real learning experience for TNA and to Ric Flair. He can't just go around using his 'legend' status to excuse any behavior of his on the road and demands for money. I think TNA would want to use this as a protocol to show current employees and prospective ones what should NOT be tolerated. This is classic EGO tripping. I think that is very classless and is well that he is being 'punished' in a way.

I mean, no one put a gun to his head and forced him to live the extravagant lifestyle that put him in the financial situation he's in now. No one forced him to be the man to marry and divorce 4 times, have all those expensive cars, have big time mansions, take lavish vacations, buy 20,000.00 dollar watches for his friends. Besides, he KNEW TNA was not a multi-billion dollar corporation like WWE. He can't say he didn't know what he was getting into. You only do that because of your ego, and to make up for what you lack inside, your morality. Don't get me wrong, I like Flair's accomplishments as a wrestler, but as a person, he's still got a LOT of growing to do. I think maybe this kind of crap should probably leave him suspended for a while and to show that even 'legends' are not exempt from punishment for making wrong choices for their way of living.
I don't buy into all the dirt sheet reports either. There could be a storyline reason he wasn't there or he's taking a week off to chill out after the tour. Untill the tour incident he said he was having the most fun he has had in a long time being part of a wrestling company. I guess we will have to wait and see.

It would suck if he is gone, but his outburts on the tour was completely unprofessional. I do think he adds to the product though. I mean his is Ric f'n Flair! Our wrestling GOD!
tell you the truth i hope flair is done with tna, gives more room for younger talent that can actually perform in the ring
The Flair hate on here is ridiculous. The guy hasn't wrestled an actual match in months, and he gives a huge rub to Beer Money, Styles, Kazarian, and even a scrub like Rob Terry just with his presence and mic work. Hell, even his mini-feud with Angle has been great. If Flair got the boot from TNA, it would be a damned shame, and I, for one, would be much less inclined to go out of my way to watch their poorly-booked crap.
Honestly.. if Flair wants a cash advance, Ric Flair should get a cash advance.
He's a marqui name and it's not as if you can't just take it out his salary if that's not the company policy but you take care of your Marqui names.

That being said, I think this is a case of the dirt sheets hyping shit way out of proportion. The timing is suspect though so I'm guessing either he had jet lag, was injured during the tour or got a 2-4 week disciplinary vacation.

OR maybe just maybe for storyline purposes his absence was needed..

How much do you want to bet the last one is likely the case?
I think I was a little surprised before when Flair asked for an advance and it was not given.
now maybe as a company you don't want to start giving special treatment to certain people because then others could expect the same thing? but it's Ric Flair! he is a legend. I'm not sure how much money he needed, but I'm sure how ever much money it was he could have made back for the company in the future.
I mean, no one put a gun to his head and forced him to live the extravagant lifestyle that put him in the financial situation he's in now.

For sure. I read a quote the other day suggesting that Flair was wistfully wishing he had been frugal with his money and lifestyle like other wrestlers of his generation. Well, what's stopping him from doing it now? Don't give me that "set in his ways" crap. If he has to keep working because of his financial situation; that's sad, but not unusual in this day and age. But who says he can't stop living the "Nature Boy" lifestyle?

Someone else in this thread said that if Flair wants an advance, he should get it because of his marquee name. Well, I say it's all the special treatment this guy has always received that's led him into this lavish lifestyle in the first place. It's as if everyone has told him he's the greatest....and he can't help but agree.:blush:

If Flair is being left out of the company's plans for a few weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if it were a "quiet" suspension; one that's not being publicized. On the other hand, if TNA's recent plans to bring back Booker, Nash & Sting have been squashed, I doubt TNA will want to terminate Flair now.
Major Update To OP Story:

- Ric Flair learned today that he suffered a torn rotator cuff on in his match with Doug Williams on Saturday night. No other details are known right now.

Credit: Wrestling Observer

This almost certainly puts to rest the ideas that Flair is "done" with TNA, and also answers why he wasn't at the tapings.
Major Update To OP Story:

This almost certainly puts to rest the ideas that Flair is "done" with TNA, and also answers why he wasn't at the tapings.

I had a feeling there was more to this story, and there was a legit reason he wasn't at the tapings. I think he is just healing up, he's not a spring chicken that can bounce right back from something like that. I think he will be back AT THE LATEST by the iMPACT taping on 2/24 in North Carolina, if not sooner.

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