Ric Flair Explains His Side Of The Recent Meltown In Europe


Pre-Show Stalwart
""When you work for WWE, you are used to funds being available for you, if you think I am going to spend my own money, you are out of your mind."

In my experience if you're classed as an "independent contractor" as TNA and WWE do to their wrestlers, you pay your own expenses whilst working and then claim then back after the fact. Don't know about US law but I would say this expectation is against the definition of a contractor in the UK.

I seriously don't see how TNA and WWE get away with classing people like Ric Flair as "contractors".

Um...what are we discussing here. I dont get it. Is there a question we can respond to????
If you asking for us to agree or disagree with the fact that you don't see how TNA and WWE get away with classing people like Ric Flair as "contractors" then I AGREE, you don't see how TNA and WWE get away with classing people like Ric Flair as "contractors".

I dont get the post.....
What Flair is discussing is the laws. In the US you have one set, in the UK its different. I guess in the US the company will pay for any travel, but in the UK you have to pay your own way. Thats what I'm getting from it at least.
I think not only travel but rentals,taxis,food,liquor,etc are what flair was talking about as well. I think because he was viewed as a "god" over there and had a big piggybank where they could preloan the money to wrestlers flair forget he was in the minors again for a moment.
If I'm not mistaken, its all in referance to an incident a few months back where Flair asked for a draw overseas and wasnt granted one. So he blew up on the agent and no showed the event. I couldnt begin to tell you the laws overseas, but I'm sure it doesnt make a big difference either way. If you read Foleys books, he talks about wrestlers getting draws on every level of the industry, and only having twice he was willing to ask for one himself.

I'm just saying its a very common practice, and as long as Flair has worked for TNA, I would assume he is familiar with their system. BTW a draw is where you get spending money in advance and its docked from your check. If I recall, the article made it seem like the agent was at fault, and I would tend to side with Flair anyway. TNA may be the minor leagues, but Panda Energy sure isnt, and they could undoubtedly afford to front Flair a grand, I doubt it was any more than that. I wouldn't want to use my credit cards overseas either. Identity theft is a crisis in many places overseas, especially on Americans because it will take a few months before they even realize it, unless you've got LifeLock or some shit, which I dont trust either. Add exchange ratios, taxes, there's a lot of risks or hassles involved, and flying with a wad of cash is ignorant. TNA should have been prepared to give draws to their wrestlers, minor leagues or not.
What Ric Flair is probably referring to is getting advanced money to cover what is referred to as "Lodging" and "Meals and Incidental Expenses". Many companies provide these allowances in advance based on the work scheduled.

In the US, there is a detailed breakdown by county/state of what can be legally advanced to a contractor as money that is not reported as earnings; whether you are a W2/employee or 1099/contractor, these funds can be issued and not reported to the IRS as "taxable income".

You can check out the allowances on www.gsa.gov if you're interested.

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