Rhyno - Not All That Shit

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Note that I said "not all that shit". He's still a bit shit. I was never that big on him. The man's shaped like a fucking brick or something.

But yeah, this whole ECW thing (which in itself is actually a weak storyline) has made me think that ol' Rhyno might be good for a few more half decent midcard feuds. In fact, come to think of it, his feud with AJ Styles and James Storm were half decent. A shame they both ended in this dreadful Elevation X matches. Y'know, the ones where Rhyno was scared out of his fucking mind.

Congratulations, Rhyno, on not being all that shit!
I really agree with you Uncle Sam.
Rhino has done a few things in different companies but nothing really sticks out as an O My God momment. I think the one thing that Rhino really has
"and maybe i would get cyber puched for this i really dont know",
but in my opinion the only thing that Rhino really has or had going for him is the name Rhino, Rhyno or how ever you want to spell it. But other then that we could get edge and christian saying get the Rhyno."If anyone remembers that"
See there it is again, His name.
But again Uncle Same, I agree and that little shit that you are talking is what I just described.
Meh, I still think he's pretty shit. Sure, the Gore is pretty cool looking, but other than that? Pretty boring. He isn't especially good on the mic either. All of those guys in the ECW faction just resort to yelling as loud as they can while talking, which isn't entertaining at all. Just look at what happened last time they tried to put Rhino in a semi-important storyline as the leader of the Frontline, in failed miserablely. Sure, that was a much bigger storyline than this current one, but he's still working against some of the biggest and most important up and coming stars in the company, he can't afford to screw this up.
I agree that he's mostly shit, but the guy has his moments.
I mean, in the ring he's pretty awful. And on them mic he's just as bad, if not worse. I didn't really see him in his ECW days, but I know he was pretty crap in his WWE days too. He did absolutely nothing.
But I will admit that I am mildly interested by his whole "conspiracy theory" thing in TNA at the moment. At least he's being given something to do. And it could actually lead to something, some kind of ECW stable. It's totally ripped off from WWE's various ECW stable angles, but I think it could go better than WWE's attempts.

But overall, Rhyno remains as crap as ever. When a wrestler's signature match is elevation X, then yeah, he's pretty crap. Not mention the infamous "How was that?" promo... Wow, I'm not really sure why he has a job, to be honest.
He's a useful midcard jobber. He has a distinct--very distinct look. Just because of that, and because of the Gore, and because he's been around seemingly forever now, he's a useful midcard jobber. Say TNA signs Brian Kendrick and doesn't want to rocket him into the main-event Nigel McGuinness/Desmond Wolfe style--throw him in a feud with Rhino for two or three months max, then have Kendrick go after a bigger fish.

Very much like they did with Lashley--Lashley had a side feud with Rhino while building up to his match with Samoa Joe.

He has enough going for him that going over him means more than, say, going over Jethro Holliday or Jay Lethal or Doug Williams. Which makes him worth a roster spot, but not much more.
rhino is okay, he's not terrible but not anything great either. He can cut a few good promos from time to time and he's great for hardcore style matches. I forgot who went through one side of six sides of steel but it was rhino that gored him. Another moment that stands out is a monster's ball match where he tried to gore abyss through a wall then abyss moved, rhyno went right through it
I dunno, I still think the guy is mostly shit. I've never been all that fond of Rhino and it's probably not too likelty that my mind will be changed about the guy. As has already alluded to, he's far from special either in the ring or on the mic, he's a little too big to be a high flyer and he's not really big enough to be a major powerhouse.

The ECW faction doesn't really interest me all that much, probably due in large part to the fact that I just don't really care about most of the guys involved in it. I know the Dudleyz are a great team, I know that they've won like 987 world tag team titles but I just think they're kind of stale. I know that a lot of people are suddenly impressed by Jesse Neal just because his new look is an amalgam of generic punk styles of the past few decades. Rhino doesn't add anything dymanic to the faction for me. He's just not that good of a worker in my opinion. I've found Rhino to be a waste of air time for the most part.
I'm not sure why this is news to anyone. I'm really not.

Think about it: Where was he best utilized? ECW, right? Well, what did they have him do in ECW? They had him slaughter whoever was in his way. The only opponent that was ever made to look his equal was RVD. And there, RVD was allowed to carry the matches. Otherwise, Rhino's entire career was based off the demise of his opponents, and the intensity his character brought. I'd say his character brought even more intensity than Goldberg in his day. (Yeah, I said it. Rhino in ECW > Goldeberg in WCW. Wanna fight about it.)

Now, he's being asked to do something either than look intimidating and kill people. And he's flailing with that task. Sure, he looks good with the good workers (Benoit, Jericho in WWE, Angle in TNA) but that's about it. His mic skills are poor for someone that's been in the business for so long. But when you think about, it's competely understandable why that would be the case. In ECW he didn't need mic skills, so he never learned them. In WWE, he was treated as a secondary character, so he didn't need them again. And now that he does need them... Well, we see how shit they really are.

In short, this shouldn't be shocking. I could've told you all of this from day one.
Am I the only one impressed with his mic work? His promo from a month ago when he was firing up at Dixie and called her "toots" was great, and he's selling he's current gimmick well, the kind of paranoid, psychotic and violent has been. Even tho this current faction of old timers begrudging new guys seems a lot like a poor man's main event mafia, as long as the opening 15 minutes of the next 6 months of iMPACT isn't Rhyno and 3D walking in suits to the ring, I don't mind this gimmick. At the very least, it will help Morgan, Pope and 'Hernandeh' get over
Am I the only one impressed with his mic work? His promo from a month ago when he was firing up at Dixie and called her "toots" was great, and he's selling he's current gimmick well, the kind of paranoid, psychotic and violent has been. Even tho this current faction of old timers begrudging new guys seems a lot like a poor man's main event mafia, as long as the opening 15 minutes of the next 6 months of iMPACT isn't Rhyno and 3D walking in suits to the ring, I don't mind this gimmick. At the very least, it will help Morgan, Pope and 'Hernandeh' get over

Agreed. I believe the current gimmick works well for him, and his mic work in this feud is great. In my opinion, his mic work has always been solid...he brings an intensity to his promos, which works with his character. You don't expect a guy named "Rhino" to have some grade-A promo work, because if you do, then that's putting the bar somewhat high given the constrictions of his character. He goes about his promo work simply, but he conveys emotion and ferocity very well.

I think that Rhino's ring work has gotten sloppier, not that it was all that great anyway besides the Gore. So I can see how most can view him as a "little shit" or however you want to put it. But I think that comes from the decline of age and all that stuff. But judging from the work he has been given, he has done fairly well. And calling Dixie Carter "toots" was awesome, you have to admit.

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