Rhodes or DiBiase Jr.?

Rob S.

Dark Match Jobber
Who do you think is the better wrestler out of the two, i think it's Ted DiaBiase Jr because he seems smoother in the ring and performs more interesting moves like the take down i saw a few weeks ago. However Rhodes does seem a little more comfortable on the mike, but i'd still go for Dibiase because of his in-ring ability.
Well it's pretty clear that Dibiase is the better of the two... Cody just doesn't seem to have it on the level that Ted does. I could go on, but why when it's that simple.
I actually see this being and Edge and Christian type thing where each go on to because successful. I think Rhodes is quite good and has been progressing well, showing more personality. DiBiase is also quite good.
Rhodes is by far the superior actor. His reactions to Triple H's post-match promo were gold.
Dibiase is by far the better in ring performer, has the better look and just has the makings of champion. Rhodes is good on the mic, has great facial expressions, and sells well in the ring. Both are starting to develop into competent hands in the ring.

Presence vs. Personality, Skill vs. Savvy...I'm going to go with Dibiase on this one. His personality will start to emerge as he gains experience and confidence and his in ring ability improves with every appearance. I still can't get past how frail Rhodes appears next to all the main eventers on Raw...it's like watching my skinny kid brother wrapping his body around a 200 pound running back's leg trying to tackle him in a peewee football game.

Dibiase just has the look and demeanor of a champion and is developing the skills to back it up.

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