Rhode Block at Mania.

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Announced at the Smackdown Taping Rey Mysterio Vs Cody Rhodes

When will a Superstar learn not to mess with the Mask. Rey Mysterio rarely if ever loses when the Mske gets involved. Countless superstars have tried to remove the mask ultimately to lose the match the list inculdes the likes of CM Punk and Chris Jericho. If there was no mask involved in this match Rhodes wins but sadly they had to give Rhodes a mask as well. Now it eliminates the chances for Rhodes to get a much needed win. He is getting better as a Superstar and I could see this feud progressing in the future. I believe overall Rey Mysterio between the two superstars is the star who gets more fan attention. That is why he will the win and will receive his last Mania win.

Too many young superstars who can win. This Mania more than ever there are countless superstars who can come away with a victory who are up and coming. Alberto Del Rio, Miz, Cody Rhodes, probaly some form of Nexus and Corre, Daniel Bryan/Evan Bourne (probaly). There just isn't enough room on the card to allow everyone of them to get a win. Also, it woudn't make sense. It's impossible to have all these guys get wins to get pushes all on the same night and I feel Rhodes will be draw the small straw. I think they aren't marketing him right, right now and he just doesn't have all the star qualities to win.

Rey Mysterio is done. Rey is going to be gone soon and he deserves this. He has fone so much for the WWE has wrestled after injury after injury and honestly always does his best. It will be ashame to lose him but time will go on and he will be missed. The little Big man will get one more moment to shine on the grandest stage of them all and I think it will be his last. Sadly it comes at the expense of Cody Rhodes but somebody was going to lose. I think after this it will set up many great oppurtunities for Sin Cara who will most likely be the only masked Superstar unless Boogeyman returns (joking).

619 one last time at Mania.

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