Rhett Titus Trying To Get Look From TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to a report from PW.net he is:

Upon announcing his having re-signed with ROH, the following commentary was added to the article:

Shore's Slant: Let the speculation about the new ROH television deal continue after this report. I had heard that Titus had been trying to get a look from TNA, and re-signing with ROH tends to make me believe that something is definitely in the works.

Seeing as I don't actually follow ROH, anyone have anything more on this, or on the potential this guy could bring? Thoughts? Concerns?
I guess you will be happy It's Damn Real! the guy defienitley has personality. He's also good in the ring. And has the possibility to be great in the ring. As he is just 23 and has a lot of time to develop. I see loads of potential in this guy. He would be a very good singing for TNA.
Titus is a talented guy, with decent charisma, just somewhat of a spot monkey. It looks like what ROH is trying to work out is a new television deal, although where, Im not sure. Re-signing talent such as Titus means that at least something is in the works for ROH or Titus likely wouldn't have re-signed with ROH, because their deal with HDNet just ended Monday. TV revenue= paychecks, and I imagine many of their top talent would be jumping ship if they didnt have something at least close to fruition. Its a shame, because I'd rather see him in TNA. An excellent tag team wrestler as part of the All Night Express, and he's young at 23.
I don't know who he is but he must not think much of himself at the moment if he's aiming so low as to get the attention of TNA. Unless, obviously, it's just a stepping stone for him and a chance to exploit the potential for TV time curtainjerking PPVs in 20 man X Division battle royals and main eventing episodes of Xplosion.

Also, to LSN80

"TV revenue=paychecks"

Not for the talent, from what I've heard

Addicted To Love Rhett Titus reminds me of a Stevie Richards or even a young HBK in some ways but for me more so a Stevie Richards. Although, I have seen some people compare him to a Val Venis but I think thats just because of his gimmick.

When he and Kenny King wrestled Shelton and Charlie Haas I saw one comment from a viewer on the video that was something like "wow its like The Worlds Greatest Tag Team just wrestled The Indy Verison of themself!" basically comparing King to Shelton and Titus to Haas.

The only problem is I honestly dont see a spot where Titus could fit in...there is nothing for him...the only way I could see it is if Kenny King wanted to return to TNA (he was there in the earlier days) and The All Night Express wanted to get exposure on a grander stage.

But if Kenny couldnt come with him... *tries to think about the current roster* I would say team Rhett up with someone but I have no idea who...
I don't know who he is but he must not think much of himself at the moment if he's aiming so low as to get the attention of TNA. Unless, obviously, it's just a stepping stone for him and a chance to exploit the potential for TV time curtainjerking PPVs in 20 man X Division battle royals and main eventing episodes of Xplosion.

Also, to LSN80

"TV revenue=paychecks"

Not for the talent, from what I've heard


If you had bothered to read, you would have noticed that I was talking about ROH TELEVISION. What TNA does in terms of their talent and their treatment of them has nothing to do with this, it's about Rhett Titus. Titus re-signed with ROH, which leads me to believe that ROH is on their way to a new television deal. Take your b.s. about TNA's "mistreatment" of their talent elsewhere, its quite simple. They have a choice to work there, and if unhappy, can leave. Many of those "unhappy" wrestlers in your dirtsheet still work for the company. What does that say?

As for wrestlers in TNA and WWE, they're independent contractors. So if Rhett Titus or anyone else has interest in working with TNA, I'm sure he's aware of these dirtsheet rumors, and understands the risks. If a wrestler isnt under contract and booked by appearance, then they may have to get second jobs. Nature of the beast my friend. I was referring to ROH, and the fact that their TV deal just expired, and they most likely locked up a new one. TV deals with wrestlers with contracts = increase in paychecks. Nothing you say can detract from that. So take your dirtsheet articles elsewhere, this thread is about Rhett Titus.
I really doubt this is true and I hope it's not as well. Rhett would really get lost in the mix but the man does have some personality. The only way that I would actually like to see him go into TNA is if they also sign Kenny King. The All Night Express is the total package for a tag team. They have the mic skills, they have the energy and they can do some crazy shit in the ring. This would be a plus to TNA if they did get ahold of one or both of these up and coming superstars but I wouldn't wanna see these guys getting called up just to wrestling for TNA Xplosion
Totally agree her with Wolfdemon.

Titus is good, but nothing all that special. If you put Kenny King into the equation, it would be a good signing. Eventually he could be a singles attraction, but if he was signed, a tag team run first would make sense.

If Titus and King could play off of each other and become established to TNA fans first (as a tag team), it would be easier to transition to singles for both.

Yes I know that there has been no talk of King to TNA.

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