Revolution: James Howard vs. ???

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

The long awaited return of one of WZCW's most popular stars happens finally happens at Revolution. Two questions hover over his return however. How will ring rust affect the former three time champion, and who will his opponent be?

Deadline is Friday, January 23rd at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Backstage: Amway Centre, Orlando, FL
It had been a long time since I had been in one of the manager’s personal road offices. Banks’ was in one of the executive boxes behind the stage, his office was basic, with a TV mounted on the back, a headset connected to a walkie on the desk and a laptop with its lid closed in the centre. I sat in the leather executive chair across from him, he leant back in his chair and gestured for me to wait. He said something very loud at a stage-hand before putting his headset on the desk. I didn’t wait for him to greet me.

“So, Banksy” I said, smirking and hoping he would get the cultural reference.

“Mr Banks” he replied, curtly. Apparently not. I sighed heavily before parting my lips a second time.

“Mr Banks. Can I call you Kenneth at least?” I said, trying to keep some civility in the meeting, all I did was flare his nostrils.

“No. Frankly after the stunt you pulled tonight you’re lucky I didn’t cut the feed to your microphone and turn off the lights in the arena.” Uh oh…

“Uh… I’m not sure what you mean, I went out there to give out an award and Mikey went crazy to try and get me back in the ring.”

“You mean your former room-mate, tag partner and the guy who you’ve seen backstage at EVERY show since Kingdom Come?”

“The only person I’ve spoken to whilst I’ve been backstage is Chris KO. I’m not even sure if he’s alive.” I came to an inescapable conclusion; Banks was a Jerk.

“I’m led to believe that he isn’t. Ty Burna doesn’t really do half-measures. I’d fire him if he weren’t one of the biggest draws on the roster.”

“Wait. You THINK he’s dead? I would hope Ken that would be something you would be going out of your way to know!”

“Huh, yeah you would think so. And I probably would, if I cared enough to find out. It’s not like he’s died before or anything.” Great, Banks was being glib about it.

“Yeah, we all thought he was dead. There was a funeral, everyone was there. Say what you like about the guy but even the people who despised him respected him.”

“You think I don’t know that? We can’t find him. He wasn’t there when we went to dig him up.”

“Please tell me you’re kidding”

“I wish I was. KO was buried alive by Ty Burna on Meltdown, when we went to clear out the dirt it was gone.”


“Yeah it. Everything, the dirt, KO, hell, even the tarp the arena made us put down to protect their precious flooring. We’ve hired about 30 private detectives to look for him, no one has any idea where it all went.”

“So. If KO is out of the picture who exactly am I fighting?”

“It’s a good question Howard, one I don’t have the answer to. I’ll keep looking for guys with something to prove by taking down a veteran, Vikram or El Swago maybe”

“El Swago, are you being serious? Everyone knows that it’s…”

“Who is under the mask is irrelevant as well you know Howard. El Swago is El Swago.”

“Fine. Any chance I’ll get a heads up Ken?”

“It’s Mister Banks Howard, and no. You won’t.”

I left the office in a fury. I didn’t care who I was fighting, I was going to do what I did best. Train, fight and win.
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