Revolution: elegANT vs. Veejay

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

What started as a simple misunderstanding has turned into a full blown blood feud between two of WZCW's most lavish stars. Will elegANT be able to summon the strength to pull out a win or will Veejay win this battle of sophisticated stars?

Deadline is Friday, January 23rd at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
The Message

This is a video message…

Veejay: Are we rolling?

Dilip: Yes

Veejay: Hello ElegANT! This is Veejay. How are you? Actually, that doesn’t matter. Anyway, I wanted to deliver a message to you. I would’ve wanted to do that in person, but you know I have a very busy schedule. So, I am sending you a video. I apologize for the low production values, but I am sure the message would be clear enough for you.

You might be wondering what this is all about. Well, you know we are meeting at New Year’s Revolution for a match. And according to you, it’s an exhibition match. I just wanted to clear all doubts that you have about this match. In fact, we shouldn’t have been fighting each other. We should’ve been fighting beside each other. Too bad that’s not happening, and as I see, it won’t happen now.

So, what happens now? Let me show you something. [He goes towards a small container with a fire ant in it] You recognize him, right? Yeah, it’s one of your beloved pals. [He turns the container upside down and releases the ant. Then suddenly, he squats it with his hands] Oops! Sorry, I just killed one of your brothers. Now I have blood on my hand. Literally! I feel sorry for this little guy here. He must have thought that his savior, ElegANT, would come and save him. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

You see, this was just a little demo of how helpless you are. You claim to love these people and stand by these people, but you know what? You can’t help them. You can’t save them. And when they find out how weak you are, how helpless you are, they’ll turn on you. All your benevolence, all your generosity, all of that would be forgotten just like that. And that’s what irks me. I saw you and I saw what you could’ve been. Instead, all I see now is a fallen man. You’re as insecure as this ant was. You stand for your hollow beliefs and try to justify them with your empty actions. Your handshakes, your hugs, your kisses can’t save you my friend.

All I want to say is I tried to salvage you. But you are beyond that now. Come Revolution, everything that you have will be taken away. Just like this puny little insect, you’ll be crushed. These fans that root for you would turn their backs on you. And all of this would be on YOU!

The scene opens with elegANT in a typical 80s movie training montage. First he is shown running up a flight of concrete stairs. Next, he is in a gym doing push-ups. Next, he drinks a glass full of raw eggs. Now he is back to running, this time in a forest. Next, he is up to his shoulders in a trash can, vomiting up the eggs. Finally, he tapes up his fist and stares into the screen.

It’s time.

Uh, sir?

The camera pans out to show Antfred standing in the doorway of the conference room where elegANT is being filmed.

You know the match isn’t for 5 days, right?

Of course, Antfred.

Then why are you taping up your fists now?

Because that’s how training montages always finish.

That’s because it usually concludes just before the event.

elegANT raises his arm to begin a response, but instead the room is filled with an awkward silence.

That is an excellent point, Antfred. Could you send for a pair of scissors?

Right away, sir.

Antfred leans out of the room and signals to a nearby worker ant.

Anything else, sir?

I don’t think so, unless you needed something, Antfred.

Actually, may I ask why you are filming a training montage?

Let’s have a seat, Antfred.

Both ants sit at the table, just as the other worker ant comes in with the scissors.

Thank you!

elegANT gets to work cutting the tape off his hands as he begins to speak to Antfred.

I did it because I’m scared, Antfred, and that's easy to hide in a training montage.

He rips the tape off his left hand and gets to work on his right.

As you know, I’ve dedicated my life to making people happy. I know people think it is some sort of charity or something, but even if I was penniless, it would be something I would endeavor to do.

You truly are one of the most generous creatures I have even met.

elegANT pulls the tape off his other hand.

I appreciate that, Antfred. That’s the issue I have with Veejay. He thinks that his wealth makes him some sort of royalty; superior to everyone else. Honestly, that wouldn’t be a problem, but for some reason the fact that I don’t share his mindset has sent him after me. I just cannot comprehend it.

That’s because you are a good person, sir. Veejay is a movie star. He is used to being placed on a pedestal and worshipped. When he came to WZCW, he expected to be treated that same way. Instead, he found you, someone that could be viewed as a peer, treating people the exact opposite way he believes that they should be. You’re a threat to him and the world he’s surrounded himself with, sir.

elegANT stands up and begins pacing around the room.

So he’s not fighting me, he’s fighting to keep the world he’s always known undamaged. Well, he’s mistaken! People don’t exist to worship him, and I don’t exist to treat people like refuse. I understand that he would be used to people waiting on him on set. But in real life? What reason is there to not be kindhearted to people in everyday life?

Well, Antfred, I must fight him. Not because I want to, but because it seems to be what I need to do to have Veejay drop his irrational crusade against me. My win shall be a win for kind and compassionate beings everywhere! He may be the movie star, but I will be the one getting a happy ending at Revolution.

elegANT pats Antfred on the back and walks out of the room as the scene fades out.
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