Revised WZ Bocket list


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
A while ago there was a thread about your WZ bucket list and seeing how I am very bored I was curious how they're going.

Get 10,000 rep points before spring

get rep from every admin since I've joined

become mod

one more to go but I know it won't happen for a while if ever.
I wanna fist your asshole. Not merely fist it, but go elbow deep. I'd do this while briefly considering using you as a puppet as that seems like the sort of childish thing I'd enjoy. However, after inspecting the plaything I've just inserted my arm into and realizing what a hollow, ugly, decrepit waste of skin it is, I'd bang my Milenko'd arm furiously against the nearest hard surface while ranting about how I need to get this "thing" off of my arm. This would likely be unpleasant for you because, regardless of what the preceding sentences might lead you to believe, I really am quite a rough creature.
Yeah I think just getting rep of most if not all of the big or important posters around here would be nice. Got one off indyjon yesterday which I'm proud of, and serious jones cat gif. rep which was excellent.
Being a mod and all that would be trill, but there are a lot of posters that are better than me, so right now my goal is just to get enough rep to actually make times when I give out rep seem important.

until then I'll just keep putting cat gifs into my more meaningful reps

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