Retiring Triple H

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
With Ric Flair retiring at Wrestlemania near the mid card, and Shawn retiring headlining Wrestlemania as the last match on the card, how do you think Triple H will retire? Will he lose or win at Wrestlemania? Will it be the last match on the card? Who will retire him?

I think that Triple H will retire at Wrestlmania, in a championship match, against Sheamus. I think that it will be a few years down the road but thats how I see it happening.
Honestly, with the randomness of the injuries that Triple H gets I wouldn't be surprised if he just had to come out on Raw one week and say goodbye!

Ideally he deserves to retire in the main event of a Wrestlemania but I can't see it being for quite a few years yet and, when he does, it'll only be when he feels WWE has an acceptable group of main event level talents that can carry things on without him around. I wouldn't say it'd be to Sheamus as, in his current form, he isn't exuding the personality or intensity to become a believable last match at wrestlemania level wrestler. Honestly, with HBK gone and Taker surely going before Triple H, the only person I can see Triple H agreeing to do it for at the moment would be Cena. Be nice if someone stepped out and grabbed that bull by the horns so to speak but, sadly, I don't think there's gonna be that huge star of the level needed around till Trips has gone. Kind of catch-22 there
Unlike the HBK, Undertaker's etc, HHH is bound to be involved with wrestling after he retires. This would make it slightly different, it wouldn't surprise me if he simply faded into the background and then return for the one last match before taking a role backstage. Who would it be against, judging on HHH's past it won't be Cena or Sheamus as those two would have had plenty of time to be at that level (Well Cena is there already). It'll be against someone he sees as a future talent, so its impossible to say who.

The only other possibility is that the WWE and HHH completely fall out with Flair (by which time should be finally away from the ring!) and as a result HHH's last match he wins the WWE title to make him a 17 time champion.
Honestly i see HHH retiring in like 3 years and to whom you ask?

Well i see him retired by Orton

Seriously these two have been going at it since forever. They have had awesome feuds with each other and it would be a great match to say the least. Orton could then finally get retribution after all those years of watching HHH screw him! GO ORTON!!!
I think his last match should be at a Wrestlmania, seems like a good way to end his in-ring career, though i think he will still be somewhat involved with the WWE after his last last match.

as for the opponent i would like to see someone that has history with trips so probably Randy Orton, probably even Batista. We all know that HHH and Sheamus have a little thing backstage so it wouldn't surprise me if the went head to head.
it has to be orton. hes by far hhh biggest rival sheamus is wack and cena and hhh only excited me at wm 23. hhh and orton is the best choice. by the time hhh retires orton will be by far the man in the wwe and i know these guys would put on one hell of a match
HHH retiring sounds weird but i cant see it happening anytime soon because as long as the company needs him he will be on the scene and it seems like that will be for a long time due to the fact that the new guys are evolving into stars really slow.
Whose to say HHH does a "one last match and gone forever" retirement like HBK and Flair (and presumably Taker)? He'll clearly be one of the most active people in the company even when he decides to resign from being on the roster, but I can wholeheartedly see him being used in the capacity of Vince - ie, still wrestling every so often if it can serve some feud or whatever, but only in an extremely limited capacity.

If that's the case, then HHH will more so just have one last "good match", but not as a retirement, and when you look at the current group, I'd say the most likely options for a final marquee HHH match would be one of the younger guys, as we've seen HHH/Orton and HHH/Cena faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too much for it to be worth a damn anymore. I could see it being Drew McIntyre.
Before I answer the question I have a quick statement about the whole retirement matches. While I believe that it's a great way to show the wrestlers that have been faithful or huge draws a deal of respect, how many more will we have to go through? I've been there for Ric Flairs and obviously watched Shawn's and even though both were emotional and great moments, how many can we watch before they become just another match and old news. matches like this should be far and few in between and reserved for the very highest talent the company has or will ever have, now maybe it just happened that we had 2 retirements in 3 years but if in another two years we have someone else retire to me it's going to be like "AGAIN". just my two cents on the subject.

to answer the question I say it's going to be a one last great match type of thing not a last match ever and he'll have a huge presence back stage. obviously it will be at wrestlemania and be a huge name one of three I foresee either cena, batista, or orton. Don't envision shamus ever becoming big enough or anyone else right now either. the only other person I could see is if they ever got jeff back but jeff would have to climb a huge ladder to deserve that!
I might get jeered for saying this (which I get plenty of) but the truth needs to be said:

Retirement matches have never been the end of a superstar's career. At least not in recent memory.

Mick Foley was to have retired in his match against HHH in a Hell in a Cell round 2002. Came back to face Orton a few times, left WWE, then came back and faced Edge and then left a little while afterwards for TNA. Ric Flair, retired by HBK, came back in an "Unsanctioned" Match against errr Orton I believe (As long as it sells tickets its not Unsanctioned) and we can go on fo days about how many retirement matches both Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan have had over the years, but I will lose track with myself.

Point is, if Triple H had a retirement match next 'Mania, odds are its gonna be A. a little repetitive w Flair retirin, HBK retirin, etc) and B. only a matter of time when he gets back.

And I distinctly remember Triple H proclaiming his retirement back in the Attitude Era over a messed up leg/torn ACL.

So who knows honestly? Anyone's guess here is as good as mine.
Triple H has the worst timing in the world when it comes to injurys.He could finish anytime.But really if injury didn't effect him them in the next 3 years the Game will come to an end.But who would end his career, I would have to go with most people and say Orton.Both guys can put on a great match and both can work really well together.But if he had a choice of anybody then it would have to be Shawn Michaels.HBK and him are freinds and they have not stole the show at Mania together yet.So if Shawn could then I reckon that it would happen.
Sorry, but, Triple H is never going away. He'll be in the industry until either one dies. He'll eventually take Vince's spot (because it seems like Shane O'Mac has been cast aside by Vince) and he'll run the empire. I think he'll take on Vince's "heel" persona, with a slight twist of "I was a wrestler once, I know what the best is, now give it to me, or I kick your ass/fire you."

He'll be on our TV's weekly for years, and year, and years to come. My kid's kids will know who Triple H is.
HHH will retire from wrestling just like Ric and HBK in a Wrestlemania match. The only different thing is that IMO he will retire with a win and not a loss. He might wrestle some one like the Miz or Jack Swagger, He will out them over with the crowd and help out who ever he wrestles. But Like I said he will retire from wrestling not from the company. HHH will have a spot in the company no matter what, Shoot he might even take over Vince's spot in the near future.
Triple H will just end up like Hogan. He will decide to retire, but keep wrestling. Beaten up body with bad knees, but if he shall be retired by one man, i think it should be randy orton or batista at the grandest stage of them all. He was the one that showed them the ropes and now look what they've become. Batista is probably RAW's top heel (as of late) and Randy is the one getting the best crowed reaction (Also as of late). Wrestling is also in his blood (Not Technically but McMahons) so he might one day retire from the ring, but never from WRESTLING.
Give me a break, Triple H has *many* years ahead of him and he's only 40. HBK retired because his high flying, high risk style of wrestling had clearly taken its toll on him. Triple H doesn't wrestle the same style and can probably continue at the top for at least another 7 years, injuries permitting. I don't see Triple H suddenly retiring like HBK did anyway. He is basically married into the business and his retirement will probably be more of a gradual "stepping back" kind of process. Personally, I hope HHH stays around for a long time as I'm a big fan.
If I had to pick one person who I really believe Triple H will end up having his swan song with will be Drew McIntyre. Think about it...he is in the ear of the McMahons and given time and the right build I could see him becoming a WWE or World Champion which would mean he would be headlining with the likes of Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, Y2J, and also Triple H. No one on that list could put Drew over better than Triple H, well maybe Orton and Jericho could but Triple H is the King of Kings. It is widely believed that McIntyre is going to end of being a star mainly based on who he knows. So I agree with a few of the posters about how he should put over a young guy and I just see McIntyre being that guy.
If I have to choose someone to end his career, it would have to be Randy Orton or Batista really, because to me seeing as it's the two people he made stars, and the two people he has had a longer feud with (now I know he didn't exactly have a long feud with Batista, but he has history thats for certain) so I don't see any others to end his career, besides I think Triple H is at the status that allows him to have a proper, amazing send off, and as I don't see Undertaker being around for Triple H's retirement time, and I don't see John Cena ending Triple H's career, I can't really put anybody else with Triple H than Randy and Batista when it comes to both star power and history.

On the other hand, if I don't HAVE to choose an opponent to end his career, I might go with the Vince thing, not officially retiring, but wrestling in the bigger meaningful feuds that people will really crave to watch, you with someone he has history with, or could build history with, like Vince does.
So I kinda see Triple H taking on the "semi-retired wrestler / on-screen personality" role that Vince and Shane has been going for in the past many years.
HHH can have his one last match...but he won't have a send off because like someone else said...he'll stick around the business after he's done. You kind of have to if you're married to a McMahon, plus it's in his blood.

Wouldn't mind seeing him rekindle his feud with Orton, but this time roles reversed with Trips playing the heel. I think it would be great and Orton can add to his legend killer status by defeating the game.
Triple H's last match could very well be in a long time. Even if he stops being a full time in ring competiter he could end up with a Mr. Mcmahon type character. He would wrestle sparodically to help further elevate the future talent.

If he has the Mcmahon type character it will mean so much more when someone goes over him because of his successful wrestling career. Also I think it would have to be an already elevated person to be the one to end his career and someone he feels is dedicated to the buisness.

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