Retired to soon

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
Daniel Bryan has just retired, due to medical issues, sending a shock throughout the world. His retirement at a young age is becoming a common issue in sports. Calvin Johnson and Marshawn Lynch are both contemplating retirement in the NFL in their early 30's due to lingering issues. In the NHL, it is common for a 30 year old with 10 years experience in the league to be out of work and head over to Russia for a year, only to retire a year later. It seems to be a younger person's world these days.

I am left to think of other wrestlers who retired early. Stone Cold, Trish Stratus, Lance Storm and of course Edge.

My question is, What do you think of pro athletes, wrestlers included, retiring at a young age,be it medical reasons, lack of interest, whatever?

I personally feel if it is due to medical issues then you need to protect your health first and foremost. If it is lack of interest, I feel that you need to fulfill your contract, and quit being a diva.

Just my opinion
I'll give my opinion on the 2 reasons you mentioned.

Medical reasons: Of course they should retire early if they have medical reasons. As much as I would love to see the likes of everyone you mentioned still complete being mad would make me a selfish dick. They have their future to think about and I respect them for that.

Lack of Interest: Some may consider this a bullshit excuse but I'm not one of them. I don't care what it is if you no longer like what you're doing then stop doing it. If you continue to do something you no longer enjoy it will show and whatever legacy you may have will be tarnished.
In regards to medical reasons, I think it's obvious that one should retire when the risk of permanent damage makes itself known. However, I also hate this notion of "protecting an athlete for his own good". While it may be true, I don't think people realize how demeaning and irritating it is to hear people say you have to be "protected from yourself". Believe me, I know, I've heard it enough times. People have the right to free will. If I want to go out and be an idiot and risk my career than so be it. I'm a man with the right to make my own decisions no matter how stupid or reckless they may be.

As for a lack of interest, yeah I agree with OP. Man up and fulfill what you agreed to fulfill. We can't always do what we want to do and you made the choice to sign the contract in the first place. Honor it.
If the injury could lead to you ending up in a worse off place in life, you should retire. There should be a life and time after wrestling and that life shouldn't be in a wheel chair.

If you're not interested in it, then you shouldn't be working there. Lack of interest effects performance, it effects attitude, it leads to worse matches, placing yourself in danger and your opponent in danger. You're lack of interest is only going to effect those around you, leaving is the best option in a sport where things like dedication and motivation are key factors. Not performing at your best both physically and mentally effects everything in a sport where you're supposed to put your trust in your opponent.

There are other reasons, like people like Lance Storm, who made occasional appearances after he retired from full-time, but he was financially set and wanted to spend time with his friends and his family.
I personally feel if it is due to medical issues then you need to protect your health first and foremost. If it is lack of interest, I feel that you need to fulfill your contract, and quit being a diva.

Speaking of divas, if AJ Lee retired due to the negative influence of her husband, that would be another cause to add to the list. If she left to have a baby, that's one thing, but have you read anything indicating she's pregnant?

If not, I keep thinking she might have been perfectly satisfied with her situation in WWE......and had every reason to be, given the enormous, sustained push she received.....and the issues that scotched her wanting to be here might be solely attributable to Phil Brooks.

There's no way of knowing for sure why she left, but if it was Punk convincing her to leave, that would be one more thing we'd have to 'thank' him for, wouldn't it?
If you have to stop what you're doing because of medical reasons in any job, you have to stop. It matters not whether you enjoy it or not, your health is the most important thing, and if you are unable to continue no one should criticize you for it.

On the other hand if you just don't want to do it anymore, I agree work till your contract ends and then retire. Some athletics have clauses that allow them to opt out after a certain length of time. Like they will have a 4 year contract, with the option to extend it for another length of time. That's when you work out the 4 years and don't exercise your right to extend. This is important especially if you're part of a team. Get out and don't bring the other guys down with you.
I think if someone retires, no matter the reason, that's their decision and I'd support it.

Daniel Bryan and Edge as examples, retired so they can enjoy their lives and not risk permanent injury or worse. They did what was best for them and their families and I have no problem with that.

People like CM Punk retiring because they are just done with it or lost interest, that's their choice. I'd rather someone do that then stick around and not give it their all because they don't care or want to be there anymore. Look at Lesnar vs Goldberg at Wrestlemania 20. Both were leaving the WWE after that match, neither cared about the match and it was a miserable match. Since then, Lesnar has come back and committed fully when he is obligated to be there.

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