Respect - How important is it to you?

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
Respect is a term that is used all throughout the world quite often. It shows how highly you think of someone or something as well as how much admiration you have for them or it. Respect defines the positive feeling of esteem you express to a certain entity that you feel should be well appreciated. Whether it be respect for a person(s), respect for a person’s action, respect for a nation, or even respect for a religion---whatever this entity may be, you have/show respect to it for some reason.

Now, I’m sure there are many more things in life that can have respect directed toward them; and for many different reasons. Simply speaking out against something that is wrong could be considered to generate respect from someone. The reason being because that said person had the balls to speak up for what he (or she) believed in. Another example could be showing respect to how an organization has developed. WWE, for example, could have much respect generated toward it because of how much of a success they have achieved.

The most common type of respect found in the world is respect for one’s own parents. The reason being because these people were the very people that gave life to you; they are the reason why you exist. Not only that, but they nurtured you until you were old enough to experience the world on your own---they cared for you every step of the way. Parents bring children to life. Parents raise children. Children respect their parents. It’s as simple as that. However, I understand that this is not the case for all people, as some families aren’t always normal. But respect for one’s parents is still considered to be the general rule of a child to their parents.

As I said, respect can be defined in many ways. You have respect for whatever it is that you have and you take pride in it. So this leads me to the point (question) of this thread.

I’ve come to realize in my years of experiencing life outdoors that different people have different definitions for the term respect as well as different opinions on it. Some think it is very important; others don’t give a shit about it. So this is why I ask you…

What is respect to you? What is your stance on it? How important is respect to you?

Basically, all I'm really asking is for you guys to voice your opinion on respect and how important it is for you guys. Opinions always vary, so what is yours?
To me its a lot.To me I think its what'll get you far in life.It doesnt matter what you do but Respect is one of the most powerful things in this world.Me and my friends and family all have the greatest respects for each other.Me and my friends have our up and downs but we always are still friends.

My Stance on respect.You dont have my respect from the start.You have to earn it.No one in this world will ever have my respect straight away.You have to earn it. I may know people who I never talk to but they have my respect because of what they do.

How important it is to me?Very.It doesnt matter which respect it is mutual respect etc but respect nonetheless is a very big part of my life.Where I live respect will get you far.Respect will make it so you dont get bashed and respect has it so people will back you up when you need it.
Respect is extremely important to me. You don't have to like every person you come across, but I personally believe you should respect them unless they have given you a good reason not to. Most people have the belief that respect should be earned.... I see it differently. Everyone has my respect from the get go, however if they do something to lose my respect then they must earn it if they want it back. One of the few things I ask from everybody is respect. They don't have to like me, as I don't always like them either, but one thing that I do ask of every individual is to show some respect. There's no reason to treat people with rudeness except for the rare extreme circumstances when they upset you to the point where you think they don't deserve your respect. The main reason respect became so important to me is due to how many rude people there are out there in the world and I fight that through my philosophy of showing everyone respect regardless, unless they give me a reason not to.
I'll answer the question, "What is respect to you?"

Although the definition might seem kind of indirect and vague, respect, to me, is when someone asks something of me and I have a guilty conscience if I either think of not doing it or if I actually don't do it.

People have been able to get me to do things out of fear and manipulation before, but, as soon as I detected vulnerability on their part, I never did a damn thing for them again. Ultimately, if someone has never wronged me or made me intentionally uncomfortable, I'm going to have respect for them; they've treated me the way that I've wanted to be treated, and there's not much else I can ask for.
I personally don't care if people respect me. I don't seek for people's respect, nor do I concern myself if they do respect me. I show respect to people out of courtesy, but in reality , I actually respect few people.

As a whole though, I think respect is over-rated. It's really just a branch of what people think of you. And you shouldn't care what people think of you. Treating people properly should be something that happens automatically, not because you feel they deserve it or not.
To quote an old Undertaker shirt "Loved by few. Hated by many. Respected by all." This is the stance I take in regards to respect, doesn't matter if you like me or hate me, if you can at least show me respect then things can go just fine.

I've always had the situation where people like me or hate me for who I am but that shouldn't matter to anyone but me, it's not my perogative to be liked, but regardless of that, the only thing I ask for is to be respected because I will spend my days giving as much respect to anyone who gets my attention for five minutes or more but as much as I am a giver, I want to receive it back, treat others as you want them to treat you as they say.

One of the major problems I've had with many people of late is a lack of respect towards me when I have don't nothing except be myself and show them respect despite them taking advantage. If you go all out and give 110% for any situation, you deserve to be respected for it, but where people will easily respect you, you end up losing it because you slip up despite being on top of your game for every other day.

The World is driven by respect and unfortunately many problems are caused by a lack of respect being given and received by other people, race, religion, effort, drive, anyone is born with respect but people will easily play it up and it's easier to lose it than to regain it.
Respect is very important to me. You don't have to like someone but you need to respect them as a human being. Now I am not saying I respect everyone because I don't but I try my hardest to. Even if you don't like them or what someone did to you, you have to respect them as a person and try to put ourself in there shoes. Maybe they are struggling with something in life and had a bad day when you talked to them. Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone is forgiven. That is what I live by. I try my hardest to forgive everyone if they did something to me. I mainly respect you if you try to respect me and everyone else around you. Sorry I got off topic with the mistakes thing but it all ties in together.
I wouldn't necessarily say that respect is a direct thing I put high on my list. It's always nice to be respected, but I would never say that I would be offended if someone did not respect me. Respect is something that you earn, and not something that you should demand from others no matter what.

I'd like to think that with time through a friendship, or dedicated hard work somewhere that I earn the respect of the people involved in the situation. Yet I couldn't care less if a random stranger, or for that sake a classmate I don't consider a friend did / does not respect me. Because for the most of it I'd like to think it's merely due to not having earned the persons respect, or the person not caring much about it either. And in that manner, I don't see the harm done.

But of course there's also various sorts of respect. I'd like to at least see someone be respectful enough to ask or at least not take a decision for granted due to them not having consulted me in a situation that affects me in a sort of irreversible or important situation. If it's something like buying the wrong type of burger for example, that's sort of irrelevant for example.

So, I would say I'm pretty 50-50 about respect. It's not important in some situations, but in others I'd at least like to be involved in a decision making situation like I mentioned just above.
It really depends on the person, honestly. There are plenty of people that I respect, and I would like to think respect me back. There are plenty of people I don't respect, and their respect is completely irrelevant to me in any way.

I tend to give most people the benefit of the doubt. Mainly because Ive been given it so many times in my life. When I meet someone, they generally have my respect. Then its up to them, based on the way they treat me as to whether or not they keep my respect. The people who don't keep my respect are generally people that don't show me respect. It's not a matter of like, or dislike either. Respect is on another level then that.

If its someone Ive known for awhile, and they lose respect for me, I question the context. I look at what I may have said or done to lose their respect. It sounds selfless, but its really not. Im basically looking to see if they are worthy of keeping my respect, or if its a waste of my time. If Ive done something wrong to lose their respect, I do everything in my power to earn it back. But if I determine(and its subjective) that I didn't do anything and they're overreacting, their stock and my respect for them drop significantly.

So its not really a black and white question for me. Respect is such an earned thing, and it can be lost so easily due to a number of things. Sometimes, a person can lose respect due to one act despite a possible lifetime of good actions. I try to give a person the benefit of the doubt, and have them prove me wrong otherwise.

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