Report: WWE Talent Finishing Up This Weekend?


According to a report from, Former Raw and current SmackDown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero will be leaving WWE after this weekend. Reportedly, she's pursuing a business venture outside of and that has nothing to do with the pro wrestling industry. What this business venture happens to be isn't mentioned in the report

If this is accurate, it might explain why we've seen so little of Vickie on television during WrestleMania season. Her presence for really most of this year has been brief and a non factor for Raw or SmackDown!. Also, if this is true, I've enjoyed Vickie a lot. I think she's been great in her role as a corrupt on air authority figure and manager in the past, but I think her act has gotten kind of stale. She isn't a wrestler, never was a wrestler and it feels like that she's just spinning her wheels given her limited skill set pertaining a member of the roster.
At least she is leaving on good terms, and this is probably why she got the Diva's match named after her. I understand a lot of people dislike her, but they forget she plays a character. I forgot that too until I watched interviews with her last year where she seemed to be a great person. To me she is one of the better heels of the company, a heel we don't see too often, people love to hate her.

I hope for ventures work out for her!
I always liked Vickie, and I will actually miss EXCUSE ME for a little while. She may have gotten her job because of Eddie dying, but she sure made the most out of it, and it looks like she carved out a little piece for herself to start her own business away from wrestling. Good for her. I am glad she is leaving on good terms, and i am sure she will makes appearances again in the future. I wish her all the luck in the world.
Vickie is beyond stale in the GM role, and it's been that way for years. Although, there's a missed opportunity for Vickie in a manager role. It's something fresh, she's a valuable asset to any heel with some real potential, and Vickie as a manager could kills the monotonous routine for the GM stuff.

I can't say I'll miss her too much, though. It's safe to say AJ winning is a sure thing tonight, and it wouldn't surprise me if, AJ humiliated Vickie for a send-off to end their feud after the match.
She took some time off a few years ago and then came back.

I don't think it matters. Long gone are the days when Vickie shared the spotlight with the big stars. Hopefully this means that the match under her name at Mania gets dumped on the pre-show instead of the tag match.
No offense to the Woman but thank god. I am glad she is leaving, she never struck me well and I never enjoyed her.

I do hope here next business venture is a Muti-million dollar operation. Now before you think I am a nice guy, the only reason I care so much is I don't want her to come back.
Sure she played a good heel GM but was the most annoying thing ever. As soon as she walked out and the whole EXCUSE ME schtick started, I'd change the channel because she was just that annoying. Don't think I'll miss her too much, or at all
thank god. nothing against vickie the person but vickie the character was horrible. the only decent run she had was when she was working with edge, then again edge can make anyone look good. despite what some people say there is such a thing as bad heat. seriously for awhile when she spoke you literally couldn't hear her she was being booed so bad.
Good riddance. She was good at getting heels hated by associating with her when she was annoying in her promos, but dang did I ever get sick of her as a GM figure. She overstayed her welcome in that role by several years. If she ever comes back, hopefully it will be as a heel manager and NOT as a GM. So long, Vickie! I won't miss you or the ever frustrating "EXCUSE ME". With that being said, she had a good run. One of the better heel authority figures, before it got stale to see her in that role for too long.
Wish her the best.

She played all her roles very well. Remember the nuclear heat she used to get? You couldn't even hear her talk.

Still surreal to think that she was Eddie's wife.
She was quite good at what she did, even if what she did was supposed to be annoying. Very few got consistent heat the way she did.

If this report is true, then it's good to see that she's getting into new projects and I wish her and her family well.
Some of these posts make me feel like she is about to die.

I like Vickie. She was a necessary evil for a charisma vacuum like Ziggler and someone higher than he should have been in Edge. Definitely someone who knows how to be a heel and stay a heel. Far more than just Eddie's widow who said "Excuse me!"

May she rest in peace. Omnibus portibus illiculus.
There was a long time that she had more heat than anybody else on the roster. I'm glad she got so over as a heel for so long, allowing the WWE to take care of Eddie's family while getting a solid contribution to their product. Best of luck to Vickie.
This is such a shame, such a damn shame.. She's the only diva on the roster that's interesting at all. She captivates the crowd like no other. It's sad watching her leave, but she's off to do bigger and better things.
I wont say I will Miss Vickie i wont. No offense,but the whole Excuse me act,was like nails on a chalkboard.. Very annoying,and she overstayed her welcome as the GM role goes.. I mean overstayed by like 5 years at least.. I wont say Good Riddance,i wont quite be that crude,but i wont miss her.. I do wish her well and if she comes back,a heel manager she needs to be
I sincerely hope that she's extremely successful and happy in her future businesses, since that means she'll be too busy/wouldn't want to come back. I respect that she was good at her job, but she's pretty much done all she could do a while ago and she's been irrelevant for a long time now. Not saying that she still couldn't help to get a heel heat,(personally I would've stuck her with Del Rio once it was clear he wasn't getting reactions on his own) but her as a GM hasn't been enjoyable for years.

But mostly, my ears are just really, REALLY thankful she's gone. :)

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