Report: WWE Diva Arrested Before Raw


According to a story at, WWE Diva Emma, real name Tenille Dashwood, was arrested last night in Hartford, CT. She was arrested and booked on larceny in the sixth degree and the address where she was arrested was a local Wal-Mart. In CT law, sixth degree larceny is Class C Misdemeanor and the property taken has a value of $250 or less. It's punishable by fines up to $500 and a maximum of 3 months in jail.

During Santino's segment with his "party", he mentioned that even Emma didn't show up to it. Like everyone else, I didn't think anything about it. So, this may very well lead to Emma being future endevored.
I cannot help but feel a little sympathy for poor Emma. After all, I'm pretty sure it can be difficult to eke out a living while employed with the biggest professional wrestling company in the world. And come on, guys, those I-pod cases at WalMart can be pretty expensive.

What a dumbass. Innocent until proven guilty I guess, but if this turns out to be accurate and she is guilty as charged, she'd be released by the end of the day of the decision were mine. You toil in the minor leagues, progress your way through developmental, and finally arrive at the big leagues, and before you even give yourself an opportunity to excel at that level, you get busted for shoplifting? These days in WWE, there is an opportunity for newer performers to shine, so you would have to think if she is anywhere near as good as what the NXT fans on here say she is, she had a bright future, and would be able to afford that precious I-pod case soon enough. I would have a zero tolerance policy for the younger performers who get in trouble with the law, in instances such as this, DUI's, or whatever. I don't care how talented she may be, if she is this dense and unappreciative of her situation, she'd be gone if I was calling the shots.
She should be next in line to get released by WWE. She's been the most boring diva I've ever encountered in all my years of watching WWE. Her music theme sucks and her gimmick is too childish. Just her appearance alone doesn't strike any attention. She looked like a joke from the beginning ever since she paired up with Santino. I seriously hope she gets future endeavored. Goodbye Emma. Best of luck in jail.
LOL, what a complete overreaction. "Fire her!" "Good luck in jail!!"

Wow, it's not that serious. She's not going to jail, and rooting for someone to get "future endeavored" is pretty low. You a Wal-Mart employee or something? Taking it pretty personal.

Personally, I don't know what to think of Emma the performer yet. She's been given a gimmick that's obviously not going to get very far.....what's she supposed to do with that? We haven't really seen her have a chance to shine yet, so it's tough to know what she's got.
LOL, what a complete overreaction. "Fire her!" "Good luck in jail!!"

Wow, it's not that serious. She's not going to jail, and rooting for someone to get "future endeavored" is pretty low. You a Wal-Mart employee or something? Taking it pretty personal.

Personally, I don't know what to think of Emma the performer yet. She's been given a gimmick that's obviously not going to get very far.....what's she supposed to do with that? We haven't really seen her have a chance to shine yet, so it's tough to know what she's got.

So everyone should forget she's employed by a company and just stole from another? Snap out of it, dude. This is the real world where there's twenty other talented women that can replace here this moment. People get released from their jobs for less than that, and this is an entertainment industry where all criminal activity will be reflected on the company itself. As Jack-Hammer already said, this misdemeanor can result in either 3 months in jail or a hefty fine. Calling for her dismissal or her incarceration isn't an overreaction if that's on the table.

Would you want someone with sticky hands employed under you? I wouldn't. This isn't taking it personal. This is taking it realistically.

She's a dumbass for doing what she did.
yeah jack swagger can smoke weed and all that but oh poor emma she has a vagina and so she gets no second chance, why should there be a zero tolerance approach to young performers? Do you know what that is thats ageism and where i'm from thats actually illegal. Speaking of illegal, IF she is found guilty couldnt she risk losing her visa?

And while i'm at it, this is just another example where we get to see the beauty of people who are lucky enough to live in a society where its innocent until proven guilty but dont provide the same benefit of doubt to someone.
You guys should really read what WZ posted regarding her situation. It states her lawyer claims that she was using the self checkout and simply forgot to pay the machine.

But hey here's a better argument...

You guys weren't there so you don't know what happened.

Let's not ruin this talent girl's reputation (yes she's talented) just because everyone wants to take their shot at her during her lowest time. Don't pretend you know her and know the situation. Unless you were the person behind her in line then you can't say anything about what happened.

And for those who do not think she's talented... I feel sorry for you.
It sounds pretty minor and considering many WWE superstars have been arrested for worse (Austin for domestic violence, Swagger for a DUI) this seems like a non issue. Unfortunately for Emma she was already sort of struggling to get a break - she was clearly not being looked at as a major wrestling Diva and she wasn't part of the Total Divas cast, and being Santino's girlfriend isn't exactly something that needs to be on TV every week. I would highly doubt she'll be released over this but it's also probably not going to help her odds of breaking out on the main roster.
This is a minor issue, and one that isn't really for discussion by the IWC to the levels it will be but here are the considerations. What I've seen so far on the news story Disqus is frankly disgusting.

All retail stores today, ESPECIALLY WalMart have an "Always Prosecute" policy. It's how their Civil Recovery Schemes work, if you're not arrested or don't sign their "guilt sheet" then they can't claim from you.

In Emma's case she had 3 considerations, first she is a guest in the US... while an arrest for shoplifting is inconvenient and could have ramifications for her Visa, she was "safer" getting the police involved herself at the earliest stage to state her case, who she was and get proper help, rather than dealing with some likely cocky/belligerent middle manager in a store who may or may not know who she was. and may play off that to escalate/provoke the situation so they can "look good" to colleagues. If she had physically resisted or verbally abused them for example (which is CAN do and is trained) it becomes another issue but that store guy can then say how he "put a WWE Diva in her place" ra de ra... Secondly, there is a major embarrassment factor for her, someone in the line/store would have recognized her for sure... as an albiet minor celebrity in the scheme of things then a police officer will help control that. she may suffer the indignity of being arrested but that's better than 20 people crowding round filming it on their phones/TMZ sniffing around within moments. Guaranteed some scumbag will have footage and be trying to sell it soon.

Finally if she genuinely felt she had done nothing wrong then the police will have to be involved and the sooner they are the better. They won't check the CCTV until the arrest is made, a court or senior officer will decide. Quicker that process begins, quicker the thing is dealt with, she gets her phone call/lawyer and help from WWE if they are so inclined.

From what I've read they told her to do "some community service" which will likely amount to a school visit next time she is in the area. WalMart get their "deterrent" in "even a WWE Diva" isn't above their policy and she will get "away" with that because it's proportionate.

WWE's statement was stock, the same they wheel out anytime their guys are in trouble. She might be punished, but when you have guys like Booker T employed with Armed Robbery convictions and guys with arrests like BNB (although no conviction) and Swagger and The Uso with DUI convictions they would look VERY harsh if they overtly do so. She'll be off TV till it dies down and probably be back in NXT for a bit but I'd be stunned and disappointed in them if it was worse than that.

To me she deserves benefit of the doubt because she seems to have handled it the right way... remember the bribery that Cameron tried to pull when she got in trouble...
I'm very much an advocate of innocent until proven guilty. It's so easy for us to jump the gun and assume we know all the details. I understand the predicament WWE now find themselves in, and a tough decision may need to be made if the details turn out to be more messy than we hoped. The self-checkout thing does sound like a fairly plausible explanation though. Not saying that's a definitive conclusion of course, but chill out everybody. ;)
So everyone should forget she's employed by a company and just stole from another? Snap out of it, dude. This is the real world where there's twenty other talented women that can replace here this moment. People get released from their jobs for less than that, and this is an entertainment industry where all criminal activity will be reflected on the company itself. As Jack-Hammer already said, this misdemeanor can result in either 3 months in jail or a hefty fine. Calling for her dismissal or her incarceration isn't an overreaction if that's on the table.

Would you want someone with sticky hands employed under you? I wouldn't. This isn't taking it personal. This is taking it realistically.

She's a dumbass for doing what she did.

I bet if it was one of the faves of these people asking her to be thrown in prison, then they would change their tune.

Their beloved "Stone Cold" Steve Austin beats the crap out of women, and yet his sycophantic fans have no problem with that, even popping when he gave Stacy Keibler a Stunner on "Raw" one month after being found guilty for spousal abuse on Debra. Yet someone shoplifts, and they want them fired.

I smell double-standards.

It's a shame, though, as she is a hometown girl, and I was looking forward to seeing her visit with the WWE later this month. But she might be removed from the tour now.
So everyone should forget she's employed by a company and just stole from another? Snap out of it, dude. This is the real world where there's twenty other talented women that can replace here this moment. People get released from their jobs for less than that, and this is an entertainment industry where all criminal activity will be reflected on the company itself. As Jack-Hammer already said, this misdemeanor can result in either 3 months in jail or a hefty fine. Calling for her dismissal or her incarceration isn't an overreaction if that's on the table.

Would you want someone with sticky hands employed under you? I wouldn't. This isn't taking it personal. This is taking it realistically.

She's a dumbass for doing what she did.

That's not how the real world works.

You only get fired for something like that if (a) you bring the company into disrepute, and (b) they were going to get rid of you at some stage anyway.

Too bad she isn't Randy Orton, who can do what he likes and keep his job, because of his standing in the company.

If you are a CEO bring millions of dollars into a company, and is one of their top people, you will be disciplined differently than if you are a lowly employee. Companies don't get rid of top employees, unless forced to.

Why do you think most of the top guys in WWE have never failed Wellness? Because WWE want to keep them, as opposed to someone who fails Wellness, who they would future-endeavour anyway.

If AJ Lee shoplifted, she would be stripped of the belt, but not fired, yet Emma would for doing the same thing.
You guys should really read what WZ posted regarding her situation. It states her lawyer claims that she was using the self checkout and simply forgot to pay the machine.

But hey here's a better argument...

You guys weren't there so you don't know what happened.

Let's not ruin this talent girl's reputation (yes she's talented) just because everyone wants to take their shot at her during her lowest time. Don't pretend you know her and know the situation. Unless you were the person behind her in line then you can't say anything about what happened.

And for those who do not think she's talented... I feel sorry for you.

I believe that defence. Those stupid self-serves are buggers of things to work right. They put those units in , so that you don't need a person there, yet you need someone to show you how to do it right.

Also, if you put the money in too early or too late, or you take your bag off a second too soon, if doesn't register. It actually encourages shoplifting, because you can just put something into a trolley, and not scan it. A person can spot you doing it, but, if no-one is there, you can simply not scan it and walk off. So maybe it could be as simple as Emma buying something, using the self-serve, and she pressed the wrong button. Wal-mart are doing their due diligence, but nothing may come of it.
Hopefully this was just an innocent mistake. I won't really read into this unless the story switches up. I hope Emma gets this resolved rather quickly. I am still looking forward to seeing her excel.
That's not how the real world works.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you worked for let's say JC Penny and they catch wind that you stole from Wal-Mart, JC Penny would terminate your employment. Why wouldn't an entertainment franchise do the same?

I bet if it was one of the faves of these people asking her to be thrown in prison, then they would change their tune.

Their beloved "Stone Cold" Steve Austin beats the crap out of women, and yet his sycophantic fans have no problem with that, even popping when he gave Stacy Keibler a Stunner on "Raw" one month after being found guilty for spousal abuse on Debra. Yet someone shoplifts, and they want them fired.

I smell double-standards.

It's a shame, though, as she is a hometown girl, and I was looking forward to seeing her visit with the WWE later this month. But she might be removed from the tour now.
You only get fired for something like that if (a) you bring the company into disrepute, and (b) they were going to get rid of you at some stage anyway.

Too bad she isn't Randy Orton, who can do what he likes and keep his job, because of his standing in the company.

If you are a CEO bring millions of dollars into a company, and is one of their top people, you will be disciplined differently than if you are a lowly employee. Companies don't get rid of top employees, unless forced to.

Why do you think most of the top guys in WWE have never failed Wellness? Because WWE want to keep them, as opposed to someone who fails Wellness, who they would future-endeavour anyway.

If AJ Lee shoplifted, she would be stripped of the belt, but not fired, yet Emma would for doing the same thing.

This is an unfair observance. We can all be debating what the company considers alright or not and whether social stature has anything to do with it for a week. The truth is Austin, Orton, Swagger, etc were all punished for their wrongdoings- whether it was a suspension, fine, or even getting arrested (yes, these were not "slap on the wrist" punishments). So why should Emma be treated differently?

I'm not calling for her head. I'm just pointing out what happens here in reality. Her seeing the door isn't an insane conclusion.
WWE Diva Emma is a real life heel ... arrested for stealing an iPad case from a Walmart.

Emma was busted in Hartford Monday night after Walmart security spotted her swiping a red iHome 'Slim Swivel' iPad Mini case ... on sale for $21.14.

Cops tell TMZ ... Emma was charged with misdemeanor larceny in the 6th degree ... who knew there were that many degrees?

The legal system in Hartford is lightning quick -- she's already been to court and was sentenced to one day of community service.

WWE RAW was at the XL Center in Hartford as the crime went down.

Emma's lawyer chalks it up to an innocent mistake, saying she just forgot to pay while trying to navigate the self-checkout machine.

From TMZ.

I'm sure WWE have already dealt with it already. I mean she was tweeting about Paige and AJ's match during Raw after the incident had already happened, so clearly there's no big deal. Sensationalising headlines for a silly human error. Though even my grandmother could use a self-checkout machine. :D
So everyone should forget she's employed by a company and just stole from another? Snap out of it, dude. This is the real world where there's twenty other talented women that can replace here this moment. People get released from their jobs for less than that, and this is an entertainment industry where all criminal activity will be reflected on the company itself. As Jack-Hammer already said, this misdemeanor can result in either 3 months in jail or a hefty fine. Calling for her dismissal or her incarceration isn't an overreaction if that's on the table.

Would you want someone with sticky hands employed under you? I wouldn't. This isn't taking it personal. This is taking it realistically.

She's a dumbass for doing what she did.

Get a clue. Your outrage is completely unnecessary. You have no idea what happened, what kind of employee she typically is, etc.

Calm down and get off your's really unnecessary.
Get a clue. Your outrage is completely unnecessary. You have no idea what happened, what kind of employee she typically is, etc.

Calm down and get off your's really unnecessary.

I haven't shown any real concern over this matter for anybody to accuse me of being on any high horse, but I will just chalk that up to you being oblivious.

I have stated what happens in the real world when an employee steals- whether or not that theft was an accident (which c'mon, that self-checkout defense is incredibly weak). If you feel that an employee deserves second chances and all that gummy bear stuff, then the only advice I can give you is to never run a business.

I really hope Emma is just stupid, because I do like her and want her on my television. But from a business standpoint I could understand and accept her dismissal.
We will never know the whole story until Emma herself tells it. I refuse to judge someone or call for her firing or beheading based on what appears to be an innocent mistake.
Damn those self-service check-outs! I'll give you an unexpected item in the bagging area!

Emma doesn't strike me as the kind of person to steal with intent. As per her character, she was probably just a little confused or clumsy or stupid when it came to shopping at Wal-Mart. Innocent mistake and she gets 1 day of community service, something that all WWE wrestlers are required to do anyway (in a sense). They help out with the Special Olympics, Cancer Research; etc... so what's the harm with community service?

I just hope Emma doesn't get canned. I'm certain she won't considering they've got wrestlers on the roster who have been arrested for worse. Despite her lacklustre career on the main roster thus far, she will be an integral part of getting the Diva's division back up so letting her go would be a big mistake.
Emma doesn't strike me as the kind of person to steal with intent. As per her character, she was probably just a little confused or clumsy or stupid when it came to shopping at Wal-Mart.

Please tell me this was tongue-in-cheek. PLEASE. Referencing the quirks of her "character" in this discussion is absurd if you are NOT kidding around.

Anyway, I think a lot of people on here are blowing this way out of proportion.

It's reasonable that it was an honest mistake. She didn't "forget" to ring up a television for god's sake. She didn't NEED a cell phone case that bad and was unable to afford it.

I would give her the benefit of the doubt that it really WAS a "mistake". I highly doubt she is a habitual shoplifter who has some kind of addiction where the WWE needs to be worried about it happening again.
Please tell me this was tongue-in-cheek. PLEASE. Referencing the quirks of her "character" in this discussion is absurd if you are NOT kidding around.

I wasn't kidding around.

However, I meant that Emma seems like a person who shares the same traits as her character, not that she was in-character whilst the incident occurred. Sometimes, wrestlers are known to be completely opposite of their actual person, like Raven (childish & happy person; overly-serious and demented character). Nobody is that daft to believe Emma was doing this in-character. If she did, it would've been on WWE TV or something and not spread across the tabloids.
Emma's arrest shouldn't be a major impact on her immediate future in the WWE. Two weeks ago she was in Australia doing media for the August WWE tour. With that approaching, and her being Australia's first WWE Diva, there's a lot of marketing that WWE won't just throw away.

No, she's not a major draw, but the local drawcard is still integral.

At the worst she'll be made to do the hard yards for a while. Swagger, Riley are just two superstars that come to mind with DUI's and they're still part of the company.
Outstanding ! Shhhh im famous you know , now whilst no ones looking at me falling head over bum I shall shove this ipod case under my hat and swallow the security tag to get rid of the evidence. Im just like my WWE pseudonym of course. (Wal-Mart) poor mans ASDA ;)
Well this sucks. Before AJ returned, Emma was who I ultimately had predicted would end Paige's Divas Championship reign. I'm worried that this will derail any push they may have planned for her, and REALLY hope it won't result in her getting future endeavored. She's already one of the best girls in the WWE despite being new to the main roster. I want to see her achieve the Divas Championship reign that someone with her in-ring skills deserves, so fingers are crossed that she is able to overcome this and keep her job. Emma would have been one of the key players in improving the divas division. Worst case scenario there's always Summer Rae, but if you fire one of your most talented members of a division, the division as a whole suffers. They have kept others after they did worse things, they need Emma and to lose her over this would be tragic.

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