Report: Winter Gone From TNA


According to a report I read a little while ago, TNA Knockout Winter, real name Katarina Waters, has parted ways with the company. The report states that Winter's TNA contract expired this past Wednesday and she wasn't offered a new one.

During Winter's time in TNA, she held the Knockouts Championship twice and the Knockouts tag titles once with Angelina Love.

Personally, I can't say that she'll be missed. I remember when she was released from WWE years back and some people went nuts over it for some odd reason. I have to say that I wasn't the least bit impressed with this chick during her time in TNA. She was utterly unimpressive in the ring, her character was laughable and her storyline with Angelina Love is among the worst in TNA history in my eyes.
If true, it's a shame. I though she could have been a nice fresh talent in the division for several years if pushed and maintained properly, and the initial glimmerings of the Winter gimmick had me excited. And then it all went to shit.

Maybe she'll get on with SHIMMER or that long rumored ROH Women's Division?
Who cares?

She was mediocre at best. Her gimmick sucked. The only thing that she will be remembered for is working with Angelina Love. Winter did nothing to make her worth keeping around. I am not saying she has no talent, just that she didn't have enough for me to care. Good luck on the indys.
I have not seen here in a while so I didn't even know she was still with TNA. She has tallent, but so did many of the others that left TNA in the past year.

Keeping on the subject of the knockouts division, with the exception of Madison Rayne, Tessmacher, Mickie James & ODB, I can't think of any other female wrestlers without going to the TNA website. ( i did look after thinking about it and I missed Gail Kim, Rosita, Sarita & Tara).
It's a shame, TNA used to have the best female wrestlers but it's gotten so bad they had to use Eric Young to fill in for 1/2 of the knockouts tag team. They have 8 knockouts left, and it leaves me wondering if the knockouts division even has a place in TNA anymore.
It sad when you think about it, over the last couple of months, TNA lost alot of Knockouts. Too bad that most of the release in the knockout division will serve to pay Brooke Hogan and Taryn Terell. 2 girls that are really beautiful but don't serve any purpose outside of looking pretty and doing absolutly nothing.

I use to love watching the knockout division even the year that it was all about Mickie James. But for some reason now, even with the lack of direction the WWE has with the Divas, they still have a better roster then TNA and with all the divas currently training on NXT and the signing of Sara Del ray, WWE will have a even better roster then TNA and that's sad. Hope that Winter gets another chance in WWE and they let her actually wrestles.
She did some good stuff with Angelina love. And thats about it. I think she is a good talent but just poorly used like all tna knockouts are.
This really means nothing. Winter had talent, but she was never a fan favorite among the KO's. The storyline with Angelina was just plain ludicrous. Considering the loss of KO's over the last few months, I'm curious how the division will progress. If this were six months ago, I would've said this is just a minor loss. Yet with the roster dwindling, its up in the air. The KO's were great entertainment at one point. If Tara leaves, we're gonna have a problem.
Winter is one of those ladies who's got a great face and a great personality, but the in-ring skill comes no where near the level it needs to to match it. As a result, her characters suffer tremendously for it, and Winter was no exception. She came in hot and rode out the early Angelina Love/Velvet Sky rivalry well, but eventually she fizzled out and the Winter character just didn't sell, so I don't blame TNA for not offering her the extension.
Katrina Waters is a good wrestler, and should have done far better in TNA than she did. However, the fact she was stuck with an absolutely horrendous storyline really did hold her back.

The crap angle with Angelina Love completely killed all Love's momentum as well as giving us some of the most painfully dull TNA programming ever, and she didn't impress me in the ring very much either during her run.

I don't see her going back to WWE, so it looks like its back to the indies for Winter. She won't be really missed in TNA, I had totally forgotten about her to be honest.
I honestly forgot about her which shows you how much she made an impact.

I always hoped she'd fill the void that Daffney left (freaky chick) But alas no. I mean she can wrestle well and the gimmick itself wasn't bad, it was just they decided to give her the most ******ed storyline for it. They should have just let her be freaky around the other Knockouts making them uncomfortable and fueding with them because she was enlightened or something. That would have worked well.
Is it sad that I completly forgot she was even with TNA, now that I think about it, I do vaguely remember her as knockouts champion for a bit.
But the knockouts division is slowly dying I hadn't seen her in so long i simply assumed she quit or was released:shrug:
In her defense she was thrown into a God awful storyline with Angelina, but it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. What strikes me is that they seem to be losing all of the Knockouts. It's a shame because it used to be an awesome division. Winter will not be missed though. I hadn't seen her in so long I forgot she was still there anyway.
Though TNA let her go months ago. I never like Winter that much, her wrestling was not that good and she was not that good on the mic either. Winters storyline with Angelina was terrible and should not have been allowed to happen. Hopefully TNA will continue to release the Knockouts and eventully retire the both knockouts titles.
personally i liked her but something strange is going on with the woman`s division. it seems that they can`t handle more than 5 women in the division at a time. seriously. Look now - gail kim, madison, tara, tessmacher and mickie james. i did think she needed more work but i thought she was decent enough. i don`t know if they should have made her champ but tna seems to have to make all the women champs for some reason.
Winter was a dumb name and gimmick. Seriously, a spellbinding gimmick? Really? Lame. I didn't like her TNA run at all and she botched a lot, which made the whole ordeal even worse.

I did enjoy some of Katarina Waters' work in the WWE as Katie Lea. I thought she had a bad-ass look to her somewhat and she could really be a potential Women's Champion, but she never really got to showcase her skills to the fullest there. Also, I think she was at her best while with the WWE. Too bad her run in TNA didn't go as smoothly wrestling-wise even though she won the Knockouts Championship. Whatever the case is with her, I wish her good luck elsewhere.

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