Report: United States Championship Getting A Facelift


According to, WWE is creating a new design for the WWE United States Championship. According to the report, artwork for the design is currently in the works.

If true, then it looks as though Cena MIGHT be holding onto the title for a while if they intend to use him to introduce a new title design. However, the report states that "WWE officials have talked about getting a new WWE United States Title belt FOR JOHN CENA". This has me thinking that the title is going to be a customized belt specifically for Cena. I can't say I'm overly thrilled about that notion as both the spinner designs Cena used for the WWE and United States Championships were, in my opinion, pretty friggin' ugly. Both titles looked like some gaudy piece of bling that you'd see a rapper having with him at an awards show or walking the red carpet to said awards show. Given the nature of Cena's character back in the mid 2000s, the designs fit but it's a different time. Cena's no longer a jacked up version of Marky Mark and he's almost 38 years old, so I'm hoping that the new design is something to take pride in. During his feud with Rusev, Cena has put over how important the title is to him and what it "represents", so I'm hoping that the 38 year old Cena will have a title design that's more distinguished rather than it being some garish piece of bling that fit Cena when he was 26 and being the "Doctor of Thuganomics."
I read that article and I'm actually curious to see what it will look like. I don't think it will be any kind of obnoxious spinner belt or anything like that. Given what Cena is doing now in terms of attempting to make the U.S. Title mean something, It should get something that is more prestigious than what it is now and the dreaded Spinner
New US Title. I bet you it will look like something like.... "Why did they do that?" Nobody likes when the WWE change titles. It takes a while for us to grow with the WWE titles.
I'm very disappointed. The WWE version of the United States Championship is one of the greatest title belt designs in the history of wrestling in my opinion. I absolutely LOVE that title belt. Any change to it is unwelcome to me.
Hopefully it's a new design going forward as opposed to a Cena custom title. Maybe they'll bring back his spinner belt? Whatever they do, it's to sell toys and Cena merch. I can't say what a new design does for Cena or the revaluation of the title if it's a gimmicky eyesore emblazoned with Cena catch phrases.

The retro design on the IC title looks great. I really liked the U.S. Title's design during the attitude era. I doubt WWE goes for a retro design though. It would be an admission that something belonging to the hight of WCW's success has value and relevance today.

I think giving Cena a custom belt is a mistake because personally I've always felt that custom belts are a way of a wrestler saying they're above the title. I think it worked for Austin, I think it worked for Cena when he did it with his US title and in the early days of his WWE title run (that belt overstaying it's welcome notwithstanding). The goal seems to be to have Cena elevate the title, and u can't see me in red, white, and blue doesn't really say prestigious title to me.

Whatever they do, I sincerely hope they go with a belt that has a combination of a timeless and modern look that is something both the kids and the big kids can enjoy. Make sure it's gold too. Don't follow the US spinner, the second WWE ECW title, the Diva's title, or the tag titles into non-gold territory. It undermines the value of titles when they look like conciliation prizes.
If they do a belt with Cena's catch phrases and some sort of design just for him, then don't look for him to lose it anytime soon. I've always disagreed with title belts being made for specific wrestlers, they should be there for any wrestler that wins it. Actually the more generic the better. I just can't see Ambrose, Rusev or Reigns holding a belt that says "Hustle, loyalty and respect" on one side and "Never give up" on the other. I know that's a bit over the top, but you get what I mean.
To be honest, I can see them doing that. He is this generations Hulk Hogan. He is super duper american. John Cena is what United States of America is. In the eyes of Vince. And while Hogan had the world title, he was almost always draped in the flag or had the flag somewhere on his clothe. So whats making John Cena to be the best US Champ of the last 15 years would be true. And I respect him over the years, so giving him a special belt isnt bad, as long as not for too long.
To be honest, I can see them doing that. He is this generations Hulk Hogan. He is super duper american. John Cena is what United States of America is. In the eyes of Vince. And while Hogan had the world title, he was almost always draped in the flag or had the flag somewhere on his clothe. So whats making John Cena to be the best US Champ of the last 15 years would be true. And I respect him over the years, so giving him a special belt isnt bad, as long as not for too long.

Okay while I agree that he's this generations Hogan, times have changed since Hogan was champ.

I know they like to change the belts every now and again, but it should be for one reason, that is to update and modernize it. Not to reflect a specific person. What would happen if God forbid Cena was to go down with an injury a month or so from now. Here you have this new shiny belt, made basically for him, and he's not around to carry it.

And what happens when he does drop the belt at some PPV later on down the road? Do we make another belt for the next guy, and then the next one and the one after that? This is a slippery slope. Does anyone remember that horrendous piece of shit they made for Jeff Hardy when he won against I think it was Aries? Good God let's hope they don't do something like that.
I think if they do it should be something similar to the WWE Heavyweight Championship in that they can alter the side plates but the middle plate should stay the same once they re-design it. But then again, if they do that then they'd have to do it for all their title belts otherwise it just looks strange.
I think they should either leave it alone, or go back to the WCW version (but slightly altered) as it somewhat resembles the winged eagle belt we all love so much.

I really hate gimmicky belts, and I still think the WWE title is an abomination. The side plates thing is no better than the spinner gimmick, and the center plate looks like some bling bling, hood ornament, class ring.

I think the belts need to be simple, clean, elegant, designs, and they should rarely if ever change. I realize they are just props to some people, but I've said this before and I'll say it again…

The belt is a symbol. Its what it represents, and while the performers, and the locations, and music, and entrance, and everything else might change over time, if the belt never does than it can be the one object that unifies the generations, and when you see footage from 50 years ago and a guy today still has the same belt then it will really allow you to feel the history and lineage of that title.
I think they should either leave it alone, or go back to the WCW version (but slightly altered) as it somewhat resembles the winged eagle belt we all love so much.

I really hate gimmicky belts, and I still think the WWE title is an abomination. The side plates thing is no better than the spinner gimmick, and the center plate looks like some bling bling, hood ornament, class ring.

I think the belts need to be simple, clean, elegant, designs, and they should rarely if ever change. I realize they are just props to some people, but I've said this before and I'll say it again…

The belt is a symbol. Its what it represents, and while the performers, and the locations, and music, and entrance, and everything else might change over time, if the belt never does than it can be the one object that unifies the generations, and when you see footage from 50 years ago and a guy today still has the same belt then it will really allow you to feel the history and lineage of that title.

I'd love if they go back to the WCW version of that belt. It looked so great. WWE should have never got rid of it.
Why does John Cena always get to customize his belts... isn't this the third one of his career already? I mean, if WWE is going to design the belt than that's fine by me, but it sucks that it's always John Cena who gets the "freshness" of a new belt.

I would have liked them to bring back the European Championship for Rusev or at least a different version of the US title. That would have been the best time for a change, nut now it just seems like another over-the-top for Cena move that I've come to hate, oh so much. Hopefully it looks good and represents the entire division instead of just John Cena.
why cena always get new belt design?
Bcoz he is sell more merchendise than others.
i think its not a custom belt. They change belt with new design. My guess is they may unify both title(ic and us) at summerslam. Cena defeat bryan and win the ic title and retired the ic title.
I think they should either leave it alone, or go back to the WCW version (but slightly altered) as it somewhat resembles the winged eagle belt we all love so much.

I really hate gimmicky belts, and I still think the WWE title is an abomination. The side plates thing is no better than the spinner gimmick, and the center plate looks like some bling bling, hood ornament, class ring.

I think the belts need to be simple, clean, elegant, designs, and they should rarely if ever change. I realize they are just props to some people, but I've said this before and I'll say it again…

The belt is a symbol. Its what it represents, and while the performers, and the locations, and music, and entrance, and everything else might change over time, if the belt never does than it can be the one object that unifies the generations, and when you see footage from 50 years ago and a guy today still has the same belt then it will really allow you to feel the history and lineage of that title.

I've got to agree 1000% on this one - how could they really improve on it, accept to maybe bring back a slightly modified WCW version - Other than the I.C. title it's the best looking belt that they have. PLEASE GOD PLEEEEEEAAAAAASEEEEEEEE DONT LET THEM TAKE IT TO THE SAME GUY THAT MADE THOSE TACKY TAG TITLES.
Hey guys, you know what I've been thinking?

The WWE's United States Title just doesn't look very John Cena to me. Since the WWE is completely incapable of responsibly booking any worthwhile US Title matches, they may as well make it look different and hope for the best.

We're talking John Cena here, who still dresses like an early 1990's Marky Mark back up dancer. I'm thinking lose the belt motif, because that's too standard for John Cena. Make it into the first ever championship medallion. Let's stop calling it the US Title also, because conformity. Let's call it the "White Jackass" championship medallion where only white people who act black are allowed to compete for it. Remember how terrified John was when he feuded with Bobby Lashley? Can't let that happen again, for John's sake.

As far as design, ruck fules! That's what Jehova's America would want. Use an actual wheel from an eighteenth century steam powered train as the foundation, make sure to spray paint it with seven coats of florescent orange. Tiny Diamonds, rubies, pearls and sapphires will make up the flag; the US flag will cover exactly 1/1000th of the medallion. John Cena's face, created with his actual DNA from used strands of toilet paper will be spackled on the front, reminding everyone that it was built in his honor.
To be honest, I can see them doing that. He is this generations Hulk Hogan. He is super duper american. John Cena is what United States of America is. In the eyes of Vince. And while Hogan had the world title, he was almost always draped in the flag or had the flag somewhere on his clothe. So whats making John Cena to be the best US Champ of the last 15 years would be true. And I respect him over the years, so giving him a special belt isnt bad, as long as not for too long.

Yeah but Brock Lesnar is their main attraction now
I hope they do change it but not to some crappy John Cena hip hop design. The baseball home plate design always looked stupid but not as bad as the tag belts.

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