Report: The Origin Of "YES!!!!!"


A lot of the time, the most memorable things tend to come about in pro wrestling by accident, coincidence or sheer dumb luck rather than intentional design. For instance, the naming of the Four Horsemen came about during a promo in which Arn Anderson compared himself, Ole, Tully & Ric to the Biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse via how much chaos they brought about when working together. The Undertaker's 21-0 undefeated streak at WrestleMania is pure chance that ultimately worked out into what's become a very profitable draw for WrestleMania.

Recently, Daniel Bryan gave a radio interview on 97.9 WGRD in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the topic of the catchphrase/chant "Yes!" was brought up by radio host Shafee Abraham. Bryan explained:

"It's funny because I did come up with one on the spot, which was 'You Either Tap Or Snap.' But apparently, because that's something, I do a lot of grappling and stuff like that, and that's something that people have said in the past and everything. But apparently, it's copyrighted by somebody, a t-shirt company or something. Oh, I'm just going to use this, 'BAM!!! I Got 'Em' and they said nope, it doesn't pass copyright code. So now I just say the first word I ever learned, which was yes."

I remember the 'You Either Tap Or Snap' phrase from one of the first times Bryan spoke on an episode of NXT. It seemed fitting when you consider his background in submission wrestling and grappling. I have no idea who owned the rights to the phrase, I can't remember seeing t-shirt with it on it. As far as the 'BAM!!!' phrase goes, I think that Emeril, that celebrity chef, has been using it for many years. While "YES!!!!" is hardly revolutionary, it seems that simplicity worked extremely well in this case.
I think he mentioned in a past interview that he picked it up from a UFC fighter named Diego Sanchez. As he(Sanchez) would be walking out to the octagon before the fight you could see him saying yes to himself over and over trying to get amped up. Being that DB is a pretty big grappling/MMA fan I think this would make the most sense.
I think he mentioned in a past interview that he picked it up from a UFC fighter named Diego Sanchez. As he(Sanchez) would be walking out to the octagon before the fight you could see him saying yes to himself over and over trying to get amped up. Being that DB is a pretty big grappling/MMA fan I think this would make the most sense.

This is 100% fact. Cant remember where I saw the interview, but that's exactly what Danielson said. He got the chant from watching a particular D.Sanchez UFC fight.


Edit: Tried posting the youtube vid, but I cant get it to work apparently.
We are going to hear a lot of stories out of this chants, but it won't matter at the end. The thing that really propelled the chants was the fact that Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds at WrestleMania. Think about it, a loss made one wrestler a big, big star - it's something really incredible to see. I try to think about Daniel Bryan in a more realistic sense than most "marks" on the Internet Wrestling Community.

I see an humble professional wrestler, that paid his dues, gave us all a lot of fantastic performances working in the indy scene, injuring himself only because he loved that - and as a human being, a man, I can relate to that. He's a person and obviously he tells a socially acceptable answer here and there - like never really wanting to be that big of a star and that others were the stars and not him. There is a thin line between being humble and phony, and since Bryan is an international star he crosses that line sometimes.

As a professional wrestler I see a very good worker. He is not the best worker of all time, his matches can be very repetitive, can be boring and he may not click with his opponent - but he has a lot of great matches under his belt and it's a lot of them. But the same case can be said for guys like CM Punk, John Cena or even Sheamus and Randy Orton. He has some good performances and he has some bad performances. He is not very charismatic though, I mean he has charisma but it's personality currently isn't an over the top guy that fills the arena which can make sometimes awkward to see him cut a promo. That isn't bad - people accused Orton of being very bad in promos and he is still one of the most successful guys to ever lace up a pair of boots.

Daniel Bryan's overness isn't Daniel Bryan's only. The truth is, people like to chant "YES!" or "NO!", people like to be involved and that is their way to be involved - a very fun chant to do and everyone joins in because of that. Not because Daniel Bryan is in their presence and they just feel the need to chant it and feel like they are going "orgastic" to see him. The fact that Daniel Bryan is there means that people have a reason to chant "YES!", but if any wrestler asks the crowd an "YES!" or "NO!" question they'll chant it too. Big Show did it and people reacted the same way, if not a lot more than they did Bryan's. Alberto Del Rio, who barely gets a reaction from the crowd, could still cut it with some "Si!" chants. Daniel Bryan really overness is measured by t-shirts sales, ratings, PPV buys and marketing research on the value of his character and not by the reaction (same case for Fandango early this year).

So with that said, it's ridiculous that people think that Daniel Bryan should be the number one guy on the company. He doesn't need that and quite frankly if he ever got to a point where he had to be heavily protected as far as booking and in-ring performance goes a lot of the charm of Bryan would die. This because people like the fact that Bryan is an underdog, when he starts to beat every other opponent every month people will not see him that way anymore. Also that means that Daniel Bryan would have to start working a whole different way and if anybody could tell a story like John Cena, Cena wouldn't be #1. Don't you forget that it's the people that make John Cena the star and not the WWE that makes him the star and if that's the case, then it's because Cena is doing something that nobody else can do - and to me, that is being a better storyteller than others. Whether you like him or not you are emotionally invested in his feuds and matches - as far as Bryan goes a lot of people started complaining with the quality of the programming post-SummerSlam and some just stopped watching (drop in the ratings), not necessarily because of Bryan, but it's not just coincidence that it happened.

It is what it is - Shawn Michaels was never that big of a draw to start with and it's regarded by his peers and pro-wrestling fans as one of the best american wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots ever. He's a WWE Hall of Famer, known as Mr. WrestleMania and Mr. Hall of Fame - and that is a guy that couldn't draw at the levels of Hogans, Austin, Rock or Cena. Daniel Bryan is filling that void spot since he left, working with anyone WWE throws at him and making the best out of it. You can say what you want, but from what I've seen from Daniel Bryan - that is the best spot for him - both as a professional wrestler and as a person. Let others have the big spotlights focused on them all the time and let Daniel Bryan entertain you with everything WWE gives him - whether is Bray Wyatt or Steve Fn Austin.
I remember the first time he really used the yes chant on TV was when he did the fake cash in of his money in the bank briefcase on smackdown....he was standing on the announcers table and doing it over and over again until teddy long came out and reversed the decision....but the crowd participation yes chants didn't start till wrestlemania 28...and altho the Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds at that show before the show even started there were yes chants before the doors even opened...for whatever reason the fans decided that at that event they were gonna get Bryan over and it worked.
This is 100% fact. Cant remember where I saw the interview, but that's exactly what Danielson said. He got the chant from watching a particular D.Sanchez UFC fight.


Edit: Tried posting the youtube vid, but I cant get it to work apparently.

There's the video now.

As far as tap or snap I thought that was a Kurt Angle thing at one point wasn't it?

I could totally see the Yes chant coming from Diego.

As previously mentioned Bryan is an mma fan and I'm sure he could have seen it there.

Doesn't mean he ripped it off or anything though. Not that anyone is accusing him of that. It could have even been a subconscious thought that he didn't really even think about.
The origins of YES!! Yes indeed it was Mr Diego Nightmare or the Dream Sanchez!! But it looked stupid when he did it... Daniel Bryan has paid his dues along time ago.. Busted his ass in the indies for over 10 years to get to the big stage. A lot of people would have quit,but not him. The Origins of Yes,What,Suck It etc The fans we loved to be involved.. The WWE is pure genius when it comes to that,get us fans involved.. Hell,I feel like im part of the show when i watch it..

As a Pro Daniel's ability takes a backseat to no one... He is extremely talented,and whether he is a heel or a face,the dude is legit over big time... Daniel Bryan again is insanely over,he deserves to be the No1 guy he does.. More so than CM Punk to main event WM..

He is the Ultimate Underdog,the guy who everyone said you dont have what it takes blah blah!! His ego is not huge,he loves his craft loves the fans.... YES YES YES
I remember the first time he really used the yes chant on TV was when he did the fake cash in of his money in the bank briefcase on smackdown....he was standing on the announcers table and doing it over and over again until teddy long came out and reversed the decision....but the crowd participation yes chants didn't start till wrestlemania 28...and altho the Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds at that show before the show even started there were yes chants before the doors even opened...for whatever reason the fans decided that at that event they were gonna get Bryan over and it worked.

Thank you...this is what I keep telling people. Everyone on here seems to believe that the crowd started chanting yes after he lost at wm28 which is completely false. I was at WM28 and the chants were being done at fan axcess, and way before mania even started. I think that this was just complete luck. WM28 crowd just happen to be full of people that thought the chant was funny and somewhat ridiculous. It didn't matter if DB won or lost at mania, hell I don't even think it mattered if he even had a match that night, regardless people would have been doing the yes chant because it had been going on all weekend.
The first time I remember the yes-chants becoming big was on a Smackdown from Seattle some weeks before WM. It was then that I realized the chant was going to become a very big thing.

What really impressed me on the RAW before last wasn't the chant, it was how skillfully DB manipulated the crowd reaction. It was one of the best moments in wrestling in the last five years, and it wasn't just the yes chant, but how it was used. I'm really enjoying the DB/Wyatt feud.
In the WWE the Yes Chant for D Bry started when he cashed in MiTB at TLC 2011. He ran around ring side yelling "YES!" with the title and standing on the barricade holding the World title high shouting "YES!" at the top of his lungs, then going over to the announce table to talk trash to Cole and then shouted 'YES" even more. He said on TV that it started in Florida but it didn't, it started in Baltimore with his first world title victory and picked up steam to what it is today.
We are going to hear a lot of stories out of this chants, but it won't matter at the end. The thing that really propelled the chants was the fact that Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds at WrestleMania. Think about it, a loss made one wrestler a big, big star - it's something really incredible to see. I try to think about Daniel Bryan in a more realistic sense than most "marks" on the Internet Wrestling Community.

I see an humble professional wrestler, that paid his dues, gave us all a lot of fantastic performances working in the indy scene, injuring himself only because he loved that - and as a human being, a man, I can relate to that. He's a person and obviously he tells a socially acceptable answer here and there - like never really wanting to be that big of a star and that others were the stars and not him. There is a thin line between being humble and phony, and since Bryan is an international star he crosses that line sometimes.

As a professional wrestler I see a very good worker. He is not the best worker of all time, his matches can be very repetitive, can be boring and he may not click with his opponent - but he has a lot of great matches under his belt and it's a lot of them. But the same case can be said for guys like CM Punk, John Cena or even Sheamus and Randy Orton. He has some good performances and he has some bad performances. He is not very charismatic though, I mean he has charisma but it's personality currently isn't an over the top guy that fills the arena which can make sometimes awkward to see him cut a promo. That isn't bad - people accused Orton of being very bad in promos and he is still one of the most successful guys to ever lace up a pair of boots.

Daniel Bryan's overness isn't Daniel Bryan's only. The truth is, people like to chant "YES!" or "NO!", people like to be involved and that is their way to be involved - a very fun chant to do and everyone joins in because of that. Not because Daniel Bryan is in their presence and they just feel the need to chant it and feel like they are going "orgastic" to see him. The fact that Daniel Bryan is there means that people have a reason to chant "YES!", but if any wrestler asks the crowd an "YES!" or "NO!" question they'll chant it too. Big Show did it and people reacted the same way, if not a lot more than they did Bryan's. Alberto Del Rio, who barely gets a reaction from the crowd, could still cut it with some "Si!" chants. Daniel Bryan really overness is measured by t-shirts sales, ratings, PPV buys and marketing research on the value of his character and not by the reaction (same case for Fandango early this year).

So with that said, it's ridiculous that people think that Daniel Bryan should be the number one guy on the company. He doesn't need that and quite frankly if he ever got to a point where he had to be heavily protected as far as booking and in-ring performance goes a lot of the charm of Bryan would die. This because people like the fact that Bryan is an underdog, when he starts to beat every other opponent every month people will not see him that way anymore. Also that means that Daniel Bryan would have to start working a whole different way and if anybody could tell a story like John Cena, Cena wouldn't be #1. Don't you forget that it's the people that make John Cena the star and not the WWE that makes him the star and if that's the case, then it's because Cena is doing something that nobody else can do - and to me, that is being a better storyteller than others. Whether you like him or not you are emotionally invested in his feuds and matches - as far as Bryan goes a lot of people started complaining with the quality of the programming post-SummerSlam and some just stopped watching (drop in the ratings), not necessarily because of Bryan, but it's not just coincidence that it happened.

It is what it is - Shawn Michaels was never that big of a draw to start with and it's regarded by his peers and pro-wrestling fans as one of the best american wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots ever. He's a WWE Hall of Famer, known as Mr. WrestleMania and Mr. Hall of Fame - and that is a guy that couldn't draw at the levels of Hogans, Austin, Rock or Cena. Daniel Bryan is filling that void spot since he left, working with anyone WWE throws at him and making the best out of it. You can say what you want, but from what I've seen from Daniel Bryan - that is the best spot for him - both as a professional wrestler and as a person. Let others have the big spotlights focused on them all the time and let Daniel Bryan entertain you with everything WWE gives him - whether is Bray Wyatt or Steve Fn Austin.

I'm guessing most people on this forum were too lazy to read your post...would have to be the most educated, well written post I have seen to date and could not agree more.

Daniel Bryan is at the top of the WWE at the moment. Sure, he is not the face of the company, but the amount of screen time he gets equals, if not beats the amount of time any other superstar gets. That is what matters.

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