Report: The Bella Twins Splitting?


On the main page and other sites as well, there are reports stating that WWE currently has plans to split The Bella Twins. As of right now, the plan is for Nikki to be the heel and Brie in the role of a babyface. There's also talk that they MIGHT do something down the line in which Daniel Bryan feuds with John Cena with the Bella's being in the corner of their man. Because of each of them would be, understandably, supporting their man, that support would be part of what drives a wedge between them. The talk is that even if that aspect doesn't go down, there are still plans to split them up.
Are they crazy? Do they even listen to the crowds at their shows? The fans are SILENT for the Bellas. The only reason they have jobs is because of who they're sleeping with and being twins. Neither girl is anything of note in the ring and the fans just do not care. Even on the reality show they're shown as being joined at the hip, but the solution is to split them up. of course it is.

As for the Bryan/Cena idea, I'd think Summerslam proves they're capable of having a great match without some low level reality show "stars" helping them out. The Divas are widely seen as a joke in WWE and there's a reason you don't see them associating with the top stars: the girls would drag them down to their level. That's a really bad idea and I can't imagine the majority of fans would care that the girls were around.
Personally I'm very skeptical of the reports that the Bella twins are going to be split up, and if there is any validity to such reports, the folks at WWE are crazy.

Let's face it, the fact that they are hot twins is pretty much all they have going for them in their careers (and who they are supposedly dating as well). They are terrible actresses, below average wrestlers, and they elicit very little crowd reaction, positive or negative. The only reason they are still employed by WWE and appear regularly on TV is because they are hot twins. Take that away, and they're done.

Pairing them on opposite sides of a Cena versus Bryan feud is ludicrous. A lot of the fans are likely unaware of their supposed real life relationships. Even fewer care in all likelihood. Adding them to the mix in a Cena/Bryan program is unnecessary and pointless. The guys don't need it and the fans won't buy it. Plus, didn't they try this once before, turning twin versus twin? I think they did and I remember it was abysmal.

Keep the hot twins together, and keep them away from Daniel Bryan and John Cena on screen. Together they offer very little. Separately, nothing.
Yay I can't wait to see Nikki vs Brie...... said no one ever. Nikki may have implants but her tits aren't that much bigger that you can easily tell them apart. Is one going to wear red and the other blue to represent the dark side and the light side of the twin force. I think WWE was smart not to put them in the angle before Summerslam surely they aren't that stupid.
IF, and it's a big if, they split up the Bellas, I think it's more a ploy to work a new storyline in for them on Total Divas, then it is really adding anything to Cena/Bryan or the Divas Division.

Brie has started to develop a decent babyface persona, and is slowly getting fans behind her in the ring. Her in ring work as drastically improved, be it a result of her natural evolution as a talent, or maybe a perk from dating one of the best wrestlers on the planet. Nikki seems more like a natural fit as a heel.

The Bella Twins are WWE's biggest selling point for Total Divas, and in many ways really the main stars of the show, with all the other Divas playing supporting roles. I don't think it's wise to break them up, but I can see why WWE would want to maximize the amount of exposure they get.
This is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever read. The Bella twins are horrendously awful TOGETHER, what makes WWE think anyone will care about either one of them if they get split up? The only, and I mean ONLY reason they are remotely interesting is because they are twins. They sure aren't there for their charismatic mic skills or ability to provide good wrestling matches. What happens after Face Bella defeats Heel Bella in a feud no one cares about? The fans will care even less about them in singles pushes that neither deserve, that's what. Keep them together and away from the Divas Championship. They are twins with little to no talent. Splitting them up benefits nobody and I doubt many fans want to endure the torture of Face Bella VS Heel Bella.
I was at a House Show this past Sunday and Nikki walked out on Brie after she lost her match. Calling her a loser and doing the L with her Finger and thumb. So it's obviously something they're testing.
I thought they were setting this up a few weeks ago on Raw. Backstage Nikki was talking about how she was "so happy" for Brie and then after Brie had a match that night Nikki kind of bumped the referee out of the way when he went to raise Brie's hand and held her own hands up like she did something other than standing at ring side. If you go back to the LD of that night a couple of us mention it.

Then they didn't do anything with it.

Terror316's comment is interesting though that they are testing it out at house shows.
I don't see them slitting up any time soon, the only reason why they are on tv is because they are twins! without each other there noting so WWE wont split them up. I wouldn't mind so much if Brie is in Bryan's corner at times but would wreck it if she was part of the storyline. If Bryan and Cena happens with Nikki heel doesn't that make Cena Heel too?
Might as well split them since they cant pull twin magic now that one of the twins well twins got bigger then the others :lmao:
They can try it; if it's true they're not getting much of a reaction now, what can it hurt to attempt something new? Of course, the thing that's made them unique was The company is abandoning that to try this, but we already know who the Bella twins are. Watching them oppose each other won't exactly be a sibling rivalry on the level of Bret/Owen Hart, but it's something new for the divas, so why not?

One thing: If they do this, they should wear outfits with their first names printed on them, so we'll know who the hell we're looking at.

One other thing: I can't understand why so many on this forum say they're bad ring workers. I think their work is okay; we've certainly seen a lot worse, especially from divas.
They're not bad in ring workers. I think it's safe to say that at one point they were, but Brie has become a much better worker in ring, and with Nikki healthy, she may have the opportunity to add some layers to her game as well. I think the Bella's are a better commodity and talent then people tend to give them credit for.
They are definitely breaking up, they are no longer dressing the same. Nikki is wearing a T Shirt and Hat over the ring gear her and Brie wear. When you show they are different people that means 1 thing, there breaking up

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