Report/Rumor: Vince Frustrated With Cody Rhodes?


There's a story going about from the WON suggesting that Vince McMahon MIGHT be frustrated with Cody Rhodes stemming from how Rhodes did on guest commentary on Raw this past Monday. The report states that Vince was feeding lines to JBL and that's why JBL went after Cody the way he did. It's said that Vince does occasionally feed stuff to commentary to say, but that he primarily uses JBL as his "voice" when he has a point to make.

The report goes onto state that Cody was told to be aggressive and in control during commentary, to ultimately take charge if you will. However, the feeling was that Cody's answers were typical babyface responses. However, the report also says that, according to another source, Vince wasn't mad at all but still pushed JBL to go after Cody for his responses.

IF, IF, IF this is all true, then I have to agree with Vince on this. The night Cody was "fired", he gave a very brief but very passionate & emotional promo backstage as he was leaving the building. I also thought Cody's commentary was pretty vanilla and much too laid back. I know that he's so much better than that because I've heard him. Back in his days as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and later on when he wore the face mask, he delivered some very good performances on the mic. So IF this is all legit, then I think Cody dropped the ball here.
All I heard was every time JBL went after Cody, Cody found a way to own the guy. Not a reflection of either of their skills but Rhodes doesn't have that much reason to be heated in his response. He and his brother are Tag Champs and Triple H didn't strip them of their titles. He said what needed to be said imo.
It was disappointing. You had your enemies right in front of you, but your reaction is as tame as it was? I skipped forward and didn't even realize it was Cody talking until they showed him. He was way too laid back.
Meh. These reports need to be taken with a grain of salt. Almost all of them end up being untrue.

As per this report. Vince may have been a little bummed by Cody Rhodes' commentary, because, well, it sucked, but I doubt it was anything of note.

This is how it probably went down.

Vince: "Hey Cody, your commentary was a little dreary tonight, could you liven it up a little next time?"

Cody: "Sure thing Vince"

Vince: "Thanks Cody"

Cody: "No Problem"
My question is why was Ambrose not on commentary. He is a great talker and would have been better there where we could hear what he was saying

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